Šis straipsnis taikomas Microsoft Dynamics NAV vengrų (hu) kalbos lokalės.
Tarkime, kad taikote karštąją pataisą 2664466 Vengrijos versiją Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2. Skaičiuojant SF statistikos užregistruotai SF, pridėtinės vertės mokestis (PVM) dydis apvalinamas netinkamai.
Jei norite gauti daugiau informacijos apie šias karštąsias pataisas 2664466, spustelėkite toliau straipsnio numerį ir peržiūrėkite straipsnį Microsoft žinių bazėje:2664466 PVM suma yra neteisingas, kai registruojate SF užsienio valiutos Vengrijos versijoje Microsoft Dynamics NAV 5.0 1 pakeitimų paketas
Karštųjų pataisų informacija
Palaikomą naujausią pataisą dabar yra Microsoft. Tačiau jos skirtos tik šiame straipsnyje aprašytai problemai spręsti. Taikyti ją tik sistemoms, kuriose kyla ši konkreti problema. Šios karštosios pataisos gali būti papildomai išbandoma. Todėl, jei jums nelabai trukdo Ši problema, rekomenduojame palaukti kito "Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009" pakeitimų paketo arba kitą versiją Microsoft Dynamics NAV, kuriame bus šios karštosios pataisos.
Pastaba. Konkrečiais atvejais už palaikymo skambučius gali būti atšaukti, jei techninės pagalbos specialistas Microsoft Dynamics ir susijusių produktų taikomi įprasti mokesčiai nustato, kad jūsų problemą galima išspręsti naudojant konkretų naujinimą. Į įprastos kainos už palaikymą taikomos papildomos palaikymo klausimams ir problemoms, kurių negalima išspręsti naudojant minėtą naujinimą.Diegimo informacija
Microsoft pateikia programavimo pavyzdžius tik, tačiau nesuteikia jokių aiškių arba numanomų garantijų. Tai apima, bet neapsiribojant, numanomas garantijas dėl perkamumo ir tinkamumo konkrečiam tikslui. Šis straipsnis parašytas galvojant, kad esate susipažinę su pateikta programavimo kalba ir įrankiais, kurie yra naudojami procedūroms kurti ir derinti. "Microsoft" palaikymo inžinieriai gali padėti paaiškindami konkrečios procedūros funkcines galimybes. Tačiau jie nekeis šių pavyzdžių, kad numatytų papildomą funkcinę galimybę arba sukurtų konkrečius jūsų reikalavimus atitinkančias procedūras.
Pastaba. Prieš diegdami šias karštąsias pataisas, patikrinkite, kad visi Microsoft Dynamics NAV kliento vartotojai išsiregistravę sistema. Tai apima Microsoft Dynamics NAV programų serverio (NAS) paslaugas. Jums turėtų būti tik kliento vartotojo, kuris yra prisijungęs, kai atliekate šias karštąsias pataisas. Norint pritaikyti šią karštąją pataisą, turite programų kūrėjo licencijos. Rekomenduojame, kad vartotojo abonemento Windows registravimosi lange arba duomenų bazės prisijungimų langas priskirti "SUPER" vaidmenį ID. Jei vartotojo abonementas negali būti priskirta "SUPER" ID., turi patikrinti, kad vartotojo abonementas turi šias teises:-
Keisti teisės objektas, kuris bus pakeisti.
Teisės vykdyti sistemos objekto ID 5210 objekto ir sistemos objekto ID 9015
Pastaba. Jūs neturite turėti teisių į duomenų parduotuvių, nebent jūs turite atlikti duomenų atkūrimo.
Pastaba. Visada bandymas kodas nustato kontroliuojamoje aplinkoje prieš taikydami nustato savo gamybos kompiuteriams.
Norėdami išspręsti šią problemą, atlikite šiuos veiksmus:-
Pakeisti pardavimo eilučių lentelės (37) laukuose taip:
Esamas kodas 1...
// Delete the following line. CalcVATToReport(SalesHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT" - "VAT Base Amount", // End of the deleted line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ...Atsarginis kodas 1
// Add the following line. CalcVATToReport(SalesHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT", // End of the added line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ...Esamas kodas 2
// Delete the following line. CalcVATToReport(SalesHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT" - "VAT Base Amount", // End of the deleted line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ...Atsarginis kodas 2
// Add the following line. CalcVATToReport(SalesHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT", // End of the added line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ... -
Pakeisti UpdateVATAmounts funkcija – pardavimo eilučių lentelės (37):
Esamas kodas...
// Delete the following line. CalcVATToReport(SalesHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT" - "VAT Base Amount", // End of the deleted line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ...Pastaba.
// Add the following line. CalcVATToReport(SalesHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT", // End of the added line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ... -
Pakeisti UpdateVATOnLines funkcija – pardavimo eilučių lentelės (37):
Esamas kodas..."VAT Base Amount" := NewVATBaseAmount;
// Delete the following line. CalcVATToReport(SalesHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT" - "VAT Base Amount", // End of the deleted line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ...Pastaba.
..."VAT Base Amount" := NewVATBaseAmount;
// Add the following line. CalcVATToReport(SalesHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT", // End of the added line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ... -
Pakeisti CalcVATAmountLines funkcija (37) pardavimo eilučių lentelės kodą taip:
Esamas kodas...
// Delete the following line.CalcVATToReport(SalesHeader,"VAT Base","VAT Amount" - "VAT Difference", // End of the deleted line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ...Pastaba.
// Add the following line. CalcVATToReport(SalesHeader,"VAT Base","Amount Including VAT" - "VAT Difference", // End of the added line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ... -
Pakeisti kodą CalcVATToReportfunkcija – pardavimo eilučių lentelės (37) taip:
Esamas kodas 1...
// Delete the following line. PROCEDURE CalcVATToReport@1360001(SalesHeader@1360000 : Record 36;VATBaseAmount@1360001 : Decimal;VATAmount@1360002 : Decimal;VAR VATBaseAmountToReport@1360003 : Decimal;VAR VATAmountToReport@1360004 : Decimal); // End of the deleted line. BEGIN ...Atsarginis kodas 1
// Add the following lines. PROCEDURE CalcVATToReport@1360001(SalesHeader@1360000 : Record 36;VATBaseAmount@1360001 : Decimal;AmtInclVAT@1360005 : Decimal;VAR VATBaseAmountToReport@1360003 : Decimal;VAR VATAmountToReport@1360004 : Decimal); VAR AmountLCY@1360006 : Decimal; AmtInclVATLCY@1360007 : Decimal; // End of the added lines. BEGIN ...Esamas kodas 2
...ROUND(VATBaseAmount / SalesHeader."VAT Currency Factor");
// Delete the following lines. VATAmountToReport := ROUND(VATAmount / SalesHeader."VAT Currency Factor"); END ELSE BEGIN VATBaseAmountToReport := VATBaseAmount; VATAmountToReport := VATAmount; // End of the deleted lines. END; ...Atsarginis kodas 2
...ROUND(VATBaseAmount / SalesHeader."VAT Currency Factor");
// Add the following lines. AmountLCY := ROUND(VATBaseAmount / SalesHeader."VAT Currency Factor"); AmtInclVATLCY := ROUND(AmtInclVAT / SalesHeader."VAT Currency Factor"); VATAmountToReport := AmtInclVATLCY - AmountLCY; END ELSE BEGIN VATBaseAmountToReport := VATBaseAmount; VATAmountToReport := AmtInclVAT - VATBaseAmount; // End of the added lines. END; ... -
Pakeisti laukų pirkimo eilutės lentelės (39) kodą taip:
Esamas kodas 1...
// Delete the following line. CalcVATToReport(PurchHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT" - "VAT Base Amount", // End of the deleted line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)","VAT % (Non Deductible)"); ...Atsarginis kodas 1
// Add the following line. CalcVATToReport(PurchHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT", // End of the added line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)","VAT % (Non Deductible)"); ...Esamas kodas 2
// Delete the following line. CalcVATToReport(PurchHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT" - "VAT Base Amount", // End of the deleted line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)","VAT % (Non Deductible)"); ...Atsarginis kodas 2
// Add the following line. CalcVATToReport(PurchHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT", // End of the added line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)","VAT % (Non Deductible)"); ... -
Pakeisti UpdateVATAmounts funkcija pirkimo eilutės lentelės (39):
Esamas kodas...
// Delete the following line. CalcVATToReport(PurchHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT" - "VAT Base Amount", // End of the deleted line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)","VAT % (Non Deductible)"); ...Pastaba.
// Add the following line. CalcVATToReport(PurchHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT", // End of the added line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)","VAT % (Non Deductible)"); ... -
Pakeisti UpdateVATOnLines funkcija pirkimo eilutės lentelės (39):
Esamas kodas...END;
// Delete the following line. CalcVATToReport(PurchHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT", // End of the deleted line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)","VAT % (Non Deductible)"); ...Pastaba.
// Add the following line. CalcVATToReport(PurchHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT", // End of the added line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)","VAT % (Non Deductible)"); ... -
Pakeisti CalcVATAmountLines pirkimo eilutės lentelės (39) kodą taip:
Esamas kodas...
// Delete the following line. CalcVATToReport(PurchHeader,"VAT Base","VAT Amount" - "VAT Difference", // End of the deleted line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)","VAT % (Non Deductible)"); ...Pastaba.
// Add the following line. CalcVATToReport(PurchHeader,"VAT Base","Amount Including VAT" - "VAT Difference", // End of the added line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)","VAT % (Non Deductible)"); ... -
Pakeisti CalcVATToReport funkcija pirkimo eilutės lentelės (39):
Esamas kodas 1...
// Delete the following lines. PROCEDURE CalcVATToReport@1360000(PurchHeader@1360000 : Record 38;VATBaseAmount@1360001 : Decimal;VATAmount@1360002 : Decimal;VAR VATBaseAmountToReport@1360003 : Decimal;VAR VATAmountToReport@1360004 : Decimal;NonDeductableVATPct@1360005 : Decimal); VAR NonDeductableVATAmount@1360006 : Decimal; BEGIN NonDeductableVATAmount := VATAmount * NonDeductableVATPct / 100; // End of the deleted lines. IF PurchHeader."Currency Code" <> '' THEN BEGIN ...Atsarginis kodas 1
// Add the following lines. PROCEDURE CalcVATToReport@1360000(PurchHeader@1360000 : Record 38;VATBaseAmount@1360001 : Decimal;AmtInclVAT@1360007 : Decimal;VAR VATBaseAmountToReport@1360003 : Decimal;VAR VATAmountToReport@1360004 : Decimal;NonDeductableVATPct@1360005 : Decimal); VAR NonDeductableVATAmount@1360006 : Decimal; AmountLCY@1360008 : Decimal; AmtInclVATLCY@1360009 : Decimal; BEGIN NonDeductableVATAmount := (AmtInclVAT - VATBaseAmount) * NonDeductableVATPct / 100; // End of the added lines. IF PurchHeader."Currency Code" <> '' THEN BEGIN ...Esamas kodas 2
...ROUND((VATBaseAmount + NonDeductableVATAmount) / PurchHeader."VAT Currency Factor");
// Delete the following lines. VATAmountToReport := ROUND((VATAmount - NonDeductableVATAmount) / PurchHeader."VAT Currency Factor"); END ELSE BEGIN VATBaseAmountToReport := VATBaseAmount + ROUND(NonDeductableVATAmount); VATAmountToReport := VATAmount - ROUND(NonDeductableVATAmount); // End of the deleted lines. END ...Atsarginis kodas 2
...ROUND((VATBaseAmount + NonDeductableVATAmount) / PurchHeader."VAT Currency Factor");
// Add the following lines. AmountLCY := ROUND(VATBaseAmount / PurchHeader."VAT Currency Factor"); AmtInclVATLCY := ROUND(AmtInclVAT / PurchHeader."VAT Currency Factor"); VATAmountToReport := AmtInclVATLCY - AmountLCY - ROUND(NonDeductableVATAmount / PurchHeader."VAT Currency Factor"); END ELSE BEGIN VATBaseAmountToReport := VATBaseAmount + ROUND(NonDeductableVATAmount); VATAmountToReport := AmtInclVAT - VATBaseAmount - ROUND(NonDeductableVATAmount); // End of the added lines. END ... -
Pakeisti kodą laukuose aptarnavimo eilučių lentelės (5902) taip:
Esamas kodas 1...
// Delete the following line. CalcVATToReport(ServHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT" - "VAT Base Amount", // End of the deleted line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ...Atsarginis kodas 1
// Add the following line.CalcVATToReport(ServHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT", // End of the added line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ...Esamas kodas 2
// Delete the following line. CalcVATToReport(ServHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT" - "VAT Base Amount", // End of the deleted line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ...Atsarginis kodas 2
// Add the following line. CalcVATToReport(ServHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT", // End of the added line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ... -
Pakeisti UpdateVATAmounts funkcija – aptarnavimo eilučių lentelės (5902) taip:
Esamas kodas...
// Delete the following line. CalcVATToReport(ServHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT" - "VAT Base Amount", // End of the deleted line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ...Pastaba.
// Add the following line. CalcVATToReport(ServHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT", // End of the added line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ... -
Pakeisti CalcVATAmountLines funkcija pakeitimų eilučių lentelės (5902) taip:
Esamas kodas...
// Delete the following line. CalcVATToReport(ServHeader,"VAT Base","VAT Amount" - "VAT Difference", // End of the deleted line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ...Pastaba.
// Add the following line.CalcVATToReport(ServHeader,"VAT Base","Amount Including VAT" - "VAT Difference", // End of the added line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ... -
Pakeisti UpdateVATOnLines funkcija – aptarnavimo eilučių lentelės (5902) taip:
Esamas kodas..."VAT Base Amount" := NewVATBaseAmount;
// Delete the following line. CalcVATToReport(ServHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT" - "VAT Base Amount", // End of the deleted line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ...Pastaba.
..."VAT Base Amount" := NewVATBaseAmount;
// Add the following line. CalcVATToReport(ServHeader,"VAT Base Amount","Amount Including VAT", // End of the added line. "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)","VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"); ... -
Pakeisti CalcVATToReport funkcija – aptarnavimo eilučių lentelės (5902) taip:
Esamas kodas 1...
// Delete the following line. PROCEDURE CalcVATToReport@1360000(ServHeader@1360004 : Record 5900;VATBaseAmount@1360003 : Decimal;VATAmount@1360002 : Decimal;VAR VATBaseAmountToReport@1360001 : Decimal;VAR VATAmountToReport@1360000 : Decimal); // End of the deleted line. BEGIN ...Atsarginis kodas 1
// Add the following lines. PROCEDURE CalcVATToReport@1360000(ServHeader@1360004 : Record 5900;VATBaseAmount@1360003 : Decimal;AmtInclVAT@1360007 : Decimal;VAR VATBaseAmountToReport@1360001 : Decimal;VAR VATAmountToReport@1360000 : Decimal); VAR AmountLCY@1360005 : Decimal; AmtInclVATLCY@1360006 : Decimal; // End of the added lines. BEGIN ...Esamas kodas 2
...ROUND(VATBaseAmount / ServHeader."VAT Currency Factor");
// Delete the following lines. VATAmountToReport := ROUND(VATAmount / ServHeader."VAT Currency Factor"); END ELSE BEGIN VATBaseAmountToReport := VATBaseAmount; VATAmountToReport := VATAmount; // End of the deleted lines. END; ...Atsarginis kodas 2
...ROUND(VATBaseAmount / ServHeader."VAT Currency Factor");
// Add the following lines. AmountLCY := ROUND(VATBaseAmount / ServHeader."VAT Currency Factor"); AmtInclVATLCY := ROUND(AmtInclVAT / ServHeader."VAT Currency Factor"); VATAmountToReport := AmtInclVATLCY - AmountLCY; END ELSE BEGIN VATBaseAmountToReport := VATBaseAmount; VATAmountToReport := AmtInclVAT - VATBaseAmount; // End of the added lines. END; ... -
Pakeisti DivideAmount funkcija – pardavimo-Post Kodinys (80) kodą taip:
Esamas kodas 1...LOCAL PROCEDURE DivideAmount@8(QtyType@1000 : 'General,Invoicing,Shipping';SalesLineQty@1001 : Decimal);
// Delete the following lines. VAR TotalVATBaseAmtLCY@1360001 : Decimal; TotalVATAmountLCY@1360000 : Decimal; // End of the deleted lines. BEGIN ...Atsarginis kodas 1
...LOCAL PROCEDURE DivideAmount@8(QtyType@1000 : 'General,Invoicing,Shipping';SalesLineQty@1001 : Decimal);
BEGIN ...Esamas kodas 2
// Delete the following lines. TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Base Amount to Report" := TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Base Amount to Report" + "VAT Base Amount"; TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Amount to Report" := TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Amount to Report" + "Amount Including VAT" - "VAT Base Amount" - "VAT Difference"; CalcVATToReport(SalesHeader, TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Base Amount to Report", TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Amount to Report", TotalVATBaseAmtLCY,TotalVATAmountLCY); "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATBaseAmtLCY - TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)"; "VAT Amount to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATAmountLCY - TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"; TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATBaseAmtLCY; TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Amount to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATAmountLCY; // End of the deleted lines. ...Atsarginis kodas 2
// Add the following line. CalcRoundedVATToReport(SalesLine,SalesHeader); // End of the added line. ... -
Sukurkite funkcija – pardavimo-Post Kodinys (80) taip:
LOCAL PROCEDURE CalcRoundedVATToReport@1360026(VAR SalesLine@1360002 : Record 37;SalesHeader@1360003 : Record 36);VAR
TotalVATBaseAmtLCY@1360005 : Decimal; TotalVATAmountLCY@1360004 : Decimal; BEGIN WITH SalesLine DO BEGIN TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Base Amount to Report" += "VAT Base Amount"; TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Amount to Report" += "Amount Including VAT"; CalcVATToReport(SalesHeader, TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Base Amount to Report", TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Amount to Report", TotalVATBaseAmtLCY,TotalVATAmountLCY); "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATBaseAmtLCY - TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)"; "VAT Amount to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATAmountLCY - TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"; TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATBaseAmtLCY; TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Amount to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATAmountLCY; END; END; -
Pakeisti kodą DivideAmount funkcija – pirkimo.-po Kodinys (90) taip:
Esamas kodas 1...LOCAL PROCEDURE DivideAmount@8(QtyType@1000 : 'General,Invoicing,Shipping';PurchLineQty@1001 : Decimal);
// Delete the following lines. VAR TotalVATBaseAmtLCY@1360001 : Decimal; TotalVATAmountLCY@1360000 : Decimal; // End of the deleted lines. BEGIN ...Atsarginis kodas 1
...LOCAL PROCEDURE DivideAmount@8(QtyType@1000 : 'General,Invoicing,Shipping';PurchLineQty@1001 : Decimal);
BEGIN ...Esamas kodas 2
// Delete the following lines. TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Base Amount to Report" := TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Base Amount to Report" + "VAT Base Amount"; TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Amount to Report" := TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Amount to Report" + "Amount Including VAT" - "VAT Base Amount" - "VAT Difference"; PurchLine.CalcVATToReport(PurchHeader, TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Base Amount to Report", TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Amount to Report", TotalVATBaseAmtLCY,TotalVATAmountLCY,"VAT % (Non Deductible)"); "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATBaseAmtLCY - TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)"; "VAT Amount to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATAmountLCY - TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"; TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATBaseAmtLCY; TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Amount to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATAmountLCY; // End of the deleted lines. ...Atsarginis kodas 2
// Add the following line. CalcRoundedVATToReport(PurchLine,PurchHeader); // End of the added line. ... -
Sukurti funkcijas ir pirkimo.-po Kodinys (90) taip:
LOCAL PROCEDURE CalcRoundedVATToReport@1360026(VAR PurchLine@1360002 : Record 39;PurchHeader@1360003 : Record 38);VAR
TotalVATBaseAmtLCY@1360005 : Decimal; TotalVATAmountLCY@1360004 : Decimal; BEGIN WITH PurchLine DO BEGIN TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Base Amount to Report" += "VAT Base Amount"; TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Amount to Report" += "Amount Including VAT"; CalcVATToReport(PurchHeader, TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Base Amount to Report", TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Amount to Report", TotalVATBaseAmtLCY,TotalVATAmountLCY,"VAT % (Non Deductible)"); "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATBaseAmtLCY - TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)"; "VAT Amount to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATAmountLCY - TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"; TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATBaseAmtLCY; TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Amount to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATAmountLCY; END; END; -
Pakeisti DivideAmount funkcija – paslaugos sumos valdymo Kodinys (5986) kodą taip:
Esamas kodas 1...ChargeableQty@1006 : Decimal;
// Delete the following lines. TotalVATBaseAmtLCY@1360001 : Decimal; TotalVATAmountLCY@1360000 : Decimal; // End of the deleted lines. BEGIN ...Atsarginis kodas 1
...ChargeableQty@1006 : Decimal;
BEGIN ...Esamas kodas 2
// Delete the following lines. TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Base Amount to Report" := TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Base Amount to Report" + "VAT Base Amount"; TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Amount to Report" := TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Amount to Report" + "Amount Including VAT" - "VAT Base Amount" - "VAT Difference"; CalcVATToReport(ServiceHeader, TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Base Amount to Report", TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Amount to Report", TotalVATBaseAmtLCY,TotalVATAmountLCY); "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATBaseAmtLCY - TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)"; "VAT Amount to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATAmountLCY - TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"; TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATBaseAmtLCY; TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Amount to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATAmountLCY; // End of the deleted lines. ...Atsarginis kodas 2
// Add the following line. CalcRoundedVATToReport(ServiceLine,TempVATAmountLineRemainder,ServHeader); // End of the added line. ... -
Sukurti funkcijos ir paslaugos sumos valdymo Kodinys (5986) taip:
LOCAL PROCEDURE CalcRoundedVATToReport@1360001(VAR ServiceLine@1360002 : Record 5902;VAR TempVATAmountLineRemainder@1360004 : Record 290;ServHeader@1360003 : Record 5900);VAR
TotalVATBaseAmtLCY@1360006 : Decimal; TotalVATAmountLCY@1360005 : Decimal; BEGIN WITH ServiceLine DO BEGIN TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Base Amount to Report" += "VAT Base Amount"; TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Amount to Report" += "Amount Including VAT"; CalcVATToReport(ServHeader, TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Base Amount to Report", TempVATAmountLineRemainder."Calc VAT Amount to Report", TotalVATBaseAmtLCY,TotalVATAmountLCY); "VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATBaseAmtLCY - TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)"; "VAT Amount to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATAmountLCY - TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Amount to Report (LCY)"; TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Base Amt. to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATBaseAmtLCY; TempVATAmountLineRemainder."VAT Amount to Report (LCY)" := TotalVATAmountLCY; END; END;
Būtinosios sąlygos
Turite Vengrijos versiją Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 norint taikyti šias karštąsias pataisas.
Pašalinimo informacija
Jūs negalite pašalinti šias karštąsias pataisas.
„Microsoft“ patvirtino, kad tai yra „Microsoft“ produktų, išvardytų skyriuje „Taikoma“, problema.
Pastaba. Tai yra "GREITAI PUBLIKUOJAMAS" straipsnis, sukurtas tiesiogiai Microsoft palaikymo tarnybos. Čia pateikta informacija yra atsakas į kylančius klausimus. Dėl greito publikavimo medžiagoje gali būti spausdinimo klaidų ir ji gali būti peržiūrima bet kuriuo metu be įspėjimo. Naudojimoieškokite kitų priežasčių.