Masuk dengan Microsoft
Masuk atau buat akun.
Pilih akun lain.
Anda memiliki beberapa akun
Pilih akun yang ingin Anda gunakan untuk masuk.

Artikel ini berlaku untuk Microsoft Dynamics NAV untuk bahasa Inggris (en-gb) lokal.


Anda tidak dapat menjalankan saham menerima tidak ditagih dan laporan dikirimkan saham tidak ditagih retrospektif di versi Inggris dari Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009.

Masalah ini terjadi di dalam produk berikut ini:

  • Versi Inggris dari Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 Paket Layanan 1

  • Versi Inggris dari Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2

Pemecahan masalah

Informasi Hotfix

Sekarang tersedia hotfix yang didukung dari Microsoft. Namun, hanya ditujukan untuk memperbaiki masalah yang dijelaskan di artikel ini. Terapkan hanya ke sistem yang mengalami masalah khusus ini. Perbaikan terbaru ini dapat menerima pengujian tambahan. Oleh karena itu, jika Anda tidak terlalu dipengaruhi oleh masalah ini, kami sarankan Anda menunggu paket layanan Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 atau versi Microsoft Dynamics NAV berikutnya yang berisi perbaikan terbaru ini.

Catatan Dalam kasus tertentu, biaya yang biasanya diadakan untuk panggilan mungkin dibatalkan apabila profesional dukungan teknis untuk Microsoft Dynamics dan produk-produk terkait dukungan menentukan bahwa pembaruan khusus akan memecahkan masalah Anda. Biaya dukungan biasa akan berlaku untuk pertanyaan dan masalah yang tidak termasuk pada pembaruan tertentu yang dimaksud dukungan tambahan.

Informasi penginstalan

Microsoft menyediakan contoh pemrogaman hanya untuk ilustrasi, tanpa garansi baik tersurat maupun tersirat. Ini mencakup, namun tidak terbatas pada, garansi yang tersirat dapat diperjualbelikan atau kesesuaian untuk tujuan tertentu. Artikel ini menganggap bahwa Anda sudah terbiasa dengan bahasa pemrograman yang ditunjukkan dan terbiasa dengan alat-alat yang digunakan untuk membuat dan prosedur debug. Teknisi dukungan Microsoft dapat membantu menjelaskan fungsionalitas prosedur tertentu. Namun, mereka tidak akan mengubah contoh tersebut untuk memberikan fungsionalitas tambahan atau menyusun prosedur untuk memenuhi persyaratan khusus Anda.

Catatan Sebelum Anda menginstal perbaikan terbaru ini, verifikasi bahwa semua pengguna klien Microsoft Dynamics NAV log off sistem. Ini termasuk layanan Microsoft Dynamics NAV aplikasi Server (NAS). Anda harus klien hanya pengguna yang masuk saat Anda menerapkan perbaikan terbaru ini.

Untuk menerapkan hotfix ini, Anda harus memiliki lisensi pengembang.

Kami menyarankan bahwa akun pengguna di jendela login Windows atau jendela login Database ditetapkan id peran "SUPER" Jika account pengguna tidak dapat menetapkan ID peran "SUPER", Anda harus memverifikasi bahwa account pengguna yang memiliki izin berikut ini:

  • Ubah izin untuk objek yang Anda akan berubah.

  • Izin eksekusi untuk objek sistem objek ID 5210 dan sistem objek ID 9015


Catatan Anda tidak harus memiliki hak untuk penyimpanan data kecuali jika Anda harus melakukan perbaikan data.

Perubahan kode

Catatan Selalu menguji kode perbaikan di lingkungan yang dikontrol sebelum menerapkan perbaikan untuk komputer produksi.

Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, ikuti langkah-langkah berikut:

  1. Ubah kode Data Item nomor 1 dalam menerima saham tidak menerima faktur laporan (10540) sebagai berikut:
    Kode yang ada

    ...CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)","Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity");
    // GB1004.begin

    // Delete the following lines.
    TotalSum1 := 0;
    TotalSum2 := 0;
    TotalSum3 := 0;
    TotalSum4 := 0;
    TotalSum5 := 0;
    // End of the deleted lines.

    // GB1004.end

    Penggantian kode

    ...CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)","Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity");
    // GB1004.begin

    // Add the following lines.
    ItemReceivedQtyTotal := 0;
    ItemInvoicedQtyTotal := 0;
    ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal := 0;
    ValueCostAmtActualTotal := 0;
    ValueInvoicedQtyTotal := 0;
    // End of the added lines.

    // GB1004.end
  2. Ubah kode di bagian 1 nomor Item Data dalam menerima saham tidak menerima faktur laporan (10540) sebagai berikut:
    Kode yang ada 1


    DataSetFieldName=USERID }

    // Delete the following lines.
    { 1040092;TextBox ;15000;1692 ;150 ;423 ;Name=Sum1;
    DataSetFieldName=Sum1 }
    { 1040094;TextBox ;15600;1692 ;150 ;423 ;Name=Sum5;
    DataSetFieldName=Sum5 }
    { 1040095;TextBox ;15450;1692 ;150 ;423 ;Name=Sum4;
    DataSetFieldName=Sum4 }
    { 1040096;TextBox ;15150;1692 ;150 ;423 ;Name=Sum2;
    DataSetFieldName=Sum2 }
    { 1040097;TextBox ;15300;1692 ;150 ;423 ;Name=Sum3;
    DataSetFieldName=Sum3 }
    // End of the deleted lines.


    Penggantian kode 1

    DataSetFieldName=USERID }

    // Add the following lines.
    { 1040092;TextBox ;15000;1692 ;150 ;423 ;Name=ItemReceivedQty;
    DataSetFieldName=ItemReceivedQty }
    { 1040094;TextBox ;15600;1692 ;150 ;423 ;Name=ValueInvoicedQty;
    DataSetFieldName=ValueInvoicedQty }
    { 1040095;TextBox ;15450;1692 ;150 ;423 ;Name=ValueCostAmtActual;
    DataSetFieldName=ValueCostAmtActual }
    { 1040096;TextBox ;15150;1692 ;150 ;423 ;Name=ItemInvoicedQty;
    DataSetFieldName=ItemInvoicedQty }
    { 1040097;TextBox ;15300;1692 ;150 ;423 ;Name=ItemCostAmtExpected;
    DataSetFieldName=ItemCostAmtExpected }
    // End of the added lines.


    Kode yang ada 2

    ...{ 1040046;TextBox   ;5700 ;0    ;1550 ;423  ;FontBold=Yes;
    CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced;

    // Delete the following line.
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry".Quantity - "Item Ledger Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the deleted line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ }
    { 1040033;TextBox ;9150 ;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    Penggantian kode 2

    ...{ 1040046;TextBox   ;5700 ;0    ;1550 ;423  ;FontBold=Yes;
    CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced;

    // Add the following line.
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry".Quantity - "Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the added line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ }
    { 1040033;TextBox ;9150 ;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    Kode yang ada 3

    ...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity }
    { 1040038;TextBox ;11100;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Delete the following line.
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the deleted line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ }
    { 1040039;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    Penggantian kode 3

    ...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity }
    { 1040038;TextBox ;11100;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Add the following line.
    SourceExpr="Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the added line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ }
    { 1040039;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    Ada kode 4

    ...{ 1040059;TextBox   ;7350 ;0    ;1550 ;423  ;FontBold=Yes;
    CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced;

    // Delete the following line.
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)";
    // End of the deleted line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual__ }
    { 1040064;TextBox ;15000;0 ;1500 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    Penggantian kode 4

    ...{ 1040059;TextBox   ;7350 ;0    ;1550 ;423  ;FontBold=Yes;
    CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced;

    // Add the following line.
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)" - "Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)";
    // End of the added line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual__ }
    { 1040064;TextBox ;15000;0 ;1500 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    Ada kode 5

    CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced;

    // Delete the following line.
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry".Quantity - "Item Ledger Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the deleted line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040065 }
    { 1040066;TextBox ;9150 ;423 ;1800 ;423 ;FontSize=7;

    Penggantian kode 5

    CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced;

    // Add the following line.
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry".Quantity - "Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the added line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040065 }
    { 1040066;TextBox ;9150 ;423 ;1800 ;423 ;FontSize=7;

    Kode yang ada 6

    ...{ 1040067;TextBox   ;11100;423  ;1800 ;423  ;FontSize=7;

    // Delete the following line.
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the deleted line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040067 }
    { 1040068;TextBox ;13050;423 ;1800 ;423 ;FontSize=7;

    Penggantian kode 6

    ...{ 1040067;TextBox   ;11100;423  ;1800 ;423  ;FontSize=7;

    // Add the following line.
    SourceExpr="Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the added line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040067 }
    { 1040068;TextBox ;13050;423 ;1800 ;423 ;FontSize=7;

    Kode yang ada 7

    CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced;

    // Delete the following line.
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)";
    // End of the deleted line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040069 }
    { 1040070;TextBox ;15000;423 ;1500 ;423 ;FontSize=7;

    Penggantian kode 7

    CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced;

    // Add the following line.
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)" - "Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)";
    // End of the added line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040069 }
    { 1040070;TextBox ;15000;423 ;1500 ;423 ;FontSize=7;

    Kode yang ada 8

    DataSetFieldName=TotalCaption }

    // Delete the following lines.
    { 1040100;TextBox ;600 ;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=TotalSum5;
    DataSetFieldName=TotalSum5 }
    { 1040101;TextBox ;450 ;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=TotalSum4;
    DataSetFieldName=TotalSum4 }
    { 1040102;TextBox ;150 ;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=TotalSum2;
    DataSetFieldName=TotalSum2 }
    { 1040103;TextBox ;300 ;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=TotalSum3;
    DataSetFieldName=TotalSum3 }
    { 1040104;TextBox ;0 ;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=TotalSum1;
    DataSetFieldName=TotalSum1 }
    // End of the deleted lines.


    Penggantian kode 8

    DataSetFieldName=TotalCaption }

    // Add the following lines.
    { 1040100;TextBox ;600 ;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=ValueInvoicedQtyTotal;
    DataSetFieldName=ValueInvoicedQtyTotal }
    { 1040101;TextBox ;450 ;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=ValueCostAmtActualTotal;
    DataSetFieldName=ValueCostAmtActualTotal }
    { 1040102;TextBox ;150 ;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=ItemInvoicedQtyTotal;
    DataSetFieldName=ItemInvoicedQtyTotal }
    { 1040103;TextBox ;300 ;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal;
    DataSetFieldName=ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal }
    { 1040104;TextBox ;0 ;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=ItemReceivedQtyTotal;
    DataSetFieldName=ItemReceivedQtyTotal }
    // End of the added lines.

  3. Ubah kode di Data Item nomor 2 dalam menerima saham tidak menerima faktur laporan (10540) sebagai berikut:
    Kode yang ada 1

    DataItemTableView=SORTING(Item No.,Positive,Completely Invoiced,Last Invoice Date,Location Code,Variant Code)

    // Delete the following lines.
    WHERE(Completely Invoiced=CONST(No),
    Entry Type=CONST(Purchase));
    // End of the deleted lines.

    IF EndDate <> 0D THEN

    Penggantian kode 1

    DataItemTableView=SORTING(Item No.,Positive,Completely Invoiced,Last Invoice Date,Location Code,Variant Code)

    // Add the following line.
    WHERE(Entry Type=CONST(Purchase));
    // End of the added line.

    IF EndDate <> 0D THEN

    Kode yang ada 2

    ...SETRANGE("Posting Date",0D,EndDate);
    // GB1004.begin

    // Delete the following lines.
    Sum1 := 0;
    Sum2 := 0;
    Sum3 := 0;
    Sum4 := 0;
    Sum5 := 0;
    // End of the deleted lines.

    // GB1004.end

    Penggantian kode 2

    ...SETRANGE("Posting Date",0D,EndDate);
    // GB1004.begin

    // Add the following lines.
    ItemReceivedQty := 0;
    ItemInvoicedQty := 0;
    ItemCostAmtExpected := 0;
    ValueCostAmtActual := 0;
    ValueInvoicedQty := 0;
    // End of the added lines.

    // GB1004.end

    Kode yang ada 3

    ...CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)","Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity");
    // GB1004.begin

    // Delete the following lines.
    Sum1 += Quantity;
    Sum2 += "Invoiced Quantity";
    Sum3 += "Cost Amount (Expected)";
    TotalSum1 += Quantity;
    TotalSum2 += "Invoiced Quantity";
    TotalSum3 += "Cost Amount (Expected)";
    // End of the deleted lines.

    // GB1004.end

    Penggantian kode 3

    ...CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)","Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity");
    // GB1004.begin

    // Add the following lines.
    ItemReceivedQty += Quantity;
    ItemInvoicedQty += "Invoiced Quantity";
    ItemCostAmtExpected += "Cost Amount (Expected)";
    ItemReceivedQtyTotal += Quantity;
    ItemInvoicedQtyTotal += "Invoiced Quantity";
    ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal += "Cost Amount (Expected)";
    // End of the added lines.

    // GB1004.end
  4. Ubah kode di bagian 2 nomor Item Data dalam menerima saham tidak menerima faktur laporan (10540) sebagai berikut:
    Kode yang ada 1

    ...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity }
    { 1040075;TextBox ;11100;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Delete the following line.
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the deleted line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ }
    { 1040076;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    Penggantian kode 1

    ...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity }
    { 1040075;TextBox ;11100;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Add the following line.
    SourceExpr="Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the added line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ }
    { 1040076;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    Kode yang ada 2

    ...{ 1040080;TextBox   ;5700 ;0    ;1550 ;423  ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Delete the following lines.
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry".Quantity - "Item Ledger Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040080 }
    { 1040081;TextBox ;7350 ;0 ;1550 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)";
    // End of the deleted lines.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040081 }
    { 1040078;TextBox ;18000;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=NoOfItems;

    Penggantian kode 2

    ...{ 1040080;TextBox   ;5700 ;0    ;1550 ;423  ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Add the following lines.
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry".Quantity - "Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040080 }
    { 1040081;TextBox ;7350 ;0 ;1550 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)" - "Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)";
    // End of the added lines.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040081 }
    { 1040078;TextBox ;18000;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=NoOfItems;
  5. Ubah kode di Data Item nomor 3 dalam menerima saham tidak menerima faktur laporan (10540) sebagai berikut:
    Kode yang ada 1

    ...Expected Cost=CONST(No));
    CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Cost Amount (Actual)","Invoiced Quantity");

    Penggantian kode 1

    ...Expected Cost=CONST(No));

    // Add the following lines.
    IF EndDate <> 0D THEN
    SETRANGE("Posting Date",0D,EndDate);
    SETFILTER("Invoiced Quantity",'<>%1',0);
    // End of the added lines.

    CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Cost Amount (Actual)","Invoiced Quantity");

    Kode yang ada 2

    // GB1004.begin

    // Delete the following lines.
    Sum4 += "Cost Amount (Actual)";
    Sum5 += "Invoiced Quantity";
    TotalSum4 += "Cost Amount (Actual)";
    TotalSum5 += "Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the deleted lines.

    // GB1004.end

    Penggantian kode 2

    // GB1004.begin

    // Add the following lines.
    ValueCostAmtActual += "Cost Amount (Actual)";
    ValueInvoicedQty += "Invoiced Quantity";
    ValueCostAmtActualTotal += "Cost Amount (Actual)";
    ValueInvoicedQtyTotal += "Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the added lines.

    // GB1004.end
  6. Ubah kode di bagian 4 nomor Item Data dalam menerima saham tidak menerima faktur laporan (10540) sebagai berikut:
    Kode yang ada 1

    ...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity_Control1040032 }
    { 1040034;TextBox ;11100;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Delete the following line.
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the deleted line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040034 }
    { 1040035;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    Penggantian kode 1

    ...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity_Control1040032 }
    { 1040034;TextBox ;11100;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Add the following line.
    SourceExpr="Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the added line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040034 }
    { 1040035;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    Kode yang ada 2

    ...{ 1040040;TextBox   ;5700 ;0    ;1550 ;423  ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Delete the following lines.
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry".Quantity - "Item Ledger Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040040 }
    { 1040058;TextBox ;7350 ;0 ;1550 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)";
    // End of the deleted lines.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040058 }
    { 1040082;TextBox ;5400 ;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=ItemTotal.Number;

    Penggantian kode 2

    ...{ 1040040;TextBox   ;5700 ;0    ;1550 ;423  ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Add the following lines.
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry".Quantity - "Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040040 }
    { 1040058;TextBox ;7350 ;0 ;1550 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)" - "Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)";
    // End of the added lines.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040058 }
    { 1040082;TextBox ;5400 ;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=ItemTotal.Number;
  7. Ubah kode di variabel Global di saham menerima tidak menerima faktur laporan (10540) sebagai berikut:
    Kode yang ada 1

    ...Text1040005@1040005 : TextConst 'ENU=Received not invoiced for item';
    NoOfItems@1040006 : Integer;

    // Delete the following lines.
    Sum1@1040007 : Decimal;
    Sum2@1040008 : Decimal;
    Sum3@1040009 : Decimal;
    Sum4@1040010 : Decimal;
    Sum5@1040011 : Decimal;
    TotalSum1@1040012 : Decimal;
    TotalSum2@1040013 : Decimal;
    TotalSum3@1040014 : Decimal;
    TotalSum4@1040015 : Decimal;
    TotalSum5@1040016 : Decimal;
    // End of the deleted lines.


    Penggantian kode 1

    ...Text1040005@1040005 : TextConst 'ENU=Received not invoiced for item';
    NoOfItems@1040006 : Integer;

    // Add the following lines.
    ItemReceivedQty@1040007 : Decimal;
    ItemInvoicedQty@1040008 : Decimal;
    ItemCostAmtExpected@1040009 : Decimal;
    ValueCostAmtActual@1040010 : Decimal;
    ValueInvoicedQty@1040011 : Decimal;
    ItemReceivedQtyTotal@1040012 : Decimal;
    ItemInvoicedQtyTotal@1040013 : Decimal;
    ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal@1040014 : Decimal;
    ValueCostAmtActualTotal@1040015 : Decimal;
    ValueInvoicedQtyTotal@1040016 : Decimal;
    // End of the added lines.


    Kode yang ada 2


    // Delete the following line.
    <Value>=Last(Fields!TotalSum1.Value) - Last(Fields!TotalSum2.Value)</Value>
    // End of the deleted line.


    Penggantian kode 2


    // Add the following line.
    <Value>=Last(Fields!ItemReceivedQtyTotal.Value) - Last(Fields!ValueInvoicedQtyTotal.Value)</Value>
    // End of the added line.


    Kode yang ada 3


    // Delete the following line.
    <Value>=Last(Fields!TotalSum3.Value) - Last(Fields!TotalSum4.Value)</Value>
    // End of the deleted line.


    Penggantian kode 3


    // Add the following line.
    <Value>=Last(Fields!ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal.Value) - Last(Fields!ValueCostAmtActualTotal.Value)</Value>
    // End of the added line.


    Ada kode 4


    // Delete the following line.
    // End of the deleted line.


    Penggantian kode 4


    // Add the following line.
    // End of the added line.


    Ada kode 5


    // Delete the following line.
    // End of the deleted line.


    Penggantian kode 5


    // Add the following line.
    // End of the added line.


    Kode yang ada 6


    // Delete the following line.
    // End of the deleted line.


    Penggantian kode 6


    // Add the following line.
    // End of the added line.


    Kode yang ada 7


    // Delete the following line.
    <Value>=Last(Fields!Sum1.Value) - Last(Fields!Sum2.Value)</Value>
    // End of the deleted line.


    Penggantian kode 7


    // Add the following line.
    <Value>=Last(Fields!ItemReceivedQty.Value) - Last(Fields!ValueInvoicedQty.Value)</Value>
    // End of the added line.


    Kode yang ada 8


    // Delete the following line.
    <Value>=Last(Fields!Sum3.Value) - Last(Fields!Sum4.Value)</Value>
    // End of the deleted line.


    Penggantian kode 8


    // Add the following line.
    <Value>=Last(Fields!ItemCostAmtExpected.Value) - Last(Fields!ValueCostAmtActual.Value)</Value>
    // End of the added line.


    Kode yang ada 9


    // Delete the following line.
    // End of the deleted line.


    Penggantian kode 9


    // Add the following line.
    // End of the added line.


    Kode yang ada 10


    // Delete the following line.
    // End of the deleted line.


    Penggantian kode 10


    // Add the following line.
    // End of the added line.


    Kode yang ada 11


    // Delete the following line.
    // End of the deleted line.


    Penggantian kode 11


    // Add the following line.
    // End of the added line.


    Ada kode 12


    // Delete the following line.
    <Value>=Last(Fields!Sum1.Value) - Last(Fields!Sum2.Value)</Value>
    // End of the deleted line.


    Penggantian kode 12


    // Add the following line.
    <Value>=Last(Fields!ItemReceivedQty.Value) - Last(Fields!ValueInvoicedQty.Value)</Value>
    // End of the added line.


    Kode yang ada 13


    // Delete the following line.
    <Value>=Last(Fields!Sum3.Value) - Last(Fields!Sum4.Value)</Value>
    // End of the deleted line.


    Penggantian kode 13


    // Add the following line.
    <Value>=Last(Fields!ItemCostAmtExpected.Value) - Last(Fields!ValueCostAmtActual.Value)</Value>
    // End of the added line.


    Kode yang ada 14


    // Delete the following line.
    // End of the deleted line.


    Penggantian kode 14


    // Add the following line.
    // End of the added line.


    Kode yang ada 15


    // Delete the following line.
    // End of the deleted line.


    Penggantian kode 15


    // Add the following line.
    // End of the added line.


    Kode yang ada 16


    // Delete the following line.
    // End of the deleted line.


    Penggantian kode 16


    // Add the following line.
    // End of the added line.


    Kode yang ada 17


    // Delete the following line.
    <Value>=Last(Fields!Sum1.Value) - Last(Fields!Sum2.Value)</Value>
    // End of the deleted line.


    Penggantian kode 17


    // Add the following line.
    <Value>=Last(Fields!ItemReceivedQty.Value) - Last(Fields!ValueInvoicedQty.Value)</Value>
    // End of the added line.


    Kode yang ada 18


    // Delete the following line.
    <Value>=Last(Fields!Sum3.Value) - Last(Fields!Sum4.Value)</Value>
    // End of the deleted line.


    Penggantian kode 18


    // Add the following line.
    <Value>=Last(Fields!ItemCostAmtExpected.Value) - Last(Fields!ValueCostAmtActual.Value)</Value>
    // End of the added line.


    Kode yang ada 19


    // Delete the following line.
    // End of the deleted line.


    Penggantian kode 19


    // Add the following line.
    // End of the added line.


    Kode yang ada 20


    // Delete the following line.
    // End of the deleted line.


    Penggantian kode 20


    // Add the following line.
    // End of the added line.


    Kode yang ada 21


    // Delete the following line.
    // End of the deleted line.


    Penggantian kode 21


    // Add the following line.
    // End of the added line.


    Kode yang ada 22


    // Delete the following lines.
    <Field Name="Sum1">
    <Field Name="Sum1Format">
    <Field Name="Sum5">
    <Field Name="Sum5Format">
    <Field Name="Sum4">
    <Field Name="Sum4Format">
    <Field Name="Sum2">
    <Field Name="Sum2Format">
    <Field Name="Sum3">
    <Field Name="Sum3Format">
    // End of the deleted lines.

    <Field Name="Totals__Rec__not_invoiced_Caption">

    Penggantian kode 22


    // Add the following lines.
    <Field Name="ItemReceivedQty">
    <Field Name="ItemReceivedQtyFormat">
    <Field Name="ValueInvoicedQty">
    <Field Name="ValueInvoicedQtyFormat">
    <Field Name="ValueCostAmtActual">
    <Field Name="ValueCostAmtActualFormat">
    <Field Name="ItemInvoicedQty">
    <Field Name="ItemInvoicedQtyFormat">
    <Field Name="ItemCostAmtExpected">
    <Field Name="ItemCostAmtExpectedFormat">
    // End of the added lines.

    <Field Name="Totals__Rec__not_invoiced_Caption">

    Kode yang ada 23


    // Delete the following lines.
    <Field Name="TotalSum5">
    <Field Name="TotalSum5Format">
    <Field Name="TotalSum4">
    <Field Name="TotalSum4Format">
    <Field Name="TotalSum2">
    <Field Name="TotalSum2Format">
    <Field Name="TotalSum3">
    <Field Name="TotalSum3Format">
    <Field Name="TotalSum1">
    <Field Name="TotalSum1Format">
    // End of the deleted lines.

    <Field Name="Item_Ledger_Entry__Posting_Date_">

    Penggantian kode 23


    // Add the following lines.
    <Field Name="ValueInvoicedQtyTotal">
    <Field Name="ValueInvoicedQtyTotalFormat">
    <Field Name="ValueCostAmtActualTotal">
    <Field Name="ValueCostAmtActualTotalFormat">
    <Field Name="ItemInvoicedQtyTotal">
    <Field Name="ItemInvoicedQtyTotalFormat">
    <Field Name="ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal">
    <Field Name="ItemCostAmtExpectedTotalFormat">
    <Field Name="ItemReceivedQtyTotal">
    <Field Name="ItemReceivedQtyTotalFormat">
    // End of the added lines.

    <Field Name="Item_Ledger_Entry__Posting_Date_">
  8. Ubah kode di Data Item nomor 1 bagian saham dikirimkan tidak menerima faktur laporan (10541) sebagai berikut:
    Kode yang ada 1

    ...{ 1040046;TextBox   ;5700 ;0    ;1550 ;423  ;FontBold=Yes;
    CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced;

    // Delete the following line.
    // End of the deleted line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ }
    { 1040033;TextBox ;9150 ;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    Penggantian kode 1

    ...{ 1040046;TextBox   ;5700 ;0    ;1550 ;423  ;FontBold=Yes;
    CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced;

    // Add the following line.
    SourceExpr=ItemShippedQty - ValueInvoicedQty;
    // End of the added line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ }
    { 1040033;TextBox ;9150 ;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    Kode yang ada 2

    ...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity }
    { 1040038;TextBox ;11100;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Delete the following line.
    // End of the deleted line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ }
    { 1040039;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    Penggantian kode 2

    ...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity }
    { 1040038;TextBox ;11100;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Add the following line.
    // End of the added line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ }
    { 1040039;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    Kode yang ada 3

    ...{ 1040059;TextBox   ;7350 ;0    ;1550 ;423  ;FontBold=Yes;
    CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced;

    // Delete the following lines.
    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual__ }
    { 1040064;TextBox ;15000;0 ;1500 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;
    SourceExpr="Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the deleted lines.

    DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ }

    Penggantian kode 3

    ...{ 1040059;TextBox   ;7350 ;0    ;1550 ;423  ;FontBold=Yes;
    CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced;

    // Add the following lines.
    SourceExpr=ItemCostAmtExpected - ValueCostAmtActual;
    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual__ }
    { 1040064;TextBox ;15000;0 ;1500 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;
    SourceExpr=-"Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the added lines.

    DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ }

    Ada kode 4

    CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced;

    // Delete the following line.
    // End of the deleted line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040065 }
    { 1040066;TextBox ;9150 ;423 ;1800 ;423 ;FontSize=7;

    Penggantian kode 4

    CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced;

    // Add the following line.
    SourceExpr=ItemShippedQtyTotal - ValueInvoicedQtyTotal;
    // End of the added line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040065 }
    { 1040066;TextBox ;9150 ;423 ;1800 ;423 ;FontSize=7;

    Ada kode 5

    ...{ 1040067;TextBox   ;11100;423  ;1800 ;423  ;FontSize=7;

    // Delete the following line.
    // End of the deleted line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040067 }
    { 1040068;TextBox ;13050;423 ;1800 ;423 ;FontSize=7;

    Penggantian kode 5

    ...{ 1040067;TextBox   ;11100;423  ;1800 ;423  ;FontSize=7;

    // Add the following line.
    // End of the added line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040067 }
    { 1040068;TextBox ;13050;423 ;1800 ;423 ;FontSize=7;

    Kode yang ada 6

    CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced;

    // Delete the following lines.
    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040069 }
    { 1040070;TextBox ;15000;423 ;1500 ;423 ;FontSize=7;
    SourceExpr="Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the deleted lines.

    DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040070 }
    { 1040071;TextBox ;16650;423 ;1500 ;423 ;FontSize=7;

    Penggantian kode 6

    CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced;

    // Add the following lines.
    SourceExpr=ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal - ValueCostAmtActualTotal;
    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040069 }
    { 1040070;TextBox ;15000;423 ;1500 ;423 ;FontSize=7;
    SourceExpr=-"Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the added lines.

    DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040070 }
    { 1040071;TextBox ;16650;423 ;1500 ;423 ;FontSize=7;
  9. Ubah kode di Data Item nomor 2 di saham dikirimkan tidak menerima faktur laporan (10541) sebagai berikut:
    Kode yang ada 1

    DataItemTableView=SORTING(Item No.,Positive,Completely Invoiced,Last Invoice Date,Location Code,Variant Code)

    // Delete the following lines.
    WHERE(Completely Invoiced=CONST(No),
    Entry Type=CONST(Sale));
    // End of the deleted lines.

    // GB0004.begin

    Penggantian kode 1

    DataItemTableView=SORTING(Item No.,Positive,Completely Invoiced,Last Invoice Date,Location Code,Variant Code)

    // Add the following line.
    WHERE(Entry Type=CONST(Sale));
    // End of the added line.

    // GB0004.begin

    Kode yang ada 2

    ...// GB0004.end

    // Delete the following line.
    ItemQuantity := 0;
    // End of the deleted line.

    ItemCostAmount := 0;
    ItemShippedQty := 0;

    Penggantian kode 2

    ...// GB0004.end

    ItemCostAmount := 0;
    ItemShippedQty := 0;

    Kode yang ada 3

    ...ItemInvoicedQty := 0;
    ItemCostAmtExpected := 0;

    Penggantian kode 3

    ...ItemInvoicedQty := 0;
    ItemCostAmtExpected := 0;

    // Add the following lines.
    ValueInvoicedQty := 0;
    ValueCostAmtActual := 0;
    // End of the added lines.


    Ada kode 4

    ...CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)","Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity");

    // Delete the following lines.
    ItemQuantity += Quantity - "Invoiced Quantity";
    ItemCostAmount += "Cost Amount (Expected)";
    ItemShippedQty += Quantity;
    ItemInvoicedQty += "Invoiced Quantity";
    ItemCostAmtExpected += "Cost Amount (Expected)";

    ItemQuantityTotal += Quantity - "Invoiced Quantity";
    ItemCostAmountTotal += "Cost Amount (Expected)";
    ItemShippedQtyTotal += Quantity;
    ItemInvoicedQtyTotal += "Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the deleted lines.

    ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal += "Cost Amount (Expected)";

    Penggantian kode 4

    ...CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)","Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity");

    // Add the following lines.
    ItemCostAmount += "Cost Amount (Expected)";
    ItemShippedQty += -Quantity;
    ItemInvoicedQty += -"Invoiced Quantity";
    ItemCostAmtExpected += "Cost Amount (Expected)";

    ItemCostAmountTotal += "Cost Amount (Expected)";
    ItemShippedQtyTotal += -Quantity;
    ItemInvoicedQtyTotal += -"Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the added lines.

    ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal += "Cost Amount (Expected)";
  10. Ubah kode di Data Item nomor 2 bagian saham dikirimkan tidak menerima faktur laporan (10541) sebagai berikut:
    Kode yang ada 1

    ...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry_Description }
    { 1040019;TextBox ;9150 ;0 ;1800 ;423 ;CaptionML=ENU=Shipped Quantity;

    // Delete the following lines.
    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry_Quantity }
    { 1040021;TextBox ;11100;0 ;1800 ;423 ;SourceExpr="Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the deleted lines.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Invoiced_Quantity_ }
    { 1040023;TextBox ;1350 ;0 ;600 ;423 ;SourceExpr="Source Type";

    Penggantian kode 1

    ...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry_Description }
    { 1040019;TextBox ;9150 ;0 ;1800 ;423 ;CaptionML=ENU=Shipped Quantity;

    // Add the following lines.
    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry_Quantity }
    { 1040021;TextBox ;11100;0 ;1800 ;423 ;CaptionML=ENU=Invoiced Quantity;
    SourceExpr=-"Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the added lines.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Invoiced_Quantity_ }
    { 1040023;TextBox ;1350 ;0 ;600 ;423 ;SourceExpr="Source Type";

    Kode yang ada 2

    ...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity }
    { 1040075;TextBox ;11100;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Delete the following line.
    // End of the deleted line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ }
    { 1040076;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    Penggantian kode 2

    ...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity }
    { 1040075;TextBox ;11100;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Add the following line.
    // End of the added line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ }
    { 1040076;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    Kode yang ada 3

    ...{ 1040080;TextBox   ;5700 ;0    ;1550 ;423  ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Delete the following lines.
    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040080 }
    { 1040081;TextBox ;7350 ;0 ;1550 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;
    // End of the deleted lines.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040081 }

    Penggantian kode 3

    ... { 1040080;TextBox   ;5700 ;0    ;1550 ;423  ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Add the following lines.
    SourceExpr=ItemShippedQty - ValueInvoicedQty;
    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040080 }
    { 1040081;TextBox ;7350 ;0 ;1550 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;
    SourceExpr=ItemCostAmtExpected - ValueCostAmtActual;
    // End of the added lines.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040081 }
  11. Ubah kode di Data Item nomor 3 di saham dikirimkan tidak menerima faktur laporan (10541) sebagai berikut:
    Kode yang ada

    ...Expected Cost=CONST(No));

    // Delete the following lines.
    CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Cost Amount (Actual)","Invoiced Quantity");
    // End of the deleted lines.

    DataItemLink=Item Ledger Entry No.=FIELD(Entry No.);

    Penggantian kode

    ...Expected Cost=CONST(No));

    // Add the following lines.
    IF EndDate <> 0D THEN
    SETRANGE("Posting Date",0D,EndDate);
    SETFILTER("Invoiced Quantity",'<>%1',0);
    CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Cost Amount (Actual)","Invoiced Quantity");

    ValueInvoicedQty += -"Invoiced Quantity";
    ValueCostAmtActual += "Cost Amount (Actual)";

    ValueInvoicedQtyTotal += -"Invoiced Quantity";
    ValueCostAmtActualTotal += "Cost Amount (Actual)";
    // End of the added lines.
    DataItemLink=Item Ledger Entry No.=FIELD(Entry No.);
  12. Ubah kode di Data Item nomor 3 bagian saham dikirimkan tidak menerima faktur laporan (10541) sebagai berikut:
    Kode yang ada

    ...{ 1040043;TextBox   ;6600 ;0    ;2250 ;423  ;SourceExpr=Description;
    DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry_Description }

    // Delete the following line.
    { 1040025;TextBox ;15000;0 ;1500 ;423 ;SourceExpr="Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the deleted line.

    DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry__Invoiced_Quantity_ }
    { 1040027;TextBox ;16650;0 ;1500 ;423 ;SourceExpr="Cost Amount (Actual)";

    Penggantian kode

    ...{ 1040043;TextBox   ;6600 ;0    ;2250 ;423  ;SourceExpr=Description;
    DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry_Description }

    // Add the following lines.
    { 1040025;TextBox ;15000;0 ;1500 ;423 ;CaptionML=ENU=Invoiced Quantity;
    SourceExpr=-"Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the added lines.

    DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry__Invoiced_Quantity_ }
    { 1040027;TextBox ;16650;0 ;1500 ;423 ;SourceExpr="Cost Amount (Actual)";
  13. Ubah kode di Data Item nomor 4 bagian saham dikirimkan tidak menerima faktur laporan (10541) sebagai berikut:
    Kode yang ada 1

    ...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity_Control1040032 }
    { 1040034;TextBox ;11100;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Delete the following line.
    // End of the deleted line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040034 }
    { 1040035;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    Penggantian kode 1

    ...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity_Control1040032 }
    { 1040034;TextBox ;11100;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Add the following line.
    // End of the added line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040034 }
    { 1040035;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    Kode yang ada 2

    ...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected___Control1040035 }
    { 1040036;TextBox ;15000;0 ;1500 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Delete the following line.
    SourceExpr="Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the deleted line.

    DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040036 }
    { 1040044;TextBox ;16650;0 ;1500 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    Penggantian kode 2

    ...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected___Control1040035 }
    { 1040036;TextBox ;15000;0 ;1500 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Add the following line.
    SourceExpr=-"Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the added line.

    DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040036 }
    { 1040044;TextBox ;16650;0 ;1500 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    Kode yang ada 3

    ...{ 1040040;TextBox   ;5700 ;0    ;1550 ;423  ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Delete the following lines.
    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040040 }
    { 1040058;TextBox ;7350 ;0 ;1550 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;
    // End of the deleted lines.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040058 }
    { 1040078;TextBox ;18000;423 ;150 ;423 ;Name=NoOfItems;

    Penggantian kode 3

    ...{ 1040040;TextBox   ;5700 ;0    ;1550 ;423  ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Add the following lines.
    SourceExpr=ItemShippedQty - ValueInvoicedQty;
    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040040 }
    { 1040058;TextBox ;7350 ;0 ;1550 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;
    SourceExpr=ItemCostAmtExpected - ValueCostAmtActual;
    // End of the added lines.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040058 }
    { 1040078;TextBox ;18000;423 ;150 ;423 ;Name=NoOfItems;
  14. Ubah kode di variabel Global di saham dikirimkan tidak menerima faktur laporan (10541) sebagai berikut:
    Kode yang ada 1

    ...Text1040005@1040005 : TextConst 'ENU=Shipped not invoiced for item';
    NoOfItems@1040006 : Integer;

    // Delete the following line.
    ItemQuantity@1040007 : Decimal;
    // End of the deleted line.

    ItemCostAmount@1040008 : Decimal;
    ItemShippedQty@1040009 : Decimal;

    Penggantian kode 1

    ...Text1040005@1040005 : TextConst 'ENU=Shipped not invoiced for item';
    NoOfItems@1040006 : Integer;
    ItemCostAmount@1040008 : Decimal;
    ItemShippedQty@1040009 : Decimal;

    Kode yang ada 2

    ...ItemInvoicedQty@1040010 : Decimal;
    ItemCostAmtExpected@1040011 : Decimal;

    // Delete the following line.
    ItemQuantityTotal@1040012 : Decimal;
    // End of the deleted line.

    ItemCostAmountTotal@1040013 : Decimal;
    ItemShippedQtyTotal@1040014 : Decimal;

    Penggantian kode 2

    ...ItemInvoicedQty@1040010 : Decimal;
    ItemCostAmtExpected@1040011 : Decimal;

    // Add the following lines.
    ValueInvoicedQty@1040017 : Decimal;
    ValueCostAmtActual@1040018 : Decimal;
    // End of the added lines.

    ItemCostAmountTotal@1040013 : Decimal;
    ItemShippedQtyTotal@1040014 : Decimal;

    Kode yang ada 3

    ...ItemInvoicedQtyTotal@1040015 : Decimal;
    ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal@1040016 : Decimal;


    Penggantian kode 3

    ...ItemInvoicedQtyTotal@1040015 : Decimal;
    ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal@1040016 : Decimal;

    // Add the following lines.
    ValueInvoicedQtyTotal@1040019 : Decimal;
    ValueCostAmtActualTotal@1040020 : Decimal;
    // End of the added lines.



Anda harus memiliki salah satu produk berikut ini diinstal untuk menerapkan perbaikan terbaru ini:

  • Versi Inggris dari Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 Paket Layanan 1

  • Versi Inggris dari Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2

Informasi penghapusan

Anda tidak dapat menghapus hotfix ini.


Microsoft telah memastikan bahwa ini merupakan masalah di dalam produk Microsoft sebagaimana tercantum di bagian "Berlaku untuk".

Catatan Ini adalah artikel "Penerbitan cepat" dibuat langsung dari dalam organisasi dukungan Microsoft. Informasi yang terkandung di dalamnya disediakan sebagai tanggapan masalah yang muncul. Sebagai akibat dari kecepatan untuk menjadikannya tersedia, materi dapat mengandung kesalahan ketik dan dapat direvisi setiap saat tanpa pemberitahuan. Lihat Ketentuanuntuk pertimbangan lainnya.

Perlu bantuan lainnya?

Ingin opsi lainnya?

Jelajahi manfaat langganan, telusuri kursus pelatihan, pelajari cara mengamankan perangkat Anda, dan banyak lagi.

Komunitas membantu Anda bertanya dan menjawab pertanyaan, memberikan umpan balik, dan mendengar dari para ahli yang memiliki pengetahuan yang luas.

Apakah informasi ini berguna?

Seberapa puaskah Anda dengan kualitas bahasanya?
Apa yang memengaruhi pengalaman Anda?
Dengan menekan kirim, umpan balik Anda akan digunakan untuk meningkatkan produk dan layanan Microsoft. Admin TI Anda akan dapat mengumpulkan data ini. Pernyataan Privasi.

Terima kasih atas umpan balik Anda!
