Tämä suojauspäivitys korjaa Microsoft SharePoint Serverin käyttöoikeushaavoittuvuuden ja Microsoft Wordin koodin etäsuorittamisen haavoittuvuuden. Lisätietoja haavoittuvuuksista on seuraavissa suojausneuvoissa:
Microsoft Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures CVE-2023-21716
Microsoft Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures CVE-2023-21717
Tämä on suojauspäivityspaketin koontiversio 16.0.15601.20478 .
Jotta voit ottaa tämän suojauspäivityksen käyttöön, tietokoneessa on oltava asennettuna Microsoft SharePoint Server Subscription Edition julkaisuversio.
Parannukset ja korjaukset
Tämä suojauspäivitys sisältää korjauksia seuraaviin SharePoint Server Subscription Edition muihin kuin tietoturvaongelmiin:
Korjaa ongelman, jossa Active Directory -tuontitoiminto päivittää käyttäjäprofiilit virheelliseen alueeseen.
Korjaa ongelman, jossa estetyt tiedostotunnisteet aiheuttavat virheitä kansioiden ja alisivustojen luonnissa ja käytössä.
Tämä suojauspäivitys sisältää myös korjauksia seuraaviin Project Serverin muihin kuin tietoturvaongelmiin:
Korjaa ongelman, jossa et ehkä pysty päivittämään resursseja asiakaspuolen objektimallin (CSOM) avulla, jos resurssitapahtumaan , kuten Resurssin muuttamiseen, on liitetty etätapahtuman käsittelytoiminto.
Korjaa ongelman, jossa Tallenna- ja Peruuta-painikkeet on poistettu käytöstä Portfolioanalyysin Lisää riippuvuus -sivulla.
Päivityksen hankkiminen ja asentaminen
Menetelmä 1: Microsoft Update
Tämä päivitys on saatavilla Microsoft Updatesta. Kun otat automaattisen päivityksen käyttöön, tämä päivitys ladataan ja asennetaan automaattisesti. Lisätietoja suojauspäivitysten automaattisesta hankkimisesta on artikkelissa Windows Update: usein kysytyt kysymykset.
Tapa 2: Microsoft Update -luettelo
Voit hankkia tämän päivityksen erillispaketin Microsoft Update -luettelon sivustosta.
Menetelmä 3: Microsoft Download Center
Voit hankkia erillisen päivityspaketin Microsoft Download Centerin kautta. Asenna päivitys noudattamalla lataussivun asennusohjeita.
Suojauspäivityksen käyttöönottotiedot
Lisätietoja tämän päivityksen käyttöönotosta on ohjeaiheessa Käyttöönotot – suojauspäivitysopas.
Suojauspäivityksen korvaamista koskevat tiedot
Tämä suojauspäivitys korvaa aiemmin julkaistun suojauspäivityksen 5002331.
Tiedoston hajautusarvon tiedot
File name |
SHA256 hash |
sts-subscription-kb5002353-fullfile-x64-glb.exe |
499211FA217D2A47739307180EAB5BB028A492C7B2FEC00872126FEABD6D9EA4 |
Tiedostojen tiedot
Tämän ohjelmistopäivityksen englanninkielinen (Yhdysvallat) versio asentaa tiedostot, joiden määritteet on lueteltu seuraavassa taulukossa. Näiden tiedostojen päivämäärät ja kellonajat on lueteltu UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) -luettelossa. Paikallisen tietokoneen tiedostojen päivämäärät ja kellonajat näkyvät paikallisessa ajassa yhdessä nykyisen kesäajan (DST) kanssa. Lisäksi päivämäärät ja kellonajat voivat muuttua, kun suoritat tiettyjä toimintoja tiedostoissa.
File identifier |
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
microsoft.sharepoint.taxonomy.dll_gac1 |
microsoft.sharepoint.taxonomy.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
1722280 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux785f9104454d8161f772031cee1f9767 |
24.officebrowserfeedback-floodgate.js |
403272 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewuxe842d74f8bb0760b55d7f43f35d0d7a7 |
sp-newsfeed-webpart-bundle.js |
142772 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.fastserver.dumplib.managed.dll |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.fastserver.dumplib.managed.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
69072 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
nl7lexicons0404.dll_osssearch |
nl7lexicons0404.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
381480 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.search.applications.silverlight.dll.x64 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.search.applications.silverlight.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
30216 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
busdatar.dll.x64 |
microsoft.businessdata.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
136160 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.contentengine.processing.contentpush.dll |
microsoft.ceres.contentengine.processing.contentpush.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
38872 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
prm0009.bin_osssearch |
prm0009.bin |
13237760 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sp.ui.applicationpages.js |
sp.ui.applicationpages.js |
7684 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
clientxr.dll.x64 |
microsoft.office.sharepoint.clientextensions.dll |
16.0.15601.20478 |
386528 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.contentengine.processing.external.dll |
microsoft.ceres.contentengine.processing.external.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
178592 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts14plc.config |
policy.14.0.microsoft.sharepoint.config |
590 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
spsec14.config |
policy.14.0.microsoft.sharepoint.security.config |
599 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.xap |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.xap |
343725 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sfspdiag |
microsoft.ceres.diagnostics.sharepoint.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
42368 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
wffeature14plc.dll |
policy.14.0.microsoft.office.workflow.feature.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
26184 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
cfw15plc.dll |
policy.15.0.microsoft.office.server.search.connector.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
26200 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
businessdata15.config |
policy.15.0.microsoft.businessdata.config |
592 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversionhtmlutil.dll |
htmlutil.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
2550672 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sprecdocsd.js |
sp.recentdocs.debug.js |
40634 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
spx14plc.config |
policy.14.0.microsoft.sharepoint.spx.config |
594 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.server.userprofiles.proxy.dll |
microsoft.office.server.userprofiles.dll |
16.0.10001.10000 |
1480728 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
wsshelp.xml_1030 |
microsoft.sharepoint.powershell.dll-help.xml |
16-Jan-23 |
07:15 |
sts_spclientnewux084c8b925815606929921fa578f05539 |
sp-webpart-application-assembly.js |
1572515 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
xladomdc.dll |
microsoft.excel.adomdclient.dll |
13.0.1605.913 |
1019312 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux42265c62f023933d9320cc0f4af50ec5 |
0f087d7f-520e-42b7-89c0-496aaf979d58.json |
12176 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
spmetal.exe |
spmetal.exe |
16.0.15601.20474 |
150552 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
wdsrv.conversion.worker.dll |
wdsrvworker.dll |
16.0.15601.20478 |
110456 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
mfc140rus.dll.f1670fca_6780_3657_9c04_af8005ac8143 |
mfc140rus.dll |
64392 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
upgrade.dll_001 |
microsoft.sharepoint.portal.upgrade.dll |
16.0.15601.20478 |
149944 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
spui_person.js |
sp.ui.person.js |
10326 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
axl14plc.dll |
policy.14.0.antixsslibrary.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
25568 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
stsomdia.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.diagnostics.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
30192 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ie55up.js |
ie55up.js |
81176 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
searchom.dll |
microsoft.office.server.search.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
20853208 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
followedtags.js |
followedtags.js |
2728 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.policy.pages.dll |
microsoft.office.policy.pages.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
539616 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.cobalt.base.dll |
microsoft.cobalt.base.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
863696 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
wfs15plc.config |
policy.15.0.microsoft.sharepoint.workflows.config |
600 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewuxa11ecb71c3d6724321d95d80c9ff84a2 |
24.sp-pages-uservoice.js |
11248 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewuxacbcfd1635aafc26d7fa34d3a4170557 |
sp-carousel-layout.js |
74712 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
spsintl.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.portal.intl.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
1269280 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
hierarchytreeview.js |
hierarchytreeview.js |
8801 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.project.webproj.dll |
microsoft.office.project.webproj.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
797640 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
workflowactivitiesdll |
microsoft.office.project.server.workflowactivities.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
65456 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
pwa.library.richitemswapper.debug.js |
richitemswapper.debug.js |
17203 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.server.dll_isapi |
microsoft.office.server.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
2763640 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
prm0027.bin_osssearch |
prm0027.bin |
11331072 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ganttscr.js |
ganttscript.js |
5100 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.project.server.communications.dll |
microsoft.office.project.server.communications.dll |
16.0.15601.20478 |
381392 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
prm000b.bin_osssearch |
prm000b.bin |
38144512 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
clt14plc.config |
policy.14.0.microsoft.sharepoint.client.config |
597 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sp.accessibility.js |
sp.accessibility.js |
21843 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
reputation.debug.js |
reputation.debug.js |
5317 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.office.exp_xps_server.dll |
exp_xps_server.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
96216 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
people.js1 |
sp.ui.people.js |
59579 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.proof.mshy2_lv.lex |
mshy7lv.lex |
111616 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.evaluation.processing.builtin.dll |
microsoft.ceres.evaluation.processing.builtin.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
152016 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.documentmanagement.silverlight.x64 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.documentmanagement.silverlight.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
45112 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
listview.debug.js |
listview.debug.js |
933458 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_odspnextnewuxc2feb86763199de55a499729d395cb83 |
splist.json |
257045 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.userprofiles.silverlight.dll.x64 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.userprofiles.silverlight.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
176120 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
prm0416.bin_osssearch |
prm0416.bin |
13998592 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sso15plc.config |
policy.15.0.microsoft.office.securestoreservice.config |
605 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
spgridvw.js |
spgridview.js |
4903 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
actxprjlchrd.js |
activexwinprojlauncher.debug.js |
2095 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sp.ui.documentssharedwithme.debug.js |
sp.ui.documentssharedwithme.debug.js |
41725 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_odspnextnewuxe8f363779e230efb9d852eceace8ab24 |
listitemformreactcontrols.js |
243867 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ph12plc.dll |
policy.14.0.microsoft.office.project.shared.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
25696 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.common.tools.sandbox.dll |
microsoft.ceres.common.tools.sandbox.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
109008 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sp.ui.reputation.js |
sp.ui.reputation.js |
25976 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.server.userprofiles.dll |
microsoft.office.server.userprofiles.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
5250016 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
wsshelp.xml_1062 |
microsoft.sharepoint.powershell.dll-help.xml |
16-Jan-23 |
07:00 |
microsoft.office.project.server.communications.internal.dll |
microsoft.office.project.server.communications.internal.dll |
16.0.15601.20478 |
709576 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
dlcworkflowactionsvs_dll |
microsoft.office.workflow.actions.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
158640 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.proof.mshy2_sl.lex |
mshy7sl.lex |
146944 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
msvcp140_codecvt_ids.dll.dfefc2fe_eee6_424c_841b_d4e66f0c84a3 |
msvcp140_codecvt_ids.dll |
20368 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
psconfig.exe |
psconfig.exe |
16.0.15601.20474 |
822800 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
clientpeoplepicker.debug.js |
clientpeoplepicker.debug.js |
83429 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
owsbrows.js |
owsbrows.js |
13302 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
wsshelp.xml_1038 |
microsoft.sharepoint.powershell.dll-help.xml |
16-Jan-23 |
07:15 |
xmlrwbin.dll |
xmlrwbin_xl.dll |
2015.0130.1605.913 |
221608 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux3e03c959295ab9f212e447d8558354a2 |
112.image-property-pane.js |
1802 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.server.chart.dll |
microsoft.office.server.chart.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
605176 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
radiobuttonwithchildren.js |
radiobuttonwithchildren.js |
3557 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
prm000e.bin_osssearch |
prm000e.bin |
57863168 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
pwa.library.pdplib.debug.js |
pdplib.debug.js |
95974 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.common.constants.dll |
microsoft.ceres.common.constants.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
27008 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.docparsing.formathandlers.jpeg.dllmsil |
microsoft.ceres.docparsing.formathandlers.jpeg.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
30640 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
communityfeed.js |
sp.ui.communityfeed.js |
9999 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.project.server.workflow.defaultworkflow.dll |
microsoft.office.project.server.workflow.defaultworkflow.dll |
16.0.15601.20478 |
80792 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.journalshipper.dll |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.journalshipper.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
96632 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.proof.mshy2_ro.lex |
mshy7ro.lex |
195072 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
wsshelp.xml_1035 |
microsoft.sharepoint.powershell.dll-help.xml |
16-Jan-23 |
07:15 |
sts_spclientnewuxf4d41169fbc7b20e194c0190b914b42f |
119.14.js |
2229 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.odata.core.7.8.2.dll |
microsoft.odata.core.dll | |
1554320 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux1fb2dc66f417be0be5dee3cae46eedf8 |
73.debug-prompt-components.js |
357384 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
autofill.debug.js |
autofill.debug.js |
20542 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
mssearch.exe |
mssearch.exe |
16.0.15601.20458 |
654760 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
mssph.dll |
mssph.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
2153480 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.ivy.dll |
ivy.dll |
1.0.3377.1255 |
2398632 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
vsrvvgs.dll |
microsoft.office.visio.server.graphicsserver.dll |
16.0.15601.20478 |
1270704 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
korwbrkr.dll |
korwbrkr.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
212920 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.contentengine.processing.security.dll |
microsoft.ceres.contentengine.processing.security.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
68016 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
pdfirml.dll_0002 |
microsoft.office.irm.pdfprotectorlib.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
1194992 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
tsk14plc.dll |
policy.14.0.microsoft.office.workflow.tasks.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
25672 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.proof.mshy2_tr.lex |
mshy7tr.lex |
391680 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
mfc140fra.dll.dfefc2fe_eee6_424c_841b_d4e66f0c84a3 |
mfc140fra.dll |
68472 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux6412ba42990d5080c82a1fbb922fe010 |
119.24.js |
1312 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
rot14plc.config |
policy.14.0.microsoft.office.workflow.routing.config |
603 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
mfc140jpn.dll.f1670fca_6780_3657_9c04_af8005ac8143 |
mfc140jpn.dll |
48008 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
wpadder.debug.js |
wpadder.debug.js |
52880 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux6d0b88b1fc07d52bfd5ed0e7ffd2ff96 |
sp-component-utilities.js |
110167 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
axl14plc.config |
policy.14.0.antixsslibrary.config |
584 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
pwa.library.projectserverwizard.js |
ps.wizard.js |
25901 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.cmdlets.dll_1 |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.cmdlets.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
55176 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.evaluation.operators.builtin.dll |
microsoft.ceres.evaluation.operators.builtin.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
127416 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
designgallery.js |
designgallery.js |
29175 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sp.ribbon.debug.js |
sp.ribbon.debug.js |
361475 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
wpcm.js |
wpcm.js |
3849 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
tpnftxt |
third party notices.txt |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ps14adm.config |
policy.14.0.microsoft.office.project.server.administration.config |
616 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.usageanalytics.operators.dllmsil |
microsoft.ceres.usageanalytics.operators.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
65400 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.proof.mshy2_el.dll |
mshy7el.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
160192 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sharepointpub_gac.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.publishing.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
5287352 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
peopledebug.js |
sp.ui.people.debug.js |
87048 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ps14sca.dll |
policy.14.0.microsoft.office.project.schema.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
25696 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
tsk12plc.dll |
policy.12.0.microsoft.office.workflow.tasks.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
25680 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
prm0008.bin_osssearch |
prm0008.bin |
15619584 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewuxdf2bcc4f08c7d6e74b90a5cc8b695a0b |
116.contentrollupwebpart-propertypanesettings.js |
13836 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sp.ui.tileview.js |
sp.ui.tileview.js |
62077 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
callout.debug.js |
callout.debug.js |
92058 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sp.ui.applicationpages.debug.js |
sp.ui.applicationpages.debug.js |
11283 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
contextinfo.dll_0001 |
microsoft.sharepoint.context.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
51576 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux1a9225fe7fdc2da37abe13760d94b578 |
119.7.js |
8645 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
followedtags.debug.js |
followedtags.debug.js |
6347 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
spxwebribbon14plc.dll |
policy.14.0.microsoft.sharepoint.spx.website.ribbon.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
26184 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
osrv15.dll |
policy.15.0.microsoft.office.server.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
25624 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
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sp-news-webpart-bundle.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
wss12plc.dll |
policy.12.0.microsoft.sharepoint.search.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft_office_htmltrans_launcher_util.dll |
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16.0.15601.20458 |
40864 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
pwa.library.projectserverscripts.pm.js |
ps.projectmanagers.js |
231625 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.directory.dll.x64 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.directory.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
58360 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.proof.mshy2_fi.dll |
mshy7fi.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
160192 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
roamingapps.js |
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23486 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
pwa.library.projectserverscripts.core.debug.js |
ps.core.debug.js |
374155 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
groupboard.debug.js |
groupboard.debug.js |
16339 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
msolapxt.dll |
msolap_xl_ext.dll |
2015.0130.1700.1119 |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.project.server.pwa.dll |
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16.0.15601.20478 |
2727408 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewuxa8c9aa3afb3e1858c4883c80b87b0886 |
sp-application-base.js |
126349 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.fileservices.serverstub.v1.dll |
microsoft.fileservices.serverstub.v1.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
89072 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
mapviewtemplate.js |
mapviewtemplate.js |
15544 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
core_0.rsx |
core.resx |
534218 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
osfap.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.workflowservices.applicationpages.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
138264 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
pwa.library.projectserverscripts.tm.js |
ps.teammembers.js |
214999 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
nl7models0804.dll_osssearch |
nl7models0804.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
2985000 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
spxapppage14plc.config |
policy.14.0.microsoft.sharepoint.spx.applicationpages.config |
611 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ps14evt.dll |
policy.14.0.microsoft.office.project.server.events.receivers.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
25704 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.proof.mshy2_cy.dll |
mshy7cy.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
160160 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
quicklaunch.debug.js |
quicklaunch.debug.js |
135522 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
common.dll |
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1580456 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_odspnextnewuxb680d3a8e2013810dae29dafe4d75340 |
spofiles.js |
628683 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
wfs12plc.config |
policy.12.0.microsoft.sharepoint.workflows.config |
600 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
query9x.dll_0001 |
query.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
120272 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ws15wsa.dll |
policy.15.0.microsoft.sharepoint.workflowservices.applicationpages.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
26224 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.proof.mshy2_ge.lex |
mshy7ge.lex |
1558528 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
siteupgrade.js_14 |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux2a2fc2a92e0cb8cd022d363ea1786ae4 |
sp-custommessageregion-bundle.js |
34365 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
osfserver_silverlight_dll.x64 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.workflowservices.silverlight.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
54296 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
cmis14_plc_core.dll |
policy.14.0.microsoft.sharepoint.cmis.core.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
25704 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
offfilt.dll_0002.x64 |
offfilt.dll |
16.0.15601.20478 |
277360 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
entityeditor.debug.js |
entityeditor.debug.js |
73832 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
spui_ri.js |
sp.ui.relateditems.js |
18378 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
osrctrl.dll |
osrctrl.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
613296 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.translationservices.machinetranslation.dll |
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16.0.15601.20478 |
561592 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewuxaeab4a7dad255efb982d8cc6384a6b30 |
sp-contentrollup-webpart-bundle.js |
219096 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
srchomnt.dll |
microsoft.office.server.search.native.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
537096 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
appdev.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.appdevelopment.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
75736 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.sharepoint.publishing.dll_isapi |
microsoft.sharepoint.publishing.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
5287352 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
office_extension_manager_js |
sp.officeextensionmanager.js |
61005 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.coreservices.adminservice.dll |
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16.0.15601.20458 |
103320 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.docparsing.formathandlers.pointpublishing.dllmsil |
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16.0.15601.20458 |
42904 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
pol12plc.dll |
policy.12.0.microsoft.office.policy.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
25584 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.proof.mshy2_sl.dll |
mshy7sl.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
160168 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sppageinstr.js |
sp.pageinstrumentation.js |
1251 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
spgridview.debug.js |
spgridview.debug.js |
7876 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
start.js |
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101324 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
wsshelp.xml_1043 |
microsoft.sharepoint.powershell.dll-help.xml |
16-Jan-23 |
07:15 |
sp.ui.rte.debug.js |
sp.ui.rte.debug.js |
356385 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.docparsing.runtime.core.dllmsil |
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16.0.15601.20458 |
176520 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.interactionengine.datamodel.fields.dll |
microsoft.ceres.interactionengine.datamodel.fields.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
32720 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.proof.mshy2_cz.lex |
mshy7cz.lex |
292864 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
spsec14.dll |
policy.14.0.microsoft.sharepoint.security.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
25704 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
admin.dll_0001 |
admin.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
35728 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
msmgdsrv.dll |
msmgdsrv_xl.dll |
2015.0130.1700.1119 |
7640504 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
mfc140u.dll.f1670fca_6780_3657_9c04_af8005ac8143 |
mfc140u.dll |
5126008 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
clt14plc.dll |
policy.14.0.microsoft.sharepoint.client.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
25648 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ppt.conversion.gkpowerpoint.dll |
gkpowerpoint.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
3009968 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.evaluation.engine.dll |
microsoft.ceres.evaluation.engine.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
266632 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.evaluation.operators.core.dll |
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16.0.15601.20458 |
60888 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.documentmanagement.adminpages.dll |
microsoft.office.documentmanagement.adminpages.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
29656 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.server.search.serverproxy.dll |
microsoft.office.server.search.serverproxy.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
297920 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
pwa.library.timeline.debug.js |
ps.timeline.debug.js |
77954 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
itp.js |
itp.js |
9814 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
mylinks.js |
mylinks.js |
2631 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
soccom.js |
socialcomment.js |
23528 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
upa14plc.config |
policy.14.0.microsoft.office.server.userprofiles.config |
606 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.sharepoint.taxonomy.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.taxonomy.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
1722280 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux383919f8fe3b958e524c8a635d1e2c2c |
sp-loader-assembly.js |
593944 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.excel.webui.dll |
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16.0.15601.20478 |
119688 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux3e944ced30f5064d3bdc097bffb303be |
24.sp-pages-news.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
translationqueue.sql |
translationqueue.sql |
53178 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.coreservices.constellation.dll |
microsoft.ceres.coreservices.constellation.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
74712 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
msdym7.dll_osssearch2 |
msdym7.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
590712 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
storeazure.xml |
store_azure.xml |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
tax14plc.config |
policy.14.0.microsoft.sharepoint.taxonomy.config |
599 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sp.runtime.js |
sp.runtime.js |
115649 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
schedengine_new.exe |
schedengine.exe |
16.0.15601.20458 |
17604088 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
xmlrw_xl.dll |
xmlrw_xl.dll |
2015.0130.1605.913 |
313256 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
visfilt.dll.x64 |
visfilt.dll |
16.0.15601.20470 |
4644272 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sp.ui.assetlibrary.ribbon.debug.js |
sp.ui.assetlibrary.debug.js |
13220 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux2c796a5b1b1251e0f22102b798d4d3bd |
24.sp-pages-comments.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
noderunner.exe |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
hashtagprofile.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux22654bb7032aae138d0a812e4eaf0636 |
24.sp-pages-planner.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.evaluation.operators.dll |
microsoft.ceres.evaluation.operators.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
291200 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.proof.mshy2_lv.dll |
mshy7lv.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
160184 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sp.init.js |
sp.init.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux8df2766894df550f4ac6afa34ba23cdc |
116.twitter-web-part-property-pane-configuration.js |
4502 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.sharepoint.dll |
microsoft.ceres.sharepoint.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
59800 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.office.mso98win32server.dll |
mso98win32server.dll |
16.0.15601.20470 |
1338280 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
geolocationfieldtemplate.debug.js |
geolocationfieldtemplate.debug.js |
41051 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
p15vs.cfg |
policy.15.0.microsoft.office.visio.server.config |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.sharepoint.spx.jsinclude.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.spx.jsinclude.dll |
16.0.15601.20478 |
47216 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
lobitool.dll |
microsoft.office.businessapplications.tools.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
743856 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ps14dwrk.config |
policy.14.0.microsoft.office.project.server.workflow.defaultworkflow.config |
626 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sp.ui.ratings.js |
sp.ui.ratings.js |
11911 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
wssadmop.dll_0001 |
microsoft.sharepoint.administrationoperation.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
1208848 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
fastmorph.dll_osssearch |
fastmorph.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
2397112 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
cmssummarylinks_js |
cmssummarylinks.js |
6017 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
powshl14.dll |
policy.14.0.microsoft.sharepoint.powershell.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
25680 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
spusercode.dll_0001 |
microsoft.sharepoint.usercode.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
36240 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ms.rte.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux643f93e40f1adc23cf7615a5fa96a5c9 |
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14359 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
spdxappmanagement.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.appmanagement.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
70576 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
cmis15_plc_bindings.dll |
policy.15.0.microsoft.sharepoint.cmis.bindings.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
26232 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.services.dll |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.services.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
164768 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.indexcontroller.dll |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.indexcontroller.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
234880 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.system_dictionaries_spellcheck.dll |
microsoft.system_dictionaries_spellcheck.dll |
16.0.15601.20478 |
24643456 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.vccorlib140.dll |
vccorlib140.dll |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.proof.mshy2_bg.dll |
mshy7bg.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
160256 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
flt15plc.config |
policy.15.0.microsoft.office.server.filtercontrols.config |
608 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
vccorlib140.dll.dfefc2fe_eee6_424c_841b_d4e66f0c84a3 |
vccorlib140.dll |
334736 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
linq14.config |
policy.14.0.microsoft.sharepoint.linq.config |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
clientrenderer.js |
clientrenderer.js |
12960 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
filepreview.debug.js |
filepreview.debug.js |
25986 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sp.core.debug.js |
sp.core.debug.js |
166164 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ipomload.dll |
microsoft.office.infopath.clrloader.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
28160 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
srchetw.dll |
microsoft.office.server.search.etw.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
1143672 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sppubint.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.publishing.intl.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
361448 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.eedict_companies.pt.dll |
microsoft.eedict_companies.pt |
16.0.15601.20478 |
28568 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.naturallanguage.keywordextraction.dll |
microsoft.naturallanguage.keywordextraction.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
422792 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.hostcontroller.wcftypes.dllmsil |
microsoft.ceres.hostcontroller.wcftypes.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
37848 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.documentmanagement.phone |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.documentmanagement.phone.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
45048 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sp.ui.combobox.debug.js |
sp.ui.combobox.debug.js |
100153 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
msolap.dll |
msolap_xl.dll |
2015.0130.1700.1119 |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_odspnextnewux795d12a100cd0691f928c64b88b80240 |
odrestore.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
wfs15plc.dll |
policy.15.0.microsoft.sharepoint.workflows.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
25640 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.coreservices.services.dllmsil |
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16.0.15601.20458 |
153568 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewuxa32e10cded4eacee3f7c3f4f689ed469 |
24.sp-pages-service.js |
155869 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.contentengine.fields.dll |
microsoft.ceres.contentengine.fields.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
56192 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux96fbeacb80b41e044617bbe3fade4c6c |
sp-webpart-workbench-assembly.js |
1966995 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ps14lib.config |
policy.14.0.microsoft.office.project.server.library.config |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.fastserver.exchmem.dll |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.fastserver.exchmem.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
77272 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.stopworddictionary.dll |
microsoft.stopworddictionary.dll |
16.0.15601.20478 |
43904 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.proof.mshy2_ru.lex |
mshy7ru.lex |
375296 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
xui.debug.js |
xui.debug.js |
45549 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
msvcp140.dll.dfefc2fe_eee6_424c_841b_d4e66f0c84a3 |
msvcp140.dll |
565648 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ws15wsa.config |
policy.15.0.microsoft.sharepoint.workflowservices.applicationpages.config |
624 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.nlpbase.phonetic.dll |
microsoft.ceres.nlpbase.phonetic.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
79792 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.cheetah.dll |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.cheetah.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
28112 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
msspell.dll |
msspell7.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
581536 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
msgfilt.dll.x64 |
msgfilt.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
71112 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
clientpeoplepicker.js |
clientpeoplepicker.js |
44310 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
prm004a.bin_osssearch |
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14400512 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sp.js |
sp.js |
1042330 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux0f7a1c3e2fdc351b0b5e55a6ee716d41 |
61.live-persona-card-loader.js |
168414 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ps15plc.config |
policy.15.0.microsoft.office.project.server.pwa.config |
605 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft_office_securestoreservice_server_security.dll |
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16.0.15601.20458 |
28168 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
spmap.debug.js |
sp.map.debug.js |
15759 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
spwriter.exe_0001 |
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16.0.15601.20458 |
209376 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.proof.mshy2_lt.lex |
mshy7lt.lex |
69632 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
osrvxl.webservices.dll |
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16.0.15601.20478 |
135640 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
cms15plc.dll |
policy.15.0.microsoft.sharepoint.publishing.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
25664 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.client.policy.silverlight.x64 |
microsoft.office.client.policy.silverlight.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
33816 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
searchom.dll_0003 |
microsoft.sharepoint.search.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
3859416 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.server.workmanagement.datamodel.dll |
microsoft.office.server.workmanagement.datamodel.dll |
16.0.15601.20478 |
147896 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.contentengine.nlpevaluators.dll |
microsoft.ceres.contentengine.nlpevaluators.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
256472 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.client.policy.dll_0001.x64 |
microsoft.office.client.policy.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
33208 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
prm0022.bin_osssearch |
prm0022.bin |
22446592 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
prm003e.bin_osssearch |
prm003e.bin |
14171136 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.sharepoint.health.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.health.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
152064 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
parserserver.exe |
parserserver.exe |
16.0.15601.20458 |
40912 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
linq15.dll |
policy.15.0.microsoft.sharepoint.linq.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
25600 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux2f600312e7b1effc1ca405455ae5f367 |
24.sp-pages-social.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.server.directory.sharepoint.remote |
microsoft.office.server.directory.sharepoint.remote.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
42408 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.server.directory.sharepoint.remote.serverstub |
microsoft.office.server.directory.sharepoint.remote.serverstub.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
92832 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
groupeditempicker.debug.js |
groupeditempicker.debug.js |
21014 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
searchcore.clustering.indexclusteringmember.dll |
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16.0.15601.20458 |
72064 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.project.server.database.dll |
microsoft.office.project.server.database.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
10376560 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.project.server.administration.applicationpages.dll |
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16.0.15601.20474 |
55688 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
wsssetup.dll |
wsssetup.dll |
16.0.15601.20470 |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
prm0013.bin_osssearch |
prm0013.bin |
17480192 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
lhp14plc.config |
policy.14.0.microsoft.office.slidelibrary.config |
599 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
comval.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
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splistreactcontrolsdeferred.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewuxfd89f504726adbf5b845d912d2772ba6 |
24.sp-pages-navigation.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux350d557d61e023c81e19a61c79a7a437 |
42.toolbox.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
mysitenavigation.js |
sp.ui.mysitenavigation.js |
2523 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.graphquerymodel.dll |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.graphquerymodel.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
56784 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
stsapa.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.applicationpages.administration.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
737728 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
cltsvr14.config |
policy.14.0.microsoft.sharepoint.client.serverruntime.config |
611 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
apprequestmanagefieldtemplate.js |
apprequestmanagefieldtemplate.js |
1476 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sp.ui.controls.debug.js |
sp.ui.controls.debug.js |
58556 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.sharepoint.portal.proxy.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.portal.proxy.dll |
16.0.15601.20478 |
205696 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
rot12plc.config |
policy.12.0.microsoft.office.workflow.routing.config |
603 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_odspnextnewux93b96c9ec083c1109a79bd3123411cdf |
recyclebinscenario.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
systemsettings.xml |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sps15plc.dll |
policy.15.0.microsoft.sharepoint.portal.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
25624 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
dlcworkflowactions_dll |
microsoft.office.workflow.actions.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
158640 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.proof.mshy2_ct.lex |
mshy7ct.lex |
363008 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
wsshelp.xml_2070 |
microsoft.sharepoint.powershell.dll-help.xml |
16-Jan-23 |
07:15 |
designgallery.debug.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
init.js_0001 |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
default.xml |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sharing.js |
sharing.js |
135350 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.office.gfxserver.dll |
gfxserver.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
prm0005.bin_osssearch |
prm0005.bin |
18861568 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
mfc140kor.dll.dfefc2fe_eee6_424c_841b_d4e66f0c84a3 |
mfc140kor.dll |
46992 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
connector.dll_0001 |
microsoft.sharepoint.connector.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
276888 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_odspnextnewux72bfe35ac1f8fee6cf37ba0be87c481a |
sitehubreactcontrolsdeferred.js |
43221 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
peopledebug.js1 |
sp.ui.people.debug.js |
87048 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.project.server.extensibility.dll |
microsoft.office.project.server.extensibility.dll |
16.0.15601.20478 |
108552 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
wdsrv.dll |
microsoft.office.word.server.dll |
16.0.15601.20478 |
353680 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.coreservices.internalservices.dllmsil |
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16.0.15601.20458 |
89000 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
osrv14.dll |
policy.14.0.microsoft.office.server.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
25664 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft_office_securestoreservice_server_security.dll_gac |
microsoft.office.securestoreservice.server.security.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
28168 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sp.requestexecutor.debug.js |
sp.requestexecutor.debug.js |
100405 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.crawlerlanguagedetectorsubflow.dll |
microsoft.crawlerlanguagedetectorsubflow.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
28072 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
timecard.js |
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21192 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewuxc72c24b1807f31ca72094d6963a1763e |
sp-button-webpart-bundle.js |
12105 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
bitreeview.js |
bitreeview.js |
12881 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.contentengine.datamodel.recordserializer.dll |
microsoft.ceres.contentengine.datamodel.recordserializer.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
59824 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.docparsing.formathandlers.common.metro.dllmsil |
microsoft.ceres.docparsing.formathandlers.common.metro.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
56200 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
portal.js |
portal.js |
52483 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
announcementtiles.js |
sp.ui.announcementtiles.js |
8784 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ws15ws.config |
policy.15.0.microsoft.sharepoint.workflowservices.config |
607 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.coreservices.transport.dll |
microsoft.ceres.coreservices.transport.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
60336 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.docparsing.runtime.client.dllmsil |
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16.0.15601.20458 |
101288 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
wssadmin.exe_0001 |
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16.0.15601.20458 |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewuxbcc7a205fa7b7add1b35a385f56f4fa8 |
119.20.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
nl7models000a.dll_osssearch |
nl7models000a.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux7247956bfbd14bdf29eb9b369a3cada4 |
24.sp-pages-panels.js |
724931 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.projectserver.client.dll |
microsoft.projectserver.client.dll |
16.0.15601.20478 |
414704 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewuxb75bd0efb449fb47345863b217d1a1ae |
24.21.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
pwa.library.timeline.js |
ps.timeline.js |
77954 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.utils.dll |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.utils.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
133560 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
nl7models0404.dll_osssearch |
nl7models0404.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
9741440 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
dlc.workflow.routing.dll |
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16.0.15601.20474 |
132552 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
wfs14plc.config |
policy.14.0.microsoft.sharepoint.workflows.config |
600 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
blank.debug.js |
blank.debug.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
xlspci.dll |
microsoft.excel.spclient.interfaces.dll |
13.0.1605.913 |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
offprsx.dll |
offparser.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
1791928 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
pubfilt.dll.x64 |
pubfilt.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
53728 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
mspjcalcservice.exe |
microsoft.office.project.server.calculation.exe |
16.0.15601.20478 |
32248 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ps15wrk.config |
policy.15.0.microsoft.office.project.server.workflow.config |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
videoportal.js |
videoportal.js |
14744 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.admin.dll |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.admin.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
127360 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
owsbrows.debug.js |
owsbrows.debug.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
wsshelp.xml_1057 |
microsoft.sharepoint.powershell.dll-help.xml |
16-Jan-23 |
07:01 |
sts_spclientnewux80b44f2e39ba217a839db6bce391e90c |
24.19.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.interactionengine.operators.builtin.dll |
microsoft.ceres.interactionengine.operators.builtin.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
63968 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
absblobstore.dll |
absblobstore.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
657280 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.proof.mshy2_sr.lex |
mshy7srm.lex |
161280 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux22d4383e576bd2d0767efe61a9b0177f |
sp-classic-page-assembly.js |
1577383 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
spui_psd.js |
sp.ui.promotedsites.debug.js |
24862 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.sharepoint.spx.website.applicationpages.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.spx.website.applicationpages.dll |
16.0.15601.20478 |
449552 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ph12plc.config |
policy.14.0.microsoft.office.project.shared.config |
601 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.common.utils.dllmsil |
microsoft.ceres.common.utils.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
322944 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ppt.conversion.uls.native.dll |
microsoft.office.server.native.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
887704 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux78fc6c56623222d8dfcf75c9b0a2e7a4 |
sp-http.js |
44021 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.analysisengine.engine.dllmsil |
microsoft.ceres.analysisengine.engine.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
455592 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.evaluation.datamodel.dll |
microsoft.ceres.evaluation.datamodel.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
135040 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
mswb7001e.dll_osssearch |
mswb7001e.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
863728 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
wsshelp.xml_1055 |
microsoft.sharepoint.powershell.dll-help.xml |
16-Jan-23 |
07:15 |
wpgalim.xap |
webpartgalleryimages.xap |
110069 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
visioserver.rasterizer.dll |
microsoft.office.visio.server.rasterizer.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
142264 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.query.marslookupcomponent.dll |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.query.marslookupcomponent.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
600024 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
osafehtm.dll |
osafehtm.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
291256 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.documentmodel.dll |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.documentmodel.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
34264 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sstring.dll |
microsoft.sqlserver.configuration.sstring.dll |
27560 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
svrsetup.exe |
setup.exe |
16.0.15601.20458 |
1103320 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sprequestfilteringmodule.dll |
sprequestfilteringmodule.dll |
56672 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sp.ui.reputation.debug.js |
sp.ui.reputation.debug.js |
42482 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ps15dwrk.config |
policy.15.0.microsoft.office.project.server.workflow.defaultworkflow.config |
626 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux8931adad241dabfaf26a7457efceb268 |
24.sp-news-digest-layout-component.js |
77347 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
tsk15plc.config |
policy.15.0.microsoft.office.workflow.tasks.config |
601 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ppt.conversion.ppserver.dll |
ppserver.dll |
16.0.15601.20470 |
13722616 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.projectserver.dll_001 |
microsoft.projectserver.dll |
16.0.15601.20478 |
866296 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
pwa.library.scrolllistmanager.js |
scrolllistmanager.js |
6639 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.userprofiles.dll.x64 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.userprofiles.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
177624 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
concrt140.dll.dfefc2fe_eee6_424c_841b_d4e66f0c84a3 |
concrt140.dll |
316816 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.tenantmapping.dll |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.tenantmapping.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
74112 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.documentmanagement.dll |
microsoft.office.documentmanagement.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
565688 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.fileservices.v2.dll |
microsoft.fileservices.v2.dll |
16.0.15601.20478 |
968592 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
accreqctl.js |
accessrequestscontrol.js |
11684 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
wsshelp.xml_1053 |
microsoft.sharepoint.powershell.dll-help.xml |
16-Jan-23 |
07:15 |
spxwebcore14plc.config |
policy.14.0.microsoft.sharepoint.spx.websitecore.config |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux6b8c7c4233559a13836ef1a691ba7023 |
sp-loader.js |
147268 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.search.applications.dll_0001.x64 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.search.applications.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
30096 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.sharepoint.workmanagement.client.dll_001 |
microsoft.sharepoint.workmanagement.client.dll |
16.0.15601.20478 |
98352 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.fileservices.serverstub.beta.dll |
microsoft.fileservices.serverstub.beta.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
89056 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
createsharedfolderdialog.debug.js |
createsharedfolderdialog.debug.js |
43148 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.coreservices.configuration.dllmsil |
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16.0.15601.20458 |
77792 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.contentengine.aliaslookup.dll |
microsoft.ceres.contentengine.aliaslookup.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
63936 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.proof.mshy2_eu.lex |
mshy7eu.lex |
195072 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
prm0025.bin_osssearch |
prm0025.bin |
12383744 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
bar15plc.config |
policy.15.0.microsoft.office.policy.barcode.generator.config |
611 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
vcruntime140.dll.f1670fca_6780_3657_9c04_af8005ac8143 |
vcruntime140.dll |
76152 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
mfc140.dll.dfefc2fe_eee6_424c_841b_d4e66f0c84a3 |
mfc140.dll |
5619088 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
oss15plc.config |
policy.15.0.microsoft.office.server.search.config |
600 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
nlhtml.dll_0002.x64 |
nlhtml.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
195552 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.docparsing.formathandlers.encoffmetro.dllmsil |
microsoft.ceres.docparsing.formathandlers.encoffmetro.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
32168 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
mfc140ita.dll.dfefc2fe_eee6_424c_841b_d4e66f0c84a3 |
mfc140ita.dll |
66448 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux6c85212e5fd53659abdaac84362ead1f |
sp-documentembed-webpart-bundle.js |
101344 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sharepointpub.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.publishing.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
5287352 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.client.translationservices.dll_gac.x64 |
microsoft.office.client.translationservices.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
42008 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
nl7lexicons0011.dll_osssearch |
nl7lexicons0011.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
2504192 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
prm0047.bin_osssearch |
prm0047.bin |
14263296 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
mswb70804.dll_osssearch |
mswb70804.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
863760 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
oleprsx.dll |
oleparser.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
46096 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewuxe919d8186ac54041abc77835b0d271ec |
73.systemjs-component-loader.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
cmis14_plc_bindings.dll |
policy.14.0.microsoft.sharepoint.cmis.bindings.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
26152 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.coreservices.hostcontroller.dll |
microsoft.ceres.coreservices.hostcontroller.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
49064 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.server.directory.sharepointinterface |
microsoft.office.server.directory.sharepointinterface.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
143952 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux3436740e82f30185ab432f7dbe7eed84 |
sp-twitter-webpart-bundle.js |
44091 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
clientsideframework.dll_0001 |
microsoft.sharepoint.clientsideframework.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
226744 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sso15plc.dll |
policy.15.0.microsoft.office.securestoreservice.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
26160 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
stswel.dll |
stswel.dll |
16.0.15601.20478 |
3333032 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ows.debug.js |
ows.debug.js |
713222 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.sharepoint.flighting.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.flighting.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
2289032 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux166747c481253c17bb6881f5e4242291 |
54.page-picker-component.js |
159799 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
onesiteweblayoutxap_silverlightslideshowcontrol.xap |
silverlightslideshowcontrol.xap |
208112 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
osrv12.config |
policy.12.0.microsoft.office.server.config |
593 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.slidelibrary.dll |
microsoft.office.slidelibrary.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
32696 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
rot15plc.dll |
policy.15.0.microsoft.office.workflow.routing.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
26192 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.analysisengine.cmdlets.dll |
microsoft.ceres.analysisengine.cmdlets.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
35288 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.eedict_companies.dll |
microsoft.eedict_companies |
16.0.15601.20478 |
109874656 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
mssrch.dll |
mssrch.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
3170256 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_odspnextnewuxafb6081087eefbfe800401ef617122bd |
sitehubreactcontrolsbeforeplt.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
wma15plc.dll |
policy.15.0.microsoft.office.server.workmanagement.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
26192 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
stswfacb.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.workflowactions.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
325032 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sso14plc.config |
policy.14.0.microsoft.office.securestoreservice.config |
605 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
offline.debug.js |
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22154 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewuxdff71770651a22ac595074d0e8df5b81 |
119.8.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewuxf9d542f5e7a1ffba716f8cf63efa490b |
sp-webpart-base.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.interactionengine.services.dll |
microsoft.ceres.interactionengine.services.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
105872 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
prm0001.bin_osssearch |
prm0001.bin |
18209280 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.publishing.silverlight.dll.x64 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.publishing.silverlight.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
81912 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
wdsrv.policy14.dll |
policy.14.0.microsoft.office.word.server.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
25664 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
p14vs.cfg |
policy.14.0.microsoft.office.visio.server.config |
599 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
wdsrv.web.config |
web.config |
8266 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.proof.mshy2_no.dll |
mshy7no.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
160160 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
quicklaunch.js |
quicklaunch.js |
74050 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
mysiterecommendationsui.js |
sp.ui.mysiterecommendations.js |
7268 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
importcert.asx |
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9418 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sp.storefront.debug.js |
sp.storefront.debug.js |
444270 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ipath14.dll |
policy.14.0.microsoft.office.infopath.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
25688 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
choicebuttonfieldtemplate.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux80477eda0db88481a24ec28e3ec1a3d4 |
sp-component-base.js |
16933 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sp.ui.rte.publishing.js |
sp.ui.rte.publishing.js |
49718 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
stsomsec.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.security.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
29640 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
srchportability.dll |
microsoft.office.server.search.portability.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
29624 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.coreservices.node.dll |
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16.0.15601.20458 |
172424 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.proof.mshy2_sro.dll |
mshy7sro.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
160216 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
msvcp140_atomic_wait.dll.f1670fca_6780_3657_9c04_af8005ac8143 |
msvcp140_atomic_wait.dll |
52088 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ps12evt.dll |
policy.12.0.microsoft.office.project.server.events.receivers.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
25704 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.evaluation.processing.dll |
microsoft.ceres.evaluation.processing.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
202160 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sp.ui.spellcheck.debug.js |
sp.ui.spellcheck.debug.js |
68393 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
hashtagprofile.debug.js |
hashtagprofile.debug.js |
6184 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_addgallery_ooprovider |
addgallery.officeonlineprovider.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
55216 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.evaluation.operators.parsing.dll |
microsoft.ceres.evaluation.operators.parsing.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
74712 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_odspnextnewux30484b0717864b439efabcb4caaf6538 |
spoapp.js |
282689 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ifs14.config |
policy.14.0.microsoft.office.infopath.server.config |
602 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
audjob.exe |
audiencejob.exe |
16.0.15601.20478 |
25664 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
wdsrv.conversion.worker.exe |
wordserverworker.exe |
16.0.15601.20478 |
37304 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.interactionengine.tools.processingengineapi.dll1 |
microsoft.ceres.interactionengine.tools.processingengineapi.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
30168 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ctp.js |
ctp.js |
4244 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewuxec0d18f646f918f9cae4bd08ccdc09ab |
sp-quickchart-webpart-bundle.js |
293520 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sp.ui.pub.ribbon.js |
sp.ui.pub.ribbon.js |
84981 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.sharepoint.spx.website.applicationpages.pdb |
microsoft.sharepoint.spx.website.applicationpages.pdb |
1172992 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
nl7models001e.dll_osssearch |
nl7models001e.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
1138704 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sp.core.js |
sp.core.js |
87988 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
dsigres.cab.x86_1087 |
dsigres.cab |
235921 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:56 |
wsshelp.xml_1066 |
microsoft.sharepoint.powershell.dll-help.xml |
16-Jan-23 |
07:01 |
microsoft.ceres.contentengine.securityutil.dll |
microsoft.ceres.contentengine.securityutil.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
81840 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux6c3d8d275dd7351021418bffbebe3d8c |
sp-spacer-webpart-bundle.js |
44108 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
spsec12.config |
policy.12.0.microsoft.sharepoint.security.config |
599 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
cltsvr15.config |
policy.15.0.microsoft.sharepoint.client.serverruntime.config |
611 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewuxc21a3246bdf5a3aa770903ed6fd493ee |
sp-pages.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
cfw14plc.config |
policy.14.0.microsoft.office.server.search.connector.config |
610 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
stswfact.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.workflowactions.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
325032 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_odspnextnewuxc20d13897d513d628243ef8eadce0dfe |
odbonedriveapp.js |
444140 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
osfserver_client_dll.x64 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.workflowservices.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
54248 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
cvtp.js |
cvtp.js |
2704 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
onetnative_1.dll |
onetnative.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
826344 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
cms12plc.config |
policy.12.0.microsoft.sharepoint.publishing.config |
601 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.proof.mshy2_ge.dll |
mshy7ge.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
160168 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
prm281a.bin_osssearch |
prm281a.bin |
20145152 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_odspnextnewux82ec74261e20424f9653d60d8846afce |
sitehub.json |
226428 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
gac_microsoft.sharepoint.spx.website.ribbon |
microsoft.sharepoint.spx.website.ribbon.dll |
16.0.15601.20478 |
47080 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
spx14plc.dll |
policy.14.0.microsoft.sharepoint.spx.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
25624 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ws15wsb.config |
policy.15.0.microsoft.sharepoint.workflowservicesbase.config |
611 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.project.server.dll |
microsoft.office.project.server.dll |
16.0.15601.20478 |
8859040 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.graphstatusmodel.dll |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.graphstatusmodel.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
30136 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
msoirmp.dll_0001 |
microsoft.office.irm.msoprotector.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
67008 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.proof.mshy2_kz.lex |
mshy7kk.lex |
95232 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
contentfollowing.js |
contentfollowing.js |
54230 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.silverlight.dll.x64 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.silverlight.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
807360 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.hostcontroller.logging.dllmsil |
microsoft.ceres.hostcontroller.logging.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
39888 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
mfc140chs.dll.f1670fca_6780_3657_9c04_af8005ac8143 |
mfc140chs.dll |
39816 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft_web_design_server.dll |
microsoft.web.design.server.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
391184 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
portal.debug.js |
portal.debug.js |
94804 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
geolocationfieldtemplate.js |
geolocationfieldtemplate.js |
15436 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microfeed.js |
sp.ui.microfeed.js |
230149 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
bar14plc.config |
policy.14.0.microsoft.office.policy.barcode.generator.config |
611 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewuxf6f4d7aff6b346521ef692276ec4c4c6 |
sp-webpart-workbench.js |
51720 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
spx.dll_0001 |
microsoft.sharepoint.spx.dll |
16.0.15601.20478 |
201128 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ws15wsb.dll |
policy.15.0.microsoft.sharepoint.workflowservicesbase.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
26216 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
translation.web.config |
web.config |
8033 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
spui_listsearchbox_debug.js |
sp.ui.listsearchbox.debug.js |
39586 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.proof.mshy2_da.dll |
mshy7da.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
160208 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux0f0a791edc74596ada24eae6908523ca |
odsp-utilities-bundle.js |
203736 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
accreqviewtmpl.debug.js |
accessrequestsviewtemplate.debug.js |
50013 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
bpstd.debug.js |
bpstd.debug.js |
8308 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft_htmltrans_interface.dll |
microsoft.htmltrans.interface.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
29160 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.server.native.dll |
microsoft.office.server.native.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
887704 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.search.dll_0001.x64 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.search.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
107472 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ws15ws.dll |
policy.15.0.microsoft.sharepoint.workflowservices.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
26208 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
pwa.library.pdplib.js |
pdplib.js |
66736 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.evaluation.engine.wcftransport.dll |
microsoft.ceres.evaluation.engine.wcftransport.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
37760 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.server.userprofiles.dll_isapi |
microsoft.office.server.userprofiles.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
5250016 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft_office_server_conversions_loadbalancer_exe |
microsoft.office.server.conversions.loadbalancer.exe |
16.0.15601.20474 |
47576 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.searchanalytics.analytics.dllmsil |
microsoft.ceres.searchanalytics.analytics.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
1276840 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
wss14plc.dll |
policy.14.0.microsoft.sharepoint.search.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
25608 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.projectserver.client.phone.dll |
microsoft.projectserver.client.phone.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
415104 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux4bd496dcecbfc408b57b32e6b34afda0 |
24.sp-pages-search.js |
1683982 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.coreservices.framework.dll |
microsoft.ceres.coreservices.framework.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
155568 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
stssoap.dll |
stssoap.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
784784 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
mapviewtemplate.debug.js |
mapviewtemplate.debug.js |
38394 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts.workflows.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.workflows.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
76216 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
onetnative.dll |
onetnative.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
826344 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
tsk14plc.config |
policy.14.0.microsoft.office.workflow.tasks.config |
601 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.interactionengine.component.dll |
microsoft.ceres.interactionengine.component.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
219024 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
astcmmn_js |
assetcommon.js |
18255 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.runtime.portable.dll.x64 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.runtime.portable.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
302552 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
createsharedfolderdialog.js |
createsharedfolderdialog.js |
18922 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
oss.querybox_js |
querybox.all.js |
268608 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux505b813f33e9dabca885f089ccf98f2a |
114.sp-people-contact-card.js |
13878 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
cmis15_plc_bindings.config |
policy.15.0.microsoft.sharepoint.cmis.bindings.config |
604 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.proof.mshy2_pt.lex |
mshy7pt.lex |
837120 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
spssoc.js |
sp.ui.socialribbon.js |
20742 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.translationservices.serverstub.dll |
microsoft.office.translationservices.serverstub.dll |
16.0.15601.20478 |
75904 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.filetransfer.dll |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.filetransfer.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
53152 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.policy.bargen.dll |
microsoft.office.policy.barcode.generator.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
34784 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
wffeature12plc.config |
policy.12.0.microsoft.office.workflow.feature.config |
603 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sppageinstr.debug.js |
sp.pageinstrumentation.debug.js |
1651 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.vroom.sharepoint.dll |
microsoft.vroom.sharepoint.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
610712 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewuxcd8824c249da62fe81bbc6e84b7fb896 |
112.image-gallery-brick-layout.js |
5649 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
spldtsvc.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.linq.dataservice.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
59448 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux532c54830af77b2c35eb802a62820713 |
119.sp-list-webpart-setup.js |
318649 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewuxc08af2413dffb6070f1d4f01cc188fe3 |
119.12.js |
6201 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
prm001d.bin_osssearch |
prm001d.bin |
30295040 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.client.translationservices.dll.x64 |
microsoft.office.client.translationservices.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
42008 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.hostcontroller.wcfclient.dllmsil |
microsoft.ceres.hostcontroller.wcfclient.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
28584 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.fastserver.fusion.dll |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.fastserver.fusion.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
715184 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.policy.serverstub |
microsoft.office.policy.serverstub.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
55320 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sp.simpleloggermobile.js |
sp.simpleloggermobile.js |
20502 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewuxcdd2fade97e6bd1c609dafc0204d0272 |
office-ui-fabric-react-bundle.js |
548635 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux2d92f617d4e9cc7ec385e0e500a3d7b2 |
sp-image-webpart-bundle.js |
106253 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.interactionengine.tools.cmdlets.dll_1 |
microsoft.ceres.interactionengine.tools.cmdlets.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
33752 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.nlpbase.indextokenizer.dll |
microsoft.ceres.nlpbase.indextokenizer.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
42968 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sp.jsgrid.res_0.resx |
sp.jsgrid.res.resx |
16698 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
stsomsec.dll_0001 |
microsoft.sharepoint.security.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
29640 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.server.directory.sharepoint |
microsoft.office.server.directory.sharepoint.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
735768 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
templateextensions.dll_0001 |
microsoft.sharepoint.webtemplateextensions.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
151928 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_odspnextnewux308f9878bc3bd35d6e7c02477ff10b6f |
odbdeferredcontrols.js |
698539 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ipath12.config |
policy.12.0.microsoft.office.infopath.config |
595 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.contentengine.componentclient.exemsil |
microsoft.ceres.contentengine.componentclient.exe |
16.0.15601.20458 |
79232 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.proof.mshy2_fr.lex |
mshy7fr.lex |
278528 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
prm0003.bin_osssearch |
prm0003.bin |
15897088 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.office.msptls.dll |
msptls.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
1771920 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts15plc.dll |
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16.0.15601.20458 |
25576 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
connui.dll |
microsoft.data.connectionui.dll |
16312 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewuxd9be030ce46deea919b2af722732be7d |
116.bing-maps-web-part-property-pane-configuration.js |
1367 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
devdash.debug.js |
devdash.debug.js |
89841 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
searchrs.dll |
microsoft.office.server.search.remotesharepoint.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
60816 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.projectserver.client.dll_001 |
microsoft.projectserver.client.dll |
16.0.15601.20478 |
414704 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
upa15plc.config |
policy.15.0.microsoft.office.server.userprofiles.config |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux294ffd36afbed5a9fdb51794f4f3a730 |
sp-default-assembly.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
profileext.sql |
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1404855 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
group.debug.js |
group.debug.js |
125958 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
osfserver_serverproxy_dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.workflowservices.serverproxy.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
123392 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
prm002a.bin_osssearch |
prm002a.bin |
4777984 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
odffilt.dll.x64 |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux0c1b716582e2477f19bc1be02c5274df |
119.27.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.online.fileservices.dll |
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74664 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
bform.js |
bform.js |
259449 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.office.mso20win32server.dll |
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4592504 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
hierarchytaskslist.debug.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
inplview.debug.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
wsshelp.xml_1045 |
microsoft.sharepoint.powershell.dll-help.xml |
16-Jan-23 |
07:15 |
sts_spclientnewuxc3999a83469b1c005b1a3da872e7fe40 |
119.11.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.office.mso30win32server.dll |
mso30win32server.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
3308504 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sp.ui.applicationpages.calendar.debug.js |
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278413 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
feaamsi.xml |
feature.xml |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.proof.mshy2_tr.dll |
mshy7tr.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
160200 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux47aa23768441df5551438ceba1300cdc |
24.oauth-token-data-source.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux0f090153f91fd63880b278b0e0106d0b |
73.developer-tools.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.proof.mshy2_nb.lex |
mshy7nb.lex |
2656256 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
oss14plc.config |
policy.14.0.microsoft.office.server.search.config |
600 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sps14plc.config |
policy.14.0.microsoft.sharepoint.portal.config |
597 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
trsrv.policy15.config |
policy.15.0.microsoft.office.translationservices.config |
606 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sp.ui.bdcadminpages.js |
sp.ui.bdcadminpages.js |
11652 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.office.msosvgwin32server.dll |
msosvgwin32server.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewuxc94b98ef08db44b567c477432a1300a9 |
119.6.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
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sp-events-webpart-bundle.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
followingcommon.debug.js |
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24215 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ps15ext.config |
policy.15.0.microsoft.office.project.server.extensibility.config |
615 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ps15lib.config |
policy.15.0.microsoft.office.project.server.library.config |
609 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.portable.dll_gac.x64 |
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16.0.15601.20458 |
822216 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.serverruntime.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.serverruntime.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
730080 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewuxaeda81806b2ebbe14a80399912416a96 |
24.sp-pages-events.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
serializ_js |
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3221 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
imglib.debug.js |
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91322 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
prm000d.bin_osssearch |
prm000d.bin |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts11plc.config |
policy.11.0.microsoft.sharepoint.config |
590 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ipath12.dll |
policy.12.0.microsoft.office.infopath.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
25600 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.nlpbase.wordbreaker.dll |
microsoft.ceres.nlpbase.wordbreaker.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
131488 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.project.server.native.dll |
microsoft.office.project.server.native.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
688528 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
dsigres.cab.x86_1033 |
dsigres.cab |
235921 |
16-Jan-23 |
07:18 |
sts_sphomenewuxc0250aabec4b1e71150a3c5e78e664b7 |
searchux-main-sphome.js |
1472717 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
inmanagedom.dll |
microsoft.office.infopath.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
60304 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.sharepoint.workmanagement.client.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.workmanagement.client.dll |
16.0.15601.20478 |
98352 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_odspnextnewux75199cdb9d900d5ff11f7782399cb17f |
splistdeferred.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
connfxom.dll_0001 |
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16.0.15601.20474 |
1577896 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewuxa08a88a1a20d60fc6fa9f6eecf78666e |
embed-webpart-base.js |
45279 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
pwa.library.itemswapper.js |
itemswapper.js |
15216 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.proof.mshy2_pt.dll |
mshy7pt.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
160168 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
nl7models0011.dll_osssearch |
nl7models0011.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
7013408 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux3151f8bb6f986a1343864414a00725e7 |
114.people-property-pane.js |
2745 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.aspnet.odata.7.8.2.dll |
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982472 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
mydocs.js |
mydocs.js |
34455 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
spsec11.config |
policy.11.0.microsoft.sharepoint.security.config |
599 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewuxf485ef5d5dc2ff5ace09c9d6fafb52b9 |
24.siteheaderdeferredchunk.js |
5366 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ps15adm.dll |
policy.15.0.microsoft.office.project.server.administration.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
25768 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.contentrouter.dll |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.contentrouter.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
64392 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.discovery.soap.dll |
microsoft.office.discovery.soap.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
30656 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
wfa15plc.config |
policy.15.0.microsoft.sharepoint.workflowactions.config |
606 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.projectserver.serverproxy.dll |
microsoft.projectserver.serverproxy.dll |
16.0.15601.20478 |
1204280 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.coreservices.configuration.dll |
microsoft.ceres.coreservices.configuration.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
77792 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.proof.mshy2_sw.dll |
mshy7sw.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
160200 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.search.portable.dll.x64 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.search.portable.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
105928 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ptdlg.js |
pickertreedialog.js |
2952 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
followingcommon.js |
followingcommon.js |
10560 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.client.translationservices.silverlight.dll.x64 |
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16.0.15601.20458 |
42008 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.contentengine.processing.dll |
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16.0.15601.20458 |
99192 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.userprofiles.portable.dll.x64 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.userprofiles.portable.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
176608 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sp.ribbon.js |
sp.ribbon.js |
222920 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
lhp14plc.dll |
policy.14.0.microsoft.office.slidelibrary.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
25608 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
dsigres.cab.x64_1087 |
dsigres.cab |
235921 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:56 |
contentfollowing.debug.js |
contentfollowing.debug.js |
123898 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.interactionengine.datamodel.types.dll |
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16.0.15601.20458 |
30640 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.eedict_companies.de.dll |
microsoft.eedict_companies.de |
16.0.15601.20478 |
29656 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.proof.mshy2_bg.lex |
mshy7bg.lex |
67072 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
wfa12plc.config |
policy.12.0.microsoft.sharepoint.workflowactions.config |
606 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
stsap.dll_gac |
microsoft.sharepoint.applicationpages.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
2389992 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
appdeveloperdash.js |
appdeveloperdash.js |
11552 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
nl7lexicons0804.dll_osssearch |
nl7lexicons0804.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
430136 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
powerpointpowershell.format.ps1xml |
microsoft.office.server.powerpoint.format.ps1xml |
16072 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
vsrvintl.dll |
microsoft.office.visio.server.intl.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
113608 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
dsigctrl.cab.x64 |
dsigctrl.cab |
485655 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
wsshelp.xml_1081 |
microsoft.sharepoint.powershell.dll-help.xml |
16-Jan-23 |
07:00 |
astpkrs_js |
assetpickers.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.contentengine.services.dll |
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16.0.15601.20458 |
117144 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.sharepoint.powershell.intl.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.powershell.intl.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
108968 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
wdsrv.conversion.sword.dll |
sword.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
17462144 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.proof.mshy2_gl.dll |
mshy7gl.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
160192 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux1a0066429fafb604e6ea0d15f15d8866 |
24.sp-pages-app.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_sphomenewux4bf88d694ee8449f7f0ea170824568fb |
sphome-utilities.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
communitiestileview.js |
sp.ui.communities.tileview.js |
8540 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.translationservices.dll |
microsoft.office.translationservices.dll |
16.0.15601.20478 |
409016 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.nlpbase.dictionaryinterface.dll |
microsoft.ceres.nlpbase.dictionaryinterface.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
62400 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.proof.mshy2_cr.dll |
mshy7hr.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
160168 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
mswb7.dll_osssearch |
mswb7.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
272368 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
clextn15.config |
policy.15.0.microsoft.office.sharepoint.clientextensions.config |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
mountpt.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
wsshelp.xml_1063 |
microsoft.sharepoint.powershell.dll-help.xml |
16-Jan-23 |
07:00 |
frmirmp.dll_0001 |
microsoft.office.irm.formprotector.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
174632 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
dw20.exe_0001 |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sm.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewuxb200a6283a80b8a6b4ee220419563723 |
sp-toolbox.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
pwa.library.projectserverscripts.tm.debug.js |
ps.teammembers.debug.js |
349658 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.indexes.fastserverindex.dll |
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16.0.15601.20458 |
198112 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.proof.mshy2_no.lex |
mshy7no.lex |
1645568 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
wsshelp.xml_1051 |
microsoft.sharepoint.powershell.dll-help.xml |
16-Jan-23 |
07:15 |
sts_odspnextnewux14b2229aa8737494be04fb698fedbc8d |
sitehub.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.office.osfsharedserver.dll |
osfsharedserver.dll |
16.0.15601.20470 |
728024 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ifs14.dll |
policy.14.0.microsoft.office.infopath.server.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
25632 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ps12plc.dll |
policy.12.0.microsoft.office.project.server.pwa.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
25712 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.contentengine.util.dll |
microsoft.ceres.contentengine.util.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
124296 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
spsec15.config |
policy.15.0.microsoft.sharepoint.security.config |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
roamingapps.debug.js |
roamingapps.debug.js |
58900 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
pol15plc.dll |
policy.15.0.microsoft.office.policy.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
25608 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.workflow.feature.dll |
microsoft.office.workflow.feature.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
42992 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
spui_col.js |
sp.ui.collabmailbox.js |
7594 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
connfxom.dll |
microsoft.office.server.search.connector.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
1577896 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.microsoft.office.server.native.dll |
microsoft.office.server.native.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
887704 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.web.osidefinitions.dll |
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16.0.15601.20478 |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux53b6a33d178bf0e8ccf4007ece518abd |
50.sp-filepickercontrol.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ps15plc.dll |
policy.15.0.microsoft.office.project.server.pwa.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
25624 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.flighting.dll |
microsoft.ceres.flighting.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
168352 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
dlc.workflow.tasks.dll |
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16.0.15601.20474 |
54288 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
offfiltx.dll.x64 |
offfiltx.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
1869296 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.web.sandbox.dll |
microsoft.office.web.sandbox.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
728080 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.runtime.windowsphone.dll.x64 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.runtime.windowsphone.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
form.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
wpadder.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewux4a31d91baed503c9b44c1541428d4c2b |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewuxe90ae978c09ee7ebe3e870f059308db3 |
112.herowebpart-propertypaneconfiguration.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ippagecv.exe |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
msmdloc.dll |
msmdlocal_xl.dll |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.contentengine.operators.external.dll |
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16.0.15601.20458 |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.fast.descriptivemonitoring.bootstrap.dll |
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16.0.15601.20458 |
35232 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
wss14plc.config |
policy.14.0.microsoft.sharepoint.search.config |
597 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.proof.mshy2_lt.dll |
mshy7lt.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
160160 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.fileservices.beta.dll |
microsoft.fileservices.beta.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
113096 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.web.common.dll |
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16.0.15601.20478 |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.coreservices.admin.dllmsil |
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16.0.15601.20458 |
34768 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
powshl14.config |
policy.14.0.microsoft.sharepoint.powershell.config |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
clextn15.dll |
policy.15.0.microsoft.office.sharepoint.clientextensions.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
26200 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
clientx.dll |
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16.0.15601.20478 |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_odspnextnewux9b63549651583f94a6560b1f3ae0fa8f |
listviewdataprefetch.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.connectedservices.identity.dll |
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16.0.15601.20478 |
75656 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
prm001b.bin_osssearch |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_sphomenewuxab3efcb3b4702929d33f754cfd563158 |
searchux-resources.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
mysiterecommendations.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.proof.mshy2_es.dll |
mshy7es.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
sts_spclientnewuxe526f3106af18bfd9a893c145a68bea1 |
sp-divider-webpart-bundle.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
osfserver_portable_dll.x64 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.workflowservices.portable.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
54352 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
osrvintl.dll |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
bar14plc.dll |
policy.14.0.microsoft.office.policy.barcode.generator.dll |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
powshl15.dll |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.sharepoint.killswitch.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.killswitch.dll |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
connfxph.dll |
connectorph.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ps15evt.config |
policy.15.0.microsoft.office.project.server.events.receivers.config |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
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139656 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.proof.mshy2_sro.lex |
mshy7sro.lex |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
msvcp140_2.dll.dfefc2fe_eee6_424c_841b_d4e66f0c84a3 |
msvcp140_2.dll |
185720 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.server.webanalytics.ui.dll |
microsoft.office.server.webanalytics.ui.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
33776 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.generationcontroller.dll |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.generationcontroller.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
136624 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.proof.mshy2_ua.lex |
mshy7uk.lex |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
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sp-newsreel-webpart-bundle.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
cms12plc.dll |
policy.12.0.microsoft.sharepoint.publishing.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
25640 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
cmis14_plc_data.config |
policy.14.0.microsoft.sharepoint.cmis.data.config |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.journal.dll |
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16.0.15601.20458 |
201648 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ifswfep.dll |
microsoft.office.infopath.server.pages.dll |
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47056 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.nlpbase.diagnostics.dll |
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16.0.15601.20458 |
31160 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.office.msoserver.dll |
msoserver.dll |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
mysitecommon.js |
sp.ui.mysitecommon.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.proof.mshy2_it.dll |
mshy7it.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
160168 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
mfc140cht.dll.f1670fca_6780_3657_9c04_af8005ac8143 |
mfc140cht.dll |
39816 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
mfc140deu.dll.f1670fca_6780_3657_9c04_af8005ac8143 |
mfc140deu.dll |
68488 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
onfda.dll |
onfda.dll |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
uls.n_1_new.dll |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
conversion.office.exp_pdf_server.dll |
exp_pdf_server.dll |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
spui_cold.js |
sp.ui.collabmailbox.debug.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
spxapppage14plc.dll |
policy.14.0.microsoft.sharepoint.spx.applicationpages.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
26224 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.projectserver.dll |
microsoft.projectserver.dll |
16.0.15601.20478 |
866296 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
ps14lib.dll |
policy.14.0.microsoft.office.project.server.library.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
25688 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.ceres.coreservices.management.dll |
microsoft.ceres.coreservices.management.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
59344 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
microsoft.office.server.conversions.dll |
microsoft.office.server.conversions.dll |
16.0.15601.20474 |
36776 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
oisimg.dll |
oisimg.dll |
16.0.15601.20458 |
99824 |
16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
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splistdeferredexpress.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
form.debug.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
spui_rid.js |
sp.ui.relateditems.debug.js |
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16-Jan-23 |
06:42 |
mediaplayer.xap |
mediaplayer.xap |