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What accessibility features are available for Skype?

Assistive features help people with disabilities navigate and control their device as well as get better access to online content.

The following is a list of devices with supported accessibility features available for Skype:

Skype for Windows desktop (Windows 8 and above)

  • Narrator screen reader enables blind people to use their computer or other device as its purpose is to read text on the screen aloud. Skype for Windows desktop and Skype for Windows 8 (and above) may also work well with third-party screen readers such as NVDA (free download) and JAWS.

  • High-contrast settings benefit low vision users and users with little or no color perception as it makes text easier to read.

  • Magnifier is a feature intended for low vision users as it enlarges the screen and makes text easier to read and images easier to see.

Learn more about Windows desktop 8 accessibility features .

Skype for Windows desktop (Windows 7)

  • NVDA screen reader (free download) enables blind people to use their computer or other device. Skype for Windows desktop running Windows 7 operating system may also work well with other third-party screen readers such as JAWS.

  • High-contrast settings benefit low vision users and users with little or no color perception.

  • Magnifier is intended for low vision users.

Learn more about Windows 7 accessibility features .

Skype for Mac

  • VoiceOver built-in screen reader enables blind people to use their computer or other device.

  • Invert colors or increase/decrease contrast settings benefit low vision users and users with little or no color perception.

  • Zoom content is intended for low vision users.

Find out more about Mac accessibility features .*

Skype for iOS

  • VoiceOver built-in screen reader enables blind people to use their mobile device.

  • Invert colors or increase/decrease contrast settings benefit low vision users and users with little or no color perception.

  • Zoom content is intended for low vision users.

Learn more about iOS accessibility features .*

Skype for Android

  • TalkBack built-in screen reader enables blind people to use their mobile device.

  • Reverse colors is a platform setting that benefits low vision users and users with little or no color perception.

  • Zoom In/Zoom Out is intended for low vision users.

Learn more about Android accessibility features .*

Skype for Amazon Kindle

  • Screen Reader powered by IVONA Text-to-Speech enables blind people to use their Amazon device.

  • Screen Magnifier is intended for low vision users.

Learn more about Amazon Kindle accessibility features .*

Skype for Blackberry

  • BlackBerry screen reader enables blind people to use their mobile device.

  • Color reversal benefits users with little or no color perception.

Learn more about Blackberry accessibility .*

Note:  Skype is not responsible for the content of external sites.

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