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In questo articolo si applica a Microsoft Dynamics NAV per la lingua inglese (en-gb).


Non è possibile eseguire il report di magazzino ricevuto non fatturati e il report scorte spedito non fatturato posteriori nella versione di Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 Regno Unito.

Questo problema si verifica nei seguenti prodotti:

  • La versione del Regno Unito di Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 Service Pack 1

  • La versione del Regno Unito di Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2


Informazioni sull'hotfix

Un hotfix supportato è ora disponibile da Microsoft. Tuttavia, è destinato esclusivamente alla risoluzione del problema descritto in questo articolo. Applicarlo solo ai sistemi in cui si verificano questo problema specifico. Questo hotfix potrebbe essere sottoposto ad ulteriori test. Pertanto, se il problema non causa gravi difficoltà, consiglia di attendere il prossimo service pack di Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 o versione successiva di Microsoft Dynamics NAV contenente tale hotfix.

Nota: In casi particolari, le spese normalmente addebitate per le chiamate potrebbero essere annullate qualora un aggiornamento del supporto tecnico di Microsoft Dynamics e prodotti correlati di supporto determina che uno specifico aggiornamento risolverà il problema. I costi di supporto normale verranno applicati per eventuali ulteriori domande e problemi che non dovessero rientrare nello specifico aggiornamento in questione.

Informazioni sull'installazione

Microsoft fornisce esempi di programmazione a scopo puramente illustrativo, senza alcuna garanzia espressa o implicita. Ciò include, ma non limitato a, le garanzie implicite di commerciabilità o idoneità per uno scopo particolare. In questo articolo si presuppone che si abbia familiarità con il linguaggio di programmazione in questione e gli strumenti utilizzati per creare ed eseguire la procedura di debug. Tecnici del supporto Microsoft consentono di spiegare la funzionalità di una particolare procedura. Tuttavia, essi non modificherà questi esempi per fornire funzionalità aggiuntive o creare procedure atte a soddisfare specifiche esigenze.

Nota: Prima di installare questo hotfix, verificare che tutti gli utenti di client di Microsoft Dynamics NAV sono disconnessi dal sistema. Sono inclusi i servizi di Microsoft Dynamics NAV Application Server (NAS). Dovrebbe essere il solo l'utente client connesso quando si implementa questo hotfix.

Per implementare questo hotfix, è necessario disporre di una licenza di sviluppatore.

È consigliabile che l'account utente nella finestra Login Windows o Login Database assegnare l'ID di ruolo "SUPER". Se l'account utente non può essere assegnato l'ID ruolo "SUPER", è necessario verificare che l'account utente disponga delle autorizzazioni seguenti:

  • Autorizzazione alla modifica dell'oggetto che si desidera modificare.

  • L'autorizzazione di esecuzione per l'oggetto System Object ID 5210 e per il sistema oggetto ID 9015


Nota: Non è necessario disporre dei diritti per gli archivi dati a meno che non è necessario eseguire il ripristino di dati.

Modifiche al codice

Nota: Sempre il codice di test consente di correggere in un ambiente controllato prima di applicare le correzioni per i computer di produzione.

Per risolvere questo problema, attenersi alla seguente procedura:

  1. Non modificare il codice in dati elemento numero 1 nel magazzino restituzione fatturato report (10540) come segue:
    Codice esistente

    ...CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)","Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity");
    // GB1004.begin

    // Delete the following lines.
    TotalSum1 := 0;
    TotalSum2 := 0;
    TotalSum3 := 0;
    TotalSum4 := 0;
    TotalSum5 := 0;
    // End of the deleted lines.

    // GB1004.end

    Codice di sostituzione

    ...CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)","Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity");
    // GB1004.begin

    // Add the following lines.
    ItemReceivedQtyTotal := 0;
    ItemInvoicedQtyTotal := 0;
    ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal := 0;
    ValueCostAmtActualTotal := 0;
    ValueInvoicedQtyTotal := 0;
    // End of the added lines.

    // GB1004.end
  2. Modificare il codice nella sezione dati elemento numero 1 in cui il materiale ricevuto non fatturato report (10540) come segue:
    Codice esistente 1


    DataSetFieldName=USERID }

    // Delete the following lines.
    { 1040092;TextBox ;15000;1692 ;150 ;423 ;Name=Sum1;
    DataSetFieldName=Sum1 }
    { 1040094;TextBox ;15600;1692 ;150 ;423 ;Name=Sum5;
    DataSetFieldName=Sum5 }
    { 1040095;TextBox ;15450;1692 ;150 ;423 ;Name=Sum4;
    DataSetFieldName=Sum4 }
    { 1040096;TextBox ;15150;1692 ;150 ;423 ;Name=Sum2;
    DataSetFieldName=Sum2 }
    { 1040097;TextBox ;15300;1692 ;150 ;423 ;Name=Sum3;
    DataSetFieldName=Sum3 }
    // End of the deleted lines.


    Codice sostitutivo 1

    DataSetFieldName=USERID }

    // Add the following lines.
    { 1040092;TextBox ;15000;1692 ;150 ;423 ;Name=ItemReceivedQty;
    DataSetFieldName=ItemReceivedQty }
    { 1040094;TextBox ;15600;1692 ;150 ;423 ;Name=ValueInvoicedQty;
    DataSetFieldName=ValueInvoicedQty }
    { 1040095;TextBox ;15450;1692 ;150 ;423 ;Name=ValueCostAmtActual;
    DataSetFieldName=ValueCostAmtActual }
    { 1040096;TextBox ;15150;1692 ;150 ;423 ;Name=ItemInvoicedQty;
    DataSetFieldName=ItemInvoicedQty }
    { 1040097;TextBox ;15300;1692 ;150 ;423 ;Name=ItemCostAmtExpected;
    DataSetFieldName=ItemCostAmtExpected }
    // End of the added lines.


    Codice esistente 2

    ...{ 1040046;TextBox   ;5700 ;0    ;1550 ;423  ;FontBold=Yes;
    CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced;

    // Delete the following line.
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry".Quantity - "Item Ledger Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the deleted line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ }
    { 1040033;TextBox ;9150 ;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    Codice di sostituzione 2

    ...{ 1040046;TextBox   ;5700 ;0    ;1550 ;423  ;FontBold=Yes;
    CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced;

    // Add the following line.
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry".Quantity - "Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the added line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ }
    { 1040033;TextBox ;9150 ;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    3 il codice esistente

    ...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity }
    { 1040038;TextBox ;11100;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Delete the following line.
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the deleted line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ }
    { 1040039;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    Codice di sostituzione 3

    ...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity }
    { 1040038;TextBox ;11100;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Add the following line.
    SourceExpr="Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the added line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ }
    { 1040039;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    4 il codice esistente

    ...{ 1040059;TextBox   ;7350 ;0    ;1550 ;423  ;FontBold=Yes;
    CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced;

    // Delete the following line.
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)";
    // End of the deleted line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual__ }
    { 1040064;TextBox ;15000;0 ;1500 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    Codice di sostituzione 4

    ...{ 1040059;TextBox   ;7350 ;0    ;1550 ;423  ;FontBold=Yes;
    CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced;

    // Add the following line.
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)" - "Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)";
    // End of the added line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual__ }
    { 1040064;TextBox ;15000;0 ;1500 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    5 il codice esistente

    CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced;

    // Delete the following line.
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry".Quantity - "Item Ledger Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the deleted line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040065 }
    { 1040066;TextBox ;9150 ;423 ;1800 ;423 ;FontSize=7;

    Codice di sostituzione 5

    CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced;

    // Add the following line.
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry".Quantity - "Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the added line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040065 }
    { 1040066;TextBox ;9150 ;423 ;1800 ;423 ;FontSize=7;

    6 il codice esistente

    ...{ 1040067;TextBox   ;11100;423  ;1800 ;423  ;FontSize=7;

    // Delete the following line.
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the deleted line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040067 }
    { 1040068;TextBox ;13050;423 ;1800 ;423 ;FontSize=7;

    Codice di sostituzione 6

    ...{ 1040067;TextBox   ;11100;423  ;1800 ;423  ;FontSize=7;

    // Add the following line.
    SourceExpr="Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the added line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040067 }
    { 1040068;TextBox ;13050;423 ;1800 ;423 ;FontSize=7;

    7 il codice esistente

    CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced;

    // Delete the following line.
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)";
    // End of the deleted line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040069 }
    { 1040070;TextBox ;15000;423 ;1500 ;423 ;FontSize=7;

    Codice di sostituzione 7

    CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced;

    // Add the following line.
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)" - "Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)";
    // End of the added line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040069 }
    { 1040070;TextBox ;15000;423 ;1500 ;423 ;FontSize=7;

    8 il codice esistente

    DataSetFieldName=TotalCaption }

    // Delete the following lines.
    { 1040100;TextBox ;600 ;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=TotalSum5;
    DataSetFieldName=TotalSum5 }
    { 1040101;TextBox ;450 ;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=TotalSum4;
    DataSetFieldName=TotalSum4 }
    { 1040102;TextBox ;150 ;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=TotalSum2;
    DataSetFieldName=TotalSum2 }
    { 1040103;TextBox ;300 ;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=TotalSum3;
    DataSetFieldName=TotalSum3 }
    { 1040104;TextBox ;0 ;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=TotalSum1;
    DataSetFieldName=TotalSum1 }
    // End of the deleted lines.


    Codice di sostituzione 8

    DataSetFieldName=TotalCaption }

    // Add the following lines.
    { 1040100;TextBox ;600 ;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=ValueInvoicedQtyTotal;
    DataSetFieldName=ValueInvoicedQtyTotal }
    { 1040101;TextBox ;450 ;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=ValueCostAmtActualTotal;
    DataSetFieldName=ValueCostAmtActualTotal }
    { 1040102;TextBox ;150 ;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=ItemInvoicedQtyTotal;
    DataSetFieldName=ItemInvoicedQtyTotal }
    { 1040103;TextBox ;300 ;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal;
    DataSetFieldName=ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal }
    { 1040104;TextBox ;0 ;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=ItemReceivedQtyTotal;
    DataSetFieldName=ItemReceivedQtyTotal }
    // End of the added lines.

  3. Modificare il codice in 2 numero elemento dati in cui il materiale ricevuto non fatturato report (10540) come segue:
    Codice esistente 1

    DataItemTableView=SORTING(Item No.,Positive,Completely Invoiced,Last Invoice Date,Location Code,Variant Code)

    // Delete the following lines.
    WHERE(Completely Invoiced=CONST(No),
    Entry Type=CONST(Purchase));
    // End of the deleted lines.

    IF EndDate <> 0D THEN

    Codice sostitutivo 1

    DataItemTableView=SORTING(Item No.,Positive,Completely Invoiced,Last Invoice Date,Location Code,Variant Code)

    // Add the following line.
    WHERE(Entry Type=CONST(Purchase));
    // End of the added line.

    IF EndDate <> 0D THEN

    Codice esistente 2

    ...SETRANGE("Posting Date",0D,EndDate);
    // GB1004.begin

    // Delete the following lines.
    Sum1 := 0;
    Sum2 := 0;
    Sum3 := 0;
    Sum4 := 0;
    Sum5 := 0;
    // End of the deleted lines.

    // GB1004.end

    Codice di sostituzione 2

    ...SETRANGE("Posting Date",0D,EndDate);
    // GB1004.begin

    // Add the following lines.
    ItemReceivedQty := 0;
    ItemInvoicedQty := 0;
    ItemCostAmtExpected := 0;
    ValueCostAmtActual := 0;
    ValueInvoicedQty := 0;
    // End of the added lines.

    // GB1004.end

    3 il codice esistente

    ...CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)","Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity");
    // GB1004.begin

    // Delete the following lines.
    Sum1 += Quantity;
    Sum2 += "Invoiced Quantity";
    Sum3 += "Cost Amount (Expected)";
    TotalSum1 += Quantity;
    TotalSum2 += "Invoiced Quantity";
    TotalSum3 += "Cost Amount (Expected)";
    // End of the deleted lines.

    // GB1004.end

    Codice di sostituzione 3

    ...CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)","Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity");
    // GB1004.begin

    // Add the following lines.
    ItemReceivedQty += Quantity;
    ItemInvoicedQty += "Invoiced Quantity";
    ItemCostAmtExpected += "Cost Amount (Expected)";
    ItemReceivedQtyTotal += Quantity;
    ItemInvoicedQtyTotal += "Invoiced Quantity";
    ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal += "Cost Amount (Expected)";
    // End of the added lines.

    // GB1004.end
  4. Modificare il codice nella sezione dati elemento numero 2 in cui il materiale ricevuto non fatturato report (10540) come segue:
    Codice esistente 1

    ...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity }
    { 1040075;TextBox ;11100;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Delete the following line.
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the deleted line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ }
    { 1040076;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    Codice sostitutivo 1

    ...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity }
    { 1040075;TextBox ;11100;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Add the following line.
    SourceExpr="Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the added line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ }
    { 1040076;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    Codice esistente 2

    ...{ 1040080;TextBox   ;5700 ;0    ;1550 ;423  ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Delete the following lines.
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry".Quantity - "Item Ledger Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040080 }
    { 1040081;TextBox ;7350 ;0 ;1550 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)";
    // End of the deleted lines.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040081 }
    { 1040078;TextBox ;18000;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=NoOfItems;

    Codice di sostituzione 2

    ...{ 1040080;TextBox   ;5700 ;0    ;1550 ;423  ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Add the following lines.
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry".Quantity - "Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040080 }
    { 1040081;TextBox ;7350 ;0 ;1550 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)" - "Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)";
    // End of the added lines.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040081 }
    { 1040078;TextBox ;18000;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=NoOfItems;
  5. Modificare il codice 3 il numero di elemento dati il materiale ricevuto non fatturato report (10540) come segue:
    Codice esistente 1

    ...Expected Cost=CONST(No));
    CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Cost Amount (Actual)","Invoiced Quantity");

    Codice sostitutivo 1

    ...Expected Cost=CONST(No));

    // Add the following lines.
    IF EndDate <> 0D THEN
    SETRANGE("Posting Date",0D,EndDate);
    SETFILTER("Invoiced Quantity",'<>%1',0);
    // End of the added lines.

    CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Cost Amount (Actual)","Invoiced Quantity");

    Codice esistente 2

    // GB1004.begin

    // Delete the following lines.
    Sum4 += "Cost Amount (Actual)";
    Sum5 += "Invoiced Quantity";
    TotalSum4 += "Cost Amount (Actual)";
    TotalSum5 += "Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the deleted lines.

    // GB1004.end

    Codice di sostituzione 2

    // GB1004.begin

    // Add the following lines.
    ValueCostAmtActual += "Cost Amount (Actual)";
    ValueInvoicedQty += "Invoiced Quantity";
    ValueCostAmtActualTotal += "Cost Amount (Actual)";
    ValueInvoicedQtyTotal += "Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the added lines.

    // GB1004.end
  6. Modificare il codice nella sezione dati elemento numero 4 in cui il materiale ricevuto non fatturato report (10540) come segue:
    Codice esistente 1

    ...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity_Control1040032 }
    { 1040034;TextBox ;11100;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Delete the following line.
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the deleted line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040034 }
    { 1040035;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    Codice sostitutivo 1

    ...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity_Control1040032 }
    { 1040034;TextBox ;11100;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Add the following line.
    SourceExpr="Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the added line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040034 }
    { 1040035;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    Codice esistente 2

    ...{ 1040040;TextBox   ;5700 ;0    ;1550 ;423  ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Delete the following lines.
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry".Quantity - "Item Ledger Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040040 }
    { 1040058;TextBox ;7350 ;0 ;1550 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)";
    // End of the deleted lines.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040058 }
    { 1040082;TextBox ;5400 ;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=ItemTotal.Number;

    Codice di sostituzione 2

    ...{ 1040040;TextBox   ;5700 ;0    ;1550 ;423  ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Add the following lines.
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry".Quantity - "Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040040 }
    { 1040058;TextBox ;7350 ;0 ;1550 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;
    SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)" - "Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)";
    // End of the added lines.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040058 }
    { 1040082;TextBox ;5400 ;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=ItemTotal.Number;
  7. Modificare il codice in variabili globali il materiale ricevuto non fatturato report (10540) come segue:
    Codice esistente 1

    ...Text1040005@1040005 : TextConst 'ENU=Received not invoiced for item';
    NoOfItems@1040006 : Integer;

    // Delete the following lines.
    Sum1@1040007 : Decimal;
    Sum2@1040008 : Decimal;
    Sum3@1040009 : Decimal;
    Sum4@1040010 : Decimal;
    Sum5@1040011 : Decimal;
    TotalSum1@1040012 : Decimal;
    TotalSum2@1040013 : Decimal;
    TotalSum3@1040014 : Decimal;
    TotalSum4@1040015 : Decimal;
    TotalSum5@1040016 : Decimal;
    // End of the deleted lines.


    Codice sostitutivo 1

    ...Text1040005@1040005 : TextConst 'ENU=Received not invoiced for item';
    NoOfItems@1040006 : Integer;

    // Add the following lines.
    ItemReceivedQty@1040007 : Decimal;
    ItemInvoicedQty@1040008 : Decimal;
    ItemCostAmtExpected@1040009 : Decimal;
    ValueCostAmtActual@1040010 : Decimal;
    ValueInvoicedQty@1040011 : Decimal;
    ItemReceivedQtyTotal@1040012 : Decimal;
    ItemInvoicedQtyTotal@1040013 : Decimal;
    ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal@1040014 : Decimal;
    ValueCostAmtActualTotal@1040015 : Decimal;
    ValueInvoicedQtyTotal@1040016 : Decimal;
    // End of the added lines.


    Codice esistente 2


    // Delete the following line.
    <Value>=Last(Fields!TotalSum1.Value) - Last(Fields!TotalSum2.Value)</Value>
    // End of the deleted line.


    Codice di sostituzione 2


    // Add the following line.
    <Value>=Last(Fields!ItemReceivedQtyTotal.Value) - Last(Fields!ValueInvoicedQtyTotal.Value)</Value>
    // End of the added line.


    3 il codice esistente


    // Delete the following line.
    <Value>=Last(Fields!TotalSum3.Value) - Last(Fields!TotalSum4.Value)</Value>
    // End of the deleted line.


    Codice di sostituzione 3


    // Add the following line.
    <Value>=Last(Fields!ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal.Value) - Last(Fields!ValueCostAmtActualTotal.Value)</Value>
    // End of the added line.


    4 il codice esistente


    // Delete the following line.
    // End of the deleted line.


    Codice di sostituzione 4


    // Add the following line.
    // End of the added line.


    5 il codice esistente


    // Delete the following line.
    // End of the deleted line.


    Codice di sostituzione 5


    // Add the following line.
    // End of the added line.


    6 il codice esistente


    // Delete the following line.
    // End of the deleted line.


    Codice di sostituzione 6


    // Add the following line.
    // End of the added line.


    7 il codice esistente


    // Delete the following line.
    <Value>=Last(Fields!Sum1.Value) - Last(Fields!Sum2.Value)</Value>
    // End of the deleted line.


    Codice di sostituzione 7


    // Add the following line.
    <Value>=Last(Fields!ItemReceivedQty.Value) - Last(Fields!ValueInvoicedQty.Value)</Value>
    // End of the added line.


    8 il codice esistente


    // Delete the following line.
    <Value>=Last(Fields!Sum3.Value) - Last(Fields!Sum4.Value)</Value>
    // End of the deleted line.


    Codice di sostituzione 8


    // Add the following line.
    <Value>=Last(Fields!ItemCostAmtExpected.Value) - Last(Fields!ValueCostAmtActual.Value)</Value>
    // End of the added line.


    Codice esistente 9


    // Delete the following line.
    // End of the deleted line.


    Codice di sostituzione 9


    // Add the following line.
    // End of the added line.


    Codice esistente 10


    // Delete the following line.
    // End of the deleted line.


    Codice di sostituzione 10


    // Add the following line.
    // End of the added line.


    Codice esistente 11


    // Delete the following line.
    // End of the deleted line.


    Codice di sostituzione 11


    // Add the following line.
    // End of the added line.


    Codice esistente 12


    // Delete the following line.
    <Value>=Last(Fields!Sum1.Value) - Last(Fields!Sum2.Value)</Value>
    // End of the deleted line.


    Codice di sostituzione 12


    // Add the following line.
    <Value>=Last(Fields!ItemReceivedQty.Value) - Last(Fields!ValueInvoicedQty.Value)</Value>
    // End of the added line.


    Codice esistente 13


    // Delete the following line.
    <Value>=Last(Fields!Sum3.Value) - Last(Fields!Sum4.Value)</Value>
    // End of the deleted line.


    Codice di sostituzione 13


    // Add the following line.
    <Value>=Last(Fields!ItemCostAmtExpected.Value) - Last(Fields!ValueCostAmtActual.Value)</Value>
    // End of the added line.


    Codice esistente 14


    // Delete the following line.
    // End of the deleted line.


    Codice di sostituzione 14


    // Add the following line.
    // End of the added line.


    Codice esistente 15


    // Delete the following line.
    // End of the deleted line.


    Codice di sostituzione 15


    // Add the following line.
    // End of the added line.


    16 il codice esistente


    // Delete the following line.
    // End of the deleted line.


    Codice di sostituzione 16


    // Add the following line.
    // End of the added line.


    Codice esistente 17


    // Delete the following line.
    <Value>=Last(Fields!Sum1.Value) - Last(Fields!Sum2.Value)</Value>
    // End of the deleted line.


    Codice di sostituzione 17


    // Add the following line.
    <Value>=Last(Fields!ItemReceivedQty.Value) - Last(Fields!ValueInvoicedQty.Value)</Value>
    // End of the added line.


    Codice esistente 18


    // Delete the following line.
    <Value>=Last(Fields!Sum3.Value) - Last(Fields!Sum4.Value)</Value>
    // End of the deleted line.


    18 codice di sostituzione


    // Add the following line.
    <Value>=Last(Fields!ItemCostAmtExpected.Value) - Last(Fields!ValueCostAmtActual.Value)</Value>
    // End of the added line.


    Codice esistente 19


    // Delete the following line.
    // End of the deleted line.


    19 codice di sostituzione


    // Add the following line.
    // End of the added line.


    Codice esistente 20


    // Delete the following line.
    // End of the deleted line.


    Codice di sostituzione 20


    // Add the following line.
    // End of the added line.


    Codice esistente 21


    // Delete the following line.
    // End of the deleted line.


    Codice di sostituzione 21


    // Add the following line.
    // End of the added line.


    Codice esistente 22


    // Delete the following lines.
    <Field Name="Sum1">
    <Field Name="Sum1Format">
    <Field Name="Sum5">
    <Field Name="Sum5Format">
    <Field Name="Sum4">
    <Field Name="Sum4Format">
    <Field Name="Sum2">
    <Field Name="Sum2Format">
    <Field Name="Sum3">
    <Field Name="Sum3Format">
    // End of the deleted lines.

    <Field Name="Totals__Rec__not_invoiced_Caption">

    Codice di sostituzione 22


    // Add the following lines.
    <Field Name="ItemReceivedQty">
    <Field Name="ItemReceivedQtyFormat">
    <Field Name="ValueInvoicedQty">
    <Field Name="ValueInvoicedQtyFormat">
    <Field Name="ValueCostAmtActual">
    <Field Name="ValueCostAmtActualFormat">
    <Field Name="ItemInvoicedQty">
    <Field Name="ItemInvoicedQtyFormat">
    <Field Name="ItemCostAmtExpected">
    <Field Name="ItemCostAmtExpectedFormat">
    // End of the added lines.

    <Field Name="Totals__Rec__not_invoiced_Caption">

    Codice esistente 23


    // Delete the following lines.
    <Field Name="TotalSum5">
    <Field Name="TotalSum5Format">
    <Field Name="TotalSum4">
    <Field Name="TotalSum4Format">
    <Field Name="TotalSum2">
    <Field Name="TotalSum2Format">
    <Field Name="TotalSum3">
    <Field Name="TotalSum3Format">
    <Field Name="TotalSum1">
    <Field Name="TotalSum1Format">
    // End of the deleted lines.

    <Field Name="Item_Ledger_Entry__Posting_Date_">

    Codice di sostituzione 23


    // Add the following lines.
    <Field Name="ValueInvoicedQtyTotal">
    <Field Name="ValueInvoicedQtyTotalFormat">
    <Field Name="ValueCostAmtActualTotal">
    <Field Name="ValueCostAmtActualTotalFormat">
    <Field Name="ItemInvoicedQtyTotal">
    <Field Name="ItemInvoicedQtyTotalFormat">
    <Field Name="ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal">
    <Field Name="ItemCostAmtExpectedTotalFormat">
    <Field Name="ItemReceivedQtyTotal">
    <Field Name="ItemReceivedQtyTotalFormat">
    // End of the added lines.

    <Field Name="Item_Ledger_Entry__Posting_Date_">
  8. Modificare il codice nelle sezioni di dati elemento numero 1 nel materiale spedito non fatturato report (10541) come segue:
    Codice esistente 1

    ...{ 1040046;TextBox   ;5700 ;0    ;1550 ;423  ;FontBold=Yes;
    CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced;

    // Delete the following line.
    // End of the deleted line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ }
    { 1040033;TextBox ;9150 ;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    Codice sostitutivo 1

    ...{ 1040046;TextBox   ;5700 ;0    ;1550 ;423  ;FontBold=Yes;
    CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced;

    // Add the following line.
    SourceExpr=ItemShippedQty - ValueInvoicedQty;
    // End of the added line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ }
    { 1040033;TextBox ;9150 ;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    Codice esistente 2

    ...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity }
    { 1040038;TextBox ;11100;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Delete the following line.
    // End of the deleted line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ }
    { 1040039;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    Codice di sostituzione 2

    ...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity }
    { 1040038;TextBox ;11100;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Add the following line.
    // End of the added line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ }
    { 1040039;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    3 il codice esistente

    ...{ 1040059;TextBox   ;7350 ;0    ;1550 ;423  ;FontBold=Yes;
    CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced;

    // Delete the following lines.
    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual__ }
    { 1040064;TextBox ;15000;0 ;1500 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;
    SourceExpr="Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the deleted lines.

    DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ }

    Codice di sostituzione 3

    ...{ 1040059;TextBox   ;7350 ;0    ;1550 ;423  ;FontBold=Yes;
    CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced;

    // Add the following lines.
    SourceExpr=ItemCostAmtExpected - ValueCostAmtActual;
    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual__ }
    { 1040064;TextBox ;15000;0 ;1500 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;
    SourceExpr=-"Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the added lines.

    DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ }

    4 il codice esistente

    CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced;

    // Delete the following line.
    // End of the deleted line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040065 }
    { 1040066;TextBox ;9150 ;423 ;1800 ;423 ;FontSize=7;

    Codice di sostituzione 4

    CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced;

    // Add the following line.
    SourceExpr=ItemShippedQtyTotal - ValueInvoicedQtyTotal;
    // End of the added line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040065 }
    { 1040066;TextBox ;9150 ;423 ;1800 ;423 ;FontSize=7;

    5 il codice esistente

    ...{ 1040067;TextBox   ;11100;423  ;1800 ;423  ;FontSize=7;

    // Delete the following line.
    // End of the deleted line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040067 }
    { 1040068;TextBox ;13050;423 ;1800 ;423 ;FontSize=7;

    Codice di sostituzione 5

    ...{ 1040067;TextBox   ;11100;423  ;1800 ;423  ;FontSize=7;

    // Add the following line.
    // End of the added line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040067 }
    { 1040068;TextBox ;13050;423 ;1800 ;423 ;FontSize=7;

    6 il codice esistente

    CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced;

    // Delete the following lines.
    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040069 }
    { 1040070;TextBox ;15000;423 ;1500 ;423 ;FontSize=7;
    SourceExpr="Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the deleted lines.

    DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040070 }
    { 1040071;TextBox ;16650;423 ;1500 ;423 ;FontSize=7;

    Codice di sostituzione 6

    CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced;

    // Add the following lines.
    SourceExpr=ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal - ValueCostAmtActualTotal;
    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040069 }
    { 1040070;TextBox ;15000;423 ;1500 ;423 ;FontSize=7;
    SourceExpr=-"Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the added lines.

    DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040070 }
    { 1040071;TextBox ;16650;423 ;1500 ;423 ;FontSize=7;
  9. Modificare il codice nell'elemento di dati numero 2 in cui il materiale spedito non fatturato report (10541) come segue:
    Codice esistente 1

    DataItemTableView=SORTING(Item No.,Positive,Completely Invoiced,Last Invoice Date,Location Code,Variant Code)

    // Delete the following lines.
    WHERE(Completely Invoiced=CONST(No),
    Entry Type=CONST(Sale));
    // End of the deleted lines.

    // GB0004.begin

    Codice sostitutivo 1

    DataItemTableView=SORTING(Item No.,Positive,Completely Invoiced,Last Invoice Date,Location Code,Variant Code)

    // Add the following line.
    WHERE(Entry Type=CONST(Sale));
    // End of the added line.

    // GB0004.begin

    Codice esistente 2

    ...// GB0004.end

    // Delete the following line.
    ItemQuantity := 0;
    // End of the deleted line.

    ItemCostAmount := 0;
    ItemShippedQty := 0;

    Codice di sostituzione 2

    ...// GB0004.end

    ItemCostAmount := 0;
    ItemShippedQty := 0;

    3 il codice esistente

    ...ItemInvoicedQty := 0;
    ItemCostAmtExpected := 0;

    Codice di sostituzione 3

    ...ItemInvoicedQty := 0;
    ItemCostAmtExpected := 0;

    // Add the following lines.
    ValueInvoicedQty := 0;
    ValueCostAmtActual := 0;
    // End of the added lines.


    4 il codice esistente

    ...CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)","Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity");

    // Delete the following lines.
    ItemQuantity += Quantity - "Invoiced Quantity";
    ItemCostAmount += "Cost Amount (Expected)";
    ItemShippedQty += Quantity;
    ItemInvoicedQty += "Invoiced Quantity";
    ItemCostAmtExpected += "Cost Amount (Expected)";

    ItemQuantityTotal += Quantity - "Invoiced Quantity";
    ItemCostAmountTotal += "Cost Amount (Expected)";
    ItemShippedQtyTotal += Quantity;
    ItemInvoicedQtyTotal += "Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the deleted lines.

    ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal += "Cost Amount (Expected)";

    Codice di sostituzione 4

    ...CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)","Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity");

    // Add the following lines.
    ItemCostAmount += "Cost Amount (Expected)";
    ItemShippedQty += -Quantity;
    ItemInvoicedQty += -"Invoiced Quantity";
    ItemCostAmtExpected += "Cost Amount (Expected)";

    ItemCostAmountTotal += "Cost Amount (Expected)";
    ItemShippedQtyTotal += -Quantity;
    ItemInvoicedQtyTotal += -"Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the added lines.

    ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal += "Cost Amount (Expected)";
  10. Modificare il codice nelle sezioni di dati elemento numero 2 in cui il materiale spedito non fatturato report (10541) come segue:
    Codice esistente 1

    ...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry_Description }
    { 1040019;TextBox ;9150 ;0 ;1800 ;423 ;CaptionML=ENU=Shipped Quantity;

    // Delete the following lines.
    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry_Quantity }
    { 1040021;TextBox ;11100;0 ;1800 ;423 ;SourceExpr="Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the deleted lines.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Invoiced_Quantity_ }
    { 1040023;TextBox ;1350 ;0 ;600 ;423 ;SourceExpr="Source Type";

    Codice sostitutivo 1

    ...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry_Description }
    { 1040019;TextBox ;9150 ;0 ;1800 ;423 ;CaptionML=ENU=Shipped Quantity;

    // Add the following lines.
    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry_Quantity }
    { 1040021;TextBox ;11100;0 ;1800 ;423 ;CaptionML=ENU=Invoiced Quantity;
    SourceExpr=-"Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the added lines.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Invoiced_Quantity_ }
    { 1040023;TextBox ;1350 ;0 ;600 ;423 ;SourceExpr="Source Type";

    Codice esistente 2

    ...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity }
    { 1040075;TextBox ;11100;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Delete the following line.
    // End of the deleted line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ }
    { 1040076;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    Codice di sostituzione 2

    ...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity }
    { 1040075;TextBox ;11100;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Add the following line.
    // End of the added line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ }
    { 1040076;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    3 il codice esistente

    ...{ 1040080;TextBox   ;5700 ;0    ;1550 ;423  ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Delete the following lines.
    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040080 }
    { 1040081;TextBox ;7350 ;0 ;1550 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;
    // End of the deleted lines.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040081 }

    Codice di sostituzione 3

    ... { 1040080;TextBox   ;5700 ;0    ;1550 ;423  ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Add the following lines.
    SourceExpr=ItemShippedQty - ValueInvoicedQty;
    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040080 }
    { 1040081;TextBox ;7350 ;0 ;1550 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;
    SourceExpr=ItemCostAmtExpected - ValueCostAmtActual;
    // End of the added lines.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040081 }
  11. Modificare il codice nell'elemento di dati numero 3 in cui il materiale spedito non fatturato report (10541) come segue:
    Codice esistente

    ...Expected Cost=CONST(No));

    // Delete the following lines.
    CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Cost Amount (Actual)","Invoiced Quantity");
    // End of the deleted lines.

    DataItemLink=Item Ledger Entry No.=FIELD(Entry No.);

    Codice di sostituzione

    ...Expected Cost=CONST(No));

    // Add the following lines.
    IF EndDate <> 0D THEN
    SETRANGE("Posting Date",0D,EndDate);
    SETFILTER("Invoiced Quantity",'<>%1',0);
    CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Cost Amount (Actual)","Invoiced Quantity");

    ValueInvoicedQty += -"Invoiced Quantity";
    ValueCostAmtActual += "Cost Amount (Actual)";

    ValueInvoicedQtyTotal += -"Invoiced Quantity";
    ValueCostAmtActualTotal += "Cost Amount (Actual)";
    // End of the added lines.
    DataItemLink=Item Ledger Entry No.=FIELD(Entry No.);
  12. Modificare il codice dati elemento numero 3 sezioni il materiale spedito non fatturato report (10541) come segue:
    Codice esistente

    ...{ 1040043;TextBox   ;6600 ;0    ;2250 ;423  ;SourceExpr=Description;
    DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry_Description }

    // Delete the following line.
    { 1040025;TextBox ;15000;0 ;1500 ;423 ;SourceExpr="Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the deleted line.

    DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry__Invoiced_Quantity_ }
    { 1040027;TextBox ;16650;0 ;1500 ;423 ;SourceExpr="Cost Amount (Actual)";

    Codice di sostituzione

    ...{ 1040043;TextBox   ;6600 ;0    ;2250 ;423  ;SourceExpr=Description;
    DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry_Description }

    // Add the following lines.
    { 1040025;TextBox ;15000;0 ;1500 ;423 ;CaptionML=ENU=Invoiced Quantity;
    SourceExpr=-"Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the added lines.

    DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry__Invoiced_Quantity_ }
    { 1040027;TextBox ;16650;0 ;1500 ;423 ;SourceExpr="Cost Amount (Actual)";
  13. Modificare il codice dati elemento numero 4 sezioni il materiale spedito non fatturato report (10541) come segue:
    Codice esistente 1

    ...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity_Control1040032 }
    { 1040034;TextBox ;11100;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Delete the following line.
    // End of the deleted line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040034 }
    { 1040035;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    Codice sostitutivo 1

    ...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity_Control1040032 }
    { 1040034;TextBox ;11100;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Add the following line.
    // End of the added line.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040034 }
    { 1040035;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    Codice esistente 2

    ...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected___Control1040035 }
    { 1040036;TextBox ;15000;0 ;1500 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Delete the following line.
    SourceExpr="Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the deleted line.

    DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040036 }
    { 1040044;TextBox ;16650;0 ;1500 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    Codice di sostituzione 2

    ...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected___Control1040035 }
    { 1040036;TextBox ;15000;0 ;1500 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Add the following line.
    SourceExpr=-"Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
    // End of the added line.

    DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040036 }
    { 1040044;TextBox ;16650;0 ;1500 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;

    3 il codice esistente

    ...{ 1040040;TextBox   ;5700 ;0    ;1550 ;423  ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Delete the following lines.
    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040040 }
    { 1040058;TextBox ;7350 ;0 ;1550 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;
    // End of the deleted lines.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040058 }
    { 1040078;TextBox ;18000;423 ;150 ;423 ;Name=NoOfItems;

    Codice di sostituzione 3

    ...{ 1040040;TextBox   ;5700 ;0    ;1550 ;423  ;FontBold=Yes;

    // Add the following lines.
    SourceExpr=ItemShippedQty - ValueInvoicedQty;
    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040040 }
    { 1040058;TextBox ;7350 ;0 ;1550 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;
    SourceExpr=ItemCostAmtExpected - ValueCostAmtActual;
    // End of the added lines.

    DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040058 }
    { 1040078;TextBox ;18000;423 ;150 ;423 ;Name=NoOfItems;
  14. Modificare il codice in variabili globali il materiale spedito non fatturato report (10541) come segue:
    Codice esistente 1

    ...Text1040005@1040005 : TextConst 'ENU=Shipped not invoiced for item';
    NoOfItems@1040006 : Integer;

    // Delete the following line.
    ItemQuantity@1040007 : Decimal;
    // End of the deleted line.

    ItemCostAmount@1040008 : Decimal;
    ItemShippedQty@1040009 : Decimal;

    Codice sostitutivo 1

    ...Text1040005@1040005 : TextConst 'ENU=Shipped not invoiced for item';
    NoOfItems@1040006 : Integer;
    ItemCostAmount@1040008 : Decimal;
    ItemShippedQty@1040009 : Decimal;

    Codice esistente 2

    ...ItemInvoicedQty@1040010 : Decimal;
    ItemCostAmtExpected@1040011 : Decimal;

    // Delete the following line.
    ItemQuantityTotal@1040012 : Decimal;
    // End of the deleted line.

    ItemCostAmountTotal@1040013 : Decimal;
    ItemShippedQtyTotal@1040014 : Decimal;

    Codice di sostituzione 2

    ...ItemInvoicedQty@1040010 : Decimal;
    ItemCostAmtExpected@1040011 : Decimal;

    // Add the following lines.
    ValueInvoicedQty@1040017 : Decimal;
    ValueCostAmtActual@1040018 : Decimal;
    // End of the added lines.

    ItemCostAmountTotal@1040013 : Decimal;
    ItemShippedQtyTotal@1040014 : Decimal;

    3 il codice esistente

    ...ItemInvoicedQtyTotal@1040015 : Decimal;
    ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal@1040016 : Decimal;


    Codice di sostituzione 3

    ...ItemInvoicedQtyTotal@1040015 : Decimal;
    ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal@1040016 : Decimal;

    // Add the following lines.
    ValueInvoicedQtyTotal@1040019 : Decimal;
    ValueCostAmtActualTotal@1040020 : Decimal;
    // End of the added lines.



Deve avere uno dei seguenti prodotti per applicare questo hotfix:

  • La versione del Regno Unito di Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 Service Pack 1

  • La versione del Regno Unito di Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2

Informazioni sulla rimozione

Non è possibile rimuovere questo hotfix.


Microsoft ha confermato che questo è un problema dei prodotti Microsoft elencati nella sezione "Si applica a".

Nota: Si tratta di un articolo a "Pubblicazione Veloce" creato direttamente all'interno dell'organizzazione di supporto Microsoft. Le informazioni contenute nel presente documento sono fornite così come sono in risposta a problemi urgenti. Per la velocità in rendendo disponibili, i materiali possono includere errori tipografici e possono essere modificati in qualsiasi momento senza preavviso. Per altre considerazioni, vedere Condizioni di utilizzo.

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