Ovo sigurnosno ažuriranje rješava slabu Microsoft Office izvršavanje udaljenog koda i slabu Microsoft SharePoint Server izvršavanje udaljenog koda. Dodatne informacije o slabim točkama potražite u sljedećim sigurnosnim savjetima:
Napomena: Da biste primijenili to sigurnosno ažuriranje, na računalu morate imati Microsoft SharePoint Server verzije sustava 2019.
Poboljšanja i popravci
Sigurnosno ažuriranje sadrži poboljšanja i popravke za sljedeće probleme s nesigurnošću u SharePoint Server 2019:
Da biste bolje zaštitili i poboljšali sigurnost SharePoint, SharePoint sada ograničava pristup svojim Web.config datotekama. Korisnici ne mogu Web.config datoteke osim ako nisu lokalni administratori, administratori farme ili kojima upravlja SharePoint. Ta promjena ne utječe na standardne SharePoint funkcije. Dodatne informacije o tom poboljšanju potražite u članku Dozvole Web.config datoteka ograničene su SharePoint poslužitelju (KB5010126).
Uklanja nepotrebna pohranjena izvršavanja procedura koja mogu uzrokovati SQL Server zastoje kada je na stranici prisutno više aplikacija uz visoko opterećenje korisnika.
Rješava problem zbog kojeg ne možete kopirati i lijepiti stavke popisa u načinu rada za brzo uređivanje pomoću modernog preglednika.
Poboljšava performanse prikaza stranice.
Rješava problem prilikom kojeg odabirom gumba Novo u biblioteci obrazaca otvara se dijaloški okvir za prijenos datoteka umjesto otvaranja klijentske aplikacije programa InfoPath.
Rješava problem prilikom kojeg odabir postojećeg obrasca u biblioteci obrazaca postavljenog na OpenInClient ne pokrene klijentsku aplikaciju InfoPath i primit ćete sljedeću poruku o pogrešci:
Tu akciju nije moguće izvršiti jer Office ne prepoznaje naredbu koja je dana.
Sigurnosno ažuriranje sadrži i popravke za sljedeće probleme s nesigurnošću u SharePoint Server 2019. Da biste u potpunosti riješili te probleme, morate instalirati kb 5002108 zajedno s ovim ažuriranjem.
Rješava problem zbog kojeg značajka implementacije sadržaja ne može objavljivati inkrementalne promjene.
Rješava problem zbog kojeg svojstva s više vrijednosti ne prikazuju natpis potrebnih informacija i ne nameće obavezne podatke u modernom prikazu biblioteke dokumenata.
Rješava problem zbog kojeg se okno s informacijama uvijek pomiče prema dnu kada odaberete pojedinosti o stavci u biblioteci dokumenata.
Rješava neke probleme s rasporedom na modernoj stranici rezultata pretraživanja na hebrejskom jeziku.
Rješava problem zbog kojeg se web-dio Moderne biblioteke dokumenata ruši prilikom prijenosa datoteke bez proširenja.
Rješava problem zbog kojeg se skriveni čvorovi lijevog navigacijskog okna prikazuju na modernom timskog web-mjestu kada je omogućena značajka objavljivanja.
Ovo sigurnosno ažuriranje rješava sljedeći problem s nesigurnošću u sustavu Project Server 2019:
Rješava problem zbog kojeg ne možete filtrirati resurse pomoću mogućnosti na izborniku Struktura u funkcijama Međuverzija tima.
Sigurnosno ažuriranje nudi i neka sigurnosna poboljšanja za Project Server 2019.
Kako nabaviti i instalirati ažuriranje
Prvi način: Microsoft Update
Ovo je ažuriranje dostupno putem servisa Microsoft Update. Kada uključite automatsko ažuriranje, to će se ažuriranje automatski preuzeti i instalirati. Dodatne informacije o automatskom dohvaćaju sigurnosnih ažuriranja potražite u članku Windows ažuriranje: najčešća pitanja.
Drugi način: Katalog servisa Microsoft Update
Da biste dobili samostalni paket za ovo ažuriranje, idite na web-mjesto kataloga servisa Microsoft Update.
3. metoda: Microsoftov centar za preuzimanje
Samostalni paket ažuriranja možete dobiti putem Microsoftova centra za preuzimanje. Slijedite upute za instalaciju na stranici za preuzimanje da biste instalirali ažuriranje.
Dodatne informacije
Informacije o implementaciji sigurnosnog ažuriranja
Informacije o implementaciji ovog ažuriranja potražite u članku Informacije o implementaciji sigurnosnog ažuriranja : 11. siječnja 2022. (KB5010029).
Informacije o zamjeni sigurnosnog ažuriranja
Sigurnosno ažuriranje zamjenjuje prethodno objavljeno sigurnosno ažuriranje 5002054.
Podaci o hashu datoteke
Naziv datoteke |
SHA256 hash |
sts2019-kb5002109-fullfile-x64-glb.exe |
A8D66F84A80254FD8B69B55BF263CE5AE6A511D711DB84C32AC4C9542C303D1F |
Podaci o datoteci
Verzija ovog softverskog ažuriranja na engleskom (Sad) instalira datoteke koje imaju atribute navedene u sljedećoj tablici. Datumi i vremena za te datoteke navedeni su u koordiniranom univerzalnom vremenu (UTC). Datumi i vremena za te datoteke na lokalnom računalu prikazuju se u lokalnom vremenu zajedno s trenutnim pristranim uštedama vremena (DST). Uz to, datumi i vremena mogu se promijeniti prilikom izvođenja određenih operacija na datotekama.
Identifikator datoteke |
Naziv datoteke |
Verzija datoteke |
Veličina datoteke |
Datum |
Vrijeme |
absblobstore.dll |
absblobstore.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
691664 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:24 |
accsvcdp.dll |
accsvcdp.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
268744 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:23 | | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
767896 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
ascalc.dll |
ascalc.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
974296 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:22 | | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
614832 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:23 | | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
63448 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:23 | | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
1411544 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:24 |
accsrv.layouts.root.accsrvscripts.js |
accessserverscripts.js |
575536 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:24 |
| |
biplatserver.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
524720 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:23 |
ppt.conversion.biplatserver.dll |
biplatserver.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
524720 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:23 |
ppt.edit.biplatserver.dll |
biplatserver.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
524720 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:23 | |
biplatserver.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
524720 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:23 |
conversion.chartserver.dll |
chartserver.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
16148888 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:23 |
ppt.conversion.chartserver.dll |
chartserver.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
16148888 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:23 |
ppt.edit.chartserver.dll |
chartserver.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
16148888 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:23 | |
chartserver.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
16148888 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:23 |
chicagoingestion.dll |
chicagoingestion.dll | |
22408 |
14. prosinca 21. |
04:44 |
prodfeat.xml |
feature.xml |
616 |
14. prosinca 21. |
03:58 |
addgroup.asx |
cmsslwpaddeditgroup.aspx |
6406 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:48 |
astcmmn_js |
assetcommon.js |
18255 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:23 |
astpkrs_js |
assetpickers.js |
68294 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:22 |
sm.js |
cmssitemanager.js |
29281 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:23 |
cmssummarylinks_js |
cmssummarylinks.js |
6017 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:23 |
editmenu_js |
editingmenu.js |
11361 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:23 |
hierlist_js |
hierarchicallistbox.js |
30329 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:23 |
mediaplayer.js |
mediaplayer.js |
47727 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:24 |
ptdlg.js |
pickertreedialog.js |
2952 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:22 |
select_js |
select.js |
2389 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:23 |
slctctls_js |
selectorcontrols.js |
13290 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:23 |
serializ_js |
serialize.js |
3221 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:23 |
sp.ui.assetlibrary.ribbon.debug.js |
sp.ui.assetlibrary.debug.js |
13220 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:23 |
sp.ui.assetlibrary.js |
sp.ui.assetlibrary.js |
5369 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:22 |
| | |
38342 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:23 |
| | |
19409 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:23 |
| | |
146313 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:24 |
| | |
84981 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:24 |
sp.ui.rte.publishing.debug.js |
sp.ui.rte.publishing.debug.js |
98216 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:24 |
sp.ui.rte.publishing.js |
sp.ui.rte.publishing.js |
49718 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:22 |
sp.ui.spellcheck.debug.js |
sp.ui.spellcheck.debug.js |
68393 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:23 |
sp.ui.spellcheck.js |
sp.ui.spellcheck.js |
36524 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:24 |
splchkpg_js |
spellcheckentirepage.js |
6655 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:24 |
spelchek_js |
spellchecker.js |
34659 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:23 |
videoportal.js |
videoportal.js |
14744 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:23 |
microsoft.sharepoint.publishing.dll_isapi |
microsoft.sharepoint.publishing.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
5413816 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:24 |
sharepointpub.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.publishing.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
5413816 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:24 |
sharepointpub_gac.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.publishing.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
5413816 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:24 |
sppubint.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.publishing.intl.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
350648 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:24 |
sppubint_gac.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.publishing.intl.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
350648 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:24 |
schema.xml_pubresfeap |
schema.xml |
44173 |
14. prosinca 21. |
03:59 |
asctyps.xml |
assetcontenttypes.xml |
2846 |
14. prosinca 21. |
03:54 |
asctyps2.xml |
assetcontenttypes2.xml |
2460 |
14. prosinca 21. |
03:55 |
asflds.xml |
assetfields.xml |
1366 |
14. prosinca 21. |
03:55 |
asflds2.xml |
assetfields2.xml |
1045 |
14. prosinca 21. |
03:55 |
aslibalt.xml |
assetlibrarytemplate.xml |
555 |
14. prosinca 21. |
03:55 |
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feature.xml |
2763 |
14. prosinca 21. |
03:55 |
aslibui.xml |
provisionedui.xml |
5075 |
14. prosinca 21. |
03:55 |
aslibui2.xml |
provisionedui2.xml |
1708 |
14. prosinca 21. |
03:55 |
cdsele.xml |
contentdeploymentsource.xml |
637 |
14. prosinca 21. |
03:55 |
cdsfeatu.xml |
feature.xml |
604 |
14. prosinca 21. |
03:54 |
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496 |
14. prosinca 21. |
03:54 |
docxpgcv.xml |
docxpageconverter.xml |
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03:55 |
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03:55 |
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infopathpageconverter.xml |
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03:55 |
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xslapplicatorconverter.xml |
575 |
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03:55 |
analyticsreports.xml |
analyticsreports.xml |
2850 |
14. prosinca 21. |
03:59 |
xspsset.xml |
catalogsitesettings.xml |
556 |
14. prosinca 21. |
03:59 |
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feature.xml |
1514 |
14. prosinca 21. |
03:59 |
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03:59 |
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03:59 |
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enhancedhtmlediting.xml |
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03:58 |
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03:59 |
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03:54 |
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03:55 |
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03:59 |
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03:59 |
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03:55 |
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03:54 |
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03:54 |
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03:54 |
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03:56 |
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03:54 |
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03:55 |
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03:56 |
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03:55 |
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03:55 |
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03:55 |
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03:55 |
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03:55 |
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03:54 |
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03:55 |
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03:59 |
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03:59 |
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03:59 |
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03:59 |
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03:59 |
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03:58 |
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03:58 |
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03:58 |
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03:58 |
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03:58 |
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09:28 |
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09:28 |
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09:28 |
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09:28 |
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09:28 |
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09:28 |
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09:28 |
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08:52 |
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08:46 |
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08:45 |
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08:58 |
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08:53 |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
microsoft.extensions.dependencyinjection.abstractions.1.0.0.dll |
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35720 |
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35720 |
14. prosinca 21. |
04:48 |
microsoft.extensions.dependencyinjection.1.0.0.dll |
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microsoft.extensions.dependencyinjection.dll | |
37256 |
14. prosinca 21. |
04:48 |
microsoft.odata.core.7.0.0.dll |
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1395608 |
14. prosinca 21. |
04:48 |
microsoft.odata.edm.7.0.0.dll |
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microsoft.odata.edm.dll | |
780184 |
14. prosinca 21. |
04:48 |
microsoft.spatial.7.0.0.dll |
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135584 |
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microsoft.spatial.dll | |
135584 |
14. prosinca 21. |
04:48 |
microsoft.vroom.sharepoint.dll |
microsoft.vroom.sharepoint.dll |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
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174000 |
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system.collections.immutable.1.2.0.dll |
1.0.24212.01 |
174000 |
14. prosinca 21. |
04:48 |
system.web.http.owin.5.2.3.dll |
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64416 |
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system.web.http.owin.dll |
5.2.30128.0 |
64416 |
14. prosinca 21. |
04:48 |
system.web.odata.6.0.0.dll |
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779656 |
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system.web.odata.dll |
6.0.40914.0 |
779656 |
14. prosinca 21. |
04:48 |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
stswel.dll |
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16.0.10382.20004 |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
stswfacb.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.workflowactions.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:27 |
stswfact.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.workflowactions.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
313832 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:27 |
sts.workflows.dll |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
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09:28 |
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09:28 |
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09:28 |
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09:28 |
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09:28 |
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09:28 |
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09:28 |
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09:28 |
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09:28 |
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09:28 |
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09:28 |
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09:27 |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:27 |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:27 |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 | | |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
sts_sandbox.dll |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
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6143400 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:27 |
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16.0.10382.20004 |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
vsrvvgs.dll | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
visioserver.vutils.dll |
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16.0.10382.20004 |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
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17. studenog 21. |
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03:50 |
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12:04 |
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15. prosinca 21. |
12:04 |
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15. prosinca 21. |
12:04 |
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12:04 | | |
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15. prosinca 21. |
12:04 | | |
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15. prosinca 21. |
12:04 |
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15. prosinca 21. |
12:04 |
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15. prosinca 21. |
12:04 |
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15. prosinca 21. |
12:04 | | |
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15. prosinca 21. |
12:04 |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:27 |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:27 | | |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:27 |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:24 |
wac.word.gkword.dll |
gkword.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
4607904 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:24 |
wdsrv.conversion.gkword.dll |
gkword.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
4607904 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:24 | |
gfxserver.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
5277608 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:23 |
ppt.conversion.gfxserver.dll |
gfxserver.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
5277608 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:23 |
ppt.edit.gfxserver.dll |
gfxserver.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
5277608 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:23 | |
gfxserver.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
5277608 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:23 |
conversion.igxserver.dll |
igxserver.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
12130232 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
ppt.conversion.igxserver.dll |
igxserver.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
12130232 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
ppt.edit.igxserver.dll |
igxserver.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
12130232 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 | |
igxserver.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
12130232 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
sltemp.asc |
sldlibtemplates.ascx |
12554 |
14. prosinca 21. |
04:00 |
sldlib.js |
sldlib.js |
29295 |
14. prosinca 21. |
04:00 |
editdlg.htm_slfeat |
editdlg.htm |
4796 |
14. prosinca 21. |
03:59 |
filedlg.htm_slfeat |
filedlg.htm |
3344 |
14. prosinca 21. |
03:59 |
clientx.dll | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
382968 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
clientxr.dll.x64 | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
382968 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 | | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
614320 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 | | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
614320 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
as_adal_dll_32.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
adal.dll |
1456656 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_adal_dll_64.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
adal.dll |
1784544 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_azureclient_dll_32.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
microsoft.analysisservices.azureclient.dll |
316496 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_azureclient_dll_64.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
microsoft.analysisservices.azureclient.dll |
316496 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_client_db2v0801_xsl_32.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
db2v0801.xsl |
30717 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_client_db2v0801_xsl_64.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
db2v0801.xsl |
30717 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_client_hive_xsl_32.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
hive.xsl |
81782 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_client_hive_xsl_64.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
hive.xsl |
81782 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_client_msql_xsl_32.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
msql.xsl |
128792 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_client_msql_xsl_64.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
msql.xsl |
128792 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_client_orcl7_xsl_32.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
orcl7.xsl |
95739 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_client_orcl7_xsl_64.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
orcl7.xsl |
95739 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_client_sqlpdw_xsl_32.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
sqlpdw.xsl |
105635 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_client_sqlpdw_xsl_64.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
sqlpdw.xsl |
105635 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_client_trdtv2r41_xsl_32.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
trdtv2r41.xsl |
105800 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_client_trdtv2r41_xsl_64.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
trdtv2r41.xsl |
105800 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_client_xmsrv_dll_32.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
xmsrv.dll |
35081808 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_client_xmsrv_dll_64.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
xmsrv.dll |
25498704 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_clientas80_xsl_32.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
as80.xsl |
17484 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:40 |
as_clientas80_xsl_64.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
as80.xsl |
17484 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:40 |
as_clientas90_xsl_32.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
as90.xsl |
20021 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_clientas90_xsl_64.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
as90.xsl |
20021 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_clientinformix_xsl_32.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
informix.xsl |
32145 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_clientinformix_xsl_64.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
informix.xsl |
32145 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_clientmsjet_xsl_32.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
msjet.xsl |
30427 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_clientmsjet_xsl_64.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
msjet.xsl |
30427 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_clientmsmgdsrv_dll_32.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
msmgdsrv.dll |
7638824 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_clientmsmgdsrv_dll_64.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
msmgdsrv.dll |
9328720 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_clientsql120_xsl_32.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
sql120.xsl |
135247 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_clientsql120_xsl_64.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
sql120.xsl |
135247 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_clientsql2000_xsl_32.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
sql2000.xsl |
35014 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:40 |
as_clientsql2000_xsl_64.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
sql2000.xsl |
35014 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:40 |
as_clientsql70_xsl_32.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
sql70.xsl |
33181 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_clientsql70_xsl_64.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
sql70.xsl |
33181 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_clientsql90_xsl_32.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
sql90.xsl |
136426 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_clientsql90_xsl_64.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
sql90.xsl |
136426 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_clientsybase_xsl_32.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
sybase.xsl |
30964 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_clientsybase_xsl_64.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
sybase.xsl |
30964 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_msmdlocal_dll_32.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
msmdlocal.dll |
45813840 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_msmdlocal_dll_64.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
msmdlocal.dll |
63495968 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:40 |
as_msolap_dll_32.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
msolap.dll |
7999272 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:40 |
as_msolap_dll_64.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
msolap.dll |
10331936 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_msolui_dll_32.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
msolui.dll |
292128 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_msolui_dll_64.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
msolui.dll |
312616 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:40 |
as_sqldumper_exe_32.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
sqldumper.exe |
147560 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_sqldumper_exe_64.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
sqldumper.exe |
172368 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_xmlrw_dll_32.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
xmlrw.dll |
289376 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
as_xmlrw_dll_64.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
xmlrw.dll |
333928 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:40 |
as_xmlrwbin_dll_32.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
xmlrwbin.dll |
194152 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:40 |
as_xmlrwbin_dll_64.b77a7d1e_2d54_42cb_81a8_c5262ccc792b |
xmlrwbin.dll |
224864 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
| |
mso99lres.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
14981584 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
ppt.conversion.mso99lres.dll |
mso99lres.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
14981584 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
ppt.edit.mso99lres.dll |
mso99lres.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
14981584 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 | |
mso99lres.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
14981584 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 | |
mso20win32server.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
4416920 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
mso.mso20win32server.dll |
mso20win32server.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
4416920 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
ppt.conversion.mso20win32server.dll |
mso20win32server.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
4416920 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
ppt.edit.mso20win32server.dll |
mso20win32server.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
4416920 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 | |
mso20win32server.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
4416920 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 | |
mso30win32server.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
5585320 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
mso.mso30win32server.dll |
mso30win32server.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
5585320 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
ppt.conversion.mso30win32server.dll |
mso30win32server.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
5585320 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
ppt.edit.mso30win32server.dll |
mso30win32server.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
5585320 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 | |
mso30win32server.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
5585320 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 | |
mso40uiwin32server.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
12497320 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
ppt.conversion.mso40uiwin32server.dll |
mso40uiwin32server.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
12497320 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
ppt.edit.mso40uiwin32server.dll |
mso40uiwin32server.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
12497320 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 | |
mso40uiwin32server.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
12497320 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 | |
mso98win32server.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
3954640 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
ppt.conversion.mso98win32server.dll |
mso98win32server.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
3954640 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
ppt.edit.mso98win32server.dll |
mso98win32server.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
3954640 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 | |
mso98win32server.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
3954640 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 | |
msoserver.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
14487504 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
ppt.conversion.msoserver.dll |
msoserver.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
14487504 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
ppt.edit.msoserver.dll |
msoserver.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
14487504 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 | |
msoserver.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
14487504 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 | |
msores.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
73690064 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
ppt.conversion.msores.dll |
msores.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
73690064 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
ppt.edit.msores.dll |
msores.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
73690064 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 | |
msores.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
73690064 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 | | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
63480 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 | | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
1974232 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
nl7data0011.dll_osssearch |
nl7data0011.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
7782888 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
nl7data0404.dll_osssearch |
nl7data0404.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
2708480 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
nl7data0804.dll_osssearch |
nl7data0804.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
3588096 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
prm0009.bin_osssearch |
prm0009.bin |
13280768 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
conversion.oartodfserver.dll |
oartodfserver.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
3555736 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
ppt.conversion.oartodfserver.dll |
oartodfserver.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
3555736 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
ppt.edit.oartodfserver.dll |
oartodfserver.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
3555736 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 | |
oartodfserver.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
3555736 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 | |
oartserver.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
18202528 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
ppt.conversion.oartserver.dll |
oartserver.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
18202528 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
ppt.edit.oartserver.dll |
oartserver.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
18202528 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 | |
oartserver.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
18202528 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 | | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
62880 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
oss.queryboxd_js |
querybox.all.debug.js |
1872056 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:42 |
oss.querybox_js |
querybox.all.js |
268608 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:43 |
| |
office.odf |
2225632 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
office.odf |
office.odf |
2225632 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
| |
office.odf |
2225632 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
| |
office.odf |
2225632 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
| |
office.odf |
2225632 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
| |
office.odf |
2225632 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
| |
office.odf |
2225632 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
| |
office.odf |
2225632 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
htmlchkr.dll.x64 |
htmlchkr.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
1150432 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
conversionhtmlutil.dll |
htmlutil.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
2855336 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
busdata.dll |
microsoft.businessdata.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
131032 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
busdatar.dll.x64 |
microsoft.businessdata.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
131032 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
microsoft_web_design_server.dll | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
396736 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
onetnative.dll |
onetnative.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
813016 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
onetnative_1.dll |
onetnative.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
813016 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
onetutil.dll |
onetutil.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
2867160 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 | |
osfserver.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
164776 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 | |
osfserver.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
164776 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 | |
osfsharedserver.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
734112 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 | |
osfsharedserver.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
734112 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 | |
osfuiserver.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
487848 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 | |
osfuiserver.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
487848 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
osfserver_activities_dll.x64 |
microsoft.sharepoint.workflowservices.activities.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
286136 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
osfserver_workflow_dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.workflowservices.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
498632 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
osfextap.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.officeextension.applicationpages.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
16328 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
office_extension_manager_js |
sp.officeextensionmanager.js |
53407 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
| | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
1053128 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
osrvadml.xml |
officeserveradminlinks.xml |
3483 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:43 |
ugcdot.xml |
feature.xml |
629 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:53 |
| | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
747472 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 | | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
3043784 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 | | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
3043784 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 | | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
158136 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 | | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
78848 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
osrvintl.dll | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
288760 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 | | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
1658280 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 | | |
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04:41 |
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09:28 |
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09:28 |
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09:28 |
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09:26 |
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09:26 | | |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 | | |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 | | |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:27 | | |
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09:26 | | |
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09:27 | | |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 | | |
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09:26 | | |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 | | |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 | | |
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09:26 | | |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 | | |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 | | |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
microsoft.projectserver.client.dll |
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09:26 |
microsoft.projectserver.client.dll_001 |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
microsoft.projectserver.dll |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
microsoft.projectserver.dll_001 |
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16.0.10382.20004 |
888776 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
microsoft.projectserver.serverproxy.dll |
microsoft.projectserver.serverproxy.dll |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
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08:54 |
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09:28 | | |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 | | |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
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08:56 |
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08:56 |
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08:59 |
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08:45 |
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08:43 |
pwa.library.projectdrilldownsatellite.js |
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15. studenog 21. |
08:43 |
pwa.library.projectservertreepicker.debug.js |
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08:40 |
pwa.library.projectservertreepicker.js |
projectservertreepicker.js |
42509 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:40 |
pwa.library.projectserverscripts.core.debug.js |
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15. studenog 21. |
08:40 |
pwa.library.projectserverscripts.core.js |
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15. studenog 21. |
08:40 |
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ps.projectmanagers.debug.js |
375829 |
30. studenog 21. |
10:03 |
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ps.projectmanagers.js |
230541 |
30. studenog 21. |
10:03 |
pwa.library.projectserverscripts.rm.debug.js |
ps.resourcemanagers.debug.js |
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15. studenog 21. |
08:40 |
pwa.library.projectserverscripts.rm.js |
ps.resourcemanagers.js |
155142 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:40 |
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shell.debug.js |
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15. studenog 21. |
08:40 |
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shell.js |
45380 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:40 |
pwa.portfoliooptimizer.optimizerspreadsheet.aspx |
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15. studenog 21. |
08:56 |
pwa.portfoliooptimizer.plannerspreadsheet.aspx |
resourceconstraintanalysis.aspx |
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15. studenog 21. |
08:58 |
pwa.resx |
pwa.resx |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:27 |
pwa.timesheet.timesheethistory.aspx |
timesheethistory.aspx |
4300 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:54 |
workflowactivitiesdll | |
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56272 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:27 | |
riched20.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
3242384 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
ppt.conversion.riched20.dll |
riched20.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
3242384 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
ppt.edit.riched20.dll |
riched20.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
3242384 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 | |
riched20.dll |
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3242384 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
xlsrv.ecs.riched20.dll |
riched20.dll |
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3242384 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 | | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
18856 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
microsoft.eedict_companies.dll |
microsoft.eedict_companies |
16.0.10382.20004 |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
microsoft.eedict_companies.en.dll | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
16808 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 | | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
17872 |
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09:28 | | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
24992 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 | | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
46496 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
microsoft.eedict_companies.ja.dll |
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1534928 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 | | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
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09:28 | | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 | | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 | | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
33215952 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 | | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
9888168 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
microsoft.stopworddictionary.dll |
microsoft.stopworddictionary.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
32680 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
microsoft.system_dictionaries_spellcheck.dll |
microsoft.system_dictionaries_spellcheck.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
24632744 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
odffilt.dll.x64 |
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1840576 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
offfilt.dll_0002.x64 |
offfilt.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
290712 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
offfiltx.dll.x64 |
offfiltx.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
2116024 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 | | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
95656 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
microsoft.ceres.common.utils.dllmsil |
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322464 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
microsoft.ceres.contentengine.contentpush.dll |
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160160 |
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09:25 |
microsoft.ceres.contentengine.nlpevaluators.dll |
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16.0.10382.20004 |
251816 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
microsoft.ceres.contentengine.operators.mars.dll |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
documentformat.openxml.dllmsil2 |
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08:41 |
microsoft.ceres.docparsing.formathandlers.pdf.dllmsil |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
microsoft.ceres.evaluation.operators.dll |
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16.0.10382.20004 |
289232 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
microsoft.ceres.interactionengine.processing.builtin.dll |
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16.0.10382.20004 |
402856 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
microsoft.ceres.nlpbase.dictionaries.dll |
microsoft.ceres.nlpbase.dictionaries.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
138656 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
managedblingsigned.dll |
managedblingsigned.dll |
1862344 |
update_managedblingsigned.dll |
managedblingsigned.dll |
1862344 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:42 |
microsoft.ceres.nlpbase.richfields.dll |
microsoft.ceres.nlpbase.richfields.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
97704 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:27 |
microsoft.ceres.nlpbase.wordbreaker.dll |
microsoft.ceres.nlpbase.wordbreaker.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
124320 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
microsoft.contentpushhybridflow.dll |
microsoft.contentpushhybridflow.dll |
16.0.10382.3000 |
105912 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
microsoft.crawlerlfow.dll |
microsoft.crawlerflow.dll |
16.0.10382.3000 |
68008 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
microsoft.crawlerpropertymappingsubflow.dll |
microsoft.crawlerpropertymappingsubflow.dll |
16.0.10382.3000 |
27576 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
microsoft.sharepointsearchproviderflow.dll |
microsoft.sharepointsearchproviderflow.dll |
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27048 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
searchcore.clustering.indexclusteringmember.dll |
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16.0.10382.20004 |
62376 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
searchcore.clustering.indexclustermanager.dll |
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16.0.10382.20004 |
128416 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:27 |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.indexstorage.dll |
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31696 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:27 |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.journalshipper.dll |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.journalshipper.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
88528 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.query.marslookupcomponent.dll |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.query.marslookupcomponent.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
583080 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.seeding.dll |
microsoft.ceres.searchcore.seeding.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
132512 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
srchresources.rsx |
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09:25 |
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08:40 |
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15. studenog 21. |
08:40 |
srchccd.js |
search.clientcontrols.debug.js |
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15. studenog 21. |
08:43 |
srchcc.js |
search.clientcontrols.js |
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15. studenog 21. |
08:43 |
srchuicd.js |
searchui.debug.js |
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08:39 |
srchuicc.js |
searchui.js |
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15. studenog 21. |
08:39 |
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09:25 |
connfxom.dll_0001 | |
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09:25 |
srchportability.dll | |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
srchquerypipeline.dll | |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
searchrs.dll | |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
ossapp.dll | |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
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456120 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
searchom.dll | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
ossex.dll_0001 | |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
srchomnt.dll | |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
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486888 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
wsrchps.dll | |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
msscpi.dll |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
msslad.dll |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
mssph.dll |
mssph.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
2204088 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
mssrch.dll |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
query9x.dll_0001 |
query.dll |
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137184 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
tquery.dll |
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14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
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09:24 |
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08:53 |
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08:43 |
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09:27 |
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09:27 |
microsoft.web.commandui.dll_0001 |
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09:27 |
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09:27 |
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09:27 |
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09:27 |
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09:27 |
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09:27 |
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09:28 |
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09:26 |
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08:41 |
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09:26 |
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09:26 |
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09:25 |
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09:25 |
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08:43 |
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08:44 |
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08:44 |
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08:44 |
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08:43 |
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08:43 |
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08:44 |
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08:56 |
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08:44 |
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08:43 |
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10043 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:52 |
pplsearchres.aspx |
peoplesearchresults.aspx |
3821 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:53 |
reportsanddataresults_aspx |
reportsanddataresults.aspx |
3821 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:53 |
searchmain.aspx |
searchmain.aspx |
3361 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:53 |
searchres.aspx |
searchresults.aspx |
3821 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:53 |
oss.intl.dll | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
985016 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
wss.intl.dll | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
574472 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
microsoft.ceres.usageanalytics.analysis.dllmsil |
microsoft.ceres.usageanalytics.analysis.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
239056 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
setup.exe |
setup.exe |
16.0.10382.20004 |
1972640 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
svrsetup.exe |
setup.exe |
16.0.10382.20004 |
1972640 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
svrsetup.dll |
svrsetup.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
17144736 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:27 |
wsssetup.dll |
wsssetup.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
17143712 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:27 | | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
13148592 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
sptrns.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.translation.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
1105824 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
microsoft.fileservices.v2.dll |
microsoft.fileservices.v2.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
981928 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:27 |
spdxap.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.appmonitoring.applicationpages.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
65944 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
microsoft.sharepoint.flighting.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.flighting.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
2285520 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:27 |
actxprjlchrd.js |
activexwinprojlauncher.debug.js |
2095 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
actxprjlchr.js |
activexwinprojlauncher.js |
985 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
bitreeview.js |
bitreeview.js |
12881 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
contentfollowing.debug.js |
contentfollowing.debug.js |
123898 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
contentfollowing.js |
contentfollowing.js |
54230 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
followedtags.debug.js |
followedtags.debug.js |
6347 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
followedtags.js |
followedtags.js |
2728 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
followingcommon.debug.js |
followingcommon.debug.js |
21971 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
followingcommon.js |
followingcommon.js |
9648 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
group.debug.js |
group.debug.js |
125958 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
group.js |
group.js |
75985 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
hashtagprofile.debug.js |
hashtagprofile.debug.js |
6184 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
hashtagprofile.js |
hashtagprofile.js |
3287 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
hierarchytreeview.js |
hierarchytreeview.js |
8801 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
htmlmenu.js |
htmlmenus.js |
21159 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
kpilro.js |
kpilro.js |
3184 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
mrudocs.debug.js |
mrudocs.debug.js |
9192 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
mrudocs.js |
mrudocs.js |
5864 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
mydocs.debug.js |
mydocs.debug.js |
73509 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
mydocs.js |
mydocs.js |
34455 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
mylinks.debug.js |
mylinks.debug.js |
7003 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
mylinks.js |
mylinks.js |
2631 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
mysiterecommendationsdebug.js |
mysiterecommendations.debug.js |
74489 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
mysiterecommendations.js |
mysiterecommendations.js |
41312 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
notificationpanel.debug.js |
notificationpanel.debug.js |
14102 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
notificationpanel.js |
notificationpanel.js |
7019 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
portal.debug.js |
portal.debug.js |
94804 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
portal.js |
portal.js |
52483 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
prbrows.debug.js |
profilebrowsercontrol.debug.js |
52762 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
prbrows.js |
profilebrowsercontrol.js |
28064 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
projectsummary.debug.js |
projectsummary.debug.js |
36524 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
projectsummary.js |
projectsummary.js |
13120 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
ratings.js |
ratings.js |
18207 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
reputation.debug.js |
reputation.debug.js |
5317 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
reputation.js |
reputation.js |
3430 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
soccom.js |
socialcomment.js |
23528 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
socdata.js |
socialdata.js |
14891 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
soctag.js |
socialtag.js |
9994 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
sprecdocsd.js |
sp.recentdocs.debug.js |
40634 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
sprecdocs.js |
sp.recentdocs.js |
18262 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
announcementtilesdebug.js |
sp.ui.announcementtiles.debug.js |
14781 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
announcementtiles.js |
sp.ui.announcementtiles.js |
8784 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
spui_cold.js |
sp.ui.collabmailbox.debug.js |
11768 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
spui_col.js |
sp.ui.collabmailbox.js |
7594 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
communities.js |
sp.ui.communities.js |
43982 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
communitiestileview.js |
sp.ui.communities.tileview.js |
8540 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
communityfeed.js |
sp.ui.communityfeed.js |
9999 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
communitymoderation.js |
sp.ui.communitymoderation.js |
8225 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
sp.ui.documentssharedbyme.debug.js |
sp.ui.documentssharedbyme.debug.js |
3174 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
sp.ui.documentssharedbyme.js |
sp.ui.documentssharedbyme.js |
2212 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
sp.ui.documentssharedwithme.debug.js |
sp.ui.documentssharedwithme.debug.js |
41725 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
sp.ui.documentssharedwithme.js |
sp.ui.documentssharedwithme.js |
24712 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
spui_listsearchbox_debug.js |
sp.ui.listsearchbox.debug.js |
39586 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
spui_listsearchbox.js |
sp.ui.listsearchbox.js |
20182 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
spui_listsearchboxbootstrap_debug.js |
sp.ui.listsearchboxbootstrap.debug.js |
7401 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
spui_listsearchboxbootstrap.js |
sp.ui.listsearchboxbootstrap.js |
3070 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
microfeeddebug.js |
sp.ui.microfeed.debug.js |
393708 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
microfeed.js |
sp.ui.microfeed.js |
230149 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
mysitecommondebug.js |
sp.ui.mysitecommon.debug.js |
131548 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
mysitecommon.js |
sp.ui.mysitecommon.js |
75540 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
mysitenavigationdebug.js |
sp.ui.mysitenavigation.debug.js |
2523 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
mysitenavigation.js |
sp.ui.mysitenavigation.js |
2523 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
mysiterecommendationsuidebug.js |
sp.ui.mysiterecommendations.debug.js |
14330 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
mysiterecommendationsui.js |
sp.ui.mysiterecommendations.js |
7268 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
peopledebug.js |
sp.ui.people.debug.js |
87048 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
peopledebug.js1 |
sp.ui.people.debug.js |
87048 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
people.js |
sp.ui.people.js |
59579 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
people.js1 |
sp.ui.people.js |
59579 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
spui_persond.js |
sp.ui.person.debug.js |
18230 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
spui_person.js |
sp.ui.person.js |
10326 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
spui_psd.js |
sp.ui.promotedsites.debug.js |
24862 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
spui_ps.js |
sp.ui.promotedsites.js |
15125 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
sp.ui.ratings.debug.js |
sp.ui.ratings.debug.js |
20220 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
sp.ui.ratings.js |
sp.ui.ratings.js |
11911 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
sp.ui.reputation.debug.js |
sp.ui.reputation.debug.js |
42482 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
sp.ui.reputation.js |
sp.ui.reputation.js |
25976 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
spssoc.js |
sp.ui.socialribbon.js |
20742 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
homeapi.dll_gac |
microsoft.sharepoint.homeapi.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
353232 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
homeapi.dll_isapi |
microsoft.sharepoint.homeapi.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
353232 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
portal.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.portal.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
6996384 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
portal.dll_001 |
microsoft.sharepoint.portal.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
6996384 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
spsintl.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.portal.intl.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
1257936 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
profileext.sql |
profileext.sql |
1388377 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:42 |
profilesrp.sql |
profilesrp.sql |
1553927 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:41 |
profilesrp_c.sql |
profilesrp_c.sql |
150583 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:42 |
profilesrp_n.sql |
profilesrp_n.sql |
1004057 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:41 |
antixsslibrary.dll |
antixsslibrary.dll |
3.0.3259.31320 |
26256 |
update_antixsslibrary.dll |
antixsslibrary.dll |
3.0.3259.31320 |
26256 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:33 |
microsoft_office_securestoreservice.dll | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
645560 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
stsapa.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.applicationpages.administration.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
689120 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:27 |
wssadmop.dll_0001 |
microsoft.sharepoint.administrationoperation.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
1173992 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:27 |
anglesharp.dll |
anglesharp.dll |
0.9.7 |
1203712 |
update_anglesharp.dll |
anglesharp.dll |
0.9.7 |
1203712 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:33 |
timezone.xml |
timezone.xml |
89327 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:56 |
microsoft_sharepoint_dsp_xmlurl.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.dsp.xmlurl.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
79328 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
siteupgrade.xml |
siteupgradelinks.xml |
534 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:55 |
siteupgrade.xml_14 |
siteupgradelinks.xml |
534 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:55 |
| | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
137224 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
microsoft.sharepoint.identitymodel.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.identitymodel.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
659424 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
microsoft.owin.3.0.1.dll |
microsoft.owin.dll |
3.0.40213.64 |
101032 |
update_microsoft.owin.3.0.1.dll |
microsoft.owin.dll |
3.0.40213.64 |
101032 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:33 | | |
3.0.40213.64 |
133288 |
|| | |
3.0.40213.64 |
133288 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:33 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.dll.x64 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
853456 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.dll_0001.x64 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
853456 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 | | |
16.0.10382.20004 |
797104 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.portable.dll.x64 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.portable.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
813504 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.portable.dll_gac.x64 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.portable.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
813504 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.serverruntime.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.serverruntime.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
740816 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.serverruntime.dll_0001 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.serverruntime.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
740816 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.silverlight.dll.x64 |
microsoft.sharepoint.client.silverlight.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
796616 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
contextinfo.dll_0001 |
microsoft.sharepoint.context.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
48544 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
splinq.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.linq.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
388512 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
splinqvs.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.linq.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
388512 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
renderlist.dll_0001 |
microsoft.sharepoint.renderlist.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
22952 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
microsoft.sharepoint.serverstub.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.serverstub.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
2882000 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:26 |
newtonsoft.json.6.0.8.dll |
newtonsoft.json.dll | |
513536 |
update_newtonsoft.json.6.0.8.dll |
newtonsoft.json.dll | |
513536 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:33 |
offprsx.dll |
offparser.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
2139064 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
owin.1.0.dll |
owin.dll |
1.0 |
4608 |
update_owin.1.0.dll |
owin.dll |
1.0 |
4608 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:33 |
stslib.dll_0001 |
microsoft.sharepoint.library.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
231384 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
owssvr.dll_0001 |
owssvr.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
6901728 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
microsoft.sharepoint.powershell.dll_0001 |
microsoft.sharepoint.powershell.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
1070520 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
microsoft.sharepoint.powershell.intl.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.powershell.intl.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
97192 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
wsscmdlet.xml |
wsscmdlet.xml |
120602 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:47 |
psconfig.exe |
psconfig.exe |
16.0.10382.20004 |
540152 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:27 |
psconfigui.exe |
psconfigui.exe |
16.0.10382.20004 |
810960 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:27 |
core_0.rsx |
core.resx |
526140 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
sts_addgallery_server |
microsoft.sharepoint.addgallery.server.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
118184 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
sp.res_0.resx |
sp.res.resx |
78081 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:25 |
sts.spuchostservice.exe |
spuchostservice.exe |
16.0.10382.20004 |
154120 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
spusercode.dll_0001 |
microsoft.sharepoint.usercode.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
26032 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
cloudweb.cfg |
cloudweb.config |
79824 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:45 |
clientsideframework.dll_0001 |
microsoft.sharepoint.clientsideframework.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
239560 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
stsom.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
38551968 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
stsom.dll_0001 |
microsoft.sharepoint.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
38551968 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
stsomdr.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.intl.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
1409976 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
web.cfg |
web.config |
79824 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:45 |
stsap.dll |
microsoft.sharepoint.applicationpages.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
2450440 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:27 |
stssoap.dll |
stssoap.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
775608 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:27 |
subsetproxy.dll_0001 |
microsoft.sharepoint.subsetproxy.dll |
16.0.10382.20004 |
1142240 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
subsetshim.dll_0001 |
microsoft.sharepoint.dll |
16.900.rup.rpr |
2450840 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:27 | | |
5.2.30128.0 |
185544 |
|| | |
5.2.30128.0 |
185544 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:34 |
system.web.http.5.2.3.dll |
system.web.http.dll |
5.2.30128.0 |
471240 |
update_system.web.http.5.2.3.dll |
system.web.http.dll |
5.2.30128.0 |
471240 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:33 |
blog.xsl |
blog.xsl |
37382 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:53 |
applications.asx_0014 |
applications.aspx |
3998 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:54 |
apps.asx_0014 |
apps.aspx |
3974 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:54 |
backups.asx_0014 |
backups.aspx |
3983 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:55 |
configurationwizards.asx_0014 |
configurationwizards.aspx |
4022 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:55 |
default.asx_0014 |
default.aspx |
5440 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:54 |
genappsettings.asx_0014 |
generalapplicationsettings.aspx |
4041 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:53 |
monitoring.asx_0014 |
monitoring.aspx |
3992 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:54 |
o365config.asx_0015 |
office365configuration.aspx |
5180 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:55 |
security.asx_0014 |
security.aspx |
3986 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:54 |
sysset.asx_0014 |
systemsettings.aspx |
4004 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:53 |
upgandmig.asx_0014 |
upgradeandmigration.aspx |
4019 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:54 |
depl.xsd.x64 |
deploymentmanifest.xsd |
91463 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:54 |
dip.js |
dip.js |
50374 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:47 |
dip.js_14 |
dip.js |
50374 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:47 |
fldtypes.xsl |
fldtypes.xsl |
134868 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:54 |
internal.xsl |
internal.xsl |
11270 |
15. studenog 21. |
08:54 |
accreqctl.debug.js |
accessrequestscontrol.debug.js |
20696 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
accreqctl.js |
accessrequestscontrol.js |
11684 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
accreqviewtmpl.debug.js |
accessrequestsviewtemplate.debug.js |
50013 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
accreqviewtmpl.js |
accessrequestsviewtemplate.js |
22933 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
appcatalogfieldtemplate.debug.js |
appcatalogfieldtemplate.debug.js |
9638 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
appcatalogfieldtemplate.js |
appcatalogfieldtemplate.js |
3695 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
appdeveloperdash.debug.js |
appdeveloperdash.debug.js |
23162 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
appdeveloperdash.js |
appdeveloperdash.js |
11552 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
apprequestmanagefieldtemplate.debug.js |
apprequestmanagefieldtemplate.debug.js |
2771 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
apprequestmanagefieldtemplate.js |
apprequestmanagefieldtemplate.js |
1476 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
autofill.debug.js |
autofill.debug.js |
20542 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
autofill.js |
autofill.js |
11562 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
autohostedlicensingtemplates.debug.js |
autohostedlicensingtemplates.debug.js |
21187 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
autohostedlicensingtemplates.js |
autohostedlicensingtemplates.js |
8989 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
bform.debug.js |
bform.debug.js |
460795 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
bform.js |
bform.js |
259449 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
blank.debug.js |
blank.debug.js |
755 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
blank.js |
blank.js |
456 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
callout.debug.js |
callout.debug.js |
92058 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
callout.js |
callout.js |
29842 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
choicebuttonfieldtemplate.debug.js |
choicebuttonfieldtemplate.debug.js |
6382 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
choicebuttonfieldtemplate.js |
choicebuttonfieldtemplate.js |
2743 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
clientforms.debug.js |
clientforms.debug.js |
156496 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
clientforms.js |
clientforms.js |
79487 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
clientpeoplepicker.debug.js |
clientpeoplepicker.debug.js |
83429 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
clientpeoplepicker.js |
clientpeoplepicker.js |
44310 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
clientrenderer.debug.js |
clientrenderer.debug.js |
30681 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
clientrenderer.js |
clientrenderer.js |
12960 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
clienttemplates.debug.js |
clienttemplates.debug.js |
399096 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
clienttemplates.js |
clienttemplates.js |
203948 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
commonvalidation.debug.js |
commonvalidation.debug.js |
6758 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
comval.js |
commonvalidation.js |
4224 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
core.debug.js |
core.debug.js |
955512 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
core.js_0001 |
core.js |
506884 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
createsharedfolderdialog.debug.js |
createsharedfolderdialog.debug.js |
43148 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
createsharedfolderdialog.js |
createsharedfolderdialog.js |
18922 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
datepicker.debug.js |
datepicker.debug.js |
160480 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
datepick.js |
datepicker.js |
71517 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
designgallery.debug.js |
designgallery.debug.js |
47390 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
designgallery.js |
designgallery.js |
29175 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
devdash.debug.js |
devdash.debug.js |
89841 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
devdash.js |
devdash.js |
38404 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
dragdrop.debug.js |
dragdrop.debug.js |
237846 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
dragdrop.js |
dragdrop.js |
122533 |
14. prosinca 21. |
09:28 |
entityeditor.debug.js |
entityeditor.debug.js |
73995 |
14. prosinca 21. |