Installieren eines Druckers unter Windows - Microsoft-Support
Windows 11 unterstützt die meisten Drucker, sodass Sie wahrscheinlich keine spezielle Druckersoftware installieren müssen. Wenn Sie Windows aktualisieren, sind möglicherweise zusätzliche Druckertreiber und Unterstützung verfügbar. So installieren oder fügen Sie einen Netzwerk-, Drahtlos- oder Bluetooth-Drucker hinzu . Wenn der Drucker eingeschaltet und mit dem Netzwerk verbunden ist ...
Obtener la actualización más reciente de Windows
Los dispositivos Windows pueden obtener nuevas funciones en diferentes momentos, ya que Microsoft ofrece actualizaciones no relacionadas con la seguridad, correcciones, mejoras y mejoras a través de varias tecnologías de mantenimiento, incluida la implementación controlada de funciones (CFR). Windows te avisará si necesitas reiniciar el dispositivo para completar una actualización y ...
Additional privacy for your saved passwords - Microsoft Support
After you turn on this setting, every time you visit a website for which you have your password saved, you’ll be asked to authenticate with your device credentials before the saved password is autofilled. So, someone else trying to use your saved passwords with autofill won't be able to, unless they have the device password. Understanding the capability and limitations. Requiring ...
Install a printer in Windows - Microsoft Support
When you connect a printer or scanner to your PC or add a new printer or all-in-one device to your home network, you can usually start printing right away. Windows 11 supports most printers, so you probably won't have to install special printer software. Additional printer drivers and support might be available if you update Windows.
"Do not turn off system power after a Windows system shutdown has ...
Fixes an issue in which a blank screen is displayed instead of a message after Windows is shut down. This issue occurs when you enable the "Do not turn off system power after a Windows system shutdown has occurred" Group Policy setting in Windows 7 or in Windows Server 2008 R2.
Conseils pour améliorer les performances de votre PC sous Windows ...
Windows 11 comprend de nombreux effets visuels, tels que des animations et des effets d’ombre. Ces effets sont très esthétiques, mais ils utilisent des ressources système supplémentaires et peuvent ralentir votre PC. Cela est tout particulièrement vrai si votre PC possède peu de mémoire (RAM). Pour ajuster les effets visuels dans Windows
KB5017130: Managing Windows 11 “System requirements not met” message in ...
As an administrator, you might want to turn off the “System requirements not met” message. To do this, use either Group Policy editor or a device management solution. To do this, use either Group Policy editor or a device management solution.
Protect your PC from unwanted software - Microsoft Support
For the potentially unwanted apps, Windows can let you know that we have concerns, and let you decide if you want to proceed with installing them or not. For more information about turning on protection from potentially unwanted apps see Protect your PC from potentially unwanted applications .
Przygotowywanie do uaktualnienia systemu Windows 11
Uwaga: Niektóre funkcje systemu Windows 10 nie są dostępne w systemie Windows 11. Wymagania systemowe dotyczące korzystania z niektórych funkcji i aplikacji systemu Windows 11 przekraczają minimalne wymagania systemowe systemu Windows 11. Znajdowanie Windows 11 specyfikacji, funkcji i wymagań dotyczących komputera
Write a letter in Word for the web - Microsoft Support
Tip: If you're already in Word for the web, get to the letter templates by going to File > New, and then below the template images click More on You'll be on the Templates for Word page. In the list of categories, click Letters.
Applicable à : Word pour le web