Šis saugos naujinimas, skirtas Microsoft .NET Framework išsprendžia saugos funkcija bypass pažeidžiamumas, kai .NET Framework (ir .NET Core) komponentai nėra visiškai patvirtinti sertifikatai. Norėdami daugiau sužinoti apie šį pažeidžiamumą, žr. "Microsoft" bendro pažeidžiamumas ir rizikos CVE-2017-0248.
Šis naujinimas taip pat yra "Windows" pristatymo sistemą PackageDigitalSignatureManager komponento galimybė prisijungti paketus su SHA256 Maišos algoritmas pataisų saugos didinimo.
Visi ateityje saugos ir ne saugos naujinimų Windows RT 8.1 "," Windows 8.1 "ir" Windows Server 2012 R2 reikia atnaujinti 2919355 turi būti įdiegta. Rekomenduojame įdiegti naujinimą 2919355 Windows RT 8.1, Windows 8.1 pagrindu, arba Windows Server 2012 R2 pagrįstą kompiuterį, kad gautumėte naujinimus ateityje.
Jei įdiegę šį naujinimą įdiegėte kalbos paketą, jūs turite iš naujo įdiegti šį naujinimą. Todėl rekomenduojame įdiegti kitų kalbų paketus prieš pradedant diegti šį naujinimą. Jei norite gauti daugiau informacijos, žr. Kalbos paketų įtraukimas į „Windows“
Papildomos informacijos apie šį saugos naujinimą
Jei naudodami registro rengyklę arba kitu būdu registrą pakeisite neteisingai, gali kilti rimtų problemų. Šios problemos gali tekti iš naujo įdiegti operacinę sistemą. Microsoft negali garantuoti, kad šias problemas pavyks išspręsti. Keisdami registrą prisiimate atsakomybę.
Patobulintas rakto naudojimas (cihan) yra aprašyta , RFC 5280 skyriuje: Šis nurodo, kad vienas ar daugiau tikslais, kurie gali būti naudojami sertifikuotų viešojo rakto, be arba vietoj pagrindinio tikslais , kurie nurodyti rakto naudojimas išplėtimas. Pvz., sertifikatą tai naudojamas autentifikuoti kliento į serverį turi būti sukonfigūruotas , kliento autentifikavimą. Be to, sertifikato tai naudojamas serverio autentifikavimo turi būti sukonfigūruotas , serverio autentifikavimas. Kai sertifikatai naudojami autentifikuoti, ir autentifikavimo analizuoja kliento sertifikato ir tinkamą paskirties objekto identifikatorius, programos strategijos plėtinius. Pvz., kliento autentifikavimą objekto identifikatorius yra Naudojant kliento autentifikavimo sertifikato, šio objekto identifikatorius turi būti cihan plėtinius, kad sertifikato arba autentifikavimas nepavyksta. Sertifikatai , kuriose nėra cihan plėtinį ir toliau tinkamaiautentifikuoti. Jei negalite pasiekti tinkamai pakartotinai sertifikatų laikinai, galite pasirinkti, ar į saugos pakeitimas per visos kompiuterio operacijos išvengti bet ryšys. Norėdami tai padaryti, nurodykite šiuos registro rakto parametrus, priklausomai nuo to, kurią savo programėliųlicationgali yra skirta.NET Framework versiją. 1 būdas: Atnaujinti registro raktą (visos versijos) Pastaba. Šis registro įrašas turi būti DWORD įrašą.
32 bitų proceso sistemos 32 bitų ir 64 bitų 64 bitų sistemą:
32 bitų proceso 64 bitų sistemą:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0.30319@RequireCertificateEKUs=0
Be to, galite atsisakyti už programėlęlicationgali pagrindu. Toliau nurodytų parinkčių kuriuos galima išjungti šį pakeitimą ir įsitikinkite, kad , programoslicationgali suderinamumas palaikoma.
2 būdas: Uždrauskite šią strategiją atskirų programų Pastaba. Tregistro įrašas turi būti DWORD įrašą. Tik neteisinga reikšmė yra 0. Visi kiti reikšmė yra nepaisoma.-
32 bitų proceso sistemos 32 bitų ir 64 bitų 64 bitų sistemą:
S:\Prj\console_pg\console_pg45\bin\Release\console_pg45.exe=0 C:\MyApp\MyApp.exe=0 -
32 bitų proceso 64 bitų sistemą:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0.30319@System.Net.ServicePointManager.RequireCertificateEKUs
S:\Prj\console_pg\console_pg45\bin\Release\console_pg45.exe=0 C:\MyApp\MyApp.exe=0
3 būdas: naudojant konfigūravimo API (skirta .NET Framework 4.6 ir naujesnės versijos)
Nuo , kad .NET Framework 4.6, galite pakeisti konfigūraciją lygiu programos kodas, programos konfigūracijos– arba registro keitimus. Pereiti į konfigūravimas.NET Framework 4.6 Pastaba. Dėl šių pavyzdžių išjungti saugos funkcija.-
Pirmiausia, programa turi atlikti yra Norėdami paleisti šį kodą. Taip yra todėl, kad paslaugų punktas tvarkytuvo inicijuotis tik vieną kartą. private const string DisableCachingName = @"TestSwitch.LocalAppContext.DisableCaching"; private const string DontCheckCertificateEKUsName= @"Switch.System.Net.DontCheckCertificateEKUs"; AppContext.SetSwitch(DisableCachingName, true); AppContext.SetSwitch(DontCheckCertificateEKUsName, true); -
Application configuration
Norėdami pakeisti programos konfigūraciją, įtraukti šį įrašą: <runtime> <AppContextSwitchOverrides value="Switch.System.Net.DontCheckCertificateEKUsName=true"/> </runtime> -
Registro raktas (mašinos visuotinis):
Registry location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\[Wow6432Node\]Microsoft\.NETFramework\AppContext\Switch.System.Net.DontCheckCertificateEKUsName
Tipas: Eilutė
Reikšmė: "true"
Pastaba. Pagal numatytuosius nustatymus Switch.System.Net.DontCheckCertificateEKUsName = True , visi .NET Framework 4. x taikomosios programos , kurie veikia su .NET Framework 4.6 ir naujesnėse versijose.
Jei norite gauti daugiau informacijos apie šį saugos naujinimą, kiek jis susijęs su Windows 8.1 ir "Windows Server 2012 R2", žr. šioje "Microsoft" žinių bazės straipsnį:
4019114 saugos ir kokybės naujinimų paketas, skirtas su .NET Framework 3.5 1 pakeitimų paketas, Windows 8.1 ir "Windows Server 2012 R2" 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1 ir 4.6.2 naujinimus: gegužės 9, 2017
Kaip gauti ir įdiegti šį naujinimą
1 būdas: „Windows Update“
Šį naujinimą galima atsisiųsti naudojant "Windows" naujinimą. Įjungus automatinį naujinimą, Šis naujinimas bus atsiųstas ir įdiegiami automatiškai. Jei norite gauti daugiau informacijos apie tai, kaip gauti saugos naujinimus automatiškai, žr. Windows Update: DUK apie.
2 būdas: "Windows" programinės įrangos naujinimo tarnybų (WSUS)
Jūsų WSUS serverio, atlikite šiuos veiksmus:
Spustelėkite pradėti, spustelėkite Administravimo įrankiai, ir tada spustelėkite Microsoft Windows Server Update Services 3.0.
Išplėskite ComputerName, ir spustelėkite veiksmų.
Spustelėkite importuoti naujinimus.
WSUS bus atidarytas naršyklės langas, kuriame galite būti paraginti įdiegti "ActiveX" valdiklį. Turite įdiegti "ActiveX" valdiklį ir tęskite.
Kai valdiklis yra įdiegtas, pamatysite ekraną "Microsoft Update" katalogo . Ieškos lauke įveskite 4019114 , ir tada spustelėkite Ieškoti.
Raskite .NET Framework paketai, kurie turi atitikti jūsų operacinės sistemos, kalbų, procesorių jūsų aplinkoje. Spustelėkite pridėti ir įtraukti juos į savo krepšelį.
Kai pasirinksite visus paketus, kurie jums reikia, spustelėkite Peržiūrėti krepšelį.
Spustelėkite importuoti kaip importuoti paketus į jūsų WSUS serverio.
Spustelėkite uždaryti , kai paketai buvo importuoti sugrįžti į WSUS.
Naujinimai dabar diegti naudojant WSUS.
Naujinimo diegimo informacija
Visuotinio diegimo informacijos apie šį saugos naujinimą, rasite apsilankę šioje "Microsoft" žinių bazės straipsnį:
20170509 saugos naujinimo failo pavadinimas: gegužės 9, 2017
Naujinimo pašalinimo informacija
Pastaba. Nerekomenduojame pašalinti nė vieno saugos naujinimo. Norėdami pašalinti šį naujinimą, naudokite valdymo skydo elementą programos ir funkcijos .
Naujinimo paleidimo iš naujo informacija
Pritaikius šį naujinimą nereikia sistemos paleisti iš naujo, išskyrus atvejus, kai naujinami failai yra užrakinti arba naudojami.
Naujinimo pakeitimo informacija
Šis naujinimas nepakeičia jokių anksčiau išleistų naujinimų.
Failo informacija
Paketo pavadinimas |
Paketo Hash SHA 1 |
Paketo Hash SHA 2 |
Windows8.1-KB4014512-arm.msu |
88D5A69D8A5457730E76FBEFEBC0CC8EBF6C89D2 |
D9E1AFF8E0CE4364EB7A50A5450DDDF846566076D168FAC94DFEB18B543B71EC |
Windows8.1-KB4014512-x64.msu |
6E89FD5979A5D163774AFADDCFA34FBD89A4B5E1 |
A959F07DF56957E13C4823BDEED126B5DA390BF812025819CABFEDEE84216167 |
Windows8.1-KB4014512-x86.msu |
E0901A067139C1F12C5F45B3BEEDE43C8B6F8255 |
4B48754873B30BD6F7E02E0C3B9491D5219FD0D5D0D2F8600F10195C02BE4714 |
Anglų (JAV) šios karštosios pataisos versija įdiegia failus, kurie turi atributus, kurie išvardyti toliau pateikiamose lentelėse. Šių failų datos ir laikai yra išvardyti pagal universalųjį laiką (UTC). Šių failų datos ir laikai vietiniame kompiuteryje rodomi vietiniu laiku, vasaros / žiemos laiku (DST). Be to, šios datos ir laikai gali keistis, kai atliekate tam tikras operacijas su failais.
Jei norite gauti visas x86-based systems
Failo vardas |
Failo versija |
Failo dydis |
Data |
Laikas |
---|---|---|---|---| |
4.0.30319.36366 |
1,191,144 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
1,448,128 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
presentationframework.aero2.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
256,912 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
presentationframework.aerolite.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
177,560 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
presentationframework.dll |
4.0.30319.36389 |
6,221,680 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
reachframework.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
595,280 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
smdiagnostics.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
73,384 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.activities.core.presentation.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
718,256 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.activities.presentation.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
2,140,576 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.activities.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
1,582,792 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.addin.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
163,504 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.componentmodel.composition.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
312,096 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.configuration.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
402,640 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.core.dll |
4.0.30319.36389 |
1,271,968 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
4,099,272 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
698,568 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
752,336 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.deployment.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
853,696 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
5,056,176 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.directoryservices.accountmanagement.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
297,776 |
06-Apr-2017 |
01:36 |
system.directoryservices.protocols.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
203,048 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.directoryservices.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
425,704 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
113,880 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.drawing.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
598,704 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
199,928 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.identitymodel.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
1,093,848 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
71,904 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 | |
4.0.30319.36386 |
416,960 |
21-Mar-2017 |
13:11 |
system.messaging.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
275,640 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
259,736 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.numerics.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
86,192 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.runtime.remoting.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
347,880 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.runtime.serialization.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
1,060,096 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.runtime.windowsruntime.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
152,328 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.runtime.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
36,536 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 | |
4.0.30319.36389 |
296,632 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
system.servicemodel.activation.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
204,184 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.servicemodel.channels.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
159,632 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.servicemodel.discovery.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
312,728 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.servicemodel.internals.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
254,728 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.servicemodel.routing.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
132,496 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.servicemodel.washosting.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
39,680 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.servicemodel.web.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
332,520 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.servicemodel.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
6,384,336 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.serviceprocess.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
134,872 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.threading.timer.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
29,400 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.web.applicationservices.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
71,440 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.web.extensions.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
1,859,288 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
839,880 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
858,312 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 | |
4.0.30319.36389 |
751,512 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
4,859,608 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.workflow.activities.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
1,068,432 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.workflow.componentmodel.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
1,559,968 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.workflow.runtime.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
503,680 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.xaml.dll |
4.0.30319.36389 |
640,672 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
system.xml.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
2,703,000 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.dll |
4.0.30319.36389 |
3,487,872 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
windowsbase.dll |
4.0.30319.36389 |
1,241,928 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
windowsformsintegration.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
102,784 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
xamlbuildtask.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
133,968 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
mscorlib.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
5,266,080 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
normidna.nlp |
59,342 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
normnfc.nlp |
47,076 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
normnfd.nlp |
40,566 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
normnfkc.nlp |
67,808 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
normnfkd.nlp |
61,718 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
aspnet_perf.h |
7,177 |
18-Jun-2013 |
12:28 |
aspnet_perf2.ini |
995,542 |
08-Jul-2013 |
18:39 |
aspnet_perf2_d.ini |
31 |
18-Jun-2013 |
12:28 |
aspnet_state_perf.h |
318 |
18-Jun-2013 |
12:28 |
aspnet_state_perf.ini |
42,996 |
18-Jun-2013 |
12:28 |
aspnet_state_perf_d.ini |
36 |
18-Jun-2013 |
12:28 |
aspnet_counters.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
28,352 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
aspnet_filter.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
34,488 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
aspnet_isapi.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
24,752 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
aspnet_perf.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
41,648 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
aspnet_rc.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
90,280 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
aspnet_regiis.exe |
4.0.30319.36366 |
41,136 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
aspnet_state.exe |
4.0.30319.36366 |
45,744 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
aspnet_state_perf.h |
318 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
aspnet_state_perf.ini |
42,996 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
aspnet_wp.exe |
4.0.30319.36366 |
43,176 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
blackberry.browser |
2,389 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
chrome.browser |
2,107 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
default.browser |
11,568 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
firefox.browser |
2,336 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
gateway.browser |
5,630 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
generic.browser |
5,569 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
ie.browser |
5,166 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
iemobile.browser |
4,045 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
iphone.browser |
1 759 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
opera.browser |
5,248 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
safari.browser |
3,560 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
ucbrowser.browser |
1725 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
| |
303,549 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
clretwrc.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
228,008 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
clrjit.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
509,088 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
clr.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
6,937,744 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
corperfmonext.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
127,672 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
csc.rsp |
1.329 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
csc.exe |
4.0.30319.36366 |
1,853,072 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
csc.exe.config |
182 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
culture.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
54,432 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
locale.nlp |
419,632 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
dfdll.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
141,976 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
installpersistsqlstate.sql |
54,647 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
installsqlstatetemplate.sql |
56,233 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
installsqlstate.sql |
54,427 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
microsoft.common.overridetasks |
6,297 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
| |
6,501 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
microsoft.workflowbuildextensions.targets |
7,537 |
06-Apr-2017 |
01:36 |
microsoft.xaml.targets |
19,848 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
mmcaspext.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
107,176 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
microsoft.common.targets |
262,547 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
microsoft.csharp.targets |
23,618 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
microsoft.netframework.props |
11,957 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
microsoft.netframework.targets |
8,183 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
microsoft.visualbasic.targets |
23,329 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
mscordacwks.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
1,284,272 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
mscordbi.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
1,107,616 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
mscoreei.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
516,256 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
17,232,048 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
mscorrc.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
395,936 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
mscorsvc.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
414,880 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
mscorsvw.exe |
4.0.30319.36366 |
103,600 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
msvcp120_clr0400.dll |
12.0.52389.36389 |
536,768 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
msvcr120_clr0400.dll |
12.0.52389.36389 |
875,712 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
ngen.exe |
4.0.30319.36366 |
140,944 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
penimc.dll |
4.0.30319.36389 |
81,048 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
peverify.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
164,008 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
presentationhost_v0400.dll |
4.0.30319.36389 |
186,080 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
presentationnative_v0400.dll |
4.0.30319.36389 |
790,248 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
servicemonikersupport.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
28,376 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
sos.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
762,512 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.addin.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
163,504 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.core.dll |
4.0.30319.36389 |
1,271,968 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
4,099,272 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
698,568 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
259,736 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.web.extensions.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
1,859,288 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
6,998,712 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
10,110,632 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
vbc.rsp |
1,467 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
vbc.exe |
12.0.52366.36366 |
2,459,280 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
vbc.exe.config |
182 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
webengine4.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
509,608 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
webengine.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
24,744 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
wminet_utils.dll |
4.0.30319.36386 |
126,136 |
21-Mar-2017 |
13:11 |
workflowservicehostperformancecounters.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
75,544 |
06-Apr-2017 |
01:36 |
wpfgfx_v0400.dll |
4.0.30319.36389 |
1,648,312 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
presentationcore.dll |
4.0.30319.36389 |
3,226,464 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 | |
4.0.30319.36372 |
3,209,904 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:11 |
system.printing.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
343,384 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.transactions.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
289,488 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.web.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
5,462,696 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
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mscorlib.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
5,220,008 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
normidna.nlp |
59,342 |
22-Sep-2015 |
13:52 |
normnfc.nlp |
47,076 |
22-Sep-2015 |
13:52 |
normnfd.nlp |
40,566 |
22-Sep-2015 |
13:52 |
normnfkc.nlp |
67,808 |
22-Sep-2015 |
13:52 |
normnfkd.nlp |
61,718 |
22-Sep-2015 |
13:52 |
aspnet_perf.h |
7,177 |
18-Jun-2013 |
14:46 |
aspnet_perf2.ini |
995,542 |
08-Jul-2013 |
18:39 |
aspnet_perf2_d.ini |
31 |
18-Jun-2013 |
14:46 |
aspnet_state_perf.h |
318 |
18-Jun-2013 |
14:46 |
aspnet_state_perf.ini |
42,996 |
18-Jun-2013 |
14:46 |
aspnet_state_perf_d.ini |
36 |
18-Jun-2013 |
14:46 |
aspnet_counters.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
29,888 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:14 |
aspnet_filter.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
37,560 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
aspnet_isapi.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
25,776 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
aspnet_perf.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
45,232 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
aspnet_rc.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
90,280 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
aspnet_regiis.exe |
4.0.30319.36366 |
43,704 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
aspnet_state.exe |
4.0.30319.36366 |
50,864 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
aspnet_state_perf.h |
318 |
22-Sep-2015 |
13:52 |
aspnet_state_perf.ini |
42,996 |
22-Sep-2015 |
13:52 |
aspnet_wp.exe |
4.0.30319.36366 |
47,784 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
blackberry.browser |
2,389 |
22-Sep-2015 |
13:52 |
chrome.browser |
2,107 |
22-Sep-2015 |
13:52 |
default.browser |
11,568 |
22-Sep-2015 |
13:52 |
firefox.browser |
2,336 |
22-Sep-2015 |
13:52 |
gateway.browser |
5,630 |
22-Sep-2015 |
13:52 |
generic.browser |
5,569 |
22-Sep-2015 |
13:52 |
ie.browser |
5,166 |
22-Sep-2015 |
13:52 |
iemobile.browser |
4,045 |
22-Sep-2015 |
13:52 |
iphone.browser |
1 759 |
22-Sep-2015 |
13:52 |
opera.browser |
5,248 |
22-Sep-2015 |
13:52 |
safari.browser |
3,560 |
22-Sep-2015 |
13:52 |
ucbrowser.browser |
1725 |
22-Sep-2015 |
13:52 |
| |
303,557 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
clretwrc.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
228,008 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
clrjit.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
1,234,584 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
clr.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
10,070,160 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
corperfmonext.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
153,784 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
csc.rsp |
1.329 |
22-Sep-2015 |
13:52 |
csc.exe |
4.0.30319.36366 |
2,637,456 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
csc.exe.config |
182 |
22-Sep-2015 |
13:52 |
culture.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
63,648 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
locale.nlp |
419,632 |
14-Jul-2016 |
13:12 |
dfdll.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
165,528 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
installpersistsqlstate.sql |
54,647 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
installsqlstatetemplate.sql |
56,233 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
installsqlstate.sql |
54,427 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
| |
4.0.30319.36366 |
1,191,144 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
1,448,128 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
microsoft.common.overridetasks |
6,297 |
22-Sep-2015 |
13:52 |
| |
6,501 |
22-Sep-2015 |
13:52 |
microsoft.workflowbuildextensions.targets |
7,537 |
06-Apr-2017 |
01:37 |
microsoft.xaml.targets |
19,848 |
22-Sep-2015 |
13:52 |
mmcaspext.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
113,320 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
microsoft.common.targets |
262,547 |
22-Sep-2015 |
13:52 |
microsoft.csharp.targets |
23,618 |
22-Sep-2015 |
13:52 |
microsoft.netframework.props |
11,957 |
22-Sep-2015 |
13:52 |
microsoft.netframework.targets |
8,183 |
22-Sep-2015 |
13:52 |
microsoft.visualbasic.targets |
23,329 |
22-Sep-2015 |
13:52 |
mscordacwks.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
1,731,248 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
mscordbi.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
1,533,600 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
mscoreei.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
636,064 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
22,685,872 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
mscorrc.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
395,936 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
mscorsvc.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
523,424 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
mscorsvw.exe |
4.0.30319.36366 |
124,088 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
msvcp120_clr0400.dll |
12.0.52389.36389 |
678,592 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
msvcr120_clr0400.dll |
12.0.52389.36389 |
869,568 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
ngen.exe |
4.0.30319.36366 |
171,152 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
penimc.dll |
4.0.30319.36389 |
94,360 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
peverify.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
225,952 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
presentationframework.aero2.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
256,912 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:14 |
presentationframework.aerolite.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
177,560 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:14 |
presentationframework.dll |
4.0.30319.36389 |
6,221,680 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
presentationhost_v0400.dll |
4.0.30319.36389 |
232,152 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
presentationnative_v0400.dll |
4.0.30319.36389 |
1,077,984 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
reachframework.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
595,280 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:14 |
servicemodel.mof |
88,383 |
22-Sep-2015 |
13:52 |
servicemodel.mof.uninstall |
896 |
22-Sep-2015 |
13:52 |
servicemonikersupport.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
28,888 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
smdiagnostics.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
73,384 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
sos.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
822,928 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
system.activities.core.presentation.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
718,256 |
06-Apr-2017 |
01:37 |
system.activities.presentation.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
2,140,576 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
system.activities.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
1,582,792 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
system.addin.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
163,504 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
system.componentmodel.composition.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
312,096 |
06-Apr-2017 |
01:37 |
system.configuration.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
402,640 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
system.core.dll |
4.0.30319.36389 |
1,271,968 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
4,099,272 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
698,568 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
752,336 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
system.deployment.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
853,696 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
5,056,176 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
system.directoryservices.accountmanagement.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
297,776 |
06-Apr-2017 |
01:37 |
system.directoryservices.protocols.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
203,048 |
06-Apr-2017 |
01:37 |
system.directoryservices.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
425,704 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
113,880 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
system.drawing.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
598,704 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
199,928 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
system.identitymodel.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
1,093,848 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
71,904 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 | |
4.0.30319.36386 |
416,960 |
21-Mar-2017 |
13:11 |
system.messaging.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
275,640 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
259,736 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
system.numerics.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
86,192 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
system.runtime.remoting.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
347,880 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
system.runtime.serialization.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
1,060,096 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
system.runtime.windowsruntime.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
152,328 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
system.runtime.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
36,536 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 | |
4.0.30319.36389 |
296,632 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
system.servicemodel.activation.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
204,184 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
system.servicemodel.channels.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
159,632 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
system.servicemodel.discovery.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
312,728 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
system.servicemodel.internals.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
254,728 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
system.servicemodel.routing.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
132,496 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
system.servicemodel.washosting.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
39,680 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
system.servicemodel.web.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
332,520 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
system.servicemodel.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
6,384,336 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
system.serviceprocess.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
134,872 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
system.threading.timer.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
29,400 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
system.web.applicationservices.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
71,440 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
system.web.extensions.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
1,859,288 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
839,880 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:14 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
858,312 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:14 | |
4.0.30319.36389 |
751,512 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
4,859,608 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:14 |
system.workflow.activities.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
1,068,432 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:14 |
system.workflow.componentmodel.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
1,559,968 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:14 |
system.workflow.runtime.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
503,680 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:14 |
system.xaml.dll |
4.0.30319.36389 |
640,672 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
system.xml.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
2,703,000 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:14 |
system.dll |
4.0.30319.36389 |
3,487,872 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
9,866,936 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
13,107,368 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
vbc.rsp |
1,467 |
22-Sep-2015 |
13:52 |
vbc.exe |
12.0.52366.36366 |
3,546,256 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:14 |
vbc.exe.config |
182 |
22-Sep-2015 |
13:52 |
webengine4.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
621,224 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:14 |
webengine.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
26,792 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:14 |
windowsbase.dll |
4.0.30319.36389 |
1,241,928 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
windowsformsintegration.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
102,784 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:14 |
wminet_utils.dll |
4.0.30319.36386 |
174,256 |
21-Mar-2017 |
13:11 |
workflowservicehostperformancecounters.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
84,768 |
06-Apr-2017 |
01:37 |
wpfgfx_v0400.dll |
4.0.30319.36389 |
2,108,592 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
xamlbuildtask.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
133,968 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:14 |
presentationcore.dll |
4.0.30319.36389 |
3,210,944 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 | |
4.0.30319.36372 |
3,239,088 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
system.printing.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
342,720 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:14 |
system.transactions.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
292,560 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 |
system.web.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
5,456,552 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:13 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
1,191,144 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
1,448,128 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
presentationframework.aero2.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
256,912 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
presentationframework.aerolite.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
177,560 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
presentationframework.dll |
4.0.30319.36389 |
6,221,680 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
reachframework.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
595,280 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
smdiagnostics.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
73,384 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.activities.core.presentation.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
718,256 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.activities.presentation.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
2,140,576 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.activities.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
1,582,792 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.addin.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
163,504 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.componentmodel.composition.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
312,096 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.configuration.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
402,640 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.core.dll |
4.0.30319.36389 |
1,271,968 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
4,099,272 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
698,568 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
752,336 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.deployment.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
853,696 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
5,056,176 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.directoryservices.accountmanagement.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
297,776 |
06-Apr-2017 |
01:37 |
system.directoryservices.protocols.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
203,048 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.directoryservices.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
425,704 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
113,880 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.drawing.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
598,704 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
199,928 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.identitymodel.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
1,093,848 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
71,904 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 | |
4.0.30319.36386 |
416,960 |
21-Mar-2017 |
13:11 |
system.messaging.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
275,640 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
259,736 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.numerics.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
86,192 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.runtime.remoting.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
347,880 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.runtime.serialization.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
1,060,096 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.runtime.windowsruntime.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
152,328 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.runtime.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
36,536 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 | |
4.0.30319.36389 |
296,632 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
system.servicemodel.activation.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
204,184 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.servicemodel.channels.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
159,632 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.servicemodel.discovery.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
312,728 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.servicemodel.internals.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
254,728 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.servicemodel.routing.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
132,496 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.servicemodel.washosting.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
39,680 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.servicemodel.web.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
332,520 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.servicemodel.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
6,384,336 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.serviceprocess.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
134,872 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.threading.timer.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
29,400 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.web.applicationservices.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
71,440 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.web.extensions.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
1,859,288 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
839,880 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
858,312 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 | |
4.0.30319.36389 |
751,512 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
4,859,608 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.workflow.activities.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
1,068,432 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.workflow.componentmodel.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
1,559,968 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.workflow.runtime.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
503,680 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.xaml.dll |
4.0.30319.36389 |
640,672 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
system.xml.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
2,703,000 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.dll |
4.0.30319.36389 |
3,487,872 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
windowsbase.dll |
4.0.30319.36389 |
1,241,928 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
windowsformsintegration.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
102,784 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
xamlbuildtask.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
133,968 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
mscorlib.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
5,266,080 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
normidna.nlp |
59,342 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
normnfc.nlp |
47,076 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
normnfd.nlp |
40,566 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
normnfkc.nlp |
67,808 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
normnfkd.nlp |
61,718 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
aspnet_counters.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
28,352 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
aspnet_filter.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
34,488 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
aspnet_isapi.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
24,752 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
aspnet_perf.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
41,648 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
aspnet_rc.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
90,280 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
aspnet_regiis.exe |
4.0.30319.36366 |
41,136 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
aspnet_state.exe |
4.0.30319.36366 |
45,744 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
aspnet_state_perf.h |
318 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
aspnet_state_perf.ini |
42,996 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
aspnet_wp.exe |
4.0.30319.36366 |
43,176 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
blackberry.browser |
2,389 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
chrome.browser |
2,107 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
default.browser |
11,568 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
firefox.browser |
2,336 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
gateway.browser |
5,630 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
generic.browser |
5,569 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
ie.browser |
5,166 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
iemobile.browser |
4,045 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
iphone.browser |
1 759 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
opera.browser |
5,248 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
safari.browser |
3,560 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
ucbrowser.browser |
1725 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
| |
303,549 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
clretwrc.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
228,008 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
clrjit.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
509,088 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
clr.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
6,937,744 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
corperfmonext.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
127,672 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
csc.rsp |
1.329 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
csc.exe |
4.0.30319.36366 |
1,853,072 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
csc.exe.config |
182 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
culture.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
54,432 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
locale.nlp |
419,632 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
dfdll.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
141,976 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
installpersistsqlstate.sql |
54,647 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
installsqlstatetemplate.sql |
56,233 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
installsqlstate.sql |
54,427 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
microsoft.common.overridetasks |
6,297 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
| |
6,501 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
microsoft.workflowbuildextensions.targets |
7,537 |
06-Apr-2017 |
01:37 |
microsoft.xaml.targets |
19,848 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
mmcaspext.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
107,176 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
microsoft.common.targets |
262,547 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
microsoft.csharp.targets |
23,618 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
microsoft.netframework.props |
11,957 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
microsoft.netframework.targets |
8,183 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
microsoft.visualbasic.targets |
23,329 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
mscordacwks.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
1,284,272 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
mscordbi.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
1,107,616 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
mscoreei.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
516,256 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
17,232,048 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
mscorrc.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
395,936 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
mscorsvc.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
414,880 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
mscorsvw.exe |
4.0.30319.36366 |
103,600 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
msvcp120_clr0400.dll |
12.0.52389.36389 |
536,768 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
msvcr120_clr0400.dll |
12.0.52389.36389 |
875,712 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
ngen.exe |
4.0.30319.36366 |
140,944 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
penimc.dll |
4.0.30319.36389 |
81,048 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
peverify.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
164,008 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
presentationhost_v0400.dll |
4.0.30319.36389 |
186,080 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
presentationnative_v0400.dll |
4.0.30319.36389 |
790,248 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
servicemonikersupport.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
28,376 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
sos.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
762,512 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.addin.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
163,504 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.core.dll |
4.0.30319.36389 |
1,271,968 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
4,099,272 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
698,568 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
259,736 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.web.extensions.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
1,859,288 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
6,998,712 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 | |
4.0.30319.36366 |
10,110,632 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
vbc.rsp |
1,467 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
vbc.exe |
12.0.52366.36366 |
2,459,280 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
vbc.exe.config |
182 |
03-Oct-2015 |
06:10 |
webengine4.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
509,608 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
webengine.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
24,744 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
wminet_utils.dll |
4.0.30319.36386 |
126,136 |
21-Mar-2017 |
13:11 |
workflowservicehostperformancecounters.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
75,544 |
06-Apr-2017 |
01:37 |
wpfgfx_v0400.dll |
4.0.30319.36389 |
1,648,312 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 |
presentationcore.dll |
4.0.30319.36389 |
3,226,464 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:15 | |
4.0.30319.36372 |
3,209,904 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:11 |
system.printing.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
343,384 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.transactions.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
289,488 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
system.web.dll |
4.0.30319.36366 |
5,462,696 |
20-Oct-2016 |
13:10 |
Visi ARM sistemoms
Failo vardas |
Failo versija |
Failo dydis |
Data |
Laikas |
mscorlib.dll |
4.0.30319.36364 |
5,267,440 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
normidna.nlp |
59,342 |
03-Oct-2015 |
18:17 |
normnfc.nlp |
47,076 |
03-Oct-2015 |
18:17 |
normnfd.nlp |
40,566 |
03-Oct-2015 |
18:17 |
normnfkc.nlp |
67,808 |
03-Oct-2015 |
18:17 |
normnfkd.nlp |
61,718 |
03-Oct-2015 |
18:17 |
| |
303,549 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:17 |
clretwrc.dll |
4.0.30319.36362 |
229,872 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:17 |
clrjit.dll |
4.0.30319.36364 |
625,640 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
clr.dll |
4.0.30319.36364 |
7,098,848 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
corperfmonext.dll |
4.0.30319.36362 |
129,536 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
csc.rsp |
1.329 |
03-Oct-2015 |
18:17 |
csc.exe |
4.0.30319.36362 |
1,828,832 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
csc.exe.config |
182 |
03-Oct-2015 |
18:17 |
culture.dll |
4.0.30319.36362 |
49,136 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
locale.nlp |
419,632 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
mscordacwks.dll |
4.0.30319.36364 |
1,305,592 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
mscordbi.dll |
4.0.30319.36364 |
1,120,240 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
mscoreei.dll |
4.0.30319.36362 |
525,808 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 | |
4.0.30319.36364 |
17,564,664 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
mscorrc.dll |
4.0.30319.36362 |
397,800 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
mscorsvc.dll |
4.0.30319.36362 |
442,864 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
mscorsvw.exe |
4.0.30319.36362 |
124,912 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
msvcp120_clr0400.dll |
12.0.52389.36389 |
602,128 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:17 |
msvcr120_clr0400.dll |
12.0.52389.36389 |
634,376 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:17 |
ngen.exe |
4.0.30319.36362 |
165,856 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
sos.dll |
4.0.30319.36364 |
666,584 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
system.core.dll |
4.0.30319.36389 |
1,271,968 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:17 | |
4.0.30319.36362 |
259,744 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
system.web.extensions.dll |
4.0.30319.36241 |
1,859,240 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 | |
4.0.30319.36362 |
7,296,008 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 | |
4.0.30319.36362 |
10,351,608 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
wminet_utils.dll |
4.0.30319.36386 |
110,080 |
21-Mar-2017 |
13:09 |
workflowservicehostperformancecounters.dll |
4.0.30319.36362 |
62,576 |
06-Apr-2017 |
01:38 | |
4.0.30319.36372 |
3,180,544 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
system.transactions.dll |
4.0.30319.36362 |
289,312 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
system.web.dll |
4.0.30319.36362 |
5,464,056 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
smdiagnostics.dll |
4.0.30319.36362 |
73,392 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
system.activities.dll |
4.0.30319.36362 |
1,582,784 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
system.componentmodel.composition.dll |
4.0.30319.36362 |
312,104 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
system.configuration.dll |
4.0.30319.36362 |
402,648 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
system.core.dll |
4.0.30319.36389 |
1,271,968 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:17 | |
4.0.30319.36362 |
752,336 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
system.deployment.dll |
4.0.30319.36362 |
853,704 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 | |
4.0.30319.36362 |
5,056,176 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
system.directoryservices.protocols.dll |
4.0.30319.36362 |
203,056 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
system.directoryservices.dll |
4.0.30319.36362 |
425,712 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 | |
4.0.30319.36362 |
113,888 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
system.drawing.dll |
4.0.30319.36362 |
598,712 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
system.identitymodel.dll |
4.0.30319.36362 |
1,093,840 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 | |
4.0.30319.36362 |
71,904 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 | |
4.0.30319.36386 |
416,960 |
21-Mar-2017 |
13:09 |
system.messaging.dll |
4.0.30319.36362 |
276,672 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 | |
4.0.30319.36362 |
259,744 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
system.numerics.dll |
4.0.30319.36362 |
86,200 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
system.runtime.remoting.dll |
4.0.30319.36362 |
347,880 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
system.runtime.serialization.dll |
4.0.30319.36362 |
1,060,104 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
system.runtime.windowsruntime.dll |
4.0.30319.36362 |
152,336 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
system.runtime.dll |
4.0.30319.36362 |
36,536 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 | |
4.0.30319.36389 |
296,632 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:17 |
system.servicemodel.internals.dll |
4.0.30319.36362 |
254,728 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
system.servicemodel.web.dll |
4.0.30319.36362 |
332,520 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
system.servicemodel.dll |
4.0.30319.36362 |
6,384,336 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
system.serviceprocess.dll |
4.0.30319.36362 |
134,872 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
system.threading.timer.dll |
4.0.30319.36362 |
29,416 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
system.web.applicationservices.dll |
4.0.30319.36362 |
71,440 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
system.web.extensions.dll |
4.0.30319.36241 |
1,859,240 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 | |
4.0.30319.36362 |
858,320 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 | |
4.0.30319.36362 |
4,859,608 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
system.xaml.dll |
4.0.30319.36389 |
640,672 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:17 |
system.xml.dll |
4.0.30319.36362 |
2,703,008 |
01-Dec-2016 |
14:13 |
system.dll |
4.0.30319.36389 |
3,487,872 |
30-Mar-2017 |
13:17 |
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Šis straipsnis taikomas:
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 naudojant su:
"Windows Server 2012 R2"
Windows 8.1