Artikel ini berlaku untuk Microsoft untuk negara berikut dan bahasa lokal.
Bahasa Inggris (Amerika Serikat) (en-ca)
Bahasa Inggris (Amerika Serikat) (en-us)
Bahasa Spanyol (Meksiko) (es-mx)
Perancis (Kanada) (fr-ca)
Misalnya Anda menyetel CAD sebagai nilai mata uang tambahan pelaporan dalam penataan Buku umum kotak dialog di Amerika Utara versi Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009. Ketika Anda mengirim faktur pembelian yang berisi pajak, Anda menerima pesan galat berikut:
Transaksi tidak dapat diselesaikan karena akan menyebabkan inkonsistensi dalam tabel G L entri. Periksa mana dan bagaimana fungsi KONSISTEN digunakan dalam transaksi untuk mencari penyebab galat.
Masalah ini terjadi di dalam produk berikut ini:
Amerika Utara versi Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2
Amerika Utara versi Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 Paket Layanan 1
Pemecahan masalah
Informasi Hotfix
Sekarang tersedia hotfix yang didukung dari Microsoft. Namun, hanya ditujukan untuk memperbaiki masalah yang dijelaskan di artikel ini. Terapkan hanya ke sistem yang mengalami masalah khusus ini. Perbaikan terbaru ini dapat menerima pengujian tambahan. Oleh karena itu, jika Anda tidak terlalu dipengaruhi oleh masalah ini, kami sarankan Anda menunggu paket layanan Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 atau versi Microsoft Dynamics NAV berikutnya yang berisi perbaikan terbaru ini.
Catatan Dalam kasus tertentu, biaya yang biasanya diadakan untuk panggilan mungkin dibatalkan apabila profesional dukungan teknis untuk Microsoft Dynamics dan produk-produk terkait dukungan menentukan bahwa pembaruan khusus akan memecahkan masalah Anda. Biaya dukungan biasa akan berlaku untuk pertanyaan dan masalah yang tidak termasuk pada pembaruan tertentu yang dimaksud dukungan tambahan.
Informasi penginstalan
Microsoft menyediakan contoh pemrogaman hanya untuk ilustrasi, tanpa garansi baik tersurat maupun tersirat. Ini mencakup, namun tidak terbatas pada, garansi yang tersirat dapat diperjualbelikan atau kesesuaian untuk tujuan tertentu. Artikel ini menganggap bahwa Anda sudah terbiasa dengan bahasa pemrograman yang ditunjukkan dan terbiasa dengan alat-alat yang digunakan untuk membuat dan prosedur debug. Teknisi dukungan Microsoft dapat membantu menjelaskan fungsionalitas prosedur tertentu, namun mereka tidak akan mengubah contoh tersebut untuk memberikan fungsionalitas tambahan atau menyusun prosedur untuk memenuhi persyaratan khusus Anda.
Catatan Sebelum Anda menginstal perbaikan terbaru ini, verifikasi bahwa semua pengguna klien Microsoft Navision log off sistem. Ini termasuk Microsoft Navision aplikasi Layanan (NAS) klien pengguna. Anda harus klien hanya pengguna yang masuk saat Anda menerapkan perbaikan terbaru ini. Untuk menerapkan hotfix ini, Anda harus memiliki lisensi pengembang. Kami menyarankan bahwa akun pengguna di jendela login Windows atau jendela login Database ditetapkan id peran "SUPER" Jika account pengguna tidak dapat ditetapkan ID peran "SUPER", Anda harus memverifikasi bahwa account pengguna yang memiliki izin berikut ini:-
Ubah izin untuk objek yang Anda akan berubah.
Izin eksekusi untuk sistem objek ID 5210 objek dan objek sistem objek ID 9015 .
Catatan Anda tidak harus memiliki hak untuk penyimpanan data kecuali jika Anda harus melakukan perbaikan data.
Perubahan kode
Catatan Selalu menguji kode perbaikan di lingkungan yang dikontrol sebelum menerapkan perbaikan untuk komputer produksi.
Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, ikuti langkah-langkah berikut:-
Ubah kode di kolom dalam tabel pajak penjualan jumlah baris (10011) sebagai berikut:
Kode yang ada...ESM=Es Informe jurisdicci¢n;
FRC=Est une juridiction fiscale; ENC=Is Report-to Jurisdiction]; Editable=No } } KEYS { { ;Tax Area Code for Key,Tax Jurisdiction Code,Tax %,Tax Group Code,Expense/Capitalize,Tax Type,Use Tax; ...Penggantian kode
ESM=Es Informe jurisdicci¢n; FRC=Est une juridiction fiscale; ENC=Is Report-to Jurisdiction]; Editable=No } // Add the following line. { 10044; ;Tax Base Amount FCY ;Decimal } // End of the added line. } KEYS { { ;Tax Area Code for Key,Tax Jurisdiction Code,Tax %,Tax Group Code,Expense/Capitalize,Tax Type,Use Tax; ... -
Ubah kode di fungsi PostSalesTaxToGL dalam posting penjualan Codeunit (80) sebagai berikut:
Kode yang ada...END;
GenJnlLine."Tax Jurisdiction Code" := TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Jurisdiction Code"; IF TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Amount" <> 0 THEN BEGIN RemSalesTaxSrcAmt := RemSalesTaxSrcAmt + // Delete the following lines. CurrExchRate.ExchangeAmtLCYToFCY( UseDate,SalesHeader."Currency Code",TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Amount",SalesHeader."Currency Factor"); // End of the deleted lines. GenJnlLine."Source Curr. VAT Amount" := SalesTaxCalculate.ArithmeticRound(RemSalesTaxSrcAmt,Currency."Amount Rounding Precision"); RemSalesTaxSrcAmt := RemSalesTaxSrcAmt - GenJnlLine."Source Curr. VAT Amount"; RemSalesTaxAmt := RemSalesTaxAmt + TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Amount"; ...Penggantian kode
GenJnlLine."Tax Jurisdiction Code" := TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Jurisdiction Code"; IF TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Amount" <> 0 THEN BEGIN RemSalesTaxSrcAmt := RemSalesTaxSrcAmt + // Add the following lines. TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Base Amount FCY" * TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax %" / 100; // End of the added lines. GenJnlLine."Source Curr. VAT Amount" := SalesTaxCalculate.ArithmeticRound(RemSalesTaxSrcAmt,Currency."Amount Rounding Precision"); RemSalesTaxSrcAmt := RemSalesTaxSrcAmt - GenJnlLine."Source Curr. VAT Amount"; RemSalesTaxAmt := RemSalesTaxAmt + TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Amount"; ... -
Ubah kode di fungsi PostSalesTaxToGL di Purch.-posting Codeunit (90) sebagai berikut:
Kode yang ada...END;
GenJnlLine."Tax Jurisdiction Code" := TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Jurisdiction Code"; IF TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Amount" <> 0 THEN BEGIN RemSalesTaxSrcAmt := RemSalesTaxSrcAmt + // Delete the following lines. CurrExchRate.ExchangeAmtLCYToFCY( Usedate,PurchHeader."Currency Code",TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Amount",PurchHeader."Currency Factor"); // End of the deleted lines. GenJnlLine."Source Curr. VAT Amount" := SalesTaxCalculate.ArithmeticRound(RemSalesTaxSrcAmt,Currency."Amount Rounding Precision"); RemSalesTaxSrcAmt := RemSalesTaxSrcAmt - GenJnlLine."Source Curr. VAT Amount"; RemSalesTaxAmt := RemSalesTaxAmt + TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Amount"; ...Penggantian kode
GenJnlLine."Tax Jurisdiction Code" := TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Jurisdiction Code"; IF TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Amount" <> 0 THEN BEGIN RemSalesTaxSrcAmt := RemSalesTaxSrcAmt + // Add the following line. TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Base Amount FCY" * TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax %" / 100; // End of the added line. GenJnlLine."Source Curr. VAT Amount" := SalesTaxCalculate.ArithmeticRound(RemSalesTaxSrcAmt,Currency."Amount Rounding Precision"); RemSalesTaxSrcAmt := RemSalesTaxSrcAmt - GenJnlLine."Source Curr. VAT Amount"; RemSalesTaxAmt := RemSalesTaxAmt + TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Amount"; ... -
Ubah kode di fungsi PostProvincialSalesTaxToGL di Purch.-posting Codeunit (90) sebagai berikut:
Kode yang ada...TaxJurisdiction.TESTFIELD("Tax Account (Purchases)");
GenJnlLine."Account No." := TaxJurisdiction."Tax Account (Purchases)"; END; GenJnlLine.Amount := GenJnlLine."VAT Amount"; // Delete the following lines. GenJnlLine."Source Curr. VAT Base Amount" := 0; GenJnlLine."VAT Base Amount (LCY)" := 0; GenJnlLine."VAT Base Amount" := 0; GenJnlLine."Source Curr. VAT Amount" := 0; // End of the deleted lines. GenJnlLine."VAT Amount (LCY)" := 0; GenJnlLine."VAT Amount" := 0; GenJnlLine.Quantity := 0; GenJnlLine."VAT Difference" := 0; ...Penggantian kode
...TaxJurisdiction.TESTFIELD("Tax Account (Purchases)");
GenJnlLine."Account No." := TaxJurisdiction."Tax Account (Purchases)"; END; GenJnlLine.Amount := GenJnlLine."VAT Amount"; // Add the following lines. GenJnlLine."Source Currency Amount" := GenJnlLine."Source Curr. VAT Amount"; GenJnlLine."Source Curr. VAT Base Amount" := 0; GenJnlLine."VAT Base Amount (LCY)" := 0; GenJnlLine."VAT Base Amount" := 0; // End of the added lines. GenJnlLine."VAT Amount (LCY)" := 0; GenJnlLine."VAT Amount" := 0; GenJnlLine.Quantity := 0; GenJnlLine."VAT Difference" := 0; ... -
Ubah kode di fungsi AddSalesLine di pajak penjualan menghitung Codeunit (398) sebagai berikut:
Kode yang ada 1..."Round Tax" := TaxArea."Round Tax";
TaxJurisdiction.GET("Tax Jurisdiction Code"); "Is Report-to Jurisdiction" := ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction"); END; // Delete the following line. "Tax Base Amount" := (SalesLine."Line Amount" - SalesLine."Inv. Discount Amount") / ExchangeFactor; // End of the deleted line. "Line Amount" := SalesLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor; "Tax Liable" := SalesLine."Tax Liable"; Quantity := SalesLine."Quantity (Base)"; "Invoice Discount Amount" := SalesLine."Inv. Discount Amount"; ...Penggantian kode 1
..."Round Tax" := TaxArea."Round Tax";
TaxJurisdiction.GET("Tax Jurisdiction Code"); "Is Report-to Jurisdiction" := ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction"); END; // Add the following line. SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,SalesLine."Line Amount" - SalesLine."Inv. Discount Amount",ExchangeFactor,FALSE); // End of the added line. "Line Amount" := SalesLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor; "Tax Liable" := SalesLine."Tax Liable"; Quantity := SalesLine."Quantity (Base)"; "Invoice Discount Amount" := SalesLine."Inv. Discount Amount"; ...Kode yang ada 2
"Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (SalesLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor); IF SalesLine."Tax Liable" THEN "Tax Liable" := SalesLine."Tax Liable"; // Delete the following line. "Tax Base Amount" := "Tax Base Amount" + ((SalesLine."Line Amount" - SalesLine."Inv. Discount Amount") / ExchangeFactor); // End of the deleted line. "Tax Amount" := 0; Quantity := Quantity + SalesLine."Quantity (Base)"; "Invoice Discount Amount" := "Invoice Discount Amount" + SalesLine."Inv. Discount Amount"; MODIFY; ...Penggantian kode 2
"Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (SalesLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor); IF SalesLine."Tax Liable" THEN "Tax Liable" := SalesLine."Tax Liable"; // Add the following line. SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,SalesLine."Line Amount" - SalesLine."Inv. Discount Amount",ExchangeFactor,TRUE); // End of the added line. "Tax Amount" := 0; Quantity := Quantity + SalesLine."Quantity (Base)"; "Invoice Discount Amount" := "Invoice Discount Amount" + SalesLine."Inv. Discount Amount"; MODIFY; ... -
Ubah kode di fungsi AddSalesInvoiceLines di pajak penjualan menghitung Codeunit (398) sebagai berikut:
Kode yang ada 1..."Is Report-to Jurisdiction" :=
("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction"); END; "Line Amount" := SalesInvoiceLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor; // Delete the following line. "Tax Base Amount" := SalesInvoiceLine."VAT Base Amount" / ExchangeFactor; // End of the deleted line. Quantity := SalesInvoiceLine.Quantity; "Tax Liable" := SalesInvoiceLine."Tax Liable"; "Calculation Order" := TaxAreaLine."Calculation Order"; InsertRec := TRUE; ...Penggantian kode 1
..."Is Report-to Jurisdiction" :=
("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction"); END; "Line Amount" := SalesInvoiceLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor; // Add the following line. SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,SalesInvoiceLine."VAT Base Amount",ExchangeFactor,FALSE); // End of the added line. Quantity := SalesInvoiceLine.Quantity; "Tax Liable" := SalesInvoiceLine."Tax Liable"; "Calculation Order" := TaxAreaLine."Calculation Order"; InsertRec := TRUE; ...Kode yang ada 2
...InsertRec := TRUE;
INSERT; END ELSE BEGIN "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (SalesInvoiceLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor); // Delete the following line. "Tax Base Amount" := "Tax Base Amount" + (SalesInvoiceLine."VAT Base Amount" / ExchangeFactor); // End of the deleted line. Quantity := Quantity + SalesInvoiceLine.Quantity; IF SalesInvoiceLine."Tax Liable" THEN "Tax Liable" := SalesInvoiceLine."Tax Liable"; InsertRec := FALSE; ...Penggantian kode 2
...InsertRec := TRUE;
INSERT; END ELSE BEGIN "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (SalesInvoiceLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor); // Add the following line. SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,SalesInvoiceLine."VAT Base Amount",ExchangeFactor,TRUE); // End of the added line. Quantity := Quantity + SalesInvoiceLine.Quantity; IF SalesInvoiceLine."Tax Liable" THEN "Tax Liable" := SalesInvoiceLine."Tax Liable"; InsertRec := FALSE; ... -
Ubah kode di fungsi AddSalesCrMemoLines di pajak penjualan menghitung Codeunit (398) sebagai berikut:
Kode yang ada 1..."Is Report-to Jurisdiction" :=
("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction"); END; "Line Amount" := SalesCrMemoLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor; // Delete the following line. "Tax Base Amount" := SalesCrMemoLine."VAT Base Amount" / ExchangeFactor; // End of the deleted line. Quantity := SalesCrMemoLine.Quantity; "Tax Liable" := SalesCrMemoLine."Tax Liable"; "Calculation Order" := TaxAreaLine."Calculation Order"; InsertRec := TRUE; ...Penggantian kode 1
..."Is Report-to Jurisdiction" :=
("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction"); END; "Line Amount" := SalesCrMemoLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor; // Add the following line. SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,SalesCrMemoLine."VAT Base Amount",ExchangeFactor,FALSE); // End of the added line. Quantity := SalesCrMemoLine.Quantity; "Tax Liable" := SalesCrMemoLine."Tax Liable"; "Calculation Order" := TaxAreaLine."Calculation Order"; InsertRec := TRUE; ...Kode yang ada 2
...InsertRec := TRUE;
INSERT; END ELSE BEGIN "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (SalesCrMemoLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor); // Delete the following line. "Tax Base Amount" := "Tax Base Amount" + (SalesCrMemoLine."VAT Base Amount" / ExchangeFactor); // End of the deleted line. Quantity := Quantity + SalesCrMemoLine.Quantity; IF SalesCrMemoLine."Tax Liable" THEN "Tax Liable" := SalesCrMemoLine."Tax Liable"; InsertRec := FALSE; ...Penggantian kode 2
...InsertRec := TRUE;
INSERT; END ELSE BEGIN "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (SalesCrMemoLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor); // Add the following line. SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,SalesCrMemoLine."VAT Base Amount",ExchangeFactor,TRUE); // End of the added line. Quantity := Quantity + SalesCrMemoLine.Quantity; IF SalesCrMemoLine."Tax Liable" THEN "Tax Liable" := SalesCrMemoLine."Tax Liable"; InsertRec := FALSE; ... -
Ubah kode di fungsi AddPurchLine di pajak penjualan menghitung Codeunit (398) sebagai berikut:
Kode yang ada 1..."Round Tax" := TaxArea."Round Tax";
TaxJurisdiction.GET("Tax Jurisdiction Code"); "Is Report-to Jurisdiction" := ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction"); END; // Delete the following line. "Tax Base Amount" := (PurchLine."Line Amount" - PurchLine."Inv. Discount Amount") / ExchangeFactor; // End of the deleted line. "Line Amount" := PurchLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor; "Tax Liable" := PurchLine."Tax Liable"; "Use Tax" := PurchLine."Use Tax"; ...Penggantian kode 1
..."Round Tax" := TaxArea."Round Tax";
TaxJurisdiction.GET("Tax Jurisdiction Code"); "Is Report-to Jurisdiction" := ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction"); END; // Add the following line. SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,PurchLine."Line Amount" - PurchLine."Inv. Discount Amount",ExchangeFactor,FALSE); // End of the added line. "Line Amount" := PurchLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor; "Tax Liable" := PurchLine."Tax Liable"; "Use Tax" := PurchLine."Use Tax"; ...Kode yang ada 2
"Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (PurchLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor); IF PurchLine."Tax Liable" THEN "Tax Liable" := PurchLine."Tax Liable"; // Delete the following line. "Tax Base Amount" := "Tax Base Amount" + ((PurchLine."Line Amount" - PurchLine."Inv. Discount Amount") / ExchangeFactor); // End of the deleted line. "Tax Amount" := 0; Quantity := Quantity + PurchLine."Quantity (Base)"; "Invoice Discount Amount" := "Invoice Discount Amount" + PurchLine."Inv. Discount Amount"; MODIFY; ...Penggantian kode 2
"Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (PurchLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor); IF PurchLine."Tax Liable" THEN "Tax Liable" := PurchLine."Tax Liable"; // Add the following line. SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,PurchLine."Line Amount" - PurchLine."Inv. Discount Amount",ExchangeFactor,TRUE); // End of the added line. "Tax Amount" := 0; Quantity := Quantity + PurchLine."Quantity (Base)"; "Invoice Discount Amount" := "Invoice Discount Amount" + PurchLine."Inv. Discount Amount"; MODIFY; ... -
Ubah kode di fungsi AddPurchInvoiceLines di pajak penjualan menghitung Codeunit (398) sebagai berikut:
Kode yang ada 1..."Is Report-to Jurisdiction" :=
("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction"); END; "Line Amount" := PurchInvLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor; // Delete the following line. "Tax Base Amount" := PurchInvLine."VAT Base Amount" / ExchangeFactor; // End of the deleted line. Quantity := PurchInvLine.Quantity; "Tax Liable" := PurchInvLine."Tax Liable"; "Use Tax" := PurchInvLine."Use Tax"; ...Penggantian kode 1
..."Is Report-to Jurisdiction" :=
("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction"); END; "Line Amount" := PurchInvLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor; // Add the following line. SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,PurchInvLine."VAT Base Amount",ExchangeFactor,FALSE); // End of the added line. Quantity := PurchInvLine.Quantity; "Tax Liable" := PurchInvLine."Tax Liable"; "Use Tax" := PurchInvLine."Use Tax"; ...Kode yang ada 2
...InsertRec := TRUE;
INSERT; END ELSE BEGIN "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (PurchInvLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor); // Delete the following line. "Tax Base Amount" := "Tax Base Amount" + (PurchInvLine."VAT Base Amount" / ExchangeFactor); // End of the deleted line. Quantity := Quantity + PurchInvLine.Quantity; IF PurchInvLine."Tax Liable" THEN "Tax Liable" := PurchInvLine."Tax Liable"; InsertRec := FALSE; ...Penggantian kode 2
...InsertRec := TRUE;
INSERT; END ELSE BEGIN "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (PurchInvLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor); // Add the following line. SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,PurchInvLine."VAT Base Amount",ExchangeFactor,TRUE); // End of the added line. Quantity := Quantity + PurchInvLine.Quantity; IF PurchInvLine."Tax Liable" THEN "Tax Liable" := PurchInvLine."Tax Liable"; InsertRec := FALSE; ... -
Ubah kode di fungsi AddPurchCrMemoLines di pajak penjualan menghitung Codeunit (398) sebagai berikut:
Kode yang ada 1..."Is Report-to Jurisdiction" :=
("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction"); END; "Line Amount" := PurchCrMemoLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor; // Delete the following line. "Tax Base Amount" := PurchCrMemoLine."VAT Base Amount" / ExchangeFactor; // End of the deleted line. Quantity := PurchCrMemoLine.Quantity; "Tax Liable" := PurchCrMemoLine."Tax Liable"; "Use Tax" := PurchCrMemoLine."Use Tax"; ...Penggantian kode 1
..."Is Report-to Jurisdiction" :=
("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction"); END; "Line Amount" := PurchCrMemoLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor; // Add the following line. SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,PurchCrMemoLine."VAT Base Amount",ExchangeFactor,FALSE); // End of the added line. Quantity := PurchCrMemoLine.Quantity; "Tax Liable" := PurchCrMemoLine."Tax Liable"; "Use Tax" := PurchCrMemoLine."Use Tax"; ...Kode yang ada 2
...InsertRec := TRUE;
INSERT; END ELSE BEGIN "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (PurchCrMemoLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor); // Delete the following line. "Tax Base Amount" := "Tax Base Amount" + (PurchCrMemoLine."VAT Base Amount" / ExchangeFactor); // End of the deleted line. Quantity := Quantity + PurchCrMemoLine.Quantity; IF PurchCrMemoLine."Tax Liable" THEN "Tax Liable" := PurchCrMemoLine."Tax Liable"; InsertRec := FALSE; ...Penggantian kode 2
...InsertRec := TRUE;
INSERT; END ELSE BEGIN "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (PurchCrMemoLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor); // Add the following line. SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,PurchCrMemoLine."VAT Base Amount",ExchangeFactor,TRUE); // End of the added line. Quantity := Quantity + PurchCrMemoLine.Quantity; IF PurchCrMemoLine."Tax Liable" THEN "Tax Liable" := PurchCrMemoLine."Tax Liable"; InsertRec := FALSE; ... -
Ubah kode di fungsi AddServiceLine di pajak penjualan menghitung Codeunit (398) sebagai berikut:
Kode yang ada 1..."Round Tax" := TaxArea."Round Tax";
TaxJurisdiction.GET("Tax Jurisdiction Code"); "Is Report-to Jurisdiction" := ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction"); END; // Delete the following line. "Tax Base Amount" := (ServiceLine."Line Amount" - ServiceLine."Inv. Discount Amount") / ExchangeFactor; // End of the deleted line. "Line Amount" := ServiceLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor; "Tax Liable" := ServiceLine."Tax Liable"; Quantity := ServiceLine."Quantity (Base)"; "Invoice Discount Amount" := ServiceLine."Inv. Discount Amount"; ...Penggantian kode 1
..."Round Tax" := TaxArea."Round Tax";
TaxJurisdiction.GET("Tax Jurisdiction Code"); "Is Report-to Jurisdiction" := ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction"); END; // Add the following line. SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,ServiceLine."Line Amount" - ServiceLine."Inv. Discount Amount",ExchangeFactor,FALSE); // End of the added line. "Line Amount" := ServiceLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor; "Tax Liable" := ServiceLine."Tax Liable"; Quantity := ServiceLine."Quantity (Base)"; "Invoice Discount Amount" := ServiceLine."Inv. Discount Amount"; ...Kode yang ada 2
"Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (ServiceLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor); IF ServiceLine."Tax Liable" THEN "Tax Liable" := ServiceLine."Tax Liable"; // Delete the following line. "Tax Base Amount" := "Tax Base Amount" + ((ServiceLine."Line Amount" - ServiceLine."Inv. Discount Amount") / ExchangeFactor); // End of the deleted line. "Tax Amount" := 0; Quantity := Quantity + ServiceLine."Quantity (Base)"; "Invoice Discount Amount" := "Invoice Discount Amount" + ServiceLine."Inv. Discount Amount"; MODIFY; ...Penggantian kode 2
"Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (ServiceLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor); IF ServiceLine."Tax Liable" THEN "Tax Liable" := ServiceLine."Tax Liable"; // Add the following line. SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,ServiceLine."Line Amount" - ServiceLine."Inv. Discount Amount",ExchangeFactor,TRUE); // End of the added line. "Tax Amount" := 0; Quantity := Quantity + ServiceLine."Quantity (Base)"; "Invoice Discount Amount" := "Invoice Discount Amount" + ServiceLine."Inv. Discount Amount"; MODIFY; ... -
Ubah kode di fungsi AddServInvoiceLines di pajak penjualan menghitung Codeunit (398) sebagai berikut:
Kode yang ada 1..."Is Report-to Jurisdiction" :=
("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction"); END; "Line Amount" := ServInvLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor; // Delete the following lines. "Tax Base Amount" := ServInvLine."VAT Base Amount" / ExchangeFactor; Quantity := ServInvLine.Quantity; "Tax Liable" := ServInvLine."Tax Liable"; // End of the deleted line. "Calculation Order" := TaxAreaLine."Calculation Order"; InsertRec := TRUE; INSERT; ...Penggantian kode 1
..."Is Report-to Jurisdiction" :=
("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction"); END; "Line Amount" := ServInvLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor; // Add the following lines. SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,ServInvLine."VAT Base Amount",ExchangeFactor,FALSE); Quantity := ServInvLine.Quantity; "Tax Liable" := ServInvLine."Tax Liable"; // End of the added lines. "Calculation Order" := TaxAreaLine."Calculation Order"; InsertRec := TRUE; INSERT; ...Kode yang ada 2
...InsertRec := TRUE;
INSERT; END ELSE BEGIN "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (ServInvLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor); // Delete the following line. "Tax Base Amount" := "Tax Base Amount" + (ServInvLine."VAT Base Amount" / ExchangeFactor); // End of the deleted line. Quantity := Quantity + ServInvLine.Quantity; IF ServInvLine."Tax Liable" THEN "Tax Liable" := ServInvLine."Tax Liable"; InsertRec := FALSE; ...Penggantian kode 2
...InsertRec := TRUE;
INSERT; END ELSE BEGIN "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (ServInvLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor); // Add the following line. SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,ServInvLine."VAT Base Amount",ExchangeFactor,TRUE); // End of the added line. Quantity := Quantity + ServInvLine.Quantity; IF ServInvLine."Tax Liable" THEN "Tax Liable" := ServInvLine."Tax Liable"; InsertRec := FALSE; ... -
Ubah kode di fungsi AddServCrMemoLines di pajak penjualan menghitung Codeunit (398) sebagai berikut:
Kode yang ada 1..."Is Report-to Jurisdiction" :=
("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction"); END; "Line Amount" := ServCrMemoLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor; // Delete the following line. "Tax Base Amount" := ServCrMemoLine."VAT Base Amount" / ExchangeFactor; // End of the deleted line. Quantity := ServCrMemoLine.Quantity; "Tax Liable" := ServCrMemoLine."Tax Liable"; "Calculation Order" := TaxAreaLine."Calculation Order"; ...Penggantian kode 1
..."Is Report-to Jurisdiction" :=
("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction"); END; "Line Amount" := ServCrMemoLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor; // Add the following line. SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,ServCrMemoLine."VAT Base Amount",ExchangeFactor,FALSE); // End of the added line. Quantity := ServCrMemoLine.Quantity; "Tax Liable" := ServCrMemoLine."Tax Liable"; "Calculation Order" := TaxAreaLine."Calculation Order"; ...Kode yang ada 2
...InsertRec := TRUE;
INSERT; END ELSE BEGIN "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (ServCrMemoLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor); // Delete the following line. "Tax Base Amount" := "Tax Base Amount" + (ServCrMemoLine."VAT Base Amount" / ExchangeFactor); // End of the deleted line. Quantity := Quantity + ServCrMemoLine.Quantity; IF ServCrMemoLine."Tax Liable" THEN "Tax Liable" := ServCrMemoLine."Tax Liable"; InsertRec := FALSE; ...Penggantian kode 2
...InsertRec := TRUE;
INSERT; END ELSE BEGIN "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (ServCrMemoLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor); // Add the following line. SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,ServCrMemoLine."VAT Base Amount",ExchangeFactor,TRUE); // End of the added line. Quantity := Quantity + ServCrMemoLine.Quantity; IF ServCrMemoLine."Tax Liable" THEN "Tax Liable" := ServCrMemoLine."Tax Liable"; InsertRec := FALSE; ... -
Tambahkan fungsi SetTaxBaseAmount di pajak penjualan menghitung Codeunit (398) sebagai berikut:
LOCAL PROCEDURE SetTaxBaseAmount@1020031(VAR SalesTaxAmountLine@1020001 : Record 10011;Value@1020000 : Decimal;ExchangeFactor@1020002 : Decimal;Increment@1020003 : Boolean); BEGIN
WITH SalesTaxAmountLine DO BEGIN IF Increment THEN "Tax Base Amount FCY" += Value ELSE "Tax Base Amount FCY" := Value; "Tax Base Amount" := "Tax Base Amount FCY" / ExchangeFactor; END; END;
Anda harus memiliki salah satu produk berikut ini diinstal untuk menerapkan perbaikan terbaru ini:
Amerika Utara versi Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2
Amerika Utara versi Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 Paket Layanan 1
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Microsoft telah memastikan bahwa ini merupakan masalah di dalam produk Microsoft sebagaimana tercantum di bagian "Berlaku untuk".
Catatan Ini adalah artikel "Penerbitan cepat" dibuat langsung dari dalam organisasi dukungan Microsoft. Informasi yang terkandung di dalamnya disediakan sebagai tanggapan masalah yang muncul. Sebagai akibat dari kecepatan untuk menjadikannya tersedia, materi dapat mengandung kesalahan ketik dan dapat direvisi setiap saat tanpa pemberitahuan. Lihat Ketentuan untuk pertimbangan lainnya.