Users always get the FBA page when they access OWA or ECP in Exchange ...
After you do this, FormsAuthentication is displayed as disabled in the Outlook Web Access (OWA) and Exchange Control Panel (ECP) virtual directories: ClientAuthCleanupLevel : High BasicAuthentication : True WindowsAuthentication : True DigestAuthentication : False FormsAuthentication : False
Verwenden von Internet Explorer in Windows 10 - Microsoft-Support
Zum Öffnen von Internet Explorer 11 wählen Sie Start aus, und geben Sie Internet Explorer in Suche ein. Wählen Sie Internet Explorer (Desktop-App) in den Suchergebnissen aus. Wenn Sie den Internet Explorer auf Ihrem Gerät nicht finden können, müssen Sie ihn als Feature hinzufügen.
Umsteigen auf Microsoft Edge - Microsoft-Support
Schneller Import Ihrer Favoriten, Kennwörter und anderer Browserdaten aus Internet Explorer. Um den Umstieg auf Microsoft Edge so nahtlos wie möglich zu gestalten, können Sie Daten aus Internet Explorer importieren, um so alle Ihre gespeicherten Favoriten, Kennwörter und andere Informationen zur Verfügung zu haben.
Internet Explorer 설정 변경 또는 초기화 - Microsoft 지원
모든 설정 및 옵션을 보시고 데스크톱에서 Internet Explorer 열고 도구 > 옵션을 선택합니다. Internet Explorer 설정 초기화. Internet Explorer 설정을 초기화하여 Internet Explorer를 처음 PC에 설치했을 때의 상태로 되돌릴 수 있습니다.
What is Protected View? - Microsoft Support
The file was opened from an unsafe location - When you see the message in Protected View that says "This file was opened from a potentially unsafe location.Click for more details.", the file was opened from a folder that is unsafe.An example of an unsafe location is your Temporary Internet Files folder. We recommend you only edit the document if you trust its contents.
Si applica a: Excel per Microsoft 365, Word per Microsoft 365, PowerPoint per Microsoft 365, Excel 2021, Word 2021, PowerPoint 2021, Excel 2019, Word 2019, PowerPoint 2019, Excel 2016, Word 2016, PowerPoint 2016
Get help with startup boost - Microsoft Support
We have a group policy that allows administrators and users to enable or disable startup boost. These can be both mandatory or recommended group policies. If it is a recommended group policy, IT admins will have the ability to set the default behavior that their users can change later, if they wish.
Meer informatie over traceringspreventie in Microsoft Edge
Selecteer het niveau van traceringspreventie dat geschikt is voor u: Basic: blokkeert mogelijk schadelijke trackers, maar staat de meeste andere trackers en trackers toe die inhoud en advertenties personaliseren. Evenwichtig (aanbevolen): blokkeert mogelijk schadelijke trackers en trackers van sites die u niet hebt bezocht. Inhoud en advertenties zijn waarschijnlijk minder aan je persoonlijke ...
Si applica a: Dashboard dell'account Microsoft
Les cookies persistants ne sont pas rendues itinérantes dans Internet ...
Résout un problème dans lequel Internet Explorer 10 ou 11 de l’Explorateur Internet ne déplace pas les cookies persistants. Ce problème se produit lorsque l’environnement est configuré pour permettre les ordinateurs à supprimer la copie mise en cache du profil local lorsque les utilisateurs se déconnectent.
Sign out of Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support saves your Microsoft account status, either signed in or signed out, in a browser cookie, if you use any of these products: If you delete your cookies, the next time you go to, you'll be automatically signed in to your Microsoft account. To sign out, on the account menu, click Sign out. Microsoft Edge
Змінення настройок безпеки та конфіденційності в браузері Internet ...
Підтримка Internet Explorer завершилася 15 червня 2022 р. ... чи слід зберігати файли cookie, вибрати, як і коли веб-сайти можуть використовувати ваші дані про розташування, ...