Sigurnosno ažuriranje rješava slabe točke u sustavu Microsoft Office koje mogu omogućiti daljinsko izvršavanje koda ako korisnik otvori posebno izrađenu datoteku sustava Office. Dodatne informacije o tim slabim točkama potražite u članku Microsoftov bilten o sigurnosti MS16-148. Napomena Da biste primijenili sigurnosno ažuriranje, na računalu morate imati instaliranu verziju programa Excel 2016. Potpuni popis zahvaćenih verzija softvera sustava Microsoft Office potražite u članku Microsoftove baze znanja 3204068.
Poboljšanja i popravci
Sigurnosno ažuriranje sadrži poboljšanja i popravke za sljedeće probleme s nesigurnošću:
Poboljšajte performanse renderiranje prilagođenog popisa filtara stavki kada popis sadrži dugačke nizove.
Kada koristite Microsoft Excel 2016 s pisačem koji je dodan na računalo ili koji je dostupan u udaljenoj sesiji, Excel 2016 ruši se.
Kada postupak traži-i-zamijenite pomoću šatora za međuspremnik, naiđete na spore performanse.
Kada promijenite prozore sučelja jednog dokumenta (SDI) i odaberete listove u programu Excel 2016, Excel će se rušiti.
Excel 2016 tiho ne uspijeva dovršiti učitavanje radne knjige. Kada se to dogodi, radna knjiga može biti funkcionalna, ali je možda nećete moći spremiti.
Kada pokušate učitati HTML dokumente koji sadrže </> u zaštićenom prikazu, primit ćete upozorenje o oštećenoj datoteci, a dokumente nije moguće otvoriti.
Filtrirane podatke odabira iz velikih tablica potrebno je dugo zalijepiti.
Kada dodatak ili kod makronaredbe pokuša pristupiti svojstva na kontroli oblika koja više ne postoji, Excel 2016 može se srušiti. Ovo ažuriranje vraća status pogreške umjesto rušenja.
Možda ne možete učitati dodatak alat za rješavanje.
Ovo ažuriranje čini rukovanje događajima klika na ugrađeni sadržaj sigurnijima.
Kada instalirate ažuriranje, kada pokušate otvoriti . XLW datoteka s nepouzdanog mjesta primit ćete sljedeću poruku upozorenja o pogrešci, a datoteka se ne može otvoriti:
Pronašli smo problem s nekim sadržajem u <file_name>.xlw. Želite li da se pokušamo oporaviti koliko god možemo? Ako izvor radne knjige vjerujete, kliknite Da.
Datoteku možete deblokirati ili je staviti na pouzdano mjesto pomoću sljedećih koraka.
Deblokiranje pristupa za pojedinačne datoteke
Da biste deblokirali pristup za pojedinačne datoteke za koje znate da su sigurne, slijedite ove korake:
Desnom tipkom miša kliknite datoteku, a zatim odaberite Svojstva.
Na kartici Općenito odaberite Deblokiraj.
Kliknite U redu.
Korištenje pouzdanih mjesta
Da biste koristili postojeće mogućnosti pouzdanih mjesta programa Excel 2016, 2013 i 2010, slijedite ove korake:
Pristup značajki Pouzdana mjesta. Da biste to učiniti, odaberite Mogućnosti > datoteka > centar za pouzdanost > postavke centra za pouzdanost > pouzdana mjesta.
Spremite HTML datoteku na pouzdano mjesto na lokalnom računalu. (Excel nudi skup zadanih mjesta pouzdanosti.) Ako nije navedeno pouzdano mjesto lokalne mape, odaberite Dodaj novo mjesto, a zatim dodajte mjesto u dijaloškom okviru Pouzdano mjesto.
Sljedeće se smjernice odnose na značajku Pouzdana mjesta:
Ako se XLW dokument nalazi na pouzdanom mjestu, ne primjenjuje se popravak baze znanja (to jest, nesigurna XLW datoteka nije blokirana).
Da biste onemogućili da Internet Explorer datoteke označava kao nepouzdane, dodajte izvorišno web-mjesto s kojeg preuzimate datoteke kao pouzdano web-mjesto u pregledniku. Da biste to učiniti, odaberite Alati > internetske mogućnosti > sigurnost > pouzdanih web-mjesta.
Korištenje pouzdanih mjesta može vas deblokirati. No time se stvaraju i neki rizici. To je zato što su datoteke bilo koje vrste datoteka navedene na pouzdanim mjestima u potpunosti pouzdane. Napadač koji može dodavati datoteke na pouzdano mjesto može jednostavno iskoristiti korisnike koji otvaraju takve dokumente. Stoga biste trebali biti posebno oprezni kada navedete prilagođenu mapu kao pouzdano mjesto.
Kako nabaviti i instalirati ažuriranje
Prvi način: Microsoft Update
Ovo je ažuriranje dostupno putem servisa Microsoft Update. Kada uključite automatsko ažuriranje, to će se ažuriranje automatski preuzeti i instalirati. Dodatne informacije o automatskom dohvaćaju sigurnosnih ažuriranja potražite u članku Windows Update: najčešća pitanja.
Drugi način: Katalog servisa Microsoft Update
Da biste dobili samostalni paket za ovo ažuriranje, idite na web-mjesto kataloga servisa Microsoft Update.
3. metoda: Microsoftov centar za preuzimanje
Samostalni paket ažuriranja možete dobiti putem Microsoftova centra za preuzimanje. Slijedite upute za instalaciju na stranici za preuzimanje da biste instalirali ažuriranje.
Dodatne informacije
Informacije o implementaciji sigurnosnog ažuriranja
Informacije o implementaciji ovog ažuriranja potražite u članku Microsoftove baze znanja 3204068.
Informacije o zamjeni sigurnosnog ažuriranja
Sigurnosno ažuriranje zamjenjuje prethodno objavljeno sigurnosno ažuriranje 3127904.
Podaci o hashu datoteke
Naziv paketa |
Paket Hash SHA 1 |
Paket Hash SHA 2 |
excel2016-kb3128016-fullfile-x64-glb.exe |
E1D25B80A6AEA2DF1581FC15B80058BF0297C151 |
DF321717803E0485B8958FE3DF73C698630E1C5B7B19D73B28CA0290BB71B55C |
excel2016-kb3128016-fullfile-x86-glb.exe |
6C1368A93A21A666D9080D0808257B090B32020F |
1556AE332863B72749F0798184A356810CA46870B9F3F17772D8E5CD1116638A |
Engleska verzija tog sigurnosnog ažuriranja sadrži atribute datoteka (ili novije atribute datoteka) koji su navedeni u sljedećoj tablici.
Za sve podržane verzije programa Excel 2016 utemeljene na x86
Identifikator datoteke |
Naziv datoteke |
Verzija datoteke |
Veličina datoteke |
Datum |
Vrijeme |
xlintl32.dll_1025 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17104584 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:53 |
xlintl32.dll_1026 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17149128 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:53 |
xlintl32.dll_1029 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17182960 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:53 |
xlintl32.dll_1030 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17085184 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:53 |
xlintl32.dll_1031 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17223424 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:53 |
xlintl32.dll_1032 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17255112 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:53 |
xlintl32.dll_3082 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17134352 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:53 |
xlintl32.dll_1061 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17071872 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:53 |
xlintl32.dll_1035 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17082600 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:54 |
xlintl32.dll_1036 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17204472 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:54 |
xlintl32.dll_1037 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17040072 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:54 |
xlintl32.dll_1081 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17187016 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:54 |
xlintl32.dll_1050 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17109288 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:54 |
xlintl32.dll_1038 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17194232 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:54 |
xlintl32.dll_1057 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17077504 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:54 |
xlintl32.dll_1040 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17120016 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:54 |
xlintl32.dll_1041 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17137352 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:53 |
xlintl32.dll_1087 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17205448 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:54 |
xlintl32.dll_1042 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17120968 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:54 |
xlintl32.dll_1063 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17154312 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:54 |
xlintl32.dll_1062 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17129224 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:54 |
xlintl32.dll_1086 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17081600 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:54 |
xlintl32.dll_1044 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17069312 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:54 |
xlintl32.dll_1043 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17128704 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:54 |
xlintl32.dll_1045 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17199904 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:54 |
xlintl32.dll_1046 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17148688 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:54 |
xlintl32.dll_2070 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17149712 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:54 |
xlintl32.dll_1048 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17205000 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:54 |
xlintl32.dll_1049 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17140424 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:54 |
xlintl32.dll_1051 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17194760 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:54 |
xlintl32.dll_1060 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17118504 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:54 |
xlintl32.dll_2074 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17132840 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:54 |
xlintl32.dll_9242 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17132328 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:54 |
xlintl32.dll_1053 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17075456 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:54 |
xlintl32.dll_1054 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17142472 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:54 |
xlintl32.dll_1055 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17181432 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:54 |
xlintl32.dll_1058 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17145032 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:54 |
xlintl32.dll_1066 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17196744 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:54 |
xlintl32.dll_2052 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
16974024 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:54 |
xlintl32.dll_1028 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
16987848 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:54 |
client.models.dll.07275332_82e4_4820_9fdd_2423cd8daa85 |
microsoft.mashup.client.models.dll |
128192 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
| | |
157884104 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
container35.exe.07275332_82e4_4820_9fdd_2423cd8daa85 |
microsoft.mashup.container.exe |
26904 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
container40.exe.07275332_82e4_4820_9fdd_2423cd8daa85 |
microsoft.mashup.container.netfx40.exe |
27416 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
container45.exe.07275332_82e4_4820_9fdd_2423cd8daa85 |
microsoft.mashup.container.netfx45.exe |
27416 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
document.af_za.resources.dll.07275332_82e4_4820_9fdd_2423cd8daa85 |
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233160 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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282312 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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278216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
document.as_in.resources.dll.07275332_82e4_4820_9fdd_2423cd8daa85 |
microsoft.mashup.document.resources.dll |
339656 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
document.az_latn_az.resources.dll.07275332_82e4_4820_9fdd_2423cd8daa85 |
microsoft.mashup.document.resources.dll |
249544 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
document.be_by.resources.dll.07275332_82e4_4820_9fdd_2423cd8daa85 |
microsoft.mashup.document.resources.dll |
290504 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
document.bg_bg.resources.dll.07275332_82e4_4820_9fdd_2423cd8daa85 |
microsoft.mashup.document.resources.dll |
294600 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
document.bn_bd.resources.dll.07275332_82e4_4820_9fdd_2423cd8daa85 |
microsoft.mashup.document.resources.dll |
335560 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
document.bn_in.resources.dll.07275332_82e4_4820_9fdd_2423cd8daa85 |
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347840 |
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02:22 |
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237248 |
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02:22 |
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241352 |
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02:22 |
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241352 |
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02:22 |
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241344 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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microsoft.hostintegration.connectors.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
mashupcompression.dll.07275332_82e4_4820_9fdd_2423cd8daa85 |
mashupcompression.dll |
127688 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
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02:22 |
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microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
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02:22 |
mashupengine.lt_lt.resources.dll.07275332_82e4_4820_9fdd_2423cd8daa85 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
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02:22 |
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microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
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02:22 |
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microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
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02:22 |
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microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
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02:22 |
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microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
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02:22 |
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microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
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02:22 |
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microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
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02:22 |
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microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
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02:22 |
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microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
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02:22 |
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microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.client.initialization.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
microsoft.mashup.eventsource.dll.07275332_82e4_4820_9fdd_2423cd8daa85 |
microsoft.mashup.eventsource.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
microsoft.mashup.shims.dll.07275332_82e4_4820_9fdd_2423cd8daa85 |
microsoft.mashup.shims.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
microsoft.mashupengine.dll.07275332_82e4_4820_9fdd_2423cd8daa85 |
microsoft.mashupengine.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
microsoft.odata.core.netfx35.dll.07275332_82e4_4820_9fdd_2423cd8daa85 |
microsoft.odata.core.netfx35.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
microsoft.odata.edm.netfx35.dll.07275332_82e4_4820_9fdd_2423cd8daa85 |
microsoft.odata.edm.netfx35.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
microsoft.powerbi.adomdclient.dll.07275332_82e4_4820_9fdd_2423cd8daa85 |
microsoft.powerbi.adomdclient.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
microsoft.spatial.netfx35.dll.07275332_82e4_4820_9fdd_2423cd8daa85 |
microsoft.spatial.netfx35.dll |
133352 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
micrsoft.mashup.internallibrary.dll.07275332_82e4_4820_9fdd_2423cd8daa85 |
microsoft.mashup.internallibrary.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
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02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
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02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
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02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
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02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
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02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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02:22 |
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212680 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
analys32.xll_1063 |
analys32.xll |
212680 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
oauth.hu_hu.resources.dll.07275332_82e4_4820_9fdd_2423cd8daa85 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
11944 |
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02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
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02:22 |
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21704 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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11944 |
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02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
11944 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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12968 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
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02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbinterop.dll |
111304 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
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02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20160 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20160 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20160 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
analys32.xll_1066 |
analys32.xll |
212680 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
analys32.xll_1081 |
analys32.xll |
212680 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
analys32.xll_1086 |
analys32.xll |
212680 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
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02:22 |
oledbproviderdll.07275332_82e4_4820_9fdd_2423cd8daa85 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.dll |
65224 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
packaging.dll.07275332_82e4_4820_9fdd_2423cd8daa85 |
microsoft.mashup.client.packaging.dll |
30408 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
private_odbc32.dll.07275332_82e4_4820_9fdd_2423cd8daa85 |
private_odbc32.dll |
657104 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
providershared.dll.07275332_82e4_4820_9fdd_2423cd8daa85 |
microsoft.mashup.providershared.dll |
53960 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
sapclient.ar_sa.resources.dll.07275332_82e4_4820_9fdd_2423cd8daa85 | |
44736 |
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02:22 |
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35528 |
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02:22 |
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32448 |
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02:22 |
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31944 |
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02:22 |
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31936 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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32448 |
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02:22 |
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48832 |
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02:22 |
sapclient.es_es.resources.dll.07275332_82e4_4820_9fdd_2423cd8daa85 | |
32448 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
sapclient.et_ee.resources.dll.07275332_82e4_4820_9fdd_2423cd8daa85 | |
31424 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
sapclient.eu_es.resources.dll.07275332_82e4_4820_9fdd_2423cd8daa85 | |
31944 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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31936 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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32456 |
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02:22 |
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31936 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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32960 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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48832 |
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02:22 |
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31936 |
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02:22 |
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32448 |
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02:22 |
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31424 |
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02:22 |
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32960 |
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02:22 |
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44736 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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44744 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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32448 |
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02:22 |
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31944 |
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02:22 |
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31944 |
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02:22 |
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31424 |
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02:22 |
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31424 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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32448 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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32960 |
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02:22 |
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32448 |
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02:22 |
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31936 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
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31936 |
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02:22 |
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35520 |
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02:22 |
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32448 |
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02:22 |
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31936 |
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02:22 |
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35520 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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31944 |
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02:22 |
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31944 |
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02:22 |
analys32.xll_1087 |
analys32.xll |
212680 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
analys32.xll_2052 |
analys32.xll |
212680 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
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48832 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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30912 |
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02:22 |
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microsoft.mashup.scriptdom.dll |
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02:22 |
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sqmapi_x86.dll |
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02:22 |
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147144 |
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02:22 |
storageclient.dll.07275332_82e4_4820_9fdd_2423cd8daa85 |
microsoft.windowsazure.storageclient.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:22 |
system.spatial.netfx35.dll.07275332_82e4_4820_9fdd_2423cd8daa85 |
system.spatial.netfx35.dll |
124640 |
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02:22 |
unity.dll.07275332_82e4_4820_9fdd_2423cd8daa85 |
microsoft.practices.unity.dll |
133344 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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278208 |
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02:22 |
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290504 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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261832 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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233160 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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319176 |
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02:22 |
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249544 |
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02:22 |
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323272 |
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02:22 |
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224968 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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220872 |
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02:22 |
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224968 |
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02:22 |
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233160 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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229064 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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224968 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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229064 |
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02:22 |
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224968 |
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02:22 |
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233160 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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224968 |
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02:22 |
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224968 |
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02:22 |
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224968 |
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02:22 |
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372424 |
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02:22 |
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343752 |
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02:22 |
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319176 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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229064 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:22 |
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02:21 |
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01:57 |
xl12cnv.exe |
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01:57 |
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02:21 |
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02:21 |
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212680 |
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02:21 |
analys32.xll_1029 |
analys32.xll |
212680 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
analys32.xll_1030 |
analys32.xll |
212680 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
analys32.xll_1031 |
analys32.xll |
212680 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
analys32.xll_1032 |
analys32.xll |
212680 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
analys32.xll_1033 |
analys32.xll |
212680 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
analys32.xll_1035 |
analys32.xll |
212680 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
analys32.xll_1036 |
analys32.xll |
212680 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
analys32.xll_1037 |
analys32.xll |
212680 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
analys32.xll_1038 |
analys32.xll |
212680 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
analys32.xll_1040 |
analys32.xll |
212680 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
analys32.xll_1041 |
analys32.xll |
212680 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
analys32.xll_1042 |
analys32.xll |
212680 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
analys32.xll_1043 |
analys32.xll |
212680 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
analys32.xll_1044 |
analys32.xll |
212680 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
analys32.xll_1045 |
analys32.xll |
212680 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
analys32.xll_1046 |
analys32.xll |
212680 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
analys32.xll_1048 |
analys32.xll |
212680 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
analys32.xll_1049 |
analys32.xll |
212680 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
analys32.xll_1050 |
analys32.xll |
212680 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
analys32.xll_1051 |
analys32.xll |
212680 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
analys32.xll_1053 |
analys32.xll |
212680 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
analys32.xll_1054 |
analys32.xll |
212680 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
analys32.xll_1055 |
analys32.xll |
212680 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
analys32.xll_1057 |
analys32.xll |
212680 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
analys32.xll_1058 |
analys32.xll |
212680 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
analys32.xll_2070 |
analys32.xll |
212680 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
analys32.xll_2074 |
analys32.xll |
212680 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
analys32.xll_3082 |
analys32.xll |
212680 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
analys32.xll_9242 |
analys32.xll |
212680 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_1025 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_1026 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_1028 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_1029 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_1030 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_1031 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_1032 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_1033 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_1035 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_1036 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_1037 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_1038 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_1040 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_1041 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_1042 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_1043 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_1044 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_1045 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_1046 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_1048 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_1049 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_1050 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_1051 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_1053 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_1054 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_1055 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_1057 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_1058 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_1060 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_1061 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_1062 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_1063 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_1066 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_1081 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_1086 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_1087 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_2052 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_2070 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_2074 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_3082 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
solver32.dll_9242 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
179360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:21 |
Za sve podržane verzije programa Excel 2016 utemeljene na x64
Identifikator datoteke |
Naziv datoteke |
Verzija datoteke |
Veličina datoteke |
Datum |
Vrijeme |
xlintl32.dll_1025 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17200832 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:59 |
xlintl32.dll_1026 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17211072 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:59 |
xlintl32.dll_1029 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17244912 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:59 |
xlintl32.dll_1030 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17147128 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:59 |
xlintl32.dll_1031 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17285368 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:59 |
xlintl32.dll_1032 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17317056 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:59 |
xlintl32.dll_3082 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17196304 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:59 |
xlintl32.dll_1061 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17133816 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:59 |
xlintl32.dll_1035 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17144552 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:59 |
xlintl32.dll_1036 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17266424 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:59 |
xlintl32.dll_1037 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17135808 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:59 |
xlintl32.dll_1081 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17248960 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:59 |
xlintl32.dll_1050 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17171240 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:59 |
xlintl32.dll_1038 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17256184 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:59 |
xlintl32.dll_1057 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17139448 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:59 |
xlintl32.dll_1040 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17181968 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:59 |
xlintl32.dll_1041 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17199296 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:59 |
xlintl32.dll_1087 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17267392 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:59 |
xlintl32.dll_1042 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17182912 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:59 |
xlintl32.dll_1063 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17216264 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:59 |
xlintl32.dll_1062 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17191168 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:59 |
xlintl32.dll_1086 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17143544 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:59 |
xlintl32.dll_1044 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17131256 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:59 |
xlintl32.dll_1043 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17190648 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:59 |
xlintl32.dll_1045 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17261856 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:59 |
xlintl32.dll_1046 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17210128 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:59 |
xlintl32.dll_2070 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17211664 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:59 |
xlintl32.dll_1048 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17266944 |
16. studenog 16. |
02:00 |
xlintl32.dll_1049 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17202368 |
16. studenog 16. |
02:00 |
xlintl32.dll_1051 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17256200 |
16. studenog 16. |
02:00 |
xlintl32.dll_1060 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17180456 |
16. studenog 16. |
02:00 |
xlintl32.dll_2074 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17194792 |
16. studenog 16. |
02:00 |
xlintl32.dll_9242 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17194280 |
16. studenog 16. |
02:00 |
xlintl32.dll_1053 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17137400 |
16. studenog 16. |
02:00 |
xlintl32.dll_1054 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17204416 |
16. studenog 16. |
02:00 |
xlintl32.dll_1055 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17243384 |
16. studenog 16. |
02:00 |
xlintl32.dll_1058 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17206976 |
16. studenog 16. |
02:00 |
xlintl32.dll_1066 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17258688 |
16. studenog 16. |
02:00 |
xlintl32.dll_2052 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17035968 |
16. studenog 16. |
02:00 |
xlintl32.dll_1028 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4471.1000 |
17049280 |
16. studenog 16. |
02:00 |
client.models.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.client.models.dll |
128200 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
| | |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
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microsoft.mashup.container.exe |
26392 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
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microsoft.mashup.container.netfx40.exe |
26904 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
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26904 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
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02:28 |
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02:28 |
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02:28 |
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02:28 |
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02:28 |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
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02:28 |
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02:28 |
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02:28 |
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microsoft.mashup.client.excel.resources.dll |
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02:28 |
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microsoft.mashup.client.excel.resources.dll |
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02:28 |
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02:28 |
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microsoft.mashup.client.excel.resources.dll |
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02:28 |
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microsoft.mashup.client.excel.resources.dll |
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02:28 |
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microsoft.mashup.client.excel.resources.dll |
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02:28 |
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microsoft.mashup.client.excel.resources.dll |
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02:28 |
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02:28 |
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microsoft.mashup.client.excel.resources.dll |
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02:28 |
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02:28 |
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02:28 |
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microsoft.mashup.client.excel.resources.dll |
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02:28 |
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microsoft.mashup.client.excel.resources.dll |
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02:28 |
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02:28 |
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microsoft.mashup.client.excel.resources.dll |
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02:28 |
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microsoft.mashup.client.excel.resources.dll |
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02:28 |
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02:28 |
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microsoft.mashup.client.excel.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
analys32.xll_1043 |
analys32.xll |
257216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
analys32.xll_1044 |
analys32.xll |
257216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
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microsoft.mashup.client.excel.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
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microsoft.mashup.client.excel.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
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microsoft.mashup.client.excel.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
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microsoft.mashup.client.excel.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
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microsoft.mashup.client.excel.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
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microsoft.mashup.client.excel.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
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microsoft.mashup.client.excel.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
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microsoft.mashup.client.excel.resources.dll |
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02:28 |
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microsoft.mashup.client.excel.dll |
1989832 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
his.connectors.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.hostintegration.connectors.dll |
5148360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
localytics.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
localytics.dll |
38600 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashup.addintelemetry.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.client.addintelemetry.dll |
39112 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupcompression.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
mashupcompression.dll |
144072 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.ar_sa.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
642760 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.bg_bg.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
732872 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.ca_es.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
536264 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.cs_cz.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
532168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.da_dk.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
532168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.de_de.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
569032 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.el_gr.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
798408 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.es_es.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
544448 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.et_ee.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
503496 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.eu_es.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
519880 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.fi_fi.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
523976 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.fr_fr.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
560832 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.gl_es.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
532168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.he_il.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
597704 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.hi_in.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
904904 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.hr_hr.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
515784 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.hu_hu.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
573128 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.id_id.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.it_it.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
544456 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.ja_jp.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.kk_kz.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
704200 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.ko_kr.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
552648 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.lt_lt.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
532168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.lv_lv.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
544456 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.ms_my.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
519872 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.nb_no.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
515784 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.nl_nl.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
552648 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.pl_pl.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
556744 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.pt_br.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
532168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.pt_pt.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
540360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.ro_ro.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
548552 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.ru_ru.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
736968 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.sk_sk.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
536264 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.sl_si.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
511688 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.sr_cyrl_rs.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
700104 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.sr_latn_cs.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.sr_latn_rs.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
515784 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.sv_se.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.th_th.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
843464 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.tr_tr.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
536256 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.uk_ua.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
728776 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.vi_vn.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
597696 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.zh_cn.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
mashupengine.zh_tw.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
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15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
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1461488 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
| | |
188168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
| | |
927432 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
microsoft.mashup.client.initialize.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.client.initialization.dll |
0 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
microsoft.mashup.eventsource.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.eventsource.dll |
159432 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
microsoft.mashup.shims.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.shims.dll |
25800 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
microsoft.mashupengine.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashupengine.dll |
6130880 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
analys32.xll_1045 |
analys32.xll |
257216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
analys32.xll_1046 |
analys32.xll |
257216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
microsoft.odata.core.netfx35.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.odata.core.netfx35.dll |
1444592 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
microsoft.odata.edm.netfx35.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.odata.edm.netfx35.dll |
785648 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
microsoft.powerbi.adomdclient.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.powerbi.adomdclient.dll |
990952 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
microsoft.spatial.netfx35.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.spatial.netfx35.dll |
133352 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
micrsoft.mashup.internallibrary.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.internallibrary.dll |
164552 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.ar_sa.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
12456 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.bg_bg.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
12456 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.ca_es.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
11944 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.cs_cz.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
21184 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.da_dk.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
11944 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
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microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
11944 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.dll |
77000 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.el_gr.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
22216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.es_es.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
21184 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.et_ee.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
11944 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.eu_es.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
21192 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.fi_fi.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
11944 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.fr_fr.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
21184 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.gl_es.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
11944 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.he_il.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
11944 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.hi_in.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
12968 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.hr_hr.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
11944 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.hu_hu.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
11944 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.id_id.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
11944 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.it_it.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
11944 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.ja_jp.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
12456 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.kk_kz.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
21704 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.ko_kr.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
11944 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.lt_lt.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
11944 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.lv_lv.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
21192 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.ms_my.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
11944 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.nb_no.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
11944 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.nl_nl.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
11944 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.pl_pl.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
11944 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.pt_br.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
21192 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.pt_pt.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
21192 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.ro_ro.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
11944 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.ru_ru.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
12456 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.sk_sk.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
11944 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.sl_si.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
11944 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.sr_cyrl_rs.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
12456 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.sr_latn_cs.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
21192 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.sr_latn_rs.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
11944 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.sv_se.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
21184 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.th_th.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
12968 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.tr_tr.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
11944 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.uk_ua.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
21696 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.vi_vn.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
12456 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.zh_cn.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
21184 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oauth.zh_tw.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll |
21192 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbinteropdll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbinterop.dll |
132808 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.ar_sa.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20160 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.bg_bg.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20160 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.ca_es.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.cs_cz.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.da_dk.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20160 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.de_de.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.el_gr.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.es_es.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.et_ee.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.eu_es.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.fi_fi.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.fr_fr.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.gl_es.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20160 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.he_il.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.hi_in.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
analys32.xll_1048 |
analys32.xll |
257216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
analys32.xll_1049 |
analys32.xll |
257216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
oledbprovider.hr_hr.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20160 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.hu_hu.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.id_id.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.it_it.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.ja_jp.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.kk_kz.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.ko_kr.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.lt_lt.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.lv_lv.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20160 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.ms_my.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.nb_no.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20160 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.nl_nl.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.pl_pl.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20160 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.pt_br.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.pt_pt.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
analys32.xll_1050 |
analys32.xll |
257216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
analys32.xll_1051 |
analys32.xll |
257216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
oledbprovider.ro_ro.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.ru_ru.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.sk_sk.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.sl_si.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20160 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.sr_cyrl_rs.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.sr_latn_cs.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.sr_latn_rs.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20160 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.sv_se.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20160 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.th_th.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.tr_tr.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.uk_ua.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.vi_vn.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.zh_cn.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbprovider.zh_tw.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll |
20160 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
oledbproviderdll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.dll |
65224 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
packaging.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.client.packaging.dll |
30408 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
providershared.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.providershared.dll |
53960 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.ar_sa.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
44736 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.bg_bg.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
35520 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.ca_es.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
32448 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.cs_cz.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
31936 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.da_dk.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
31936 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.de_de.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
32448 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.el_gr.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
48832 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.es_es.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
32448 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.et_ee.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
31424 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.eu_es.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
31936 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.fi_fi.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
31936 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.fr_fr.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
32456 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.gl_es.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
31936 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.he_il.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
32960 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.hi_in.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
48832 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.hr_hr.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
31936 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.hu_hu.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
32456 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.id_id.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
31424 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.it_it.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
32968 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.ja_jp.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
44736 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.kk_kz.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
44736 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.ko_kr.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
32448 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.lt_lt.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
31944 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.lv_lv.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
31936 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.ms_my.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
31424 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.nb_no.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
31424 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.nl_nl.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
32448 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.pl_pl.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
32960 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.pt_br.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
32456 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.pt_pt.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
31936 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.ro_ro.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
31936 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.ru_ru.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
35520 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
unity.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.practices.unity.dll |
133344 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.sk_sk.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
32456 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.sl_si.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
31936 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.sr_cyrl_rs.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
35520 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.sr_latn_cs.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
31936 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.sr_latn_rs.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
31936 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.sv_se.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
31936 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.th_th.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
48832 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.tr_tr.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
32448 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.uk_ua.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
48832 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.vi_vn.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
32960 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.zh_cn.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
30912 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sapclient.zh_tw.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
30920 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
scriptdom.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.mashup.scriptdom.dll |
2365128 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
sqmapi.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
sqmapi_x64.dll |
0 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
storage.xmlserializers.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
147144 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
storageclient.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
microsoft.windowsazure.storageclient.dll |
0 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
system.spatial.netfx35.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 |
system.spatial.netfx35.dll |
124640 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.af_za.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
224968 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.am_et.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
274120 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.ar_sa.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
261832 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.as_in.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
327368 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.az_latn_az.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
237256 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.be_by.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
278216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.bg_bg.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
290496 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.bn_bd.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
331464 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.bn_in.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
339656 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.bs_latn_ba.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
224968 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.ca_es.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
233160 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.ca_es_valencia.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
233152 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.cs_cz.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
229064 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.cy_gb.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
224968 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.da_dk.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
229064 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.de_de.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
237256 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.el_gr.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
302792 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.es_es.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
233160 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.et_ee.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
220872 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.eu_es.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
224968 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.fa_ir.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
261832 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.fi_fi.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
224968 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.fil_ph.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
233160 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.fr_fr.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
237256 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.ga_ie.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
233152 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.gd_gb.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
237256 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.gl_es.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
229056 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.gu_in.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
319176 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.he_il.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
249536 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.hi_in.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
323272 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.hr_hr.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
224968 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.hu_hu.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
237248 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.hy_am.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
286408 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.id_id.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
220872 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.is_is.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
224968 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.it_it.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
233160 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.ja_jp.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
241352 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.ka_ge.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
347848 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.kk_kz.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
274120 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.km_kh.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
331464 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.kn_in.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
339648 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.ko_kr.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
229064 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.kok_in.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
327360 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.ky_kg.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
282304 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.lb_lu.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
233160 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.lt_lt.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
233152 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.lv_lv.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
233160 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.mi_nz.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
229064 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.mk_mk.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
286408 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.ml_in.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
368328 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.mn_mn.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
278216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.mr_in.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
327368 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.ms_my.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
224968 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.mt_mt.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
229064 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.nb_no.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
224968 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.ne_np.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
347848 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.nl_nl.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
229064 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.nn_no.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
224968 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.or_in.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
356040 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.pa_in.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
315080 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.pl_pl.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
233160 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.prs_af.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
270016 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.pt_br.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
229064 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.pt_pt.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
233160 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.quz_pe.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
229064 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.ro_ro.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
233160 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.ru_ru.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
286408 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.sd_arab_pk.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
257728 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.si_lk.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
315080 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.sk_sk.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
229056 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.sl_si.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
224968 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.sq_al.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
233160 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.sr_cyrl_ba.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
278216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.sr_cyrl_rs.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
274120 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.sr_latn_cs.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
224968 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.sr_latn_rs.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
224968 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.sv_se.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
224968 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.sw_ke.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
224968 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.ta_in.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
372416 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.te_in.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
343752 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.th_th.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
319168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.tk_tm.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
224968 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.tr_tr.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
229064 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.tt_ru.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
282312 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.ug_cn.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
278216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.uk_ua.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
282312 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.ur_pk.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
274120 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.uz_latn_uz.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
229056 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.vi_vn.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
245440 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.zh_cn.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
208584 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
windows.zh_tw.resources.dll.45d2aedc_4ff2_445c_8cd5_529af550c4a9 | |
212680 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:28 |
xlintl32.dll_1033 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17055488 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:24 |
xlintl32.fallback.dll,1033 |
xlintl32.dll |
16.0.4465.1000 |
17055488 |
excel.exe |
excel.exe |
16.0.4471.1000 |
34470080 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:59 |
xl12cnv.exe |
excelcnv.exe |
16.0.4471.1000 |
30200512 |
16. studenog 16. |
01:59 |
xlsrv.ecs.excelcnv.exe |
excelcnv.exe |
16.0.4471.1000 |
30200512 |
analys32.xll_1025 |
analys32.xll |
257216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
analys32.xll_1026 |
analys32.xll |
257216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
analys32.xll_1028 |
analys32.xll |
257216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
analys32.xll_1029 |
analys32.xll |
257216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
analys32.xll_1030 |
analys32.xll |
257216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
analys32.xll_1031 |
analys32.xll |
257216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
analys32.xll_1032 |
analys32.xll |
257216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
analys32.xll_1033 |
analys32.xll |
257216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
analys32.xll_1035 |
analys32.xll |
257216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
analys32.xll_1036 |
analys32.xll |
257216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
analys32.xll_1037 |
analys32.xll |
257216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
analys32.xll_1053 |
analys32.xll |
257216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
analys32.xll_1054 |
analys32.xll |
257216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
analys32.xll_1055 |
analys32.xll |
257216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
analys32.xll_1057 |
analys32.xll |
257216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
analys32.xll_1058 |
analys32.xll |
257216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
analys32.xll_1060 |
analys32.xll |
257216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
analys32.xll_1061 |
analys32.xll |
257216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
analys32.xll_1062 |
analys32.xll |
257216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
analys32.xll_1063 |
analys32.xll |
257216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
analys32.xll_1066 |
analys32.xll |
257216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
analys32.xll_1081 |
analys32.xll |
257216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
analys32.xll_1086 |
analys32.xll |
257216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
analys32.xll_1087 |
analys32.xll |
257216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
analys32.xll_2052 |
analys32.xll |
257216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
analys32.xll_2070 |
analys32.xll |
257216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
analys32.xll_2074 |
analys32.xll |
257216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
analys32.xll_3082 |
analys32.xll |
257216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
analys32.xll_9242 |
analys32.xll |
257216 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_1025 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_1026 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_1028 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_1029 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_1030 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_1031 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_1032 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_1033 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_1035 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_1036 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_1037 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_1038 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_1040 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_1041 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_1042 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_1043 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_1044 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_1045 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_1046 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_1048 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_1049 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_1050 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_1051 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_1053 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_1054 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_1055 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_1057 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_1058 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_1060 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_1061 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_1062 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_1063 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_1066 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_1081 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_1086 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_1087 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_2052 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_2070 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_2074 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_3082 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
solver32.dll_9242 |
solver32.dll |
16.0.4288.1000 |
218168 |
15. studenog 16. |
02:27 |
Pomoć za instalaciju ažuriranja: Podrška za Sigurnosna rješenja za Microsoft Update za IT profesionalce: Tehničko otklanjanje poteškoća i pomoć za otklanjanje poteškoća sa sigurnošću na servisu TechNet za zaštitu računala sa sustavom Windows od virusa i zlonamjernog softvera: Lokalna podrška za virusno rješenje i sigurnosni centar prema vašoj državi: Međunarodna podrška