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Visual changes to Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
We are always striving to improve our browser experience and value your feedback. We understand that you may prefer the previous Microsoft Edge design. To switch back to the classic look and feel of the browser, do the following: Open Microsoft Edge Settings (go to edge://settings) or select Settings and more > Settings > Appearance .
Dočasné povolenie súborov cookie a údajov lokalít v Microsoft Edgei
V rámci ochrany vašich osobných údajovnová verzia Microsoft Edge nastavenia ochrany pred sledovaním na základe predvoleného nastavenia. Ak chcete zvýšiť zabezpečenie, môžete prepnúť ochranu pred sledovaním na možnosť Prísne alebo Blokovať všetky súbory cookie tretích strán.
Enable JavaScript - Microsoft Support
Tip: If you’re running Mac OS, from the Safari menu, click >Preferences.
Si applica a: Office 2013, SharePoint in Microsoft 365, Office per le aziende, Lync Web App per Lync Online, Lync Web App, Office 2010, Lync Web App gestito da 21Vianet
Change and customize sync settings in Microsoft Edge
Choose your sync settings in Microsoft Edge on your computer In the top corner of the browser window, select Settings and more , or use the keyboard shortcut Alt+F , and select Settings . Under Profiles > Your profile , select the profile you’d like to change the settings for, and select Sync .
Sharing your location on Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
Allowing this will add to your location site permission list in Microsoft Edge and will allow Bing to use your precise location to provide local results. Microsoft Edge may also ask you to allow Bing to access your precise location when you use features in Microsoft Edge that use Bing and other Microsoft services, such as the new tab page.
Import your favorites in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
Open Microsoft Edge and select Settings and more . In the Favorites window, select More options , and then select Import favorites. In the Import from menu, select Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox .
Features currently not available in the new Microsoft Edge
With the new Microsoft Edge , we’re excited to bring you a new browser that delivers world-class performance with more privacy, more productivity, and more value while you browse.In this first build, you might notice some changes as well as some features that were part of Microsoft Edge Legacy but aren't currently available in the new browser.
Web links from Outlook emails and Teams chats open in Microsoft Edge ...
If you want to turn off the feature, you can do so from Outlook settings: In new Outlook for Windows, select Settings > General > Files and links, and then select the desired browser from the dropdown menu Open hyperlinks from Outlook in.. In classic Outlook for Windows, select File > Options > Advanced > File and browser preferences, and then select the desired browser from the dropdown menu ...
Si applica a: Outlook per Microsoft 365, Nuovo Outlook per Windows
Tillatt informasjonskapsler og nettstedsdata midlertidig i Microsoft Edge
For å beskytte personvernet ditt angirden nye Microsoft Edge sporingsforhindring til balansert som standard. Hvis du vil ha økt beskyttelse, kan du sette sporingshindringen til streng eller blokkere alle tredjeparts informasjonskapsler.
How can SmartScreen help protect me in Microsoft Edge?
Screening downloads: SmartScreen checks your downloads against a list of reported malicious software sites and programs known to be unsafe. If it finds a match, SmartScreen warns you that the download has been blocked for your safety. SmartScreen also checks your downloaded files against a list of well-known and popular downloads by Microsoft Edge users and warns you if your download is not on ...