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Gestire i cookie in Microsoft Edge: visualizzare, consentire, bloccare ...
Seleziona Gestisci ed elimina cookie e dati del sito e abilita l'interruttore Consenti ai siti di salvare e leggere i dati dei cookie (scelta consigliata) per consentire tutti i cookie.
Si applica a: Microsoft Edge
Consentire temporaneamente cookie e dati di siti in Microsoft Edge
Informazioni sulla gestione dei cookie e dei dati del sito consentiti temporaneamente in Microsoft Edge.
Manage cookies in Microsoft Edge: View, allow, block, delete and use
Select Manage and delete cookies and site data and enable the toggle Allow sites to save and read cookie data (recommended) to allow all cookies.
Si applica a: Microsoft Edge
Visualizzare i cookie in Microsoft Edge
Selezionare Impostazioni > Cookie e autorizzazioni sito. Seleziona Gestisci ed elimina cookie e dati del sito. Seleziona Visualizza tutti i cookie e i dati del sito per visualizzare tutti i cookie.
Enable cookies - Microsoft Support
Learn how to enable cookies in your browser for Lync Web App to work correctly. Follow the steps for Edge, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, or Safari.
Si applica a: Lync Web App per Lync Online, Lync Web App, Lync Web App gestito da 21Vianet
Temporarily allow cookies and site data in Microsoft Edge
Learn how to enable cookies and site data for a specific site in Microsoft Edge for 30 days. This can help you access content that might be blocked by default privacy settings.
Attivare i cookie - Supporto tecnico Microsoft
Attivare i cookie. Affinché Lync Web App funzioni correttamente, è necessario abilitare i cookie nel browser. Per scoprire come, selezionare il browser dall'elenco.
Si applica a: Lync Web App per Lync Online, Lync Web App, Lync Web App gestito da 21Vianet
Microsoft Edge, browsing data, and privacy - Microsoft Support
Microsoft Edge will delete your browsing history, cookies, and site data, as well as passwords, addresses, and form data when you close all InPrivate windows. You can start a new InPrivate session by selecting Settings and more on a computer or Tabs on a mobile device.
Description of Cookies - Microsoft Support
You have the ability to enable or disable cookies, or have Internet Explorer prompt you before accepting cookies. Note that disabling cookies may prevent some Web services from working correctly, and disabling cookies does not make you anonymous or prevent Web sites from tracking your browsing habits.
View cookies in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
Open Edge browser, select Settings and more in the upper right corner of your browser window. Select Settings > Cookies and site permissions. Select Manage and delete cookies and site data. Select See all cookies and site data to view all the cookies.