Šajā rakstā kumulatīvo atjauninājumu pakotnes 14 (kompilācijas numurs: 11.0.5657.0) Microsoft SQL Server 2012. gada 2. servisa pakotnei (SP2). Šajā atjauninājumā ir labojumi , kas tika izlaisti pēc sistēmas SQL Server 2012 SP2 izlaišanas. Piezīmes
Kumulatīvie atjauninājumi tagad ir pieejama Microsoft Download Center.
Lejupielādes centrā ir pieejams tikai pēdējā kumulatīvajā atjauninājumā, kas tika izlaists SQL Server 2012 SP2.
Visus labojumus, kas aprakstīti šajā rakstā tiek iekļauti visi turpmākie SQL Server 2012 SP2 kumulatīvie atjauninājumi.
Kā iegūt šo kumulatīvo atjauninājumu pakotni
Šo atjauninājumu no Microsoft Download Center ir pieejama:

Lejupielādēt jaunāko kumulatīvo atjauninājumu pakotni tūlīt SP2 Microsoft SQL Server 2012.
Piezīme. Turpmāk tiem ir izlaisti SQL Server 2012. gada 2. servisa pakotni, pēc šī CU var lejupielādēt no Microsoft Windows atjauninājumu kataloga. Tomēr mēs iesakām instalēt jaunāko CU, kas ir pieejama. Ja lejupielādes lapa netiek parādīta, sazinieties ar Microsoft klientu apkalpošanas un atbalsta nodaļu , lai iegūtu kumulatīvo atjauninājumu pakotni. Microsoft SQL Server 2012 integrācijas pakalpojumi Attunity Oracle CDC Designer/pakalpojumu līdzekļu pakotne ir savrupu pakotni, kas nodrošina papildu vērtību uz SQL Server integrācijas pakalpojumi (SSIS).
Labojumfailus, kas iekļauti šo kumulatīvo atjauninājumu pakotne
VSTS kļūdas numurs |
Zināšanu bāzes raksta numurs |
Apraksts |
Labot apgabals |
7704839 |
3183686 |
Labojums: MDX LastChild funkcija atgriež nepareizu rezultātu pēc ProcessUpdate dimensijas PPP 2012 |
Analītiskie pakalpojumi |
Informācija par šo atjauninājumu
Kumulatīvais atjauninājums
Ieteicams pārbaudīt labojumfailus pirms to izvietošanas ražošanas vidē.
Ieteicams izmantot jaunāko atjauninājumu izlaišanas.
Šajā kumulatīvajā pakotnē ir paredzēts tikai šajā rakstā aprakstītās problēmas. Izmantojiet to tikai tām sistēmām, kurām ir radušās tieši šīs problēmas.
Jaunāko atjauninājumu laidiens ietver visus labojumfailus un visus atjauninājumus, kas bija ietverti iepriekšējā SQL Server 2012 atjauninājumu izlaišanas.
Ieteicams jaunināt SQL Server un SQL Server 2012 jaunāko servisa pakotni.
Vides Hibrīdā izvietošana
Ieviešot labojumfailus hibrīds vidi (piemēram, AlwaysOn, replicēšana, klasteru un spoguļošana), ieteicams ar šiem rakstiem skatiet pirms to izvietošanas:
SQL Server kļūmjpārleces klasteru ritošā atjauninājumu un servisa pakotnes procesu. Ņemiet vērā, ja nevēlaties izmantot ritošā atjaunināšanu, veiciet tālāk norādītās darbības, lai lietotu CU vai SP:
Pasīvajā mezglā instalēt servisa pakotni.
Aktīvā mezglā instalēt servisa pakotni. (Šī darbība pieprasījumu pakalpojuma atsākt).
Jaunināšana un atjauninājumu pieejamības grupas serveri, kas izmanto minimālu dīkstāvi un datu zudumu. Ņemiet vērā, ja ir iespējots AlwaysOn SSISDB kataloga papildu apsvērumi par to, kā izmantot CU vai SP šajās vidēs, skatiet informāciju par SSIS ar AlwaysOn.
Kā labojumfails SQL Server datu bāzes spoguļošana topoloģija un transakcijas replicēšana
Tagad ir daudzvalodu SQL Server labojumfailu. Tādēļ šo kumulatīvo atjauninājumu pakotne nav specifiskas vienai valodai. Tas attiecas uz visām atbalstītajām valodām.
Veidlapā "Labojumfails ir pieejams lejupielādei" norādītas valodas, kurām ir pieejams atjauninājumu pakotni. Ja tajā nav vajadzīgās valodas, tas ir tāpēc, ka kumulatīvo atjauninājumu pakotne nav pieejama šai valodai.
Viena kumulatīvo atjauninājumu pakotnes ietver visas komponentu pakotnes. Tomēr kumulatīvo atjauninājumu pakotne atjaunina tikai tie komponenti, kas instalētas sistēmas.
Ja rodas papildu problēmas vai nepieciešama problēmu novēršana, iespējams, būs jāizveido atsevišķs pakalpojuma pieprasījums. Parasti atbalsta izmaksas tiek piemērotas jautājumiem par papildu atbalstu un problēmām, kas neattiecas uz šo konkrēto kumulatīvo atjauninājumu pakotni. Pilnīgu sarakstu ar Microsoft klientu apkalpošanas un atbalsta centra tālruņa numuru vai izveidotu atsevišķu pakalpojuma pieprasījumu, dodieties uz Microsoft atbalsta vietni.
Lai to izdarītu, izpildiet tālāk norādītās darbības.
Vadības panelī atlasiet programmu pievienošana vai noņemšana.
Piezīme. Ja datorā darbojas sistēma Windows 7 vai jaunāku versiju, atlasiet programmu un līdzekļu vadības panelī. -
Atrodiet ierakstu, kas atbilst šo kumulatīvo atjauninājumu pakotni.
Nospiediet un turiet (vai noklikšķiniet ar peles labo pogu) ierakstu un noklikšķiniet uz atinstalēt.
Kumulatīvā atjauninājuma pakotnes informācija
PriekšnosacījumiLai lietotu šo kumulatīvo atjauninājumu pakotne, datorā jādarbojas sistēmai SQL Server 2012 SP2.
Informācija par restartēšanuIespējams, būs jārestartē dators pēc šīs kumulatīvo atjauninājumu pakotnes.
Reģistra informācijaLai izmantotu kādu no labojumfailiem šo pakotni, nav jāveic izmaiņas reģistrā.
Šo kumulatīvo atjauninājumu pakotne, iespējams, nav iekļauti visi faili, kas nepieciešami produkta pilnīgai atjaunināšanai uz jaunāko būvējumu. Šajā pakotnē ir iekļauti tikai tie faili, kas nepieciešami, lai novērstu problēmas, kas norādītas šajā rakstā.
Šīs pakotnes versijai angļu valodā ir faila atribūti (vai jaunāki faila atribūti) Šajā tabulā sniegtie. Šo failu datumi un laiki ir norādīti atbilstoši universālajam koordinētajam laikam (UTC). Skatot faila informāciju, tā tiek pārvērsta atbilstoši vietējam laikam. Lai noskaidrotu atšķirību starp UTC un vietējo laiku, izmantojiet Laika joslas cilnes Vadības paneļa vienuma datums un laiks.versijas, kuru pamatā ir x86
SQL Server 2012 Business Intelligence Development Studio
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlsqmqueries.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
85696 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Sqlsqm_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
24256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2012 rakstītājs
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
24256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Sqlwriter.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
130240 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x64 |
Sqlwvss.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
347840 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2012 analītiskie pakalpojumi
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Microsoft.analysisservices.sharepoint.integration.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
921280 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Powerpivotspaddinconfiguration.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
303288 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
64259776 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Msmdsrv.exe |
11.0.5657.0 |
64055488 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
9678528 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Msolap110.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
7454400 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Sql_as_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
24256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Xmsrv.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
24510144 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2012 Business Intelligence Development Studio
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Commanddest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
187072 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dteparse.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
101048 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtepkg.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
104128 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtexec.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
62144 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:50 |
x86 |
Dts.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
2285752 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
369848 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtsconn.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
349376 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtsdebughost.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
72384 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:50 |
x86 |
Dtshost.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
76480 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:50 |
x86 |
Dtslog.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
99008 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
942784 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtuparse.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
80576 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtutil.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
111808 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:50 |
x86 |
Exceldest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
197824 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Excelsrc.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
212664 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Execpackagetask.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
125624 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Flatfiledest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
315584 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
322240 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
64192 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
1523392 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.project.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
2156224 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.dataflowui.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
1225920 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.design.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
4005056 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.vsintegration.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
526528 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datawarehouse.vsintegration.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
761024 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datawarehouse.vsintegration.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
129728 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datawarehouse.vsintegration.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
137920 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datawarehouse.vsintegration.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
137408 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datawarehouse.vsintegration.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
136888 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datawarehouse.vsintegration.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
140480 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datawarehouse.vsintegration.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
135360 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datawarehouse.vsintegration.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
135872 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datawarehouse.vsintegration.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
147136 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datawarehouse.vsintegration.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
129216 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datawarehouse.vsintegration.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
136896 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
3845824 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
212672 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.xmlaclient.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
573120 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.datarendering.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
155328 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
1013952 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
1363648 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.excelrendering.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
667328 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.hpbprocessing.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
331456 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
315072 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.imagerendering.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
167616 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.processingcore.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
5578432 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.querydesigners.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
2584256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportpreview.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
665280 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.richtext.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
118464 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.wordrendering.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
507584 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
32960 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.graph.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
2175168 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.manageddts.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
516800 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.integrationservices.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
183992 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlsqmqueries.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
85696 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqltask.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
77504 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.types.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
385208 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
115904 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltask.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
153792 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltaskui.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
118464 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
79552 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
64259776 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
9678528 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Msolap110.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
7454400 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Oledbdest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
198336 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Oledbsrc.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
215232 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Rawdest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
152256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Rawsource.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
147648 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Recordsetdest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
136896 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeclient.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
155840 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Sql_bids_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
24256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Sqldest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
198848 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
28344 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial110.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
525504 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
121536 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Ssisupgrade.exe |
11.0.5657.0 |
351424 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Txagg.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
267456 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txbestmatch.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
454336 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txcache.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
129216 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txcharmap.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
221376 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txdataconvert.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
229056 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txderived.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
467648 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txfileextractor.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
146624 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txfileinserter.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
145088 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txgroupdups.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
272064 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txlineage.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
82112 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txlookup.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
394944 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txmerge.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
143040 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txmergejoin.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
202944 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txmulticast.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
71872 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txpivot.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
162496 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txrowcount.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
70848 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txsampling.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
103616 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txscd.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
138944 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txsort.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
190144 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txsplit.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
462016 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txtermextraction.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
8624832 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txtermlookup.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
4096192 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txunionall.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
108224 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txunpivot.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
146624 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Xmsrv.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
24510144 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2012 datu bāzes pakalpojumi pamatinformācija
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Microsoft.analysisservices.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
1523392 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.powershell.cmdlets.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
81592 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.connectioninfo.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
171712 |
25-Aug-2016 |
19:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.rmo.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
581312 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.smo.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
3649216 |
25-Aug-2016 |
19:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.smoextended.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
237248 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Sql_common_core_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
24256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Svrenumapi.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
949440 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2012 datu kvalitātes klients
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Sql_dqc_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
24256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2012 datu kvalitātes
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Microsoft.ssdqs.cleansing.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
472256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.ssdqs.core.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
609472 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.ssdqs.dataservice.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
87744 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2012 datu kvalitātes
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Sql_dq_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
24256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2012 datu bāzes pakalpojumu pamata gadījumu
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Backuptourl.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
39616 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:50 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.types.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
385208 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.vdiinterface.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
69312 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Rsfxft.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
31936 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Sql_engine_core_inst_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
24256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Sqlaccess.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
443072 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Sqlagent.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
448704 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Sqldk.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
1676480 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Sqllang.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
26520256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Sqlmin.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
26791104 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Sqlos.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
25280 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
28344 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Sqlscriptdowngrade.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
24768 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Sqlscriptupgrade.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
5615808 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial110.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
525504 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Sqlservr.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
163008 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Sqltses.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
8164544 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Xpqueue.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
65720 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Xprepl.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
85696 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2012 datu bāzes pakalpojumi pamatā koplietota
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Bcp.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
105152 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Commanddest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
187072 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Distrib.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
161472 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:50 |
x86 |
Dteparse.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
101048 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtepkg.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
104128 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtexec.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
62144 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:50 |
x86 |
Dts.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
2285752 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
369848 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtsconn.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
349376 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtshost.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
76480 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:50 |
x86 |
Dtslog.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
99008 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
942784 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtuparse.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
80576 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtutil.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
111808 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:50 |
x86 |
Exceldest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
197824 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Excelsrc.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
212664 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Execpackagetask.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
125624 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Flatfiledest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
315584 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
322240 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
64192 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Logread.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
531136 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Mergetxt.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
43712 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.connectioninfo.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
171712 |
25-Aug-2016 |
19:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
32960 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.manageddts.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
516800 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.pssnapins.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
171712 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.replication.businesslogicsupport.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
61120 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.replication.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
1796288 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.rmo.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
581312 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.smo.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
3649216 |
25-Aug-2016 |
19:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.smoextended.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
237248 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqltask.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
77504 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
115904 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltask.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
153792 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
79552 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Msgprox.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
273088 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Oledbdest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
198336 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Oledbsrc.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
215232 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Qrdrsvc.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
426176 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Rawdest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
152256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Rawsource.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
147648 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Rdistcom.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
718016 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Recordsetdest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
136896 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Replagnt.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
28352 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Repldp.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
244928 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Replerrx.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
118464 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Replisapi.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
320192 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Replmerg.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
440512 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Replprov.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
670912 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Replrec.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
870080 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Replsub.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
434368 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Replsync.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
118464 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Spresolv.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
198848 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Sql_engine_core_shared_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
24256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Sqldistx.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
159416 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Sqllogship.exe |
11.0.5657.0 |
114368 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Sqlmergx.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
292544 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
28344 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
121536 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Sqlwep110.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
103104 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Ssradd.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
55488 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Ssravg.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
56000 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Ssrdown.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
41152 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Ssrmax.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
54464 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Ssrmin.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
54464 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Ssrpub.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
41664 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Ssrup.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
40640 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txagg.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
267456 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txdataconvert.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
229056 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txderived.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
467648 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txlookup.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
394944 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txmerge.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
143040 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txmergejoin.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
202944 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txmulticast.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
71872 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txrowcount.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
70848 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txsort.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
190144 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txsplit.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
462016 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txunionall.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
108224 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Xmlsub.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
198848 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2012 pilnteksta programma
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Fd.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
499904 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Sql_fulltext_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
24256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2012 integrācijas pakalpojumi
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Commanddest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
187072 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dteparse.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
101048 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtepkg.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
104128 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtexec.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
62144 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:50 |
x86 |
Dts.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
2285752 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
369848 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtsconn.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
349376 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtsdebughost.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
72384 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:50 |
x86 |
Dtshost.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
76480 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:50 |
x86 |
Dtslog.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
99008 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
942784 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtuparse.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
80576 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtutil.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
111808 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:50 |
x86 |
Exceldest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
197824 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Excelsrc.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
212664 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Execpackagetask.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
125624 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Flatfiledest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
315584 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
322240 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
64192 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
32960 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.manageddts.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
516800 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.integrationservices.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
183992 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqltask.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
77504 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
115904 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltask.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
153792 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Msdtssrvr.exe |
11.0.5657.0 |
219328 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
79552 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Oledbdest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
198336 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Oledbsrc.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
215232 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Rawdest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
152256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Rawsource.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
147648 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Recordsetdest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
136896 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Sql_is_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
24256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Sqldest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
198848 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
121536 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Ssisupgrade.exe |
11.0.5657.0 |
351424 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Txagg.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
267456 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txbestmatch.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
454336 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txcache.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
129216 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txcharmap.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
221376 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txdataconvert.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
229056 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txderived.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
467648 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txfileextractor.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
146624 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txfileinserter.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
145088 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txgroupdups.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
272064 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txlineage.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
82112 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txlookup.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
394944 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txmerge.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
143040 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txmergejoin.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
202944 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txmulticast.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
71872 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txpivot.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
162496 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txrowcount.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
70848 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txsampling.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
103616 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txscd.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
138944 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txsort.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
190144 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txsplit.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
462016 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txtermextraction.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
8624832 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txtermlookup.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
4096192 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txunionall.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
108224 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txunpivot.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
146624 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Microsoft.analysisservices.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
1523392 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
368320 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
396992 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
396992 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
409280 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
528064 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
392896 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
417472 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
413368 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
401088 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
429760 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
409280 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
409280 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
388800 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
401088 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
401088 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
511680 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
388792 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
396992 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
364224 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
405184 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
409272 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
368320 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
409280 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
417472 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
401088 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
429760 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
409280 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
401088 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
511680 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
364224 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
409272 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
3845824 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
212672 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
212672 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.xmlaclient.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
573120 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.xmlaclient.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
573120 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.datarendering.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
155328 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.datarendering.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
155328 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
1363648 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
1363648 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.excelrendering.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
667328 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.excelrendering.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
667328 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.hpbprocessing.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
331456 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.hpbprocessing.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
331456 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
315072 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
315072 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.imagerendering.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
167616 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.imagerendering.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
167616 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.processingcore.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
5578432 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.processingcore.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
5578432 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.querydesigners.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
2584256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportpreview.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
665280 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.richtext.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
118464 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.richtext.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
118464 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.sharepoint.server.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
241344 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.upgradescripts.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
491200 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.wordrendering.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
507584 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.wordrendering.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
507584 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.types.dll.deploy |
2011.110.5657.0 |
385208 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.types.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
385208 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
64259776 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
9678528 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Msolap110.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
7454400 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesemaildeliveryprovider.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
89792 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Reportingserviceslibrary.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
2150080 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeclient.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
155840 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeserver.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
124608 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Reportingserviceswebserver.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
1547968 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Reportingserviceswebuserinterface.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
2240192 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Rsconfigtool.exe |
11.0.5657.0 |
1347264 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Sql_rs_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
24256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial110.dll.deploy |
2011.110.5657.0 |
525504 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial110.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
525504 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Xmsrv.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
24510144 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2012 Management Studio
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Bcp.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
105152 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Commanddest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
187072 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dteparse.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
101048 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtepkg.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
104128 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtexec.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
62144 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:50 |
x86 |
Dts.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
2285752 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
369848 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtsconn.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
349376 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtsdebughost.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
72384 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:50 |
x86 |
Dtshost.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
76480 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:50 |
x86 |
Dtslog.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
99008 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
942784 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtuparse.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
80576 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtutil.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
111808 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:50 |
x86 |
Exceldest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
197824 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Excelsrc.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
212664 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Execpackagetask.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
125624 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Flatfiledest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
315584 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
322240 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
64192 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.dataflowui.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
1225920 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.design.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
4005056 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.vsintegration.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
526528 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
212672 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
1363648 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.querydesigners.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
2584256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
32960 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.graph.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
2175168 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.manageddts.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
516800 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.integrationservices.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
183992 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.pssnapins.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
171712 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.sqlstudio.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
316608 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.replication.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
1796288 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlsqmqueries.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
85696 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqltask.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
77504 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.types.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
385208 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
115904 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltask.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
153792 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltaskui.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
118464 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
79552 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
9678528 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Newsubwizard.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
1244864 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Oledbdest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
198336 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Oledbsrc.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
215232 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Rawdest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
152256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Rawsource.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
147648 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Recordsetdest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
136896 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Replication.utilities.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
659136 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeclient.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
155840 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Rsconfigtool.exe |
11.0.5657.0 |
1347264 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Sql_ssms_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
24256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Sqldest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
198848 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
28344 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial110.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
525504 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
121536 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Ssisupgrade.exe |
11.0.5657.0 |
351424 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Txagg.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
267456 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txbestmatch.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
454336 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txcache.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
129216 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txcharmap.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
221376 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txdataconvert.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
229056 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txderived.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
467648 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txfileextractor.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
146624 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txfileinserter.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
145088 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txgroupdups.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
272064 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txlineage.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
82112 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txlookup.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
394944 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txmerge.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
143040 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txmergejoin.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
202944 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txmulticast.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
71872 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txpivot.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
162496 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txrowcount.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
70848 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txsampling.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
103616 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txscd.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
138944 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txsort.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
190144 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txsplit.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
462016 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txtermextraction.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
8624832 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txtermlookup.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
4096192 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txunionall.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
108224 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txunpivot.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
146624 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2012 rīki un darbstacijas komponenti
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Autoadmin.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
1086656 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dteparse.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
101048 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtepkg.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
104128 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtexec.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
62144 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:50 |
x86 |
Dts.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
2285752 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
369848 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtsconn.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
349376 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtshost.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
76480 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:50 |
x86 |
Dtslog.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
99008 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
942784 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtuparse.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
80576 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtutil.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
111808 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:50 |
x86 |
Exceldest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
197824 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Excelsrc.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
212664 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Flatfiledest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
315584 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
322240 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
64192 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
1523392 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.project.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
2156224 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datawarehouse.vsintegration.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
761024 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.chainer.infrastructure.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
409272 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.configuration.sco.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
2051776 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.deployment.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
216768 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
32960 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.manageddts.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
516800 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.integrationservices.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
183992 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqltask.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
77504 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
115904 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
79552 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
64259776 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
9678528 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Msolap110.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
7454400 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Oledbdest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
198336 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Oledbsrc.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
215232 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Pfui.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
680128 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Sql_tools_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
24256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
28344 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
121536 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txdataconvert.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
229056 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Xmsrv.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
24510144 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
versijas, kuru pamatā ir x64
SQL Server 2012 Business Intelligence Development Studio
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlsqmqueries.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
85696 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Sqlsqm_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
24256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2012 rakstītājs
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Sqlwriter.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
130240 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x64 |
Sqlwriter_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
24256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Sqlwvss.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
347840 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2012 analītiskie pakalpojumi
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Microsoft.analysisservices.sharepoint.integration.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
921280 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.sharepoint.integration.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
921280 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Powerpivotspaddinconfiguration.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
302784 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x64 |
Powerpivotspaddinconfiguration.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
303288 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
64259776 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
82670784 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x64 |
Msmdsrv.exe |
11.0.5657.0 |
80125120 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x64 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
11515072 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x64 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
9678528 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Msolap110.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
7454400 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Msolap110.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
8501944 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Sql_as_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
24256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Xmsrv.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
24510144 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Xmsrv.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
21078720 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2012 Business Intelligence Development Studio
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Commanddest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
187072 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dteparse.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
101048 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtepkg.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
104128 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtexec.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
62144 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:50 |
x86 |
Dts.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
2285752 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
369848 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtsconn.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
349376 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtsdebughost.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
72384 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:50 |
x86 |
Dtshost.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
76480 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:50 |
x86 |
Dtslog.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
99008 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
942784 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtuparse.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
80576 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtutil.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
111808 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:50 |
x86 |
Exceldest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
197824 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Excelsrc.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
212664 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Execpackagetask.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
125624 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Flatfiledest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
315584 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
322240 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
64192 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
1523392 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.project.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
2156224 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.dataflowui.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
1225920 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.design.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
4005056 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.vsintegration.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
526528 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datawarehouse.vsintegration.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
761024 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datawarehouse.vsintegration.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
129728 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datawarehouse.vsintegration.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
137920 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datawarehouse.vsintegration.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
137408 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datawarehouse.vsintegration.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
136888 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datawarehouse.vsintegration.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
140480 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datawarehouse.vsintegration.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
135360 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datawarehouse.vsintegration.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
135872 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datawarehouse.vsintegration.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
147136 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datawarehouse.vsintegration.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
129216 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datawarehouse.vsintegration.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
136896 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
3845824 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
212672 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.xmlaclient.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
573120 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.datarendering.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
155328 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
1013952 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
1363648 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.excelrendering.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
667328 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.hpbprocessing.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
331456 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
315072 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.imagerendering.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
167616 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.processingcore.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
5578432 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.querydesigners.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
2584256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportpreview.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
665280 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.richtext.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
118464 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.wordrendering.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
507584 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
32960 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.graph.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
2175168 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.manageddts.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
516800 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.integrationservices.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
183992 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlsqmqueries.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
85696 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqltask.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
77504 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.types.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
385208 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.types.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
392384 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
115904 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltask.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
153792 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltaskui.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
118464 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
79552 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
64259776 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
82670784 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x64 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
11515072 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x64 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
9678528 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Msolap110.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
7454400 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Msolap110.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
8501944 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Oledbdest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
198336 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Oledbsrc.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
215232 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Rawdest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
152256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Rawsource.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
147648 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Recordsetdest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
136896 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeclient.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
155840 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Sql_bids_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
24256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Sqldest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
198848 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
29888 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
28344 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial110.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
525504 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial110.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
777408 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
121536 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Ssisupgrade.exe |
11.0.5657.0 |
351424 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Txagg.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
267456 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txbestmatch.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
454336 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txcache.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
129216 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txcharmap.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
221376 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txdataconvert.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
229056 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txderived.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
467648 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txfileextractor.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
146624 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txfileinserter.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
145088 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txgroupdups.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
272064 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txlineage.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
82112 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txlookup.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
394944 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txmerge.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
143040 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txmergejoin.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
202944 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txmulticast.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
71872 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txpivot.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
162496 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txrowcount.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
70848 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txsampling.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
103616 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txscd.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
138944 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txsort.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
190144 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txsplit.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
462016 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txtermextraction.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
8624832 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txtermlookup.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
4096192 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txunionall.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
108224 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txunpivot.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
146624 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Xmsrv.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
24510144 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Xmsrv.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
21078720 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2012 datu bāzes pakalpojumi pamatinformācija
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Microsoft.analysisservices.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
1523392 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.powershell.cmdlets.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
81592 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.connectioninfo.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
171712 |
25-Aug-2016 |
19:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.connectioninfo.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
171712 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.rmo.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
581312 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.rmo.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
581312 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.smo.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
3649216 |
25-Aug-2016 |
19:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.smo.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
3649216 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.smoextended.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
237248 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.smoextended.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
237248 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Sql_common_core_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
24256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Svrenumapi.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
949440 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Svrenumapi.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
1288896 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2012 datu kvalitātes klients
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Sql_dqc_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
24256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2012 datu kvalitātes
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Microsoft.ssdqs.cleansing.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
472256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.ssdqs.cleansing.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
472256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.ssdqs.core.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
609464 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.ssdqs.core.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
609472 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.ssdqs.dataservice.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
87744 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.ssdqs.dataservice.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
87744 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2012 datu kvalitātes
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Sql_dq_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
24256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2012 datu bāzes pakalpojumu pamata gadījumu
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Backuptourl.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
39104 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.types.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
392384 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.vdiinterface.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
70336 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x64 |
Rsfxft.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
36544 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Sql_engine_core_inst_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
24256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Sqlaccess.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
449728 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Sqlagent.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
613056 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Sqldk.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
2111168 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Sqllang.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
34164928 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Sqlmin.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
32355000 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Sqlos.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
26304 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
29888 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Sqlscriptdowngrade.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
25792 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Sqlscriptupgrade.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
5614784 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Sqlserverspatial110.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
777408 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Sqlservr.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
194240 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x64 |
Sqltses.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
8925368 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Xpqueue.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
76480 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Xprepl.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
95424 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2012 datu bāzes pakalpojumi pamatā koplietota
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Bcp.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
115384 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Commanddest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
244928 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Distrib.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
180928 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x64 |
Dteparse.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
112320 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Dtepkg.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
124096 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Dtexec.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
69312 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x64 |
Dts.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
3282112 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
498368 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Dtsconn.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
501952 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Dtshost.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
89280 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x64 |
Dtslog.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
109248 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
1421504 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Dtuparse.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
83648 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Dtutil.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
139456 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x64 |
Exceldest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
260800 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Excelsrc.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
287936 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Execpackagetask.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
153784 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Flatfiledest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
396992 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
406720 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
80064 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Logread.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
613056 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x64 |
Mergetxt.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
49344 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.connectioninfo.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
171712 |
25-Aug-2016 |
19:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
32960 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.manageddts.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
516800 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.pssnapins.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
171712 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.replication.businesslogicsupport.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
61120 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.replication.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
1972928 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.rmo.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
581312 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.smo.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
3649216 |
25-Aug-2016 |
19:04 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.smoextended.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
237248 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqltask.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
76480 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
115904 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltask.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
153792 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
90304 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Msgprox.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
322240 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Oledbdest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
261312 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Oledbsrc.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
293056 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Qrdrsvc.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
489656 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x64 |
Rawdest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
199360 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Rawsource.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
193720 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Rdistcom.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
835264 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Recordsetdest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
176320 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Replagnt.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
30392 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Repldp.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
281792 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Replerrx.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
141504 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Replisapi.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
383680 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Replmerg.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
499904 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x64 |
Replprov.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
794304 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Replrec.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
1042624 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x64 |
Replsub.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
504512 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Replsync.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
137920 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Spresolv.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
231104 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Sql_engine_core_shared_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
24256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Sqldistx.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
189632 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Sqllogship.exe |
11.0.5657.0 |
114368 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Sqlmergx.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
337592 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
29888 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
28344 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
160440 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Sqlwep110.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
113856 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Ssradd.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
63168 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Ssravg.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
63680 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Ssrdown.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
46272 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Ssrmax.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
61120 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Ssrmin.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
61120 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Ssrpub.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
47296 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Ssrup.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
46272 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Txagg.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
379584 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Txdataconvert.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
296640 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Txderived.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
641216 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Txlookup.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
569024 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Txmerge.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
221368 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Txmergejoin.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
295608 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Txmulticast.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
96952 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Txrowcount.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
95424 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Txsort.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
263864 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Txsplit.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
632512 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Txunionall.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
163008 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Xmlsub.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
245952 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2012 pilnteksta programma
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Fd.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
630976 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Sql_fulltext_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
24256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2012 integrācijas pakalpojumi
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Commanddest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
244928 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Dteparse.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
112320 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Dtepkg.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
124096 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Dtexec.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
69312 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x64 |
Dts.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
3282112 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
498368 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Dtsconn.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
501952 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Dtsdebughost.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
83648 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x64 |
Dtshost.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
89280 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x64 |
Dtslog.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
109248 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
1421504 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Dtuparse.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
83648 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Dtutil.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
139456 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x64 |
Exceldest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
260800 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Excelsrc.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
287936 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Execpackagetask.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
153784 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Flatfiledest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
396992 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
406720 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
80064 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
32960 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.manageddts.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
516800 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.integrationservices.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
184000 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqltask.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
76480 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
115904 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltask.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
153792 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Msdtssrvr.exe |
11.0.5657.0 |
218816 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x64 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
90304 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Oledbdest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
261312 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Oledbsrc.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
293056 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Rawdest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
199360 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Rawsource.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
193720 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Recordsetdest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
176320 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Sql_is_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
24256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Sqldest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
262336 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
160440 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Ssisupgrade.exe |
11.0.5657.0 |
350912 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x64 |
Txagg.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
379584 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Txbestmatch.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
726208 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Txcache.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
169656 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Txcharmap.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
286400 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Txdataconvert.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
296640 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Txderived.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
641216 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Txfileextractor.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
193208 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Txfileinserter.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
191168 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Txgroupdups.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
434880 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Txlineage.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
107712 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Txlookup.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
569024 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Txmerge.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
221368 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Txmergejoin.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
295608 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Txmulticast.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
96952 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Txpivot.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
221376 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Txrowcount.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
95424 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Txsampling.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
146624 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Txscd.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
200896 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Txsort.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
263864 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Txsplit.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
632512 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Txtermextraction.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
8714424 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Txtermlookup.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
4172480 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Txunionall.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
163008 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Txunpivot.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
194752 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Microsoft.analysisservices.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
1523392 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
368320 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
396992 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
396992 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
409280 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
528064 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
392896 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
417472 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
413368 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
401088 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
429760 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
409280 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
409280 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
388800 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
401088 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
401088 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
511680 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
388792 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
396992 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
364224 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
405184 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
409272 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
368312 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
409272 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
417472 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
401088 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
429760 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
409280 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
401088 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
511680 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
364224 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwebcontrol.resources.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
409280 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
3845824 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
212672 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
212672 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.xmlaclient.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
573120 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.xmlaclient.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
573120 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.datarendering.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
155328 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.datarendering.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
155328 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
1363648 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
1363648 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.excelrendering.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
667328 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.excelrendering.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
667328 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.hpbprocessing.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
331456 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.hpbprocessing.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
331456 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
315072 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
315072 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.imagerendering.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
167616 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.imagerendering.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
167616 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.processingcore.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
5578432 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.processingcore.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
5578432 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.querydesigners.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
2584256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportpreview.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
665280 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.richtext.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
118464 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.richtext.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
118464 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.sharepoint.server.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
241344 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.upgradescripts.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
491200 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.wordrendering.dll.deploy |
11.0.5657.0 |
507584 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.wordrendering.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
507584 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.types.dll.deploy |
2011.110.5657.0 |
385208 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.types.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
385208 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.types.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
392384 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
64259776 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
82670784 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x64 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
11515072 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x64 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
9678528 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Msolap110.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
7454400 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Msolap110.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
8501944 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Reportingservicesemaildeliveryprovider.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
89792 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Reportingserviceslibrary.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
2150080 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeclient.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
155840 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeclient.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
190656 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x64 |
Reportingservicesnativeserver.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
153280 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x64 |
Reportingserviceswebserver.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
1547968 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Reportingserviceswebuserinterface.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
2240192 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Rsconfigtool.exe |
11.0.5657.0 |
1347264 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Sql_rs_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
24256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Sqlserverspatial110.dll.deploy |
2011.110.5657.0 |
525504 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial110.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
525504 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial110.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
777408 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Xmsrv.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
24510144 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Xmsrv.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
21078720 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2012 Management Studio
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Bcp.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
115384 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Commanddest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
187072 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dteparse.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
101048 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtepkg.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
104128 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtexec.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
62144 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:50 |
x86 |
Dts.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
2285752 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
369848 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtsconn.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
349376 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtsdebughost.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
72384 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:50 |
x86 |
Dtshost.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
76480 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:50 |
x86 |
Dtslog.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
99008 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
942784 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtuparse.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
80576 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtutil.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
111808 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:50 |
x86 |
Exceldest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
197824 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Excelsrc.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
212664 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Execpackagetask.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
125624 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Flatfiledest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
315584 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
322240 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
64192 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.dataflowui.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
1225920 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.design.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
4005056 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.vsintegration.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
526528 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
212672 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
1363648 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.querydesigners.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
2584256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
32960 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.graph.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
2175168 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.manageddts.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
516800 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.integrationservices.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
183992 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.pssnapins.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
171712 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.sqlstudio.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
316608 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.replication.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
1796288 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlsqmqueries.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
85696 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqltask.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
77504 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.types.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
385208 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.types.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
392384 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
115904 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltask.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
153792 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltaskui.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
118464 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
79552 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
9678528 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Newsubwizard.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
1244864 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Oledbdest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
198336 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Oledbsrc.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
215232 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Rawdest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
152256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Rawsource.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
147648 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Recordsetdest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
136896 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Replication.utilities.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
659136 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeclient.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
155840 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Rsconfigtool.exe |
11.0.5657.0 |
1347264 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Sql_ssms_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
24256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Sqldest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
198848 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
29888 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
28344 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial110.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
525504 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial110.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
777408 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
121536 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Ssisupgrade.exe |
11.0.5657.0 |
351424 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Txagg.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
267456 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txbestmatch.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
454336 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txcache.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
129216 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txcharmap.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
221376 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txdataconvert.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
229056 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txderived.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
467648 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txfileextractor.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
146624 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txfileinserter.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
145088 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txgroupdups.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
272064 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txlineage.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
82112 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txlookup.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
394944 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txmerge.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
143040 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txmergejoin.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
202944 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txmulticast.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
71872 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txpivot.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
162496 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txrowcount.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
70848 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txsampling.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
103616 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txscd.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
138944 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txsort.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
190144 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txsplit.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
462016 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txtermextraction.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
8624832 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txtermlookup.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
4096192 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txunionall.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
108224 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txunpivot.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
146624 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2012 rīki un darbstacijas komponenti
Faila nosaukums |
Faila versija |
Faila lielums |
Datums |
Laiks |
Platformas |
Autoadmin.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
1086656 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dteparse.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
112320 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Dteparse.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
101048 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtepkg.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
124096 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Dtepkg.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
104128 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtexec.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
62144 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:50 |
x86 |
Dtexec.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
69312 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x64 |
Dts.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
3282112 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Dts.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
2285752 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
498368 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
369848 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtsconn.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
501952 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Dtsconn.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
349376 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtshost.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
76480 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:50 |
x86 |
Dtshost.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
89280 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x64 |
Dtslog.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
109248 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Dtslog.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
99008 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
1421504 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Dtspipeline.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
942784 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtuparse.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
83648 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Dtuparse.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
80576 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Dtutil.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
111808 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:50 |
x86 |
Dtutil.exe |
2011.110.5657.0 |
139456 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:58 |
x64 |
Exceldest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
260800 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Exceldest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
197824 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Excelsrc.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
287936 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Excelsrc.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
212664 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Flatfiledest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
396992 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Flatfiledest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
315584 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
406720 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
322240 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
80064 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
64192 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
1523392 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.project.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
2156224 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datawarehouse.vsintegration.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
761024 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.chainer.infrastructure.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
409280 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.configuration.sco.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
2051776 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.deployment.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
216768 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
32960 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dts.design.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
32960 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.manageddts.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
516800 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.manageddts.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
516800 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.integrationservices.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
183992 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqltask.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
76480 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqltask.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
77504 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
115904 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
115904 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
79552 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
90304 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
64259776 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
82670784 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x64 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
11515072 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x64 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
9678528 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Msolap110.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
7454400 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Msolap110.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
8501944 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Oledbdest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
198336 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Oledbdest.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
261312 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Oledbsrc.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
215232 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:55 |
x86 |
Oledbsrc.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
293056 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Pfui.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
680128 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:00 |
x86 |
Sql_tools_keyfile.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
24256 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x64 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
29888 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
28344 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
160440 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:56 |
x64 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
121536 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txdataconvert.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
229056 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Txdataconvert.dll |
2011.110.5657.0 |
296640 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Xmsrv.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
24510144 |
26-Aug-2016 |
01:59 |
x86 |
Xmsrv.dll |
11.0.5657.0 |
21078720 |
26-Aug-2016 |
02:01 |
x64 |
Par atjauninājumiem un SQL Server inkrementālās apkopes modelis (ISM)
Skriptu, lai noteiktu, kura versija un SQL Server datu bāzes programmas versija darbojas
Microsoft SQL Server programmatūras atjauninājumu pakotņu nosaukumdošanas shēma.
Tiek izmantota Microsoft programmatūras atjauninājumu standarta terminoloģijas apraksts.