Applies ToSQL Server 2016 Developer - duplicate (do not use) SQL Server 2016 Enterprise - duplicate (do not use) SQL Server 2016 Standard - duplicate (do not use)


You restore a SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) database (of compatibility level 1200) or attach an SSAS database (of compatibility level 1200) or restart a server that contains an SSAS database (of compatibility level 1200). If you process one of the partitions of any table in that database, data loss may occur on other partitions of the same table. The partition(s) that were explicitly processed will not lose data; it’s only the other partitions in that table that will lose data.For example, this issue may occur in the following scenarios.Scenario 1

  • You restart an instance of SQL Server 2016 that contains an SSAS database of compatibility level 1200 that contains a table with single partition.

  • You add a new partition to that table and process only that newly added partition.

  • The previously existing partition in that table loses data.

Scenario 2

  • You restore an SSAS database of compatibility level 1200 (with multi-partitioned table) from a backup.

  • You process a single partition in that table.

  • The other partitions in that table lose data.


The fix for this issue is included in the following cumulative update for SQL Server:

Cumulative Update 1 for SQL Server 2016

Each new cumulative update for SQL Server contains all the hotfixes and all the security fixes that were included with the previous cumulative update. Check out the latest cumulative updates for SQL Server:

Latest cumulative update for SQL Server 2016

For the download information about this GDR hotfix, refer to KB 3179258 Processing a partition causes data loss on other partitions after the database is restored in SQL Server 2016 (1200).


To work around this issue, perform a full processing of the table after the database is restored.


Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the "Applies to" section.


Learn about the terminology Microsoft uses to describe software updates.

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