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How do I organize members of my Skype Manager™ into a list?

This FAQ contains instructions on how to create a new list and add members to a list .

Lists are a great way to manage members of your Skype Manager . You can easily allocate Skype Credit , assign features and monitor Skype usage for individual lists. For example, you may want to categorize your members according to the department they belong to within your group: Marketing, Human Resources, Engineering, and so on.

Creating a new list

To create a list:

  1. Sign in to Skype Manager .

  2. Click Members from your Skype Manager Dashboard to display the All members page.

  3. In the Members menu on the left, click Create a list to display the Create new list window.

    Create new list window

  4. Enter the list name and click Create .

Adding members to a list

To add one or more members to a list:

  1. Sign in to Skype Manager .

  2. Click Members from your Skype Manager Dashboard to display the All members page.

  3. Check the box next to each member that you want to add to a list. When you select a member, the option for adding members to a list is automatically displayed.

    List options for Skype Manager member

  4. In the Move selected members to a list drop-down options, select the list you wish to add the selected members to.

    If you don’t want a member to belong to any list, select Not in a list from the drop-down options.

  5. Click Move .

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