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Explorar con InPrivate en Microsoft Edge
Elnuevo Microsoft Edge eliminará el historial de exploración, las cookies y los datos del sitio, así como contraseñas, direcciones y datos de formulario cuando cierre todas las ventanas de InPrivate. Puedes abrir una ventana de InPrivate de distintas formas: Seleccione y mantenga presionado (haga clic con el botón derecho) el Microsoft Edge en la barra de tareas y seleccione Nueva ventana ...
Si applica a: Dashboard dell'account Microsoft
Manage app permissions for your camera in Windows
Internet browsers, like Microsoft Edge, and video conferencing apps, like Microsoft Teams, are desktop apps that need this setting to be turned on. Exceptions to camera privacy settings If you use Windows Hello to sign in, your PC will sign you in even if the Camera access setting is turned off.
Mengelola cookie di Microsoft Edge: Menampilkan, mengizinkan, memblokir ...
Jika Tidak ingin situs pihak ketiga menyimpan cookie di PC, Anda dapat memblokir cookie. Tapi melakukan ini mungkin mencegah beberapa halaman ditampilkan dengan benar, atau Anda mungkin mendapatkan pesan dari situs yang memberi tahu Anda bahwa Anda perlu mengizinkan cookie untuk menampilkan situs tersebut.
Si applica a: Microsoft Edge
Meer informatie over traceringspreventie in Microsoft Edge
Selecteer het niveau van traceringspreventie dat geschikt is voor u: Basic: blokkeert mogelijk schadelijke trackers, maar staat de meeste andere trackers en trackers toe die inhoud en advertenties personaliseren. Evenwichtig (aanbevolen): blokkeert mogelijk schadelijke trackers en trackers van sites die u niet hebt bezocht. Inhoud en advertenties zijn waarschijnlijk minder aan je persoonlijke ...
Si applica a: Dashboard dell'account Microsoft
View and delete browser history in Microsoft Edge
Go to Settings and more > Settings > Cookies and site permissions to see a list for each website, including location, cookies, pop-ups, and media autoplay. On your device. All data from the previous version of Microsoft Edge. All data including history, favorites, passwords, and more from the legacy version of Microsoft Edge.
Get help with startup boost - Microsoft Support
If startup boost is not enabled on your device, you can choose to manually enable it in the browser Settings under edge://settings/system. What are conflicting extensions? Some extensions can cause issues when run alongside startup boost.
Organize favorites in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
Show off your organizational skills by creating, deleting, or renaming your favorites folders in the new Microsoft Edge . To arrange favorites alphabetically, Go to Settings and more > Favorites
How to enable JavaScript in Windows - Microsoft Support
For the website(s) you would like to allow scripting, enter the address within the Add this website to the zone text box and click Add. Note: If the address does not begin with "https:", you many need to uncheck "Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone".
How To Enable ActiveX Control Event Handling on a Web Page
An ActiveX control must implement the IProvideClassInfo or IProvideClassInfo2 interface to enable event handling on a Web page. Microsoft Internet Explorer uses this interface to obtain the type library for the control and determine the available event set. More Information
Surfa InPrivate i Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
Mednya Microsoft Edge tar du bort din webbhistorik, cookies och webbplatsdata, samt lösenord, adresser och formulärdata när du stänger alla InPrivate-fönster. Du kan öppna ett InPrivate-fönster på olika sätt: Markera och håll ned (högerklicka) Microsoft Edge-logotypen i Aktivitetsfältet och välj Nytt InPrivate-fönster.
Si applica a: Dashboard dell'account Microsoft