Attiecas uz:
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8
Kā atgādinājumu papildu IT administratoriem .NET Framework 3.5 atjauninājumi operētājsistēmai Windows 8.1 un Windows Server 2012 R2 jālieto tikai sistēmās, kur .NET Framework 3.5 ir present and enabled. Klienti, kuri mēģina iepriekš instalēt atjauninājumus no .NET Framework 3.5 bezsaistes attēliem, kas nesatur .NET Framework 3.5 produktu, parāda šīs sistēmas kļūmes, lai iespējotu .NET Framework 3.5 pēc sistēmas ir tiešsaistē. Plašāku informāciju par izvietošanu .NET Framework 3.5 skatiet Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 izvietošanas apsvērumi.
Visi Windows 8.1, Windows RT 8.1 un Windows Server 2012 R2 atjauninājumi pieprasa, lai būtu instalēts atjauninājums KB 2919355. Iesakām instalēt KB 2919355 atjauninājumu jūsu Windows 8.1, Windows RT 8.1 vai Windows Server 2012 R2 datorā, lai saņemtu atjauninājumus nākotnē.
Ja instalējat valodas pakotni pēc šī atjauninājuma instalēšanas, šis atjauninājums ir jāinstalē atkārtoti. Tāpēc pirms šī atjauninājuma instalēšanas ieteicams instalēt visas valodu pakotnes, kas nepieciešamas. Papildinformāciju skatiet rakstā Valodu pakotņu pievienošana Windows.
Drošības uzlabojumi
Šajā laidienā nav jaunu drošības uzlabojumu. Šis atjauninājums ir kumulatīvs un ietver visus iepriekš izlaistos drošības uzlabojumus.
Kvalitātes un uzticamības uzlabojumi.
CLR1 |
- Scenārijos, kur GC tiek apvienots liels skaits un liels skaits GC kaušu, 2. paaudzes GCs.Kā risinājums ir ieviests konfigurācijas slēdzis ar nopietniem bloķēšanas scenārijiem. To var iespējot no .config faila: <konfigurācijas> <izpildlaika> <GCStaticsNoLock enabled="true"/> </runtime> </configuration> Varat arī iestatīt vides mainīgo COMPLUS_GCStaticsNoLockto kas nav nulle. Ja konfigurācijas slēdzis nav iespējots, darbība netiek mainīta salīdzinājumā ar iepriekšējām versijām. |
Winforms |
- Novērš problēmu, kur dažas Windows Forms lietojumprogrammas, kas izmanto ToolStrip vadīklas ar ToolStripControlHost, un palaiž zem UIA pieejamības rīki, var izraisīt pieejamības rīku nereaģēšanu. — novērš regresiju kombinētā lodziņa pieejamā objektā, kur pieejamības rīki nevarēja atšķirt identiskus vienumus kombinētajā lodziņā un nedarbojas. |
1 Kopējais valodas izpildlaiks (Common Language Runtime – CLR)
Zināmās problēmas šajā atjauninājumā
Pašlaik Microsoft rīcībā nav informācijas par problēmām, kas saistītas ar šo atjauninājumu.
Papildinformācija par šo atjauninājumu
Tālāk sniegtajā rakstos ir ietverta papildinformācija par šo atjauninājumu, jo tas attiecas uz atsevišķām produktu versijām.
5004873 Drošības un kvalitātes apkopojuma apraksts .NET Framework 3.5, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8 sistēmai Windows 8.1, RT 8.1 un Windows Server 2012 R2 (KB5004873)
Kā iegūt un instalēt atjauninājumu
Pirms šā atjauninājuma instalēšanas
Lai lietotu šo atjauninājumu, datorā jābūt instalētai .NET Framework 4.8.
Instalēt šo atjauninājumu
Laidiena kanāls |
Pieejams |
Nākamā darbība |
Windows Update un Microsoft Update |
Jā |
Neviens. Šis atjauninājums tiks automātiski lejupielādēts un instalēts no pakalpojuma Windows Update. |
Microsoft Update katalogs |
Jā |
Lai iegūtu savrupu pakotni šim atjauninājumam, dodieties uz Microsoft atjaunināšanas kataloga tīmekļa vietni. |
Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) |
Jā |
Šis atjauninājums tiks automātiski sinhronizēts ar WSUS, ja sadaļu Produkti un klasifikācijas konfigurēsit tā, kā norādīts tālāk. Produkts:Windows 8.1, RT 8.1 un Windows Server 2012 R2 Klasifikācija — atjauninājumi |
Atjaunināšanas noņemšanas informācija
Lai noņemtu šo atjauninājumu, izmantojiet vadības paneļa vienumu Programmas un līdzekļi.
Atjaunināšanas restartēšanas informācija
Pēc sistēmas restartēšanas šim atjauninājumam nav nepieciešama sistēmas restartēšana, ja vien faili, kas tiek atjaunināti, netiek bloķēti vai tiek izmantoti.
Informācija par atjauninājuma aizstāšanu
Šis atjauninājums aizstāj iepriekš izlaistus atjauninājumus 5004231.
Informācija par failiem
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platforma |
SP prasība |
Pakalpojumu zars |
Mscorlib.dll |
4.8.4410.0 |
5,431,672 |
26-Jūn-2021 |
01:34 |
x64 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Normidna.nlp |
Nav attiecināms |
59,342 |
25-Jūn-2019 |
22:46 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Normnfc.nlp |
Nav attiecināms |
47,076 |
25-Jūn-2019 |
22:46 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Normnfd.nlp |
Nav attiecināms |
40,566 |
25-Jūn-2019 |
22:46 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Normnfkc.nlp |
Nav attiecināms |
67,808 |
25-Jūn-2019 |
22:46 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Normnfkd.nlp |
Nav attiecināms |
61,718 |
25-Jūn-2019 |
22:46 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Aspnet_perf.dll |
4.8.4330.0 |
41,864 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:27 |
x64 |
Aspnet_state_perf.h |
Nav attiecināms |
318 |
04-Jan-2021 |
23:56 |
Nav attiecināms |
Aspnet_state_perf.ini |
Nav attiecināms |
42,996 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:28 |
Nav attiecināms |
Aspnet_wp.exe |
4.8.4330.0 |
45,456 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:27 |
x64 |
Clrjit.dll |
4.8.4410.0 |
1,358,200 |
26-Jūn-2021 |
01:34 |
x64 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Clr.dll |
4.8.4410.0 |
11,244,424 |
26-Jūn-2021 |
01:34 |
x64 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Compatjit.dll |
4.8.4410.0 |
1,273,224 |
26-Jūn-2021 |
01:34 |
x64 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Dfdll.dll |
4.8.4290.0 |
214,920 |
30-Sep-2020 |
01:39 |
x64 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Globalmonospace.compositefont |
Nav attiecināms |
26,040 |
30-Jan-2021 |
02:50 |
Nav attiecināms |
Globalsansserif.compositefont |
Nav attiecināms |
26,489 |
30-Jan-2021 |
02:50 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Globalserif.compositefont |
Nav attiecināms |
29,779 |
30-Jan-2021 |
02:50 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Globaluserinterface.compositefont |
Nav attiecināms |
264,986 |
30-Jan-2021 |
02:50 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Mscordacwks.dll |
4.8.4410.0 |
1,801,080 |
26-Jūn-2021 |
01:34 |
x64 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Mscordbi.dll |
4.8.4410.0 |
1,655,160 |
26-Jūn-2021 |
01:34 |
x64 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Mscoreei.dll |
4.8.4180.0 |
689,952 |
26-Mar-2020 |
23:10 |
x64 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms | |
4.8.4410.0 |
23,077,128 |
26-Jūn-2021 |
01:40 |
x64 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Mscorsvc.dll |
4.8.4330.0 |
557,960 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:27 |
x64 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Mscorsvw.exe |
4.8.4330.0 |
151,984 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:27 |
x64 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Ngentask.exe |
4.8.4330.0 |
79,304 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:27 |
x64 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Ngen.exe |
4.8.4330.0 |
174,552 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:27 |
x64 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Penimc.dll |
14.8.4395.0 |
11,648 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x64 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Penimc2_v0400.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
120,712 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x64 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Penimc_v0400.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
20,360 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x64 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Peverify.dll |
4.8.4410.0 |
265,592 |
26-Jūn-2021 |
01:34 |
x64 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Presentationframework-systemdata.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
17,800 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Presentationframework.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
6,283,640 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Presentationhost_v0400.dll.mui |
4.8.4395.0 |
77,712 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Presentationhost_v0400.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
302,472 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x64 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Presentationnative_v0400.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
1,164,176 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x64 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Reachframework.dll |
4.8.4110.0 |
677,656 |
04-Dec-2019 |
02:55 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Servicemodel.mof |
Nav attiecināms |
88,383 |
25-Feb-2020 |
03:02 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Servicemodel.mof.uninstall |
Nav attiecināms |
896 |
25-Feb-2020 |
03:02 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Servicemonikersupport.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
27,512 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:00 |
x64 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Smdiagnostics.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
66,328 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
_smsvchostperfcounters.h |
Nav attiecināms |
702 |
06-Dec-2019 |
22:20 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
_smsvchostperfcounters.ini |
Nav attiecināms |
133,894 |
07-Dec-2019 |
06:04 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
_smsvchostperfcounters_d.ini |
Nav attiecināms |
39 |
08-Nov-2019 |
03:11 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Smsvchost.exe |
4.8.4121.0 |
139,056 |
07-Dec-2019 |
06:03 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Smsvchost.exe.config |
Nav attiecināms |
2,262 |
21-Nov-2019 |
02:58 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Sos.dll |
4.8.4410.0 |
921,464 |
26-Jūn-2021 |
01:34 |
x64 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.activities.presentation.dll |
4.8.4150.0 |
2,127,128 |
09-Jan-2020 |
19:46 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.activities.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
1,526,528 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.configuration.dll |
4.8.4190.0 |
421,536 |
05-Jūn-2020 |
05:04 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.core.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
1,549,080 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.deployment.dll |
4.8.4290.0 |
1,593,624 |
30-Sep-2020 |
01:40 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms | |
4.8.4210.0 |
125,192 |
30-Jūn-2020 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.drawing.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
595,728 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms | |
4.8.4261.0 |
191,352 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.identitymodel.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
1,086,744 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms | |
4.8.4121.0 |
30,360 |
07-Dec-2019 |
06:03 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.runtime.serialization.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
1,047,312 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms | |
4.8.4261.0 |
320,280 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.servicemodel.activities.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
555,384 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.servicemodel.channels.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
150,904 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.servicemodel.discovery.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
301,432 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.servicemodel.internals.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
246,528 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.servicemodel.washosting.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
33,144 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.servicemodel.web.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
321,792 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.servicemodel.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
6,383,896 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.speech.dll |
4.8.4210.0 |
676,736 |
30-Jūn-2020 |
01:55 |
x86 |
System.web.applicationservices.dll |
4.8.4330.0 |
63,768 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:30 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.web.extensions.dll |
4.8.4330.0 |
1,842,448 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:30 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms | |
4.8.4210.0 |
1,712,512 |
30-Jūn-2020 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms | |
4.8.4395.0 |
743,824 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms | |
4.8.4410.0 |
5,918,488 |
26-Jūn-2021 |
01:40 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.workflow.activities.dll |
4.8.4110.0 |
1,051,112 |
04-Dec-2019 |
02:55 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.workflow.componentmodel.dll |
4.8.4110.0 |
1,557,272 |
04-Dec-2019 |
02:55 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.workflow.runtime.dll |
4.8.4110.0 |
503,064 |
04-Dec-2019 |
02:55 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.xaml.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
632,104 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.dll |
4.8.4380.0 |
3,554,584 |
30-Apr-2021 |
09:50 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Uiautomationclientsideproviders.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
354,176 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Uiautomationclient.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
170,872 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Uiautomationprovider.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
41,848 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Uiautomationtypes.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
215,928 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Webengine4.dll |
4.8.4330.0 |
675,208 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:27 |
x64 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Webengine.dll |
4.8.4330.0 |
21,376 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:27 |
x64 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Windowsbase.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
1,298,808 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Windowsformsintegration.dll |
4.8.4150.0 |
105,240 |
09-Jan-2020 |
19:46 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Workflowservicehostperformancecounters.dll |
4.8.4110.0 |
102,672 |
04-Dec-2019 |
02:54 |
x64 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Wpfgfx_v0400.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
2,050,448 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x64 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Globalmonospace.compositefont |
Nav attiecināms |
26,040 |
13-Dec-2019 |
05:20 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Globalsansserif.compositefont |
Nav attiecināms |
26,489 |
13-Dec-2019 |
05:20 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Globalserif.compositefont |
Nav attiecināms |
29,779 |
13-Dec-2019 |
05:20 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Globaluserinterface.compositefont |
Nav attiecināms |
264,986 |
13-Dec-2019 |
05:20 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Presentationcore.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
3,650,952 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x64 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms | |
4.8.4290.0 |
3,543,432 |
30-Sep-2020 |
01:39 |
x64 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.printing.dll |
4.8.4110.0 |
400,152 |
04-Dec-2019 |
02:54 |
x64 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.web.dll |
4.8.4330.0 |
5,397,896 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:27 |
x64 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Presentationframework-systemdata.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
17,800 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Presentationframework.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
6,283,640 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Reachframework.dll |
4.8.4110.0 |
677,656 |
04-Dec-2019 |
02:55 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Smdiagnostics.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
66,328 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Smsvchost.exe |
4.8.4121.0 |
139,056 |
07-Dec-2019 |
06:03 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.activities.presentation.dll |
4.8.4150.0 |
2,127,128 |
09-Jan-2020 |
19:46 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.activities.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
1,526,528 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.configuration.dll |
4.8.4190.0 |
421,536 |
05-Jūn-2020 |
05:04 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.core.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
1,549,080 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.deployment.dll |
4.8.4290.0 |
1,593,624 |
30-Sep-2020 |
01:40 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms | |
4.8.4210.0 |
125,192 |
30-Jūn-2020 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.drawing.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
595,728 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms | |
4.8.4261.0 |
191,352 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.identitymodel.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
1,086,744 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms | |
4.8.4121.0 |
30,360 |
07-Dec-2019 |
06:03 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.runtime.serialization.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
1,047,312 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms | |
4.8.4261.0 |
320,280 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.servicemodel.activities.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
555,384 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.servicemodel.channels.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
150,904 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.servicemodel.discovery.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
301,432 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.servicemodel.internals.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
246,528 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.servicemodel.washosting.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
33,144 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.servicemodel.web.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
321,792 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.servicemodel.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
6,383,896 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.speech.dll |
4.8.4210.0 |
676,736 |
30-Jūn-2020 |
01:55 |
x86 |
System.web.applicationservices.dll |
4.8.4330.0 |
63,768 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:30 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.web.extensions.dll |
4.8.4330.0 |
1,842,448 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:30 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms | |
4.8.4395.0 |
743,824 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms | |
4.8.4210.0 |
1,712,512 |
30-Jūn-2020 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms | |
4.8.4410.0 |
5,918,488 |
26-Jūn-2021 |
01:40 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.workflow.activities.dll |
4.8.4110.0 |
1,051,112 |
04-Dec-2019 |
02:55 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.workflow.componentmodel.dll |
4.8.4110.0 |
1,557,272 |
04-Dec-2019 |
02:55 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.workflow.runtime.dll |
4.8.4110.0 |
503,064 |
04-Dec-2019 |
02:55 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.xaml.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
632,104 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.dll |
4.8.4380.0 |
3,554,584 |
30-Apr-2021 |
09:50 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Uiautomationclientsideproviders.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
354,176 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Uiautomationclient.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
170,872 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Uiautomationprovider.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
41,848 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Uiautomationtypes.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
215,928 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Windowsbase.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
1,298,808 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Windowsformsintegration.dll |
4.8.4150.0 |
105,240 |
09-Jan-2020 |
19:46 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Mscorlib.dll |
4.8.4410.0 |
5,670,776 |
26-Jūn-2021 |
01:40 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Normidna.nlp |
Nav attiecināms |
59,342 |
25-Jūn-2019 |
22:46 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Normnfc.nlp |
Nav attiecināms |
47,076 |
25-Jūn-2019 |
22:46 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Normnfd.nlp |
Nav attiecināms |
40,566 |
25-Jūn-2019 |
22:46 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Normnfkc.nlp |
Nav attiecināms |
67,808 |
25-Jūn-2019 |
22:46 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Normnfkd.nlp |
Nav attiecināms |
61,718 |
25-Jūn-2019 |
22:46 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Aspnet_perf.dll |
4.8.4330.0 |
36,232 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:30 |
x86 |
Aspnet_state_perf.h |
Nav attiecināms |
318 |
04-Jan-2021 |
23:56 |
Nav attiecināms |
Aspnet_state_perf.ini |
Nav attiecināms |
42,996 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:31 |
Nav attiecināms |
Aspnet_wp.exe |
4.8.4330.0 |
39,824 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:30 |
x86 |
Clrjit.dll |
4.8.4410.0 |
554,888 |
26-Jūn-2021 |
01:40 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Clr.dll |
4.8.4410.0 |
8,040,328 |
26-Jūn-2021 |
01:40 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Dfdll.dll |
4.8.4290.0 |
178,040 |
30-Sep-2020 |
01:40 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Globalmonospace.compositefont |
Nav attiecināms |
26,040 |
30-Jan-2021 |
02:50 |
Nav attiecināms |
Globalsansserif.compositefont |
Nav attiecināms |
26,489 |
30-Jan-2021 |
02:50 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Globalserif.compositefont |
Nav attiecināms |
29,779 |
30-Jan-2021 |
02:50 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Globaluserinterface.compositefont |
Nav attiecināms |
264,986 |
30-Jan-2021 |
02:50 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Mscordacwks.dll |
4.8.4410.0 |
1,307,512 |
26-Jūn-2021 |
01:40 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Mscordbi.dll |
4.8.4410.0 |
1,188,728 |
26-Jūn-2021 |
01:40 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Mscoreei.dll |
4.8.4180.0 |
581,920 |
26-Mar-2020 |
23:11 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms | |
4.8.4410.0 |
21,037,304 |
26-Jūn-2021 |
01:40 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Mscorsvc.dll |
4.8.4330.0 |
454,024 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:30 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Mscorsvw.exe |
4.8.4330.0 |
125,872 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:30 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Ngentask.exe |
4.8.4330.0 |
79,824 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:30 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Ngen.exe |
4.8.4330.0 |
144,344 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:30 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Penimc.dll |
14.8.4395.0 |
11,656 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Penimc2_v0400.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
99,704 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Penimc_v0400.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
18,296 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Peverify.dll |
4.8.4410.0 |
182,648 |
26-Jūn-2021 |
01:40 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Presentationhost_v0400.dll.mui |
4.8.4395.0 |
77,704 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Presentationhost_v0400.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
233,848 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Presentationnative_v0400.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
923,000 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Servicemonikersupport.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
24,456 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Smsvchost.exe.config |
Nav attiecināms |
2,262 |
25-Jūl-2019 |
21:42 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Sos.dll |
4.8.4410.0 |
767,352 |
26-Jūn-2021 |
01:40 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.core.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
1,549,080 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.web.extensions.dll |
4.8.4330.0 |
1,842,448 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:30 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms | |
4.8.4210.0 |
1,712,512 |
30-Jūn-2020 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Webengine4.dll |
4.8.4330.0 |
564,616 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:30 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Webengine.dll |
4.8.4330.0 |
19,328 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:30 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Workflowservicehostperformancecounters.dll |
4.8.4110.0 |
89,368 |
04-Dec-2019 |
02:55 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Wpfgfx_v0400.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
1,618,816 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Globalmonospace.compositefont |
Nav attiecināms |
26,040 |
30-Jan-2021 |
02:50 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Globalsansserif.compositefont |
Nav attiecināms |
26,489 |
30-Jan-2021 |
02:50 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Globalserif.compositefont |
Nav attiecināms |
29,779 |
30-Jan-2021 |
02:50 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Globaluserinterface.compositefont |
Nav attiecināms |
264,986 |
30-Jan-2021 |
02:50 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Presentationcore.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
3,674,496 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms | |
4.8.4290.0 |
3,476,360 |
30-Sep-2020 |
01:40 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.printing.dll |
4.8.4110.0 |
399,640 |
04-Dec-2019 |
02:55 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.web.dll |
4.8.4330.0 |
5,410,184 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:30 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platforma |
Mscorlib.dll |
4.8.4410.0 |
5,678,872 |
26-Jūn-2021 |
01:38 |
Nav attiecināms |
Normidna.nlp |
Nav attiecināms |
59,342 |
25-Jūn-2019 |
22:46 |
Nav attiecināms |
Normnfc.nlp |
Nav attiecināms |
47,076 |
25-Jūn-2019 |
22:46 |
Nav attiecināms |
Normnfd.nlp |
Nav attiecināms |
40,566 |
25-Jūn-2019 |
22:46 |
Nav attiecināms |
Normnfkc.nlp |
Nav attiecināms |
67,808 |
25-Jūn-2019 |
22:46 |
Nav attiecināms |
Normnfkd.nlp |
Nav attiecināms |
61,718 |
25-Jūn-2019 |
22:46 |
Nav attiecināms |
Clrjit.dll |
4.8.4410.0 |
687,896 |
26-Jūn-2021 |
01:38 |
Nav attiecināms |
Clr.dll |
4.8.4410.0 |
7,477,512 |
26-Jūn-2021 |
01:38 |
Nav attiecināms |
Mscordacwks.dll |
4.8.4410.0 |
1,358,600 |
26-Jūn-2021 |
01:38 |
Nav attiecināms |
Mscordbi.dll |
4.8.4410.0 |
1,213,688 |
26-Jūn-2021 |
01:38 |
Nav attiecināms |
Mscoreei.dll |
4.8.4180.0 |
596,440 |
26-Mar-2020 |
23:05 |
Nav attiecināms | |
4.8.4410.0 |
22,692,120 |
26-Jūn-2021 |
01:40 |
Nav attiecināms |
Mscorsvc.dll |
4.8.4330.0 |
470,296 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:27 |
Nav attiecināms |
Mscorsvw.exe |
4.8.4330.0 |
129,456 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:27 |
Nav attiecināms |
Ngentask.exe |
4.8.4330.0 |
87,976 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:27 |
Nav attiecināms |
Ngen.exe |
4.8.4330.0 |
172,480 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:27 |
Nav attiecināms |
_smsvchostperfcounters.h |
Nav attiecināms |
702 |
06-Dec-2019 |
22:20 |
Nav attiecināms |
_smsvchostperfcounters.ini |
Nav attiecināms |
133,894 |
07-Dec-2019 |
06:04 |
Nav attiecināms |
_smsvchostperfcounters_d.ini |
Nav attiecināms |
39 |
09-Nov-2019 |
00:37 |
Nav attiecināms |
Sos.dll |
4.8.4410.0 |
684,808 |
26-Jūn-2021 |
01:38 |
Nav attiecināms |
System.core.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
1,549,080 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
System.web.extensions.dll |
4.8.4330.0 |
1,842,448 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:30 |
x86 |
Workflowservicehostperformancecounters.dll |
4.8.4110.0 |
76,960 |
04-Dec-2019 |
02:52 |
Nav attiecināms | |
4.8.4290.0 |
3,487,512 |
30-Sep-2020 |
01:34 |
Nav attiecināms |
System.web.dll |
4.8.4330.0 |
5,418,264 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:27 |
Nav attiecināms |
Smdiagnostics.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
66,328 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
System.activities.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
1,526,528 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
System.configuration.dll |
4.8.4190.0 |
421,536 |
05-Jūn-2020 |
05:04 |
x86 |
System.core.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
1,549,080 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
System.deployment.dll |
4.8.4290.0 |
1,593,624 |
30-Sep-2020 |
01:40 |
x86 | |
4.8.4210.0 |
125,192 |
30-Jūn-2020 |
01:55 |
x86 |
System.drawing.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
595,728 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
System.identitymodel.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
1,086,744 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 | |
4.8.4121.0 |
30,360 |
07-Dec-2019 |
06:03 |
x86 |
System.runtime.serialization.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
1,047,312 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 | |
4.8.4261.0 |
320,280 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
System.servicemodel.internals.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
246,528 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
System.servicemodel.web.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
321,792 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
System.servicemodel.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
6,383,896 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
System.web.applicationservices.dll |
4.8.4330.0 |
63,768 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:30 |
x86 |
System.web.extensions.dll |
4.8.4330.0 |
1,842,448 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:30 |
x86 | |
4.8.4410.0 |
5,918,488 |
26-Jūn-2021 |
01:40 |
x86 |
System.xaml.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
632,104 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
System.dll |
4.8.4380.0 |
3,554,584 |
30-Apr-2021 |
09:50 |
x86 |
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platforma |
SP prasība |
Pakalpojumu zars |
Presentationframework-systemdata.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
17,800 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Presentationframework.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
6,283,640 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Reachframework.dll |
4.8.4110.0 |
677,656 |
04-Dec-2019 |
02:55 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Smdiagnostics.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
66,328 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Smsvchost.exe |
4.8.4121.0 |
139,056 |
07-Dec-2019 |
06:03 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.activities.presentation.dll |
4.8.4150.0 |
2,127,128 |
09-Jan-2020 |
19:46 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.activities.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
1,526,528 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.configuration.dll |
4.8.4190.0 |
421,536 |
05-Jūn-2020 |
05:04 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.core.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
1,549,080 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.deployment.dll |
4.8.4290.0 |
1,593,624 |
30-Sep-2020 |
01:40 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms | |
4.8.4210.0 |
125,192 |
30-Jūn-2020 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.drawing.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
595,728 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms | |
4.8.4261.0 |
191,352 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.identitymodel.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
1,086,744 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms | |
4.8.4121.0 |
30,360 |
07-Dec-2019 |
06:03 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.runtime.serialization.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
1,047,312 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms | |
4.8.4261.0 |
320,280 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.servicemodel.activities.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
555,384 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.servicemodel.channels.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
150,904 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.servicemodel.discovery.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
301,432 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.servicemodel.internals.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
246,528 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.servicemodel.washosting.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
33,144 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.servicemodel.web.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
321,792 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.servicemodel.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
6,383,896 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.speech.dll |
4.8.4210.0 |
676,736 |
30-Jūn-2020 |
01:55 |
x86 |
System.web.applicationservices.dll |
4.8.4330.0 |
63,768 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:30 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.web.extensions.dll |
4.8.4330.0 |
1,842,448 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:30 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms | |
4.8.4395.0 |
743,824 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms | |
4.8.4210.0 |
1,712,512 |
30-Jūn-2020 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms | |
4.8.4410.0 |
5,918,488 |
26-Jūn-2021 |
01:40 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.workflow.activities.dll |
4.8.4110.0 |
1,051,112 |
04-Dec-2019 |
02:55 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.workflow.componentmodel.dll |
4.8.4110.0 |
1,557,272 |
04-Dec-2019 |
02:55 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.workflow.runtime.dll |
4.8.4110.0 |
503,064 |
04-Dec-2019 |
02:55 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.xaml.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
632,104 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.dll |
4.8.4380.0 |
3,554,584 |
30-Apr-2021 |
09:50 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Uiautomationclientsideproviders.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
354,176 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Uiautomationclient.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
170,872 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Uiautomationprovider.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
41,848 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Uiautomationtypes.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
215,928 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Windowsbase.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
1,298,808 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Windowsformsintegration.dll |
4.8.4150.0 |
105,240 |
09-Jan-2020 |
19:46 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Mscorlib.dll |
4.8.4410.0 |
5,670,776 |
26-Jūn-2021 |
01:40 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Normidna.nlp |
Nav attiecināms |
59,342 |
25-Jūn-2019 |
22:46 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Normnfc.nlp |
Nav attiecināms |
47,076 |
25-Jūn-2019 |
22:46 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Normnfd.nlp |
Nav attiecināms |
40,566 |
25-Jūn-2019 |
22:46 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Normnfkc.nlp |
Nav attiecināms |
67,808 |
25-Jūn-2019 |
22:46 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Normnfkd.nlp |
Nav attiecināms |
61,718 |
25-Jūn-2019 |
22:46 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Aspnet_perf.dll |
4.8.4330.0 |
36,232 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:30 |
x86 |
Aspnet_state_perf.h |
Nav attiecināms |
318 |
04-Jan-2021 |
23:56 |
Nav attiecināms |
Aspnet_state_perf.ini |
Nav attiecināms |
42,996 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:31 |
Nav attiecināms |
Aspnet_wp.exe |
4.8.4330.0 |
39,824 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:30 |
x86 |
Clrjit.dll |
4.8.4410.0 |
554,888 |
26-Jūn-2021 |
01:40 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Clr.dll |
4.8.4410.0 |
8,040,328 |
26-Jūn-2021 |
01:40 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Dfdll.dll |
4.8.4290.0 |
178,040 |
30-Sep-2020 |
01:40 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Globalmonospace.compositefont |
Nav attiecināms |
26,040 |
30-Jan-2021 |
02:50 |
Nav attiecināms |
Globalsansserif.compositefont |
Nav attiecināms |
26,489 |
30-Jan-2021 |
02:50 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Globalserif.compositefont |
Nav attiecināms |
29,779 |
30-Jan-2021 |
02:50 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Globaluserinterface.compositefont |
Nav attiecināms |
264,986 |
30-Jan-2021 |
02:50 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Mscordacwks.dll |
4.8.4410.0 |
1,307,512 |
26-Jūn-2021 |
01:40 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Mscordbi.dll |
4.8.4410.0 |
1,188,728 |
26-Jūn-2021 |
01:40 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Mscoreei.dll |
4.8.4180.0 |
581,920 |
26-Mar-2020 |
23:11 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms | |
4.8.4410.0 |
21,037,304 |
26-Jūn-2021 |
01:40 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Mscorsvc.dll |
4.8.4330.0 |
454,024 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:30 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Mscorsvw.exe |
4.8.4330.0 |
125,872 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:30 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Ngentask.exe |
4.8.4330.0 |
79,824 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:30 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Ngen.exe |
4.8.4330.0 |
144,344 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:30 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Penimc.dll |
14.8.4395.0 |
11,656 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Penimc2_v0400.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
99,704 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Penimc_v0400.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
18,296 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Peverify.dll |
4.8.4410.0 |
182,648 |
26-Jūn-2021 |
01:40 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Presentationhost_v0400.dll.mui |
4.8.4395.0 |
77,704 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Presentationhost_v0400.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
233,848 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Presentationnative_v0400.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
923,000 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Servicemodel.mof |
Nav attiecināms |
88,383 |
08-Nov-2019 |
23:28 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Servicemodel.mof.uninstall |
Nav attiecināms |
896 |
08-Nov-2019 |
23:28 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Servicemonikersupport.dll |
4.8.4261.0 |
24,456 |
02-Sep-2020 |
21:05 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
_smsvchostperfcounters.h |
Nav attiecināms |
702 |
06-Dec-2019 |
22:20 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
_smsvchostperfcounters.ini |
Nav attiecināms |
133,894 |
07-Dec-2019 |
06:04 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
_smsvchostperfcounters_d.ini |
Nav attiecināms |
39 |
09-Nov-2019 |
00:37 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Smsvchost.exe.config |
Nav attiecināms |
2,262 |
25-Jūl-2019 |
21:42 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Sos.dll |
4.8.4410.0 |
767,352 |
26-Jūn-2021 |
01:40 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.core.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
1,549,080 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.web.extensions.dll |
4.8.4330.0 |
1,842,448 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:30 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms | |
4.8.4210.0 |
1,712,512 |
30-Jūn-2020 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Webengine4.dll |
4.8.4330.0 |
564,616 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:30 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Webengine.dll |
4.8.4330.0 |
19,328 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:30 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Workflowservicehostperformancecounters.dll |
4.8.4110.0 |
89,368 |
04-Dec-2019 |
02:55 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Wpfgfx_v0400.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
1,618,816 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Globalmonospace.compositefont |
Nav attiecināms |
26,040 |
30-Jan-2021 |
02:50 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Globalsansserif.compositefont |
Nav attiecināms |
26,489 |
30-Jan-2021 |
02:50 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Globalserif.compositefont |
Nav attiecināms |
29,779 |
30-Jan-2021 |
02:50 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Globaluserinterface.compositefont |
Nav attiecināms |
264,986 |
30-Jan-2021 |
02:50 |
Nav attiecināms |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Presentationcore.dll |
4.8.4395.0 |
3,674,496 |
26-Mai-2021 |
00:23 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms | |
4.8.4290.0 |
3,476,360 |
30-Sep-2020 |
01:40 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.printing.dll |
4.8.4110.0 |
399,640 |
04-Dec-2019 |
02:55 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
System.web.dll |
4.8.4330.0 |
5,410,184 |
05-Jan-2021 |
01:30 |
x86 |
Neviens |
Nav attiecināms |
Informācija par aizsardzību un drošību
Aizsargājieties tiešsaistē: Windows drošība atbalsts
Uzziniet, kā mēs aizsargāties pret kiberdraudiem: Microsoft security