Pierakstīties, izmantojot Microsoft
Pierakstīties vai izveidot kontu
Atlasīt citu kontu.
Jums ir vairāki konti
Izvēlieties kontu, ar kuru vēlaties pierakstīties.
Diemžēl šis raksts jūsu valodā nav pieejams.

If your presence status is...

active status Active

How you appear to others

Active profile status

What it means
You are online and available to contact.

How this status gets set
Set automatically when you first sign in. You'll remain active on your desktop when Skype is running in the background and you're using your keyboard or mouse, and on your mobile device when Skype is running in the foreground.

recently active Recently active

How you appear to others

recently active profile status

What it means
You just stepped away for a bit.

How this status gets set
Set automatically when you were last active between 3 minutes, and 1 hour ago.

Away status Away

How you appear to others

Away profile status

What it means
You've been inactive for an hour or more.

How this status gets set
Set automatically when you were last active an hour ago. You can also set your status to appear away anytime you want.

Do not disturb status Do not disturb

How you appear to others

Do not disturb profile status

What it means
You don't want to be disturbed. Contacts can still call and send messages, but you won't be alerted with sound. If you want to receive in-app chat or call notifications while your status is set to do not disturb , you can manage your notifications on mobile or desktop .

How this status gets set
You can set your status to do not disturb anytime you want.

invisible status Invisible

How you appear to others

invisible profile status

What it means
Your presence status is hidden so that you appear to be offline but calls and messages aren't blocked. To your contacts, the last time your status was set to active or do not disturb is shown under your chat header as Last seen - days, hours, or minutes ago. Additionally, they can still find you through the Skype directory.

How this status gets set
You can set your status to invisible anytime you want.


How you appear to others

invisible profile status

What it means
You're not signed into Skype on any device. To your contacts, the last time your status was set to active or do not disturb is shown under your chat header as Last seen - days, hours, or minutes ago.

How this status gets set
Set automatically when you sign out or aren't active for an extended period of time.

Ready to learn more?
How do I change my presence status in Skype?

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Nospiežot Iesniegt, jūsu atsauksmes tiks izmantotas Microsoft produktu un pakalpojumu uzlabošanai. Jūsu IT administrators varēs vākt šos datus. Paziņojums par konfidencialitāti.

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