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The Microsoft ADO.NET provider for DB2 fails to read data stored in DB2 for z/OS V11 BLOB and CLOB columns that are greater than 1,048,576 bytes.
In this case, you may get the following error message:

Not supported LOB data format. SQLSTATE HY000 with SQLCODE -343


The Microsoft ADO.NET Provider for DB2 and the underlying Microsoft DRDA Application Requester Client for DB2 do not process DB2 for z/OS V11 BLOB and CLOB data values that are longer than 1,048,576 bytes.


Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the "Applies to" section.


This issue is fixed in the following cumulative update for Host Integration Server:

Note The Microsoft ADO.NET Provider for DB2 and the underlying Microsoft DRDA Application Requester Client for DB2 have been corrected to support data conversion for DB2 for z/OS V11 BLOB and CLOB data values that are longer than 1,048,576 bytes.


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