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What chat commands are available in Skype?

You can use chat commands to perform different actions in your Skype chat. To see a list of the available commands, simply type /help into the chat. If you are in a chat with just one other person, only the relevant chat options will be shown. If you are in a chat with two or more people, /help will reveal a more comprehensive list of chat commands. Below is the full list of available chat commands in Skype and the descriptions.



/me [text]

Your name will appear followed by any text you write. For instance, /me working from home will cause the phrase "working from home" to appear next to your name in the chat. You can use this to send a message about your activities or status.

/poll [title], [option1], [option2], [option3]

Create a poll question to be sent to your chat. Enter your question with a comma, then the options separated by commas.


Leave your current group chat.


Lists all members of the chat with their role.

/setrole [Skype Name] [Admin/User]

Allows you to set a role to each chat member. The role of Admin is the host of the Skype chat and can add or remove participants, customize chat settings, and promote other people to admins. The User is a member who can post messages into the chat and participants in calls. All participants of a group chat are initially admins except in a moderated chat.

Note : In a moderated group , only the chat creator has the option to set roles.


Starts a group call with other participants of the chat.

Note : In a moderated group , only the chat creator has the option to /golive.


Clear recently used personal expression items list.


Shows the current version of Skype you're on.

/addreaction [Emoticon name]

Adds a reaction to the message reaction picker. For instance, /addreaction like will add the like emoticon to your reactions.

You can also customize your message reaction picker .

/addreactions [Emoticon name]

Adds reactions to the message reaction picker.

/removereaction [Emoticon name]

Removes the reaction from the message reaction picker.

/removereactions [Emoticon name]

Removes reactions from the message reaction picker.


Resets reactions set back to default.

/language [ll-CC|ll|reset]

Change language.

/openinext [on|off]

Enable opening links in external browser.

/formatting [on|off|reset|resetall]

Emoticon and special formatting of your outgoing messages (per chat).

/addcallreaction [emoticon name string]

Add call reactions.

/addcallreactions [emoticon name string]

Add call reactions.

/printcallreactions (optional) position

Displays available call reactions.

/removecallreactions[emoticon1], [emoticon2], …

Removes call reactions.

/removecallreactionsat (reaction positions, use /printcallreactions for more info)

Removes call reactions at specified position.


Resets call reactions set back to default.


Shows browser info.

Moderated group admin command


/kick [Skype Name]

Eject chat member.

/kickban [Skype Name]

Eject chat members and prevent them from rejoining the moderated chat. The ban is permanent.


Lists all people banned from the moderated chat.

/setbanlist [(+)|-] [Skype Name]

Set which members are banned from the moderated chat.

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