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App & browser control in Windows Security - Microsoft Support
The settings on the App & browser control page let you: Block unrecognized apps, files, malicious sites, downloads, and web content. Set up warnings for unrecognized apps, files, malicious sites, downloads, and web content. Turn off blocking and warnings altogether. Caution: Turning off the Block and Warn options may leave your device ...
How to delete cookie files in Internet Explorer - Microsoft Support
Exit Internet Explorer 6, and then exit any instances of Windows Explorer. Click Start, click Run, type inetcpl.cpl, and then press ENTER. On the General tab, click Delete Cookies in the Temporary Internet Files section of the Internet Properties dialog box. In the Delete Files dialog box, click to select the Delete all offline content check ...
Safari browser support in Microsoft Teams - Microsoft Support
Teams preview won't open in Safari Safari 11.0 uses Intelligent Tracking Prevention to block third-party tracking cookies. Because of the way Intelligent Tracking Prevention categorizes cookies, gets lumped into this category (even though is not a tracking domain), and Microsoft Teams is prevented from opening.
Si applica a: Microsoft Teams
Spravovanie súborov cookie v prehliadači Microsoft Edge: Zobrazenie ...
Súbory cookie sú malé časti údajov uložené vo vašom zariadení webovými lokalitami, ktoré navštívite. Slúžia na rôzne účely, ako je napríklad zapamätanie prihlasovacích poverení, preferencií lokality a sledovanie správania používateľa.
Si applica a: Microsoft Edge
Microsoft Start and MSN feedback – frequently asked questions
That shouldn’t happen, but if it does, please help us fix it by sending a message through our feedback tool. You can access the feedback tool via a button in the bottom right-hand corner of any Microsoft Start or MSN page, and also through the settings cog at the top right-hand corner of the MSN homepage. Describe the problem in as much detail as possible, because without that detail it is ...
Windows privacy settings that apps use - Microsoft Support
Note: How can you tell if an app is a desktop app?Desktop apps are usually downloaded from the Internet or installed with some type of media (such as a CD, DVD, or USB storage device). They’re launched using an .EXE or .DLL file, and they typically run on your device unlike web-based apps (which run in the cloud).
View SharePoint files in File Explorer - Microsoft Support
The View in File Explorer command uses a temporary folder that opens in File Explorer. That folder only lasts until you close it and the content is saved to SharePoint. So using View in File Explorer gives you one-time access to the SharePoint library by way of your desktop folders. By default, the View in File Explorer menu option will not be ...
Si applica a: SharePoint in Microsoft 365
Manage cookies in Microsoft Edge: View, allow, block, delete and use
Manage cookies in Microsoft Edge: View, allow, block, delete and use. Cookies are small pieces of data stored on your device by websites you visit. They serve various purposes, such as remembering login credentials, site preferences, and tracking user behavior. However, you might want to delete cookies for privacy reasons or to resolve browsing ...
Si applica a: Microsoft Edge
What is: Multifactor Authentication - Microsoft Support
What is: Multifactor Authentication. When you sign into your online accounts - a process we call "authentication" - you're proving to the service that you are who you say you are. Traditionally that's been done with a username and a password. Unfortunately, that's not a very good way to do it. Usernames are often easy to discover; sometimes ...
Speech, voice activation, inking, typing, and privacy
Voice typing. In Windows 11, dictation has been updated and renamed as voice typing. Like dictation, voice typing uses online speech recognition technologies to power its speech-to-text transcription service. You no longer need to turn on the Online Speech recognition setting to use voice typing.