Applies ToExchange Online Exchange Server 2016 Enterprise Edition Exchange Server 2016 Standard Edition Exchange Server 2013 Enterprise Edition Exchange Server 2013 Standard Edition Exchange Server 2019
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You experience the following issues in Exchange Online or on-premises Microsoft Exchange Server:

  • The transport rule and the mailbox rule don't work for a given mailbox. However, the rules run correctly in that mailbox when you run them manually.

  • Typical email messages that are delivered to the JournalingReportNdrTo mailbox in the organization are not journaled as designed. 

  • Automatic replies, such as out-of-office messages, aren't sent for the user.


To fix these issues, set JournalingReportNdrTo to an external address in Exchange Online. In on-premises Exchange Server, set JournalingReportNdrTo to a dedicated mailbox without any transport rule or mailbox, or set it to an external address.

The default value for the JournalingReportNdrTo property is $null for both Exchange Online and on-premises Exchange Server. After the property has been set to a mailbox email address, it can later be set to an alternative email address. However, it can't be reverted to $null.

To fix the issues that are mentioned in the “PROBLEM” section, follow these steps.

Exchange Online

Using Exchange Online PowerShell

  1. Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell.

  2. Run the following cmdlet:

    set-transportconfig -JournalingReportNdrTo <> 

    Note In this example, the <> placeholder represents an external address to which you have to send the NDRs.

Using the Exchange admin center

  1. Sign in to the Exchange admin center by using an administrator account.

  2. Select Compliance Management > Journal Rules.

  3. Review the value for the Send undeliverable journal reports to setting.

  4. To select an external contact to which you have to send the NDRs, select Select address > Browse

  5. Select Save.

Note If you don't set the JournalingReportNdrTo value to an address, you might lose the journal report if the journaling destination refuses the journal report. Therefore, we recommend that you set this value to an external address.

On-premises Exchange Server

  1. Open the Exchange Management Shell, and then run the following cmdlet:

    Get-TransportConfig | fl JournalingReportNdrTo* 
  2. Verify that the affected mailbox is listed in the output.

  3. Run the following cmdlet:

    Set-TransportConfig –JournalingReportNdrTo <EmailAddress> 

    Note We recommend that you set the <EmailAddress> value to a dedicated mailbox or an external address. If you don't set the value to an address, the journal report might be lost if the journaling destination refuses the journal report.

  4. Run the following cmdlet:

    Get-TransportConfig | fl JournalingReportNdrTo* 
  5. Verify that the affected mailbox is not listed in the output.

Still need help? Go to Microsoft Community or the Exchange TechNet Forums

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