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Ativar cookies - Suporte da Microsoft
Para que o Lync Web App funcione corretamente, deve ativar os cookies no seu browser. Eis como pode ativar os cookies se o seu browser estiver a bloqueá-los: Microsoft Edge (Windows 10) Na janela do Microsoft Edge, selecione Mais (...) > Definições > Ver definições avançadas. Desloque-se para baixo até Cookies e selecione Não bloquear cookies. Internet Explorer. No Internet Explorer ...
Applicable à : Lync Web App pour Lync Online, Lync Web App, Lync Web App géré par 21Vianet
JavaScript inschakelen in Windows - Microsoft Ondersteuning
Voor de website(s) die u wilt toestaan, voert u het adres in het tekstvak Deze website toevoegen aan de zone in en klikt u op Toevoegen. Opmerking: als het adres niet begint met 'https:', moet u 'Serververificatie vereisen (https:) voor alle sites in deze zone' uitschakelen.
Third party cookie inventory - Microsoft Support
This cookie name is associated with software provided by LivePerson to enable website owners to engage visitors in live chat. It is reported to be used to identify the account of the site owner. This is a pattern type cookie with a common root of HumanClickSiteContainerID_ followed by a string of numbers.
How do I enable Samsung Edge Lighting? - Microsoft Support
To enable Edge Lighting notifications, open your device settings > tap Display > Edge Screen, and then, enable the toggle for Edge Lighting. This will turn on the Edge Lighting feature for your device. Once you've done this, you'll need to specify a higher priority notification for Outlook.
Applicable à : Outlook pour Android
Het donkere thema gebruiken in Microsoft Edge
Het donkere thema verandert de standaard heldere achtergrondkleur in de nieuwe Microsoft Edge in een donkerdere kleur, wat de leesbaarheid verbetert in omgevingen met weinig licht of als je de voorkeur geeft aan minder heldere interfaces. Je kunt als volgt de donkere modus activeren: Ga naar Instellingen en meer > Instellingen.
Add a site to my favorites in Microsoft Edge
Open Microsoft Edge and go to the site you want to add to your favorites. Select the Add this page to favorites button in the address bar. Rename the favorite (if you want to) and/or choose a different folder to save it in, and then select Done .
Administrar cookies en Microsoft Edge: ver, permitir, bloquear ...
Microsoft Edge le permite bloquear las cookies de un sitio específico; sin embargo, esto podría impedir que algunas páginas se muestren correctamente, o es posible que reciba un mensaje de un sitio que le informe de que necesita permitir las cookies para ver ese sitio. Para bloquear las cookies de un sitio específico: Abre el explorador Edge, selecciona Configuración y más en la esquina ...
Applicable à : Microsoft Edge
Enable or disable full rich-text formatting in a rich text box
Right-click the rich text box for which you want to enable or disable full rich-text formatting, and then click Rich Text Box Properties on the shortcut menu. Click the Display tab. To enable full rich-text formatting for the selected rich text box, select the Full rich text (images, tables, etc.) check box, and then do one of the following:
Applicable à : InfoPath 2010, InfoPath 2013
How to use Microsoft Edge on Xbox | Xbox Support
Enable Ask for my PIN to launch Microsoft Edge to protect your browsing experience on console. Things to keep in mind: Some features that exist on other versions of Edge (like downloads or browser extensions) aren't supported on the console version of the browser. Edge can be used to watch videos, but it may run into issues with video playback on various websites, depending on whether those ...
Keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
Open a file from your computer in Edge. Ctrl + Shift + O. Open Favorites Ctrl + P. Print the current page. Ctrl + Shift + P. Print using the system dialog. Ctrl + R. Reload the current page. Ctrl + Shift + R. Reload the current page, ignoring cached content. Ctrl + S. Save the current page. Ctrl + T. Open a new tab and switch to it. Ctrl + Shift + T. Reopen the last closed tab, and switch to ...