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  • 영어 (캐나다) (en ca)

  • 영어 (미국) (en-us)

  • 스페인어 (멕시코) (es-mx)

  • 프랑스어 (캐나다) (fr-ca)


설정한 것으로 가정 CAD 추가 보고 통화 값으로 일반 회계 원장 설정에서 대화 상자에서 Microsoft Dynamics 탐색 2009의 북미 버전. 세금을 포함 하는 구매 청구서를 게시 하면 다음과 같은 오류 메시지가 나타납니다.

G/L 입력 테이블에서 불일치가 발생 하므로 트랜잭션을 완료할 수 없습니다. 오류의 원인을 찾을 수 일관 된 함수가 트랜잭션에서 사용 위치와 방법을 확인 합니다.

다음 제품에이 문제가 발생합니다.

  • Microsoft Dynamics 탐색 2009 r2 북미 버전

  • 북미 버전의 Microsoft Dynamics 탐색 2009 서비스 팩 1

해결 방법

핫픽스 정보

지원 되는 핫픽스를 Microsoft에서 출시 되었습니다. 이 문서에 설명 되어 있는 문제를 해결 하기 위한 것일 뿐입니다. 이러한 특정 문제가 발생 한 시스템에만 적용 됩니다. 이 핫픽스는 추가 테스트가 필요할 수 있습니다. 따라서이 문제의 영향이 심각 하지 다음 Microsoft Dynamics 탐색 2009 서비스 팩 또는이 핫픽스가 포함 된 다음 Microsoft Dynamics 탐색 버전까지 기다리는 것이 좋습니다.

참고: 특별 한 경우 일반적으로 호출 취소 될 수도 있습니다 경우 기술 지원 담당자는 Microsoft Dynamics 및 관련 된 제품에 대 한 지원에 따른 비용이 특정 업데이트로 문제를 해결할 수 있다고 결정 합니다. 추가 지원 질문과 특정 업데이트가 필요 하지 않은 문제에는 일반 지원 비용이 적용 됩니다.

설치 정보

Microsoft는 모든 보증, 그림에 대 한 묵시적인 보증. 이 포함 되지만 상품성 또는 특정 목적에의 적합성의 묵시적된 보증에 국한 되지는 않습니다. 이 문서는 작성 하 고 프로시저를 디버깅할 데 사용 되는 도구 및 여기서 설명 하는 프로그래밍 언어에 익숙한 가정 합니다. Microsoft 지원 엔지니어는 특정 프로시저의 기능을 설명할 수 있지만 추가 기능을 제공 하거나 특정 요구 사항에 맞도록 프로시저를 구성 하는 이러한 예제를 수정 하지 않습니다.

참고: 이 핫픽스를 설치 하기 전에 모든 Microsoft Navision 클라이언트 사용자가 시스템 로그를 확인 하십시오. Navision 응용 프로그램 서비스 (NAS) 클라이언트 사용자가 포함 됩니다. 이 핫픽스를 구현할 때 로그온 되어 있는 사용자만 클라이언트 수 있습니다.

이 핫픽스를 구현 하려면 개발자 라이센스가 있어야 합니다.

것을 권장 합니다 Windows 로그인 창이 나 데이터베이스 로그인 창에서 사용자 계정 "SUPER" 역할 ID를 할당할 수 사용자 계정 "SUPER" 역할 ID를 할당할 수 없습니다, 사용자 계정에 다음 권한이 있는지 확인 해야 합니다.

  • 변경할 수 있는 개체에 대 한 수정 권한이 있습니다.

  • 시스템 개체 ID 9015 개체 및 시스템 개체 ID 5210 개체에 대 한 Execute 권한이 있습니다.

참고: 데이터 복구를 수행 해야 할 경우가 아니면 데이터 저장소에 대 한 권한을 가질 필요가 없습니다.

코드 변경 사항

참고: 항상 테스트 코드 수정 제어 된 환경에 적용 하기 전에 프로덕션 컴퓨터에 수정 프로그램입니다.

이 문제를 해결 하려면 다음이 단계를 수행 합니다.

  1. 부가세 금액 선 테이블 (10011)에서 필드에서 코드를 다음과 같이 변경.
    기존 코드

    ...ESM=Es Informe jurisdicci¢n;
    FRC=Est une juridiction fiscale;
    ENC=Is Report-to Jurisdiction];
    Editable=No }
    { ;Tax Area Code for Key,Tax Jurisdiction Code,Tax %,Tax Group Code,Expense/Capitalize,Tax Type,Use Tax;

    대체 코드

    ESM=Es Informe jurisdicci¢n;
    FRC=Est une juridiction fiscale;
    ENC=Is Report-to Jurisdiction];
    Editable=No }

    // Add the following line.
    { 10044; ;Tax Base Amount FCY ;Decimal }
    // End of the added line.

    { ;Tax Area Code for Key,Tax Jurisdiction Code,Tax %,Tax Group Code,Expense/Capitalize,Tax Type,Use Tax;
  2. 코드에서 판매 게시물 Codeunit (80)에서 PostSalesTaxToGL 함수를 다음과 같이 변경.
    기존 코드

    GenJnlLine."Tax Jurisdiction Code" := TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Jurisdiction Code";
    IF TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Amount" <> 0 THEN BEGIN
    RemSalesTaxSrcAmt := RemSalesTaxSrcAmt +

    // Delete the following lines.
    UseDate,SalesHeader."Currency Code",TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Amount",SalesHeader."Currency Factor");
    // End of the deleted lines.

    GenJnlLine."Source Curr. VAT Amount" :=
    SalesTaxCalculate.ArithmeticRound(RemSalesTaxSrcAmt,Currency."Amount Rounding Precision");
    RemSalesTaxSrcAmt := RemSalesTaxSrcAmt - GenJnlLine."Source Curr. VAT Amount";
    RemSalesTaxAmt := RemSalesTaxAmt + TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Amount";

    대체 코드

    GenJnlLine."Tax Jurisdiction Code" := TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Jurisdiction Code";
    IF TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Amount" <> 0 THEN BEGIN
    RemSalesTaxSrcAmt := RemSalesTaxSrcAmt +

    // Add the following lines.
    TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Base Amount FCY" * TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax %" / 100;
    // End of the added lines.

    GenJnlLine."Source Curr. VAT Amount" :=
    SalesTaxCalculate.ArithmeticRound(RemSalesTaxSrcAmt,Currency."Amount Rounding Precision");
    RemSalesTaxSrcAmt := RemSalesTaxSrcAmt - GenJnlLine."Source Curr. VAT Amount";
    RemSalesTaxAmt := RemSalesTaxAmt + TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Amount";
  3. Purch. PostSalesTaxToGL 함수에서 코드를 변경-다음과 같이 게시물 Codeunit (90).
    기존 코드

    GenJnlLine."Tax Jurisdiction Code" := TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Jurisdiction Code";
    IF TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Amount" <> 0 THEN BEGIN
    RemSalesTaxSrcAmt := RemSalesTaxSrcAmt +

    // Delete the following lines.
    Usedate,PurchHeader."Currency Code",TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Amount",PurchHeader."Currency Factor");
    // End of the deleted lines.

    GenJnlLine."Source Curr. VAT Amount" :=
    SalesTaxCalculate.ArithmeticRound(RemSalesTaxSrcAmt,Currency."Amount Rounding Precision");
    RemSalesTaxSrcAmt := RemSalesTaxSrcAmt - GenJnlLine."Source Curr. VAT Amount";
    RemSalesTaxAmt := RemSalesTaxAmt + TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Amount";

    대체 코드

    GenJnlLine."Tax Jurisdiction Code" := TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Jurisdiction Code";
    IF TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Amount" <> 0 THEN BEGIN
    RemSalesTaxSrcAmt := RemSalesTaxSrcAmt +

    // Add the following line.
    TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Base Amount FCY" * TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax %" / 100;
    // End of the added line.

    GenJnlLine."Source Curr. VAT Amount" :=
    SalesTaxCalculate.ArithmeticRound(RemSalesTaxSrcAmt,Currency."Amount Rounding Precision");
    RemSalesTaxSrcAmt := RemSalesTaxSrcAmt - GenJnlLine."Source Curr. VAT Amount";
    RemSalesTaxAmt := RemSalesTaxAmt + TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Amount";
  4. Purch. PostProvincialSalesTaxToGL 함수에서 코드를 변경-다음과 같이 게시물 Codeunit (90).
    기존 코드

    ...TaxJurisdiction.TESTFIELD("Tax Account (Purchases)");
    GenJnlLine."Account No." := TaxJurisdiction."Tax Account (Purchases)";
    GenJnlLine.Amount := GenJnlLine."VAT Amount";

    // Delete the following lines.
    GenJnlLine."Source Curr. VAT Base Amount" := 0;
    GenJnlLine."VAT Base Amount (LCY)" := 0;
    GenJnlLine."VAT Base Amount" := 0;
    GenJnlLine."Source Curr. VAT Amount" := 0;
    // End of the deleted lines.

    GenJnlLine."VAT Amount (LCY)" := 0;
    GenJnlLine."VAT Amount" := 0;
    GenJnlLine.Quantity := 0;
    GenJnlLine."VAT Difference" := 0;

    대체 코드

    ...TaxJurisdiction.TESTFIELD("Tax Account (Purchases)");
    GenJnlLine."Account No." := TaxJurisdiction."Tax Account (Purchases)";
    GenJnlLine.Amount := GenJnlLine."VAT Amount";

    // Add the following lines.
    GenJnlLine."Source Currency Amount" := GenJnlLine."Source Curr. VAT Amount";
    GenJnlLine."Source Curr. VAT Base Amount" := 0;
    GenJnlLine."VAT Base Amount (LCY)" := 0;
    GenJnlLine."VAT Base Amount" := 0;
    // End of the added lines.

    GenJnlLine."VAT Amount (LCY)" := 0;
    GenJnlLine."VAT Amount" := 0;
    GenJnlLine.Quantity := 0;
    GenJnlLine."VAT Difference" := 0;
  5. 부가세 계산 Codeunit (398)에 AddSalesLine 함수에서 코드를 다음과 같이 변경.
    기존 코드 1

    ..."Round Tax" := TaxArea."Round Tax";
    TaxJurisdiction.GET("Tax Jurisdiction Code");
    "Is Report-to Jurisdiction" := ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction");

    // Delete the following line.
    "Tax Base Amount" := (SalesLine."Line Amount" - SalesLine."Inv. Discount Amount") / ExchangeFactor;
    // End of the deleted line.

    "Line Amount" := SalesLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor;
    "Tax Liable" := SalesLine."Tax Liable";
    Quantity := SalesLine."Quantity (Base)";
    "Invoice Discount Amount" := SalesLine."Inv. Discount Amount";

    대체 코드 1

    ..."Round Tax" := TaxArea."Round Tax";
    TaxJurisdiction.GET("Tax Jurisdiction Code");
    "Is Report-to Jurisdiction" := ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction");

    // Add the following line.
    SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,SalesLine."Line Amount" - SalesLine."Inv. Discount Amount",ExchangeFactor,FALSE);
    // End of the added line.

    "Line Amount" := SalesLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor;
    "Tax Liable" := SalesLine."Tax Liable";
    Quantity := SalesLine."Quantity (Base)";
    "Invoice Discount Amount" := SalesLine."Inv. Discount Amount";

    기존 코드 2

    "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (SalesLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor);
    IF SalesLine."Tax Liable" THEN
    "Tax Liable" := SalesLine."Tax Liable";

    // Delete the following line.
    "Tax Base Amount" := "Tax Base Amount" + ((SalesLine."Line Amount" - SalesLine."Inv. Discount Amount") / ExchangeFactor);
    // End of the deleted line.

    "Tax Amount" := 0;
    Quantity := Quantity + SalesLine."Quantity (Base)";
    "Invoice Discount Amount" := "Invoice Discount Amount" + SalesLine."Inv. Discount Amount";

    대체 코드 2

    "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (SalesLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor);
    IF SalesLine."Tax Liable" THEN
    "Tax Liable" := SalesLine."Tax Liable";

    // Add the following line.
    SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,SalesLine."Line Amount" - SalesLine."Inv. Discount Amount",ExchangeFactor,TRUE);
    // End of the added line.

    "Tax Amount" := 0;
    Quantity := Quantity + SalesLine."Quantity (Base)";
    "Invoice Discount Amount" := "Invoice Discount Amount" + SalesLine."Inv. Discount Amount";
  6. 부가세 계산 Codeunit (398)에 AddSalesInvoiceLines 함수에서 코드를 다음과 같이 변경.
    기존 코드 1

    ..."Is Report-to Jurisdiction" :=
    ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction");
    "Line Amount" := SalesInvoiceLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor;

    // Delete the following line.
    "Tax Base Amount" := SalesInvoiceLine."VAT Base Amount" / ExchangeFactor;
    // End of the deleted line.

    Quantity := SalesInvoiceLine.Quantity;
    "Tax Liable" := SalesInvoiceLine."Tax Liable";
    "Calculation Order" := TaxAreaLine."Calculation Order";
    InsertRec := TRUE;

    대체 코드 1

    ..."Is Report-to Jurisdiction" :=
    ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction");
    "Line Amount" := SalesInvoiceLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor;

    // Add the following line.
    SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,SalesInvoiceLine."VAT Base Amount",ExchangeFactor,FALSE);
    // End of the added line.

    Quantity := SalesInvoiceLine.Quantity;
    "Tax Liable" := SalesInvoiceLine."Tax Liable";
    "Calculation Order" := TaxAreaLine."Calculation Order";
    InsertRec := TRUE;

    기존 코드 2

    ...InsertRec := TRUE;
    "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (SalesInvoiceLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor);

    // Delete the following line.
    "Tax Base Amount" := "Tax Base Amount" + (SalesInvoiceLine."VAT Base Amount" / ExchangeFactor);
    // End of the deleted line.

    Quantity := Quantity + SalesInvoiceLine.Quantity;
    IF SalesInvoiceLine."Tax Liable" THEN
    "Tax Liable" := SalesInvoiceLine."Tax Liable";
    InsertRec := FALSE;

    대체 코드 2

    ...InsertRec := TRUE;
    "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (SalesInvoiceLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor);

    // Add the following line.
    SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,SalesInvoiceLine."VAT Base Amount",ExchangeFactor,TRUE);
    // End of the added line.

    Quantity := Quantity + SalesInvoiceLine.Quantity;
    IF SalesInvoiceLine."Tax Liable" THEN
    "Tax Liable" := SalesInvoiceLine."Tax Liable";
    InsertRec := FALSE;
  7. 부가세 계산 Codeunit (398)에 AddSalesCrMemoLines 함수에서 코드를 다음과 같이 변경.
    기존 코드 1

    ..."Is Report-to Jurisdiction" :=
    ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction");
    "Line Amount" := SalesCrMemoLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor;

    // Delete the following line.
    "Tax Base Amount" := SalesCrMemoLine."VAT Base Amount" / ExchangeFactor;
    // End of the deleted line.

    Quantity := SalesCrMemoLine.Quantity;
    "Tax Liable" := SalesCrMemoLine."Tax Liable";
    "Calculation Order" := TaxAreaLine."Calculation Order";
    InsertRec := TRUE;

    대체 코드 1

    ..."Is Report-to Jurisdiction" :=
    ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction");
    "Line Amount" := SalesCrMemoLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor;

    // Add the following line.
    SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,SalesCrMemoLine."VAT Base Amount",ExchangeFactor,FALSE);
    // End of the added line.

    Quantity := SalesCrMemoLine.Quantity;
    "Tax Liable" := SalesCrMemoLine."Tax Liable";
    "Calculation Order" := TaxAreaLine."Calculation Order";
    InsertRec := TRUE;

    기존 코드 2

    ...InsertRec := TRUE;
    "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (SalesCrMemoLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor);

    // Delete the following line.
    "Tax Base Amount" := "Tax Base Amount" + (SalesCrMemoLine."VAT Base Amount" / ExchangeFactor);
    // End of the deleted line.

    Quantity := Quantity + SalesCrMemoLine.Quantity;
    IF SalesCrMemoLine."Tax Liable" THEN
    "Tax Liable" := SalesCrMemoLine."Tax Liable";
    InsertRec := FALSE;

    대체 코드 2

    ...InsertRec := TRUE;
    "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (SalesCrMemoLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor);

    // Add the following line.
    SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,SalesCrMemoLine."VAT Base Amount",ExchangeFactor,TRUE);
    // End of the added line.

    Quantity := Quantity + SalesCrMemoLine.Quantity;
    IF SalesCrMemoLine."Tax Liable" THEN
    "Tax Liable" := SalesCrMemoLine."Tax Liable";
    InsertRec := FALSE;
  8. 부가세 계산 Codeunit (398)에 AddPurchLine 함수에서 코드를 다음과 같이 변경.
    기존 코드 1

    ..."Round Tax" := TaxArea."Round Tax";
    TaxJurisdiction.GET("Tax Jurisdiction Code");
    "Is Report-to Jurisdiction" := ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction");

    // Delete the following line.
    "Tax Base Amount" := (PurchLine."Line Amount" - PurchLine."Inv. Discount Amount") / ExchangeFactor;
    // End of the deleted line.

    "Line Amount" := PurchLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor;
    "Tax Liable" := PurchLine."Tax Liable";
    "Use Tax" := PurchLine."Use Tax";

    대체 코드 1

    ..."Round Tax" := TaxArea."Round Tax";
    TaxJurisdiction.GET("Tax Jurisdiction Code");
    "Is Report-to Jurisdiction" := ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction");

    // Add the following line.
    SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,PurchLine."Line Amount" - PurchLine."Inv. Discount Amount",ExchangeFactor,FALSE);
    // End of the added line.

    "Line Amount" := PurchLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor;
    "Tax Liable" := PurchLine."Tax Liable";
    "Use Tax" := PurchLine."Use Tax";

    기존 코드 2

    "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (PurchLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor);
    IF PurchLine."Tax Liable" THEN
    "Tax Liable" := PurchLine."Tax Liable";

    // Delete the following line.
    "Tax Base Amount" := "Tax Base Amount" + ((PurchLine."Line Amount" - PurchLine."Inv. Discount Amount") / ExchangeFactor);
    // End of the deleted line.

    "Tax Amount" := 0;
    Quantity := Quantity + PurchLine."Quantity (Base)";
    "Invoice Discount Amount" := "Invoice Discount Amount" + PurchLine."Inv. Discount Amount";

    대체 코드 2

    "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (PurchLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor);
    IF PurchLine."Tax Liable" THEN
    "Tax Liable" := PurchLine."Tax Liable";

    // Add the following line.
    SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,PurchLine."Line Amount" - PurchLine."Inv. Discount Amount",ExchangeFactor,TRUE);
    // End of the added line.

    "Tax Amount" := 0;
    Quantity := Quantity + PurchLine."Quantity (Base)";
    "Invoice Discount Amount" := "Invoice Discount Amount" + PurchLine."Inv. Discount Amount";
  9. 부가세 계산 Codeunit (398)에 AddPurchInvoiceLines 함수에서 코드를 다음과 같이 변경.
    기존 코드 1

    ..."Is Report-to Jurisdiction" :=
    ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction");
    "Line Amount" := PurchInvLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor;

    // Delete the following line.
    "Tax Base Amount" := PurchInvLine."VAT Base Amount" / ExchangeFactor;
    // End of the deleted line.

    Quantity := PurchInvLine.Quantity;
    "Tax Liable" := PurchInvLine."Tax Liable";
    "Use Tax" := PurchInvLine."Use Tax";

    대체 코드 1

    ..."Is Report-to Jurisdiction" :=
    ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction");
    "Line Amount" := PurchInvLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor;

    // Add the following line.
    SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,PurchInvLine."VAT Base Amount",ExchangeFactor,FALSE);
    // End of the added line.

    Quantity := PurchInvLine.Quantity;
    "Tax Liable" := PurchInvLine."Tax Liable";
    "Use Tax" := PurchInvLine."Use Tax";

    기존 코드 2

    ...InsertRec := TRUE;
    "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (PurchInvLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor);

    // Delete the following line.
    "Tax Base Amount" := "Tax Base Amount" + (PurchInvLine."VAT Base Amount" / ExchangeFactor);
    // End of the deleted line.

    Quantity := Quantity + PurchInvLine.Quantity;
    IF PurchInvLine."Tax Liable" THEN
    "Tax Liable" := PurchInvLine."Tax Liable";
    InsertRec := FALSE;

    대체 코드 2

    ...InsertRec := TRUE;
    "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (PurchInvLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor);

    // Add the following line.
    SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,PurchInvLine."VAT Base Amount",ExchangeFactor,TRUE);
    // End of the added line.

    Quantity := Quantity + PurchInvLine.Quantity;
    IF PurchInvLine."Tax Liable" THEN
    "Tax Liable" := PurchInvLine."Tax Liable";
    InsertRec := FALSE;
  10. 부가세 계산 Codeunit (398)에 AddPurchCrMemoLines 함수에서 코드를 다음과 같이 변경.
    기존 코드 1

    ..."Is Report-to Jurisdiction" :=
    ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction");
    "Line Amount" := PurchCrMemoLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor;

    // Delete the following line.
    "Tax Base Amount" := PurchCrMemoLine."VAT Base Amount" / ExchangeFactor;
    // End of the deleted line.

    Quantity := PurchCrMemoLine.Quantity;
    "Tax Liable" := PurchCrMemoLine."Tax Liable";
    "Use Tax" := PurchCrMemoLine."Use Tax";

    대체 코드 1

    ..."Is Report-to Jurisdiction" :=
    ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction");
    "Line Amount" := PurchCrMemoLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor;

    // Add the following line.
    SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,PurchCrMemoLine."VAT Base Amount",ExchangeFactor,FALSE);
    // End of the added line.

    Quantity := PurchCrMemoLine.Quantity;
    "Tax Liable" := PurchCrMemoLine."Tax Liable";
    "Use Tax" := PurchCrMemoLine."Use Tax";

    기존 코드 2

    ...InsertRec := TRUE;
    "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (PurchCrMemoLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor);

    // Delete the following line.
    "Tax Base Amount" := "Tax Base Amount" + (PurchCrMemoLine."VAT Base Amount" / ExchangeFactor);
    // End of the deleted line.

    Quantity := Quantity + PurchCrMemoLine.Quantity;
    IF PurchCrMemoLine."Tax Liable" THEN
    "Tax Liable" := PurchCrMemoLine."Tax Liable";
    InsertRec := FALSE;

    대체 코드 2

    ...InsertRec := TRUE;
    "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (PurchCrMemoLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor);

    // Add the following line.
    SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,PurchCrMemoLine."VAT Base Amount",ExchangeFactor,TRUE);
    // End of the added line.

    Quantity := Quantity + PurchCrMemoLine.Quantity;
    IF PurchCrMemoLine."Tax Liable" THEN
    "Tax Liable" := PurchCrMemoLine."Tax Liable";
    InsertRec := FALSE;
  11. 부가세 계산 Codeunit (398)에 AddServiceLine 함수에서 코드를 다음과 같이 변경.
    기존 코드 1

    ..."Round Tax" := TaxArea."Round Tax";
    TaxJurisdiction.GET("Tax Jurisdiction Code");
    "Is Report-to Jurisdiction" := ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction");

    // Delete the following line.
    "Tax Base Amount" := (ServiceLine."Line Amount" - ServiceLine."Inv. Discount Amount") / ExchangeFactor;
    // End of the deleted line.

    "Line Amount" := ServiceLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor;
    "Tax Liable" := ServiceLine."Tax Liable";
    Quantity := ServiceLine."Quantity (Base)";
    "Invoice Discount Amount" := ServiceLine."Inv. Discount Amount";

    대체 코드 1

    ..."Round Tax" := TaxArea."Round Tax";
    TaxJurisdiction.GET("Tax Jurisdiction Code");
    "Is Report-to Jurisdiction" := ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction");

    // Add the following line.
    SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,ServiceLine."Line Amount" - ServiceLine."Inv. Discount Amount",ExchangeFactor,FALSE);
    // End of the added line.

    "Line Amount" := ServiceLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor;
    "Tax Liable" := ServiceLine."Tax Liable";
    Quantity := ServiceLine."Quantity (Base)";
    "Invoice Discount Amount" := ServiceLine."Inv. Discount Amount";

    기존 코드 2

    "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (ServiceLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor);
    IF ServiceLine."Tax Liable" THEN
    "Tax Liable" := ServiceLine."Tax Liable";

    // Delete the following line.
    "Tax Base Amount" :=
    "Tax Base Amount" + ((ServiceLine."Line Amount" - ServiceLine."Inv. Discount Amount") / ExchangeFactor);
    // End of the deleted line.

    "Tax Amount" := 0;
    Quantity := Quantity + ServiceLine."Quantity (Base)";
    "Invoice Discount Amount" := "Invoice Discount Amount" + ServiceLine."Inv. Discount Amount";

    대체 코드 2

    "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (ServiceLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor);
    IF ServiceLine."Tax Liable" THEN
    "Tax Liable" := ServiceLine."Tax Liable";

    // Add the following line.
    SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,ServiceLine."Line Amount" - ServiceLine."Inv. Discount Amount",ExchangeFactor,TRUE);
    // End of the added line.

    "Tax Amount" := 0;
    Quantity := Quantity + ServiceLine."Quantity (Base)";
    "Invoice Discount Amount" := "Invoice Discount Amount" + ServiceLine."Inv. Discount Amount";
  12. 부가세 계산 Codeunit (398)에 AddServInvoiceLines 함수에서 코드를 다음과 같이 변경.
    기존 코드 1

    ..."Is Report-to Jurisdiction" :=
    ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction");
    "Line Amount" := ServInvLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor;

    // Delete the following lines.
    "Tax Base Amount" := ServInvLine."VAT Base Amount" / ExchangeFactor;
    Quantity := ServInvLine.Quantity;
    "Tax Liable" := ServInvLine."Tax Liable";

    // End of the deleted line.

    "Calculation Order" := TaxAreaLine."Calculation Order";
    InsertRec := TRUE;

    대체 코드 1

    ..."Is Report-to Jurisdiction" :=
    ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction");
    "Line Amount" := ServInvLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor;

    // Add the following lines.
    SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,ServInvLine."VAT Base Amount",ExchangeFactor,FALSE);
    Quantity := ServInvLine.Quantity;
    "Tax Liable" := ServInvLine."Tax Liable";
    // End of the added lines.

    "Calculation Order" := TaxAreaLine."Calculation Order";
    InsertRec := TRUE;

    기존 코드 2

    ...InsertRec := TRUE;
    "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (ServInvLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor);

    // Delete the following line.
    "Tax Base Amount" := "Tax Base Amount" + (ServInvLine."VAT Base Amount" / ExchangeFactor);
    // End of the deleted line.

    Quantity := Quantity + ServInvLine.Quantity;
    IF ServInvLine."Tax Liable" THEN
    "Tax Liable" := ServInvLine."Tax Liable";
    InsertRec := FALSE;

    대체 코드 2

    ...InsertRec := TRUE;
    "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (ServInvLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor);

    // Add the following line.
    SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,ServInvLine."VAT Base Amount",ExchangeFactor,TRUE);
    // End of the added line.

    Quantity := Quantity + ServInvLine.Quantity;
    IF ServInvLine."Tax Liable" THEN
    "Tax Liable" := ServInvLine."Tax Liable";
    InsertRec := FALSE;
  13. 부가세 계산 Codeunit (398)에 AddServCrMemoLines 함수에서 코드를 다음과 같이 변경.
    기존 코드 1

    ..."Is Report-to Jurisdiction" :=
    ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction");
    "Line Amount" := ServCrMemoLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor;

    // Delete the following line.
    "Tax Base Amount" := ServCrMemoLine."VAT Base Amount" / ExchangeFactor;
    // End of the deleted line.

    Quantity := ServCrMemoLine.Quantity;
    "Tax Liable" := ServCrMemoLine."Tax Liable";

    "Calculation Order" := TaxAreaLine."Calculation Order";

    대체 코드 1

    ..."Is Report-to Jurisdiction" :=
    ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction");
    "Line Amount" := ServCrMemoLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor;

    // Add the following line.
    SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,ServCrMemoLine."VAT Base Amount",ExchangeFactor,FALSE);
    // End of the added line.

    Quantity := ServCrMemoLine.Quantity;
    "Tax Liable" := ServCrMemoLine."Tax Liable";

    "Calculation Order" := TaxAreaLine."Calculation Order";

    기존 코드 2

    ...InsertRec := TRUE;
    "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (ServCrMemoLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor);

    // Delete the following line.
    "Tax Base Amount" := "Tax Base Amount" + (ServCrMemoLine."VAT Base Amount" / ExchangeFactor);
    // End of the deleted line.

    Quantity := Quantity + ServCrMemoLine.Quantity;
    IF ServCrMemoLine."Tax Liable" THEN
    "Tax Liable" := ServCrMemoLine."Tax Liable";
    InsertRec := FALSE;

    대체 코드 2

    ...InsertRec := TRUE;
    "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (ServCrMemoLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor);

    // Add the following line.
    SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,ServCrMemoLine."VAT Base Amount",ExchangeFactor,TRUE);
    // End of the added line.

    Quantity := Quantity + ServCrMemoLine.Quantity;
    IF ServCrMemoLine."Tax Liable" THEN
    "Tax Liable" := ServCrMemoLine."Tax Liable";
    InsertRec := FALSE;
  14. 부가세 계산 Codeunit (398)에 SetTaxBaseAmount 함수를 다음과 같이 추가.

    LOCAL PROCEDURE SetTaxBaseAmount@1020031(VAR SalesTaxAmountLine@1020001 : Record 10011;Value@1020000 : Decimal;ExchangeFactor@1020002 : Decimal;Increment@1020003 : Boolean);      BEGIN
    WITH SalesTaxAmountLine DO BEGIN
    IF Increment THEN
    "Tax Base Amount FCY" += Value
    "Tax Base Amount FCY" := Value;
    "Tax Base Amount" := "Tax Base Amount FCY" / ExchangeFactor;

전제 조건

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  • Microsoft Dynamics 탐색 2009 r2 북미 버전

  • 북미 버전의 Microsoft Dynamics 탐색 2009 서비스 팩 1

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