U ovom se članku opisuju kumulativni Update Package 5 (međuverzija: 11.0.5582.0) za Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 2 (SP2). Ovo ažuriranje sadrži hitne popravke za probleme koji su bili ispravljeni nakon objavljivanja sustava SQL Server 2012 SP2.
Dohvaćanje ovog kumulativnog paketa za ažuriranje
Na vrhu ovog članka iz baze znanja kliknite "preuzimanje hitnog popravka". Ako se ne prikaže stranica "zahtjev za hitnim popravkom", obratite se Microsoftovoj korisničkoj službi i podršci da biste nabavili kumulativni paket za ažuriranje.
Hitni popravci koji su uvršteni u ovaj kumulativni paket za ažuriranje
Broj VSTS bug |
Broj članka iz baze znanja |
Opis |
Popravak područja |
4034265 |
2989043 |
Servisi za izvješćivanje |
4067264 |
3016165 |
SQL servis |
3746215 |
3020350 |
Integracijske usluge |
4067256 |
3023629 |
FIX: visoka upotreba CPU-a nakon korištenja komunalnog alata za DUS 2012 za obradu podataka |
Servisi za analizu |
4067259 |
3026082 |
SQL servis |
4067262 |
3026083 |
SQL servis |
4067274 |
3028322 |
Servisi za izvješćivanje |
3995494 |
3029776 |
Servisi za analizu |
3980976 |
3032476 |
SQL servis |
4058285 |
3033041 |
Integracijske usluge |
4077857 |
3034492 |
Servisi za analizu |
4124969 |
3034679 |
FIX: AlwaysOn Raspoloživost grupe prijavljene su kao NESINKRONIZIRANJE |
Velika dostupnost |
3987784 |
3036201 |
Glavne podatkovne usluge (MDS) |
4019503 |
3037624 |
FIX: složeni paralelni upit ne reagira u sustavu SQL Server 2012 |
SQL performanse |
4138602 |
3038267 |
Servisi za izvješćivanje |
4001004 |
3038331 |
Servisi za izvješćivanje |
4111094 |
3038332 |
Servisi za izvješćivanje |
4136827 |
3038943 |
Velika dostupnost |
4142251 |
3039035 |
SQL servis |
4166567 |
3040675 |
Servisi za izvješćivanje |
4166534 |
3040804 |
Integracijske usluge |
4166659 |
3041056 |
Servisi za izvješćivanje |
4168490 |
3041859 |
SQL veza |
4203721 |
3042007 |
SQL servis |
4142191 |
3042077 |
Servisi za analizu |
4073547 |
3042135 |
SQL servis |
4049132 |
3044958 |
SQL servis |
Bilješke za ovo ažuriranje
Kumulativno ažuriranje
Preporučujemo da testirate hitne popravke prije nego što ih implementirate u proizvodnom okruženju.
Preporučujemo da primijenite najnovije izdanje ažuriranja.
Ovaj kumulativni paket namijenjen je za ispravljanje samo problema opisanih u ovom članku. Primijenite ga samo na sustave u kojima se nalaze ovi specifični problemi.
Najnovije izdanje ažuriranja sadrži sve hitne popravke i sva ažuriranja koja su bila uključena u prethodno izdanje ažuriranja sustava SQL Server 2012.
Preporučujemo da SQL Server nadogradite na najnoviji servisni paket sustava SQL server 2012.
Hibridnih okruženja za implementaciju
Kada hitnih popravaka implementirate u hibridno okruženje (kao što su AlwaysOn, repliciranje, klaster, zrcaljenje i cluster), preporučujemo da se obratite na sljedeće članke prije nego što ih implementirate:
Sustav SQL Server failover klasteriranog ažuriranja i servisnog paketa.Napomena Ako ne želite koristiti postupak obnavljanja, slijedite ove korake da biste primijenili CU ili SP:
Instalirajte servisni paket na pasivni čvor.
Instalirajte servisni paket na aktivni čvor (ovaj upit za korake ponovno pokreni).
Nadogradnja i ažuriranje poslužitelja grupe za dostupnost koji koriste minimalne prekida rada i gubitka podataka.Napomena Ako ste omogućili Alwaysonu sa programom SSISDB Catalog da biste saznali više o primjeni cu ili SP-a u tim okruženjima, pročitajte članak informacije o SSIS-u s programom AlwaysOn.
Primjena hitnog popravka za SQL Server u topologiji replikacije
Hitni popravci sustava SQL Server sada su višejezični. Dakle, ovaj kumulativni paket ažuriranja nije specifičan za jedan jezik. Primjenjuje se na sve podržane jezike.
U obrascu "preuzimanje hitnog popravka" prikazuje se jezici za koje je paket ažuriranja dostupan. Ako ne vidite jezik, to znači da paket kumulativnog ažuriranja nije dostupan za taj jezik.
Jedan kumulativni paket ažuriranja obuhvaća sve sastavne pakete. No kumulativni paket ažuriranja obnavlja samo one komponente instalirane u sustavu.
Ako se pojave dodatni problemi ili ako je potrebno otklanjanje poteškoća, možda ćete morati stvoriti zaseban zahtjev za uslugom. Uobičajeni će se troškovi podrške primjenjivati na dodatna pitanja o podršci i na probleme koji se ne kvalificiraju za ovaj određeni kumulativni paket za ažuriranje. Potpuni popis Microsoftova servisa za korisnike te podršku za telefonske brojeve ili stvaranje zasebnog zahtjeva za servis potražite na Microsoftovu web-mjestu za podršku.
Da biste to učinili, slijedite ove korake:
Na upravljačkoj ploči kliknite Dodaj ili ukloni programe. Napomena Ako koristite Windows 7 ili noviju verziju, kliknite Programi i značajke na upravljačkoj ploči.
Pronađite unos koji odgovara ovom zbirnom paketu za ažuriranje.
Desnom tipkom miša kliknite stavku, a zatim kliknite Deinstaliraj.
Kumulativne informacije o paketu ažuriranja
PreduvjetiDa biste primijenili ovaj kumulativni paket za ažuriranje, morate koristiti SQL Server 2012 SP2.
Informacije o ponovnom pokretanju Možda ćete morati ponovno pokrenuti računalo nakon primjene ovog kumulativnog paketa za ažuriranje.
Podaci u registru Da biste koristili jedan od hitnih popravaka u ovom paketu, ne morate unositi nikakve promjene u registar.
Ovaj kumulativni paket za ažuriranje možda ne sadrži sve datoteke koje morate imati da biste u potpunosti ažurirali proizvod na najnoviju verziju. Ovaj paket sadrži samo datoteke koje morate imati da biste riješili probleme navedene u ovom članku. Engleska verzija ovog paketa sadrži atribute datoteka (ili noviji atributi datoteka) koji se nalaze na popisu u sljedećoj tablici. Datumi i vremena za te datoteke navedeni su u koordiniranom univerzalnom vremenu (UTC). Kada pogledate informacije o datoteci, ona će se pretvoriti u Lokalno vrijeme. Da biste pronašli razliku između UTC-a i lokalnog vremena, upotrijebite karticu Vremenska zona u stavci datuma i vremena na upravljačkoj ploči.
verzije utemeljene na arhitekturi x86
SQL Server 2012 poslovna inteligencija Development Studio
Naziv datoteke |
Verzija datoteke |
Veličina datoteke |
Datum |
Vrijeme |
Platforma |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlsqmqueries.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
85664 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Sqlsqm_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
24224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2012 Writer
Naziv datoteke |
Verzija datoteke |
Veličina datoteke |
Datum |
Vrijeme |
Platforma |
Sqlwriter.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
105640 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Sqlwriter_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
24224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Sqlwvss.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
240296 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Servisi za analizu sustava SQL Server 2012
Naziv datoteke |
Verzija datoteke |
Veličina datoteke |
Datum |
Vrijeme |
Platforma |
Powerpivotspaddinconfiguration.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
303264 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
64237216 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Msmdsrv.exe |
11.0.5582.0 |
64032416 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Msolap110.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
7451296 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Sql_as_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
24224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Xmsrv.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
24507552 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2012 poslovna inteligencija Development Studio
Naziv datoteke |
Verzija datoteke |
Veličina datoteke |
Datum |
Vrijeme |
Platforma |
Commanddest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
187040 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dteparse.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
101032 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtepkg.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
104096 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtexec.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
62120 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:44 |
x86 |
Dts.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
2285736 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
369824 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtsconn.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
349344 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtsdebughost.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
72352 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:44 |
x86 |
Dtshost.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
76456 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:44 |
x86 |
Dtslog.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
98976 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
942752 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtuparse.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
80552 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtutil.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
111776 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:44 |
x86 |
Exceldest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
197800 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Excelsrc.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
212648 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Execpackagetask.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
125600 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Flatfiledest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
315552 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
322216 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
64168 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
1523360 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.project.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
2156192 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.dataflowui.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
1225896 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.design.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
4005024 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.vsintegration.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
526496 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
3845800 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
212640 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.datarendering.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
155304 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
1013928 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
1363616 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.excelrendering.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
667296 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.hpbprocessing.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
331424 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
315040 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.imagerendering.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
163488 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.processingcore.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
5578400 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.querydesigners.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
2584224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportpreview.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
665248 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
32936 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.graph.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
2175136 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlsqmqueries.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
85664 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqltask.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
77472 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
115872 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltask.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
153248 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltaskui.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
118440 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
79520 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
64237216 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Msolap110.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
7451296 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Oledbdest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
198304 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Oledbsrc.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
215200 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Rawdest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
152224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Rawsource.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
147616 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Recordsetdest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
136864 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeclient.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
155816 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:56 |
x86 |
Sql_bids_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
24224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Sqldest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
198816 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
28320 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial110.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
521384 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
121504 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Ssisupgrade.exe |
11.0.5582.0 |
351400 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Txagg.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
267424 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txbestmatch.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
454312 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txcache.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
129184 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txcharmap.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
221344 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txdataconvert.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
229032 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txderived.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
467624 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txfileextractor.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
146592 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txfileinserter.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
145056 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txgroupdups.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
272032 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txlineage.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
82080 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txlookup.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
394920 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txmerge.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
143008 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txmergejoin.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
202912 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txmulticast.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
71840 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txpivot.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
162464 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txrowcount.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
70816 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txsampling.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
103584 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txscd.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
138920 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txsort.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
190112 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txsplit.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
461992 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txtermextraction.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
8624800 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txtermlookup.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
4096160 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txunionall.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
108192 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txunpivot.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
146600 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Xmsrv.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
24507552 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Common Core servisa sustava SQL Server 2012
Naziv datoteke |
Verzija datoteke |
Veličina datoteke |
Datum |
Vrijeme |
Platforma |
Microsoft.analysisservices.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
1523360 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.powershell.cmdlets.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
81568 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.rmo.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
581288 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.smo.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
3649192 |
27-Feb-2015 |
19:29 |
x86 |
Sql_common_core_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
24224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Svrenumapi.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
949416 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Klijent za kvalitetu podataka sustava SQL Server 2012
Naziv datoteke |
Verzija datoteke |
Veličina datoteke |
Datum |
Vrijeme |
Platforma |
Sql_dqc_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
24224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Kvaliteta podataka sustava SQL Server 2012
Naziv datoteke |
Verzija datoteke |
Veličina datoteke |
Datum |
Vrijeme |
Platforma |
Microsoft.ssdqs.core.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
609448 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.ssdqs.dataservice.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
87712 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Kvaliteta podataka sustava SQL Server 2012
Naziv datoteke |
Verzija datoteke |
Veličina datoteke |
Datum |
Vrijeme |
Platforma |
Sql_dq_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
24224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Osnovna instanca servisa baze podataka sustava SQL Server 2012
Naziv datoteke |
Verzija datoteke |
Veličina datoteke |
Datum |
Vrijeme |
Platforma |
Backuptourl.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
39584 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:44 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.vdiinterface.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
69280 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Rsfxft.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
31912 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Sql_engine_core_inst_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
24224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Sqlaccess.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
442528 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:56 |
x86 |
Sqlagent.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
448672 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Sqldk.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
1671840 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Sqllang.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
26435232 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Sqlmin.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
26768032 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Sqlos.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
25248 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
28320 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Sqlscriptupgrade.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
5631648 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:57 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial110.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
521384 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Sqlservr.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
162984 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Sqltses.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
8163488 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Xpqueue.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
65696 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Xprepl.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
85664 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Osnovni zajednički servisi baze podataka sustava SQL Server 2012
Naziv datoteke |
Verzija datoteke |
Veličina datoteke |
Datum |
Vrijeme |
Platforma |
Commanddest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
187040 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Distrib.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
161440 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:44 |
x86 |
Dteparse.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
101032 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtepkg.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
104096 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtexec.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
62120 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:44 |
x86 |
Dts.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
2285736 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
369824 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtsconn.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
349344 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtshost.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
76456 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:44 |
x86 |
Dtslog.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
98976 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
942752 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtuparse.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
80552 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtutil.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
111776 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:44 |
x86 |
Exceldest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
197800 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Excelsrc.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
212648 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Execpackagetask.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
125600 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Flatfiledest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
315552 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
322216 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
64168 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Logread.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
531104 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Mergetxt.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
43680 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
32936 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.pssnapins.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
171680 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.replication.businesslogicsupport.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
61096 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.replication.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
1796264 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.rmo.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
581288 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.smo.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
3649192 |
27-Feb-2015 |
19:29 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqltask.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
77472 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
115872 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltask.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
153248 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
79520 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Msgprox.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
273056 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Oledbdest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
198304 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Oledbsrc.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
215200 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Qrdrsvc.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
426144 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Rawdest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
152224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Rawsource.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
147616 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Rdistcom.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
713888 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Recordsetdest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
136864 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Replagnt.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
28320 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Repldp.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
244896 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Replerrx.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
118432 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Replisapi.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
320160 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Replmerg.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
439968 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Replprov.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
670880 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Replrec.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
870048 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:56 |
x86 |
Replsub.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
434336 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Replsync.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
118432 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Spresolv.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
198816 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Sql_engine_core_shared_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
24224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Sqldistx.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
159392 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Sqlmergx.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
292512 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
28320 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
121504 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Sqlwep110.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
103072 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Ssradd.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
55464 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Ssravg.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
55968 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Ssrdown.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
41128 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Ssrmax.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
54432 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Ssrmin.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
54432 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Ssrpub.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
41640 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Ssrup.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
40608 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txagg.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
267424 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txdataconvert.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
229032 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txderived.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
467624 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txlookup.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
394920 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txmerge.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
143008 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txmergejoin.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
202912 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txmulticast.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
71840 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txrowcount.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
70816 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txsort.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
190112 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txsplit.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
461992 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txunionall.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
108192 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Xmlsub.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
198816 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Modul za SQL Server 2012 u cijelom tekstu
Naziv datoteke |
Verzija datoteke |
Veličina datoteke |
Datum |
Vrijeme |
Platforma |
Fd.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
499880 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Sql_fulltext_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
24224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Servisi za integraciju sustava SQL Server 2012
Naziv datoteke |
Verzija datoteke |
Veličina datoteke |
Datum |
Vrijeme |
Platforma |
Commanddest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
187040 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dteparse.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
101032 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtepkg.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
104096 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtexec.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
62120 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:44 |
x86 |
Dts.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
2285736 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
369824 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtsconn.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
349344 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtsdebughost.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
72352 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:44 |
x86 |
Dtshost.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
76456 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:44 |
x86 |
Dtslog.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
98976 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
942752 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtuparse.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
80552 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtutil.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
111776 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:44 |
x86 |
Exceldest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
197800 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Excelsrc.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
212648 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Execpackagetask.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
125600 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Flatfiledest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
315552 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
322216 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
64168 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
32936 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqltask.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
77472 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
115872 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltask.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
153248 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Msdtssrvr.exe |
11.0.5582.0 |
219304 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
79520 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Oledbdest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
198304 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Oledbsrc.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
215200 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Rawdest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
152224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Rawsource.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
147616 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Recordsetdest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
136864 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Sql_is_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
24224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Sqldest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
198816 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
121504 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Ssisupgrade.exe |
11.0.5582.0 |
351400 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Txagg.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
267424 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txbestmatch.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
454312 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txcache.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
129184 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txcharmap.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
221344 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txdataconvert.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
229032 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txderived.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
467624 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txfileextractor.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
146592 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txfileinserter.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
145056 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txgroupdups.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
272032 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txlineage.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
82080 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txlookup.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
394920 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txmerge.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
143008 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txmergejoin.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
202912 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txmulticast.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
71840 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txpivot.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
162464 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txrowcount.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
70816 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txsampling.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
103584 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txscd.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
138920 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txsort.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
190112 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txsplit.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
461992 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txtermextraction.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
8624800 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txtermlookup.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
4096160 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txunionall.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
108192 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txunpivot.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
146600 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services
Naziv datoteke |
Verzija datoteke |
Veličina datoteke |
Datum |
Vrijeme |
Platforma |
Microsoft.analysisservices.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
1523360 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
368288 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:56 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
396960 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:56 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
396968 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:56 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
409248 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:55 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
528032 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
392864 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:55 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
417440 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:56 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
413352 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
401056 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
429728 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
409248 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
409248 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
388768 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
401056 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:56 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
401056 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:56 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
511648 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
388768 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:56 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
396968 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:56 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
364192 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
405152 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
409256 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:55 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
368288 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:56 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
409248 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:55 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
417440 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:56 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
401056 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
429728 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
409248 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
401056 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:56 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
511648 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
364192 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
409256 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:55 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
3845800 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
212640 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
212640 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.datarendering.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
155304 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.datarendering.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
155304 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
1363616 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
1363616 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.excelrendering.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
667296 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.excelrendering.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
667296 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.hpbprocessing.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
331424 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.hpbprocessing.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
331424 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
315040 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
315040 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.imagerendering.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
163488 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.imagerendering.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
163488 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.processingcore.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
5578400 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.processingcore.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
5578400 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.querydesigners.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
2584224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportpreview.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
665248 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.sharepoint.server.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
241312 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.upgradescripts.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
487072 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
64237216 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Msolap110.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
7451296 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesemaildeliveryprovider.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
89768 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:56 |
x86 |
Reportingserviceslibrary.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
2150048 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:56 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeclient.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
155816 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:56 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeserver.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
124576 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:56 |
x86 |
Reportingserviceswebserver.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
1547936 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:56 |
x86 |
Reportingserviceswebuserinterface.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
2240160 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:56 |
x86 |
Rsconfigtool.exe |
11.0.5582.0 |
1351336 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Sql_rs_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
24224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial110.dll.deploy |
2011.110.5582.0 |
521384 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial110.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
521384 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Xmsrv.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
24507552 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2012 Management Studio
Naziv datoteke |
Verzija datoteke |
Veličina datoteke |
Datum |
Vrijeme |
Platforma |
Commanddest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
187040 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dteparse.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
101032 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtepkg.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
104096 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtexec.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
62120 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:44 |
x86 |
Dts.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
2285736 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
369824 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtsconn.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
349344 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtsdebughost.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
72352 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:44 |
x86 |
Dtshost.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
76456 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:44 |
x86 |
Dtslog.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
98976 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
942752 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtuparse.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
80552 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtutil.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
111776 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:44 |
x86 |
Exceldest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
197800 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Excelsrc.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
212648 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Execpackagetask.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
125600 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Flatfiledest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
315552 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
322216 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
64168 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.dataflowui.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
1225896 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.design.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
4005024 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.vsintegration.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
526496 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
212640 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
1363616 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.querydesigners.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
2584224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
32936 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.graph.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
2175136 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.pssnapins.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
171680 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.sqlstudio.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
316576 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.replication.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
1796264 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlsqmqueries.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
85664 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqltask.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
77472 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
115872 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltask.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
153248 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltaskui.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
118440 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
79520 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Newsubwizard.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
1244832 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Oledbdest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
198304 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Oledbsrc.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
215200 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Rawdest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
152224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Rawsource.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
147616 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Recordsetdest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
136864 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Replication.utilities.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
659112 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:56 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeclient.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
155816 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:56 |
x86 |
Rsconfigtool.exe |
11.0.5582.0 |
1351336 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Sql_ssms_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
24224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Sqldest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
198816 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
28320 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial110.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
521384 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
121504 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Ssisupgrade.exe |
11.0.5582.0 |
351400 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Txagg.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
267424 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txbestmatch.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
454312 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txcache.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
129184 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txcharmap.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
221344 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txdataconvert.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
229032 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txderived.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
467624 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txfileextractor.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
146592 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txfileinserter.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
145056 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txgroupdups.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
272032 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txlineage.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
82080 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txlookup.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
394920 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txmerge.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
143008 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txmergejoin.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
202912 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txmulticast.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
71840 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txpivot.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
162464 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txrowcount.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
70816 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txsampling.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
103584 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txscd.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
138920 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txsort.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
190112 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txsplit.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
461992 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txtermextraction.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
8624800 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txtermlookup.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
4096160 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txunionall.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
108192 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txunpivot.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
146600 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Alati i komponente radne stanice sustava SQL Server 2012
Naziv datoteke |
Verzija datoteke |
Veličina datoteke |
Datum |
Vrijeme |
Platforma |
Autoadmin.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
1086632 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dteparse.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
101032 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtepkg.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
104096 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtexec.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
62120 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:44 |
x86 |
Dts.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
2285736 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
369824 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtsconn.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
349344 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtshost.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
76456 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:44 |
x86 |
Dtslog.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
98976 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
942752 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtuparse.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
80552 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtutil.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
111776 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:44 |
x86 |
Exceldest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
197800 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Excelsrc.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
212648 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Flatfiledest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
315552 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
322216 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
64168 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
1523360 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.project.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
2156192 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.chainer.infrastructure.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
409248 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.configuration.sco.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
2051752 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.deployment.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
216744 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
32936 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqltask.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
77472 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
115872 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
79520 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
64237216 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Msolap110.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
7451296 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Oledbdest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
198304 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Oledbsrc.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
215200 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Pfui.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
680104 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:56 |
x86 |
Sql_tools_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
24224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
28320 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
121504 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txdataconvert.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
229032 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Xmsrv.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
24507552 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
x64-temeljene verzije
SQL Server 2012 poslovna inteligencija Development Studio
Naziv datoteke |
Verzija datoteke |
Veličina datoteke |
Datum |
Vrijeme |
Platforma |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlsqmqueries.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
85664 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x86 |
Sqlsqm_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
24224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2012 Writer
Naziv datoteke |
Verzija datoteke |
Veličina datoteke |
Datum |
Vrijeme |
Platforma |
Sqlwriter.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
130208 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Sqlwriter_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
24224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Sqlwvss.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
347808 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Servisi za analizu sustava SQL Server 2012
Naziv datoteke |
Verzija datoteke |
Veličina datoteke |
Datum |
Vrijeme |
Platforma |
Msmdlocal.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
82640032 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
64237216 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Msmdsrv.exe |
11.0.5582.0 |
80093864 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Msolap110.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
7451296 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Msolap110.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
8499360 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Sql_as_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
24224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Xmsrv.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
24507552 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Xmsrv.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
21075104 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2012 poslovna inteligencija Development Studio
Naziv datoteke |
Verzija datoteke |
Veličina datoteke |
Datum |
Vrijeme |
Platforma |
Commanddest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
187040 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dteparse.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
101032 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtepkg.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
104096 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtexec.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
62120 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:44 |
x86 |
Dts.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
2285736 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
369824 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtsconn.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
349344 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtsdebughost.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
72352 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:44 |
x86 |
Dtshost.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
76456 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:44 |
x86 |
Dtslog.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
98976 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
942752 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtuparse.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
80552 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtutil.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
111776 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:44 |
x86 |
Exceldest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
197800 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Excelsrc.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
212648 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Execpackagetask.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
125600 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Flatfiledest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
315552 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
322216 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
64168 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
1523360 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.project.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
2156192 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.dataflowui.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
1225896 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.design.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
4005024 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.vsintegration.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
526496 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
3845800 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
212640 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.datarendering.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
155304 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
1013928 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
1363616 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.excelrendering.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
667296 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.hpbprocessing.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
331424 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
315040 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.imagerendering.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
163488 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.processingcore.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
5578400 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.querydesigners.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
2584224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportpreview.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
665248 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
32936 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.graph.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
2175136 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlsqmqueries.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
85664 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqltask.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
77472 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
115872 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltask.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
153248 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltaskui.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
118440 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
79520 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
82640032 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
64237216 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Msolap110.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
7451296 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Msolap110.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
8499360 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Oledbdest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
198304 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Oledbsrc.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
215200 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Rawdest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
152224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Rawsource.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
147616 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Recordsetdest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
136864 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeclient.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
155816 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:56 |
x86 |
Sql_bids_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
24224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Sqldest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
198816 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
28320 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
29856 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Sqlserverspatial110.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
521384 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial110.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
772264 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
121504 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Ssisupgrade.exe |
11.0.5582.0 |
351400 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Txagg.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
267424 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txbestmatch.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
454312 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txcache.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
129184 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txcharmap.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
221344 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txdataconvert.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
229032 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txderived.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
467624 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txfileextractor.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
146592 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txfileinserter.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
145056 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txgroupdups.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
272032 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txlineage.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
82080 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txlookup.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
394920 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txmerge.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
143008 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txmergejoin.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
202912 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txmulticast.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
71840 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txpivot.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
162464 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txrowcount.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
70816 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txsampling.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
103584 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txscd.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
138920 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txsort.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
190112 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txsplit.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
461992 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txtermextraction.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
8624800 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txtermlookup.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
4096160 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txunionall.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
108192 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txunpivot.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
146600 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Xmsrv.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
24507552 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Xmsrv.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
21075104 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Common Core servisa sustava SQL Server 2012
Naziv datoteke |
Verzija datoteke |
Veličina datoteke |
Datum |
Vrijeme |
Platforma |
Microsoft.analysisservices.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
1523360 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.powershell.cmdlets.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
81568 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.rmo.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
581288 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.rmo.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
581288 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.smo.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
3649192 |
27-Feb-2015 |
19:29 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.smo.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
3649192 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x86 |
Sql_common_core_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
24224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Svrenumapi.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
949416 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Svrenumapi.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
1288864 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Klijent za kvalitetu podataka sustava SQL Server 2012
Naziv datoteke |
Verzija datoteke |
Veličina datoteke |
Datum |
Vrijeme |
Platforma |
Sql_dqc_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
24224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Kvaliteta podataka sustava SQL Server 2012
Naziv datoteke |
Verzija datoteke |
Veličina datoteke |
Datum |
Vrijeme |
Platforma |
Microsoft.ssdqs.core.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
609448 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.ssdqs.core.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
609440 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x86 |
Microsoft.ssdqs.dataservice.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
87712 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.ssdqs.dataservice.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
87720 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x86 |
Kvaliteta podataka sustava SQL Server 2012
Naziv datoteke |
Verzija datoteke |
Veličina datoteke |
Datum |
Vrijeme |
Platforma |
Sql_dq_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
24224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Osnovna instanca servisa baze podataka sustava SQL Server 2012
Naziv datoteke |
Verzija datoteke |
Veličina datoteke |
Datum |
Vrijeme |
Platforma |
Backuptourl.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
39072 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.vdiinterface.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
70312 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x64 |
Rsfxft.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
36512 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Sql_engine_core_inst_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
24224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Sqlaccess.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
449704 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x86 |
Sqlagent.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
613024 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Sqldk.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
2107040 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Sqllang.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
34031264 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Sqlmin.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
32316064 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Sqlos.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
26280 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
29856 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Sqlscriptupgrade.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
5630624 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Sqlserverspatial110.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
772264 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Sqlservr.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
193696 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Sqltses.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
8924320 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Xpqueue.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
76448 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Xprepl.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
95400 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Osnovni zajednički servisi baze podataka sustava SQL Server 2012
Naziv datoteke |
Verzija datoteke |
Veličina datoteke |
Datum |
Vrijeme |
Platforma |
Commanddest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
244896 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Distrib.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
180896 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Dteparse.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
112288 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Dtepkg.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
124072 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Dtexec.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
69288 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Dts.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
3282088 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
498344 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Dtsconn.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
501928 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Dtshost.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
89256 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Dtslog.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
109224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
1421480 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Dtuparse.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
83616 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Dtutil.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
139424 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Exceldest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
260776 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Excelsrc.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
287912 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Execpackagetask.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
153760 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Flatfiledest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
396960 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
406688 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
80032 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Logread.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
613024 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Mergetxt.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
49312 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
32928 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.pssnapins.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
171680 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.replication.businesslogicsupport.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
61088 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.replication.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
1972896 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.rmo.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
581288 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.smo.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
3649192 |
27-Feb-2015 |
19:29 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqltask.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
76448 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
115880 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltask.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
153248 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x86 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
90272 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Msgprox.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
322208 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Oledbdest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
261280 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Oledbsrc.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
293024 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Qrdrsvc.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
489640 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Rawdest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
199328 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Rawsource.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
193696 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Rdistcom.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
830624 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Recordsetdest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
176288 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Replagnt.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
30368 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Repldp.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
281760 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Replerrx.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
141472 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Replisapi.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
383648 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Replmerg.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
499872 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Replprov.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
794272 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Replrec.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
1042592 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x64 |
Replsub.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
504480 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Replsync.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
137888 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Spresolv.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
231072 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Sql_engine_core_shared_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
24224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Sqldistx.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
189600 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Sqlmergx.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
337568 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
28320 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
29856 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
160416 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Sqlwep110.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
113824 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Ssradd.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
63136 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Ssravg.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
63656 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Ssrdown.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
46240 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Ssrmax.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
61088 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Ssrmin.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
61088 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Ssrpub.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
47264 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Ssrup.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
46248 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Txagg.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
379544 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Txdataconvert.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
296616 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Txderived.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
641192 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Txlookup.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
568992 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Txmerge.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
221344 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Txmergejoin.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
295584 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Txmulticast.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
96928 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Txrowcount.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
95400 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Txsort.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
263840 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Txsplit.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
632480 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Txunionall.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
162976 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Xmlsub.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
245920 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Modul za SQL Server 2012 u cijelom tekstu
Naziv datoteke |
Verzija datoteke |
Veličina datoteke |
Datum |
Vrijeme |
Platforma |
Fd.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
630944 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Sql_fulltext_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
24224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Servisi za integraciju sustava SQL Server 2012
Naziv datoteke |
Verzija datoteke |
Veličina datoteke |
Datum |
Vrijeme |
Platforma |
Commanddest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
244896 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Dteparse.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
112288 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Dtepkg.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
124072 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Dtexec.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
69288 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Dts.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
3282088 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
498344 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Dtsconn.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
501928 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Dtsdebughost.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
83624 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Dtshost.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
89256 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Dtslog.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
109224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
1421480 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Dtuparse.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
83616 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Dtutil.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
139424 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Exceldest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
260776 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Excelsrc.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
287912 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Execpackagetask.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
153760 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Flatfiledest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
396960 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
406688 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
80032 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
32928 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqltask.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
76448 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
115880 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltask.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
153248 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x86 |
Msdtssrvr.exe |
11.0.5582.0 |
218784 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:55 |
x64 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
90272 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Oledbdest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
261280 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Oledbsrc.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
293024 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Rawdest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
199328 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Rawsource.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
193696 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Recordsetdest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
176288 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Sql_is_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
24224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Sqldest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
262304 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
160416 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Ssisupgrade.exe |
11.0.5582.0 |
350888 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:55 |
x64 |
Txagg.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
379544 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Txbestmatch.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
726176 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Txcache.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
169632 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Txcharmap.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
286376 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Txdataconvert.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
296616 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Txderived.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
641192 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Txfileextractor.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
193184 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Txfileinserter.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
191136 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Txgroupdups.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
434856 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Txlineage.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
107688 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Txlookup.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
568992 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Txmerge.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
221344 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Txmergejoin.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
295584 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Txmulticast.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
96928 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Txpivot.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
221344 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Txrowcount.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
95400 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Txsampling.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
146592 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Txscd.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
200872 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Txsort.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
263840 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Txsplit.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
632480 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Txtermextraction.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
8714400 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Txtermlookup.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
4172456 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Txunionall.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
162976 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Txunpivot.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
194720 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services
Naziv datoteke |
Verzija datoteke |
Veličina datoteke |
Datum |
Vrijeme |
Platforma |
Microsoft.analysisservices.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
1523360 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
368288 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:56 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
396960 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:56 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
396968 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:56 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
409248 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:55 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
528032 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
392864 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:55 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
417440 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:56 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
413352 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
401056 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
429728 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
409248 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
409248 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
388768 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
401056 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:56 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
401056 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:56 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
511648 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
388768 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:56 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
396968 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:56 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
364192 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
405152 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
409256 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:55 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
368288 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
409256 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:56 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
417448 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
401056 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
429728 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
409256 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
401056 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
511648 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:55 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
364192 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:57 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
409256 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
3845800 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
212640 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
212640 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:55 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.datarendering.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
155304 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.datarendering.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
155296 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:55 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
1363616 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
1363624 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:55 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.excelrendering.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
667296 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.excelrendering.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
667296 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:55 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.hpbprocessing.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
331424 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.hpbprocessing.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
331432 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:55 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
315040 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
315040 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:55 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.imagerendering.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
163488 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.imagerendering.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
163488 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:55 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.processingcore.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
5578400 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.processingcore.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
5578400 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:55 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.querydesigners.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
2584224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportpreview.dll.deploy |
11.0.5582.0 |
665248 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.sharepoint.server.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
241312 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:55 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.upgradescripts.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
487080 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:55 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
82640032 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
64237216 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Msolap110.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
7451296 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Msolap110.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
8499360 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Reportingservicesemaildeliveryprovider.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
89760 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x86 |
Reportingserviceslibrary.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
2150048 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeclient.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
190624 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x64 |
Reportingservicesnativeclient.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
155816 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:56 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeserver.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
153248 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x64 |
Reportingserviceswebserver.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
1547936 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x86 |
Reportingserviceswebuserinterface.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
2240160 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x86 |
Rsconfigtool.exe |
11.0.5582.0 |
1351336 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Sql_rs_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
24224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Sqlserverspatial110.dll.deploy |
2011.110.5582.0 |
521384 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial110.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
521384 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial110.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
772264 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Xmsrv.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
24507552 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Xmsrv.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
21075104 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2012 Management Studio
Naziv datoteke |
Verzija datoteke |
Veličina datoteke |
Datum |
Vrijeme |
Platforma |
Commanddest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
187040 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dteparse.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
101032 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtepkg.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
104096 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtexec.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
62120 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:44 |
x86 |
Dts.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
2285736 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
369824 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtsconn.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
349344 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtsdebughost.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
72352 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:44 |
x86 |
Dtshost.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
76456 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:44 |
x86 |
Dtslog.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
98976 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
942752 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtuparse.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
80552 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtutil.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
111776 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:44 |
x86 |
Exceldest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
197800 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Excelsrc.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
212648 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Execpackagetask.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
125600 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Flatfiledest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
315552 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
322216 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
64168 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.dataflowui.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
1225896 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.design.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
4005024 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.vsintegration.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
526496 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
212640 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
1363616 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.querydesigners.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
2584224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
32936 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.graph.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
2175136 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.pssnapins.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
171680 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.sqlstudio.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
316576 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.replication.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
1796264 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlsqmqueries.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
85664 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqltask.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
77472 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
115872 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltask.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
153248 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltaskui.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
118440 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
79520 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Newsubwizard.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
1244832 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Oledbdest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
198304 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Oledbsrc.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
215200 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Rawdest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
152224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Rawsource.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
147616 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Recordsetdest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
136864 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Replication.utilities.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
659112 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:56 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeclient.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
155816 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:56 |
x86 |
Rsconfigtool.exe |
11.0.5582.0 |
1351336 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Sql_ssms_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
24224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Sqldest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
198816 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
28320 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
29856 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Sqlserverspatial110.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
521384 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial110.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
772264 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
121504 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Ssisupgrade.exe |
11.0.5582.0 |
351400 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Txagg.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
267424 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txbestmatch.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
454312 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txcache.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
129184 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txcharmap.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
221344 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txdataconvert.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
229032 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txderived.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
467624 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txfileextractor.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
146592 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txfileinserter.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
145056 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txgroupdups.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
272032 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txlineage.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
82080 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txlookup.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
394920 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txmerge.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
143008 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txmergejoin.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
202912 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txmulticast.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
71840 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txpivot.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
162464 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txrowcount.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
70816 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txsampling.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
103584 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txscd.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
138920 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txsort.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
190112 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txsplit.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
461992 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txtermextraction.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
8624800 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txtermlookup.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
4096160 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txunionall.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
108192 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txunpivot.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
146600 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Alati i komponente radne stanice sustava SQL Server 2012
Naziv datoteke |
Verzija datoteke |
Veličina datoteke |
Datum |
Vrijeme |
Platforma |
Autoadmin.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
1086632 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dteparse.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
112288 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Dteparse.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
101032 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtepkg.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
124072 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Dtepkg.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
104096 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtexec.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
69288 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Dtexec.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
62120 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:44 |
x86 |
Dts.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
3282088 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Dts.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
2285736 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
498344 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
369824 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtsconn.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
501928 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Dtsconn.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
349344 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtshost.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
89256 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Dtshost.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
76456 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:44 |
x86 |
Dtslog.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
109224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Dtslog.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
98976 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
1421480 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
942752 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtuparse.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
83616 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Dtuparse.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
80552 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Dtutil.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
139424 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Dtutil.exe |
2011.110.5582.0 |
111776 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:44 |
x86 |
Exceldest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
260776 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Exceldest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
197800 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Excelsrc.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
287912 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Excelsrc.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
212648 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Flatfiledest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
396960 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Flatfiledest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
315552 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
406688 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
322216 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
80032 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
64168 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
1523360 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.project.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
2156192 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.chainer.infrastructure.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
409248 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:55 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.configuration.sco.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
2051744 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.deployment.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
216736 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
32936 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
32928 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqltask.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
77472 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqltask.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
76448 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
115872 |
28-Feb-2015 |
05:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
115880 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:54 |
x86 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
90272 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
79520 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
82640032 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
64237216 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Msolap110.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
7451296 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Msolap110.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
8499360 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Oledbdest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
198304 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Oledbdest.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
261280 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Oledbsrc.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
215200 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:47 |
x86 |
Oledbsrc.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
293024 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Pfui.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
680104 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:56 |
x86 |
Sql_tools_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
24224 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
28320 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
29856 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
121504 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
160416 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:48 |
x64 |
Txdataconvert.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
229032 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Txdataconvert.dll |
2011.110.5582.0 |
296616 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |
Xmsrv.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
24507552 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x86 |
Xmsrv.dll |
11.0.5582.0 |
21075104 |
28-Feb-2015 |
04:58 |
x64 |