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Why SharePoint ribbon buttons are unavailable - Microsoft Support
The SharePoint ribbon helps you find the commands that you need to complete tasks, but occasionally buttons on the ribbon are grayed out, or unavailable.
Si applica a: SharePoint Server Subscription Edition, Amministrazione centrale di SharePoint Server Subscription Edition, SharePoint Server 2019, Amministrazione centrale di SharePoint Server 2019, SharePoint Server 2016, Amministrazione centrale di SharePoint Server 2016, SharePoint Server 2013, SharePoint Server 2013 Enterprise, Amministrazione centrale SharePoint Server 2013, SharePoint in Microsoft 365, SharePoint Foundation 2013, SharePoint Foundation 2010, Amministrazione centrale di SharePoint Foundation 2013, SharePoint Server 2010, SharePoint in Microsoft 365 Small Business
Fix site display issues with Compatibility View in Internet Explorer 11 ...
Support for Internet Explorer ended on June 15, 2022. Internet Explorer 11 has been permanently disabled through a Microsoft Edge update on certain versions of Windows 10. If any site you visit needs Internet Explorer 11, you can reload it with Internet Explorer mode in Microsoft Edge.
Alterar as configurações de segurança e privacidade no Internet Explorer 11
Saiba sobre o Bloqueador de Pop-ups, o Modo Protegido, as zonas de segurança e outras configurações de segurança e privacidade que podem ser personalizadas no Internet Explorer.
Internet Explorer ha smesso di funzionare - Supporto tecnico Microsoft
Il supporto per Internet Explorer è terminato il 15 giugno 2022. Internet Explorer 11 è stato disabilitato definitivamente tramite un aggiornamento di Microsoft Edge in determinate versioni di Windows 10. Se un sito visitato richiede Internet Explorer 11, è possibile ricaricarlo con la modalità Internet Explorer in Microsoft Edge.
View SharePoint files in File Explorer - Microsoft Support
File Explorer is the Windows file management system you use on the Windows desktop. You can open SharePoint libraries in File Explorer, and move or copy files and folders from your desktop folders to SharePoint. You can also open multiple SharePoint libraries in File Explorer, and copy or move folders between them.
Si applica a: SharePoint in Microsoft 365
How to delete cookie files in Internet Explorer - Microsoft Support
Internet Explorer 11 has been permanently disabled through a Microsoft Edge update on certain versions of Windows 10. ... The "How to automatically delete cookies in Internet Explorer on Windows XP" section contains instructions on how to have Guided Help perform the steps for you.
Cookie-related issues occur when you go to certain websites and EPM is ...
Fixes an issue in which you encounter cookie-related issues when you use Internet Explorer 11. This issue occurs after you enable EPM in Internet Explorer 11 and then go to certain websites.
Como excluir arquivos de cookie no Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer 8 Como excluir arquivos de cookie no Internet Explorer 8. Saia do Internet Explorer 8 e, em seguida, saia de todas as instâncias do Windows Explorer.
How to disable the Java web plug-in in Internet Explorer
To disable the Java web-plugin in Internet Explorer automatically, click the Download button. In the File Download dialog box, click Run or Open, and then follow the steps in the easy fix wizard. You must restart Internet Explorer for the changes to take effect.
Povolení souborů cookie - Podpora Microsoftu
Internet Explorer. Na řádku nabídek v Internet Exploreru vyberte Nástroje > Možnosti internetu > Osobní údaje > Upřesnit. ... Zaškrtněte políčko Povolit serverům nastavovat cookies a nastavte Povolit cookies třetích stran na Vždy a potom vyberte OK. Safari.
Si applica a: Lync Web App per Lync Online, Lync Web App, Lync Web App gestito da 21Vianet