Šajā rakstā ir aprakstītas problēmas, kas tiek labotas, izmantojot Microsoft sistēmas centrs 2016 Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) tehnisko Preview 5 kumulatīvo atjauninājumu 2. Ir pieejami divi atjauninājumi kumulatīvo atjauninājumu 2 sistēmas centrs 2016 Virtual Machine Manager tehnisko Preview 5: VMM serveri un administratora konsole. Turklāt šajā rakstā ir sniegta šī kumulatīvā atjauninājuma instalēšanas norādījumus.
Iespējota šajā kumulatīvajā atjauninājumā scenāriji
1. scenārijs:Atbalsts tādu metāla izvietošana Nano serveru Hyper-V hosts Ar šajā kumulatīvajā atjauninājumā, jums var tukša metāla izvietošana Nano serveru Hyper-V hosts, izmantojot VMM.Piezīme. Tukša metāla izvietošana Nano serveru Compute un krātuves klasteru VMM pašlaik netiek atbalstīta, bet drīzumā tiks atbalstīti. Ja jums nav instalēta šajā kumulatīvajā atjauninājumā, mēģināt tukša metāla izvietošana, izmantojot VMM Nano serveru Hyper-V hosts sastapties. Ir radusies šajā gadījumā, ja ieviesiet mezglu VMMs pārvaldība ieteicams izvietot tādu metāla datoros ārpus VMM Nano serveri.2. scenārijs: Atbalsts par slēdža Embedded apvienošana (komplekts) pārvalda tīkla kontrollera resursdatoruAr šajā kumulatīvajā atjauninājumā var konfigurēt KOPA, pārvalda tīkla kontrollera resursdatoru. Pirms šo atjauninājumu kopas tikai atbalsta tīkla vadības pārvaldības resursdatoriem.
Šajā kumulatīvajā atjauninājumā Izlabotās problēmas
1. problēma: Kā deleģēt administratora (DA), mēģinot konfigurēt slodzes līdzsvarotāja pakalpojumu vadības pakalpojuma avārijas NULL rādītāju izņēmums. Šī problēma ir novērsta šajā kumulatīvajā atjauninājumā. Tomēr, lai uz laiku izvairītos no šīs problēmas, izmantojiet karkass administratoram konfigurēt slodzes līdzsvarotāja.
2. problēma: Ja mēģināt konfigurēt VPN savienojumu, kas darbojas tīkla vadības pārvaldības portāls, VMM nevar parādīt objekta VPNServerAddress VMM Console.If mēģināt konfigurēt VPN savienojumu no Windows Azure Pack (WAP), savienojums neizdodas, radās kļūda. Tas var bloķēt lietotājiem izveidot attālo savienojumu galapunktu. Šī problēma ir novērsta šajā kumulatīvajā atjauninājumā. Tomēr, lai uz laiku izvairītos no šīs problēmas, varat iegūt VPNServerAddress objekta tīkla kontrollera JSON.
3. problēma: Mēģināt konfigurēt VPN savienojumu, kas darbojas tīkla vadības pārvaldības portāls un norādiet "IKEV2" protokolu, konfigurācijas neizdodas, un tiek parādīts šāds kļūdas ziņojums:
Tīkla pakalpojums "Tīkla kontrollera" spraudnis norādīja uz izņēmumu: "darbībai norādīts viens vai vairāki parametri nav derīgi. Norādiet derīgu parametrus. "strādāt ar tīkla pakalpojuma sniedzēju, lai labotu problem.ID: 50124
Tas var bloķēt Windows Azure Pack (WAP) lietotājiem no vietnes uz vietni VPN savienojuma izveide ar tīkla vadības struktūru. Šī problēma ir novērsta šajā kumulatīvajā atjauninājumā. Tomēr, lai uz laiku izvairītos no šīs problēmas, norādīt protokolu kā "IPsec" (interneta protokola drošība).
4. jautājums: Ja konfigurēt vārteju (NAT) tīklā tīkla vadības pārvaldības nenorādot ārējo adrešu pūls (kas tiks izmantots, lai konfigurētu NAT ārējo IP adresi), neizdodas vārtejas konfigurāciju.
5. jautājums: Ja VMM serverī ir instalēta citu valodu operētājsistēmā, atmiņas telpas tieši (S2D) klasteri (apkopoto un hiper Apvienoto) līdz VMM izvietošana neizdodas. Lai novērstu šo problēmu, izmantojiet PowerShell izvietot un S2D klastera un izlaist klastera validācija, tāpat kā piemērus.SOFS S2D Cluster:
Instalējiet SCStorageFileServer-ClusterName nosaukums - ScaleoutFileServerName nosaukums - RunAsAccount RunAsAccount - AddExistingComputer Listofnodes - RunAsynchronously - DASModeEnabled-SkipClusterValidationHyper-Apvienoto S2D Cluster:
Instalējiet SCVMHostCluster - ClusterName nosaukums - JobGroup JobGroup - RunAsynchronously - EnableSpaces-akreditācijas AdminRunAsAccount - VMHost VMHosts -SkipValidation
6. jautājums: Uzticams tīklā vai perimetra tīkls radīt aizsardzības VMs apsargāta Hosts neizdodas.
7. jautājums: Ja izvietojat vārtejas programmatūras definēts tīklu (SDN) un borta to VMM kontrolleri tīkla savienojamības problēmas rodas VM vārteju un nomnieka VM. Šī problēma ir novērsta šajā kumulatīvajā atjauninājumā. Tomēr, lai uz laiku izvairītos no šīs problēmas, atvienojiet vārteju tīkla adapterim un pievienojiet to slēdzi. Vai restartējiet resursdatoru.
Zināmās problēmas
Mēģinot instalēt kumulatīvo atjauninājumu 2 sistēmas centrs 2016 Virtual Machine Manager tehnisko Preview 5 tehnisko Preview 5 (vai 1. kumulatīvo atjauninājumu tehnisko Preview 5) vidē, kurā loģiskā slēdzi (pārvalda tīkla kontrollera) augšupsaites režīms kā komandu, var izraisīt šādas problēmas:
Loģiskā slēdzis atbilstības problēmu ar zem kļūda:
Kļūda (26809) virtuālo komutatora konfigurācija neatbilst paredzētais augšupsaites režīma iestatījums ir UplinkMode no loģiskā slēdzi. Ieteicams ActionIn VMM, mazinātu pārslēgs virtuālā Hyper-V resursdatorā atbilstību.
Loģiskā slēdzis izvietošanas kļūme
Lai novērstu šo problēmu, palaidiet šo skriptu VMM datu bāzē:
-- TP5 contains SET switches as 'Team' uplink mode with NC managed-- SET without NC support adds a new 'Embedded Team' uplink mode-- Convert the uplink mode from 'Team' to 'Embedded Team' for NC managed switchesUPDATE [dbo].[tbl_NetMan_LogicalSwitch]SET UplinkMode = 3 -- Embedded TeamWHERE UplinkMode = 2 AND ID IN ( -- Find logical switches with MS Azure VFP Extension (MS Network Controller) SELECT ls.LogicalSwitchID FROM [dbo].[tbl_NetMan_LogicalSwitchToVsemExtension] ls INNER JOIN [dbo].[tbl_NetMan_VirtualSwitchExtension] vse ON ls.VsemExtensionId = vse.ID WHERE vse.DriverNetCfgInstanceID = 'E9B59CFA-2BE1-4B21-828F-B6FBDBDDC017' -- Microsoft Azure VFP Extension )GO
Kā iegūt un instalēt kumulatīvo atjauninājumu 2 sistēmas centrs 2016 Virtual Machine Manager tehnisko Preview 5
Informācija par lejupielādi
Ir pieejami pa manuāli lejupielādēt atjauninājumu pakotnes Virtual Machine Manager.
Manuāla atjauninājuma pakotnes lejupielāde
Skatiet šādās vietnēs manuāli lejupielādēt no Microsoft Download Center atjauninājumu pakotnes:
Lejupielādēt servera atjauninājumu pakotni tūlīt.
Lejupielādēt atjauninājumu administratora konsole (amd64) pakotni tūlīt.
Lejupielādēt atjauninājumu administratora konsole (i386) pakotni tūlīt.
Lai manuāli instalētu atjauninājumu pakotnes, priviliģētā komandu uzvednē izpildiet šādu komandu:
Msiexec.exe /update pakotnes nosaukumsPiemēram, lai instalētu sistēmas centrs 2016 Virtual Machine Manager tehnisko Preview 5 serveri (KB3160164) 2. kumulatīvo atjauninājumu pakotnes, izpildiet šādu komandu:
msiexec.exe /update kb3160164_vmmserver_amd64.mspPiezīme. Veicot kumulatīvajā atjauninājumā atjauninājums VMM serveri, atjauninājumu nepieciešams VMM serveri un administratora konsole atjauninājumu instalēšanu. Lai iegūtu papildinformāciju, skatiet Microsoft zināšanu bāzes rakstu:
3066343 Kā instalēt, noņemt vai pārbaudīt atjauninājumu pakotnes Virtual Machine Manager
Failu atjaunināšanu šo atjauninājumu apkopojumu
Administratora konsole KB3160165
Faili, kas ir mainīti |
Faila lielums |
Versija |
Valodas ID |
Platformas |
Errors.dll |
5198600 |
4.0.1381.0 |
0 |
x86 |
Errors.dll |
5198600 |
4.0.1381.0 |
0 |
x64 |
ImgLibEngine.dll |
5124872 |
4.0.1381.0 |
0 |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.dll |
2232072 |
4.0.1381.0 |
0 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.Dialogs.dll |
3650312 |
4.0.1381.0 |
0 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.Pages.Datacenter.dll |
3665160 |
4.0.1381.0 |
0 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.VmmControls.dll |
936200 |
4.0.1381.0 |
0 |
Remoting.dll |
1185032 |
4.0.1381.0 |
0 |
x86 |
Remoting.dll |
1185032 |
4.0.1381.0 |
0 |
x64 |
Errors.resources.dll |
1788168 |
4.0.1381.0 |
4. |
x86 |
Errors.resources.dll |
1788168 |
4.0.1381.0 |
4. |
x64 |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.resources.dll |
33032 |
4.0.1381.0 |
4. |
x86 |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.resources.dll |
33032 |
4.0.1381.0 |
4. |
x64 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.Dialogs.resources.dll |
1145608 |
4.0.1381.0 |
4. |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.Pages.Datacenter.resources.dll |
1357576 |
4.0.1381.0 |
4. |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.VmmControls.resources.dll |
296200 |
4.0.1381.0 |
4. |
Remoting.resources.dll |
131848 |
4.0.1381.0 |
4. |
x86 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
131848 |
4.0.1381.0 |
4. |
x64 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2100488 |
4.0.1381.0 |
5. |
x86 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2100488 |
4.0.1381.0 |
5. |
x64 |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.resources.dll |
34056 |
4.0.1381.0 |
5. |
x86 |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.resources.dll |
34056 |
4.0.1381.0 |
5. |
x64 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.Dialogs.resources.dll |
1178376 |
4.0.1381.0 |
5. |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.Pages.Datacenter.resources.dll |
1387784 |
4.0.1381.0 |
5. |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.VmmControls.resources.dll |
301320 |
4.0.1381.0 |
5. |
Remoting.resources.dll |
141576 |
4.0.1381.0 |
5. |
x86 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
141576 |
4.0.1381.0 |
5. |
x64 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2248456 |
4.0.1381.0 |
7 |
x86 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2248456 |
4.0.1381.0 |
7 |
x64 |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.resources.dll |
34056 |
4.0.1381.0 |
7 |
x86 |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.resources.dll |
34056 |
4.0.1381.0 |
7 |
x64 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.Dialogs.resources.dll |
1179912 |
4.0.1381.0 |
7 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.Pages.Datacenter.resources.dll |
1388808 |
4.0.1381.0 |
7 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.VmmControls.resources.dll |
301320 |
4.0.1381.0 |
7 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
137992 |
4.0.1381.0 |
7 |
x86 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
137992 |
4.0.1381.0 |
7 |
x64 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2158856 |
4.0.1381.0 |
10 |
x86 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2158856 |
4.0.1381.0 |
10 |
x64 |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.resources.dll |
34056 |
4.0.1381.0 |
10 |
x86 |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.resources.dll |
34056 |
4.0.1381.0 |
10 |
x64 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.Dialogs.resources.dll |
1179912 |
4.0.1381.0 |
10 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.Pages.Datacenter.resources.dll |
1388808 |
4.0.1381.0 |
10 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.VmmControls.resources.dll |
301832 |
4.0.1381.0 |
10 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
141064 |
4.0.1381.0 |
10 |
x86 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
141064 |
4.0.1381.0 |
10 |
x64 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2220808 |
4.0.1381.0 |
12 |
x86 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2220808 |
4.0.1381.0 |
12 |
x64 |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.resources.dll |
34056 |
4.0.1381.0 |
12 |
x86 |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.resources.dll |
34056 |
4.0.1381.0 |
12 |
x64 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.Dialogs.resources.dll |
1187080 |
4.0.1381.0 |
12 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.Pages.Datacenter.resources.dll |
1397000 |
4.0.1381.0 |
12 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.VmmControls.resources.dll |
303368 |
4.0.1381.0 |
12 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
141064 |
4.0.1381.0 |
12 |
x86 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
141064 |
4.0.1381.0 |
12 |
x64 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2260744 |
4.0.1381.0 |
14 |
x86 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2260744 |
4.0.1381.0 |
14 |
x64 |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.resources.dll |
34056 |
4.0.1381.0 |
14 |
x86 |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.resources.dll |
34056 |
4.0.1381.0 |
14 |
x64 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.Dialogs.resources.dll |
1185032 |
4.0.1381.0 |
14 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.Pages.Datacenter.resources.dll |
1394440 |
4.0.1381.0 |
14 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.VmmControls.resources.dll |
302856 |
4.0.1381.0 |
14 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
142600 |
4.0.1381.0 |
14 |
x86 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
142600 |
4.0.1381.0 |
14 |
x64 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2096904 |
4.0.1381.0 |
16 |
x86 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2096904 |
4.0.1381.0 |
16 |
x64 |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.resources.dll |
34056 |
4.0.1381.0 |
16 |
x86 |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.resources.dll |
34056 |
4.0.1381.0 |
16 |
x64 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.Dialogs.resources.dll |
1173768 |
4.0.1381.0 |
16 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.Pages.Datacenter.resources.dll |
1383176 |
4.0.1381.0 |
16 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.VmmControls.resources.dll |
301320 |
4.0.1381.0 |
16 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
139016 |
4.0.1381.0 |
16 |
x86 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
139016 |
4.0.1381.0 |
16 |
x64 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2482440 |
4.0.1381.0 |
17 |
x86 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2482440 |
4.0.1381.0 |
17 |
x64 |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.resources.dll |
34568 |
4.0.1381.0 |
17 |
x86 |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.resources.dll |
34568 |
4.0.1381.0 |
17 |
x64 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.Dialogs.resources.dll |
1201928 |
4.0.1381.0 |
17 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.Pages.Datacenter.resources.dll |
1410312 |
4.0.1381.0 |
17 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.VmmControls.resources.dll |
305416 |
4.0.1381.0 |
17 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
142600 |
4.0.1381.0 |
17 |
x86 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
142600 |
4.0.1381.0 |
17 |
x64 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2196232 |
4.0.1381.0 |
18 |
x86 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2196232 |
4.0.1381.0 |
18 |
x64 |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.resources.dll |
34056 |
4.0.1381.0 |
18 |
x86 |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.resources.dll |
34056 |
4.0.1381.0 |
18 |
x64 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.Dialogs.resources.dll |
1175816 |
4.0.1381.0 |
18 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.Pages.Datacenter.resources.dll |
1384712 |
4.0.1381.0 |
18 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.VmmControls.resources.dll |
300296 |
4.0.1381.0 |
18 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
137480 |
4.0.1381.0 |
18 |
x86 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
137480 |
4.0.1381.0 |
18 |
x64 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2065160 |
4.0.1381.0 |
19 |
x86 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2065160 |
4.0.1381.0 |
19 |
x64 |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.resources.dll |
34056 |
4.0.1381.0 |
19 |
x86 |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.resources.dll |
34056 |
4.0.1381.0 |
19 |
x64 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.Dialogs.resources.dll |
1171720 |
4.0.1381.0 |
19 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.Pages.Datacenter.resources.dll |
1380616 |
4.0.1381.0 |
19 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.VmmControls.resources.dll |
300296 |
4.0.1381.0 |
19 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
137992 |
4.0.1381.0 |
19 |
x86 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
137992 |
4.0.1381.0 |
19 |
x64 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2169608 |
4.0.1381.0 |
21 |
x86 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2169608 |
4.0.1381.0 |
21 |
x64 |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.resources.dll |
34056 |
4.0.1381.0 |
21 |
x86 |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.resources.dll |
34056 |
4.0.1381.0 |
21 |
x64 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.Dialogs.resources.dll |
1175816 |
4.0.1381.0 |
21 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.Pages.Datacenter.resources.dll |
1385736 |
4.0.1381.0 |
21 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.VmmControls.resources.dll |
301320 |
4.0.1381.0 |
21 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
141064 |
4.0.1381.0 |
21 |
x86 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
141064 |
4.0.1381.0 |
21 |
x64 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2965768 |
4.0.1381.0 |
25 |
x86 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2965768 |
4.0.1381.0 |
25 |
x64 |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.resources.dll |
36104 |
4.0.1381.0 |
25 |
x86 |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.resources.dll |
36104 |
4.0.1381.0 |
25 |
x64 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.Dialogs.resources.dll |
1260808 |
4.0.1381.0 |
25 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.Pages.Datacenter.resources.dll |
1465608 |
4.0.1381.0 |
25 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.VmmControls.resources.dll |
317704 |
4.0.1381.0 |
25 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
158472 |
4.0.1381.0 |
25 |
x86 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
158472 |
4.0.1381.0 |
25 |
x64 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2014472 |
4.0.1381.0 |
29 |
x86 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2014472 |
4.0.1381.0 |
29 |
x64 |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.resources.dll |
33544 |
4.0.1381.0 |
29 |
x86 |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.resources.dll |
33544 |
4.0.1381.0 |
29 |
x64 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.Dialogs.resources.dll |
1165576 |
4.0.1381.0 |
29 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.Pages.Datacenter.resources.dll |
1377032 |
4.0.1381.0 |
29 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.VmmControls.resources.dll |
299272 |
4.0.1381.0 |
29 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
137480 |
4.0.1381.0 |
29 |
x86 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
137480 |
4.0.1381.0 |
29 |
x64 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2038536 |
4.0.1381.0 |
31 |
x86 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2038536 |
4.0.1381.0 |
31 |
x64 |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.resources.dll |
33544 |
4.0.1381.0 |
31 |
x86 |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.resources.dll |
33544 |
4.0.1381.0 |
31 |
x64 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.Dialogs.resources.dll |
1170184 |
4.0.1381.0 |
31 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.Pages.Datacenter.resources.dll |
1381128 |
4.0.1381.0 |
31 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.VmmControls.resources.dll |
300296 |
4.0.1381.0 |
31 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
138504 |
4.0.1381.0 |
31 |
x86 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
138504 |
4.0.1381.0 |
31 |
x64 |
Errors.resources.dll |
1814792 |
4.0.1381.0 |
1028 |
x86 |
Errors.resources.dll |
1814792 |
4.0.1381.0 |
1028 |
x64 |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.resources.dll |
33032 |
4.0.1381.0 |
1028 |
x86 |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.resources.dll |
33032 |
4.0.1381.0 |
1028 |
x64 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.Dialogs.resources.dll |
1148168 |
4.0.1381.0 |
1028 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.Pages.Datacenter.resources.dll |
1360648 |
4.0.1381.0 |
1028 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.VmmControls.resources.dll |
296712 |
4.0.1381.0 |
1028 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
132360 |
4.0.1381.0 |
1028 |
x86 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
132360 |
4.0.1381.0 |
1028 |
x64 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2107144 |
4.0.1381.0 |
1046 |
x86 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2107144 |
4.0.1381.0 |
1046 |
x64 |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.resources.dll |
34056 |
4.0.1381.0 |
1046 |
x86 |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.resources.dll |
34056 |
4.0.1381.0 |
1046 |
x64 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.Dialogs.resources.dll |
1175816 |
4.0.1381.0 |
1046 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.Pages.Datacenter.resources.dll |
1384200 |
4.0.1381.0 |
1046 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.VmmControls.resources.dll |
301320 |
4.0.1381.0 |
1046 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
139528 |
4.0.1381.0 |
1046 |
x86 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
139528 |
4.0.1381.0 |
1046 |
x64 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2129160 |
4.0.1381.0 |
2070 |
x86 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2129160 |
4.0.1381.0 |
2070 |
x64 |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.resources.dll |
34056 |
4.0.1381.0 |
2070 |
x86 |
Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.resources.dll |
34056 |
4.0.1381.0 |
2070 |
x64 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.Dialogs.resources.dll |
1178376 |
4.0.1381.0 |
2070 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.Pages.Datacenter.resources.dll |
1387784 |
4.0.1381.0 |
2070 |
Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.VmmControls.resources.dll |
301320 |
4.0.1381.0 |
2070 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
140552 |
4.0.1381.0 |
2070 |
x86 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
140552 |
4.0.1381.0 |
2070 |
x64 |
Virtual Machine Manager Server KB3160164
Faili, kas ir mainīti |
Faila lielums |
Versija |
Valodas ID |
Platformas |
DBUpdate.dll |
1333512 |
4.0.1381.0 |
0 |
Engine.Adhc.Operations.dll |
1727240 |
4.0.1381.0 |
0 |
Engine.VmOperations.dll |
1593096 |
4.0.1381.0 |
0 |
Errors.dll |
5198600 |
4.0.1381.0 |
0 |
x86 |
Errors.dll |
5198600 |
4.0.1381.0 |
0 |
x64 |
Errors.dll |
5198600 |
4.0.1381.0 |
0 |
x86 |
Errors.dll |
5198600 |
4.0.1381.0 |
0 |
x64 |
ImgLibEngine.dll |
5124872 |
4.0.1381.0 |
0 |
x86 |
ImgLibEngine.dll |
5124872 |
4.0.1381.0 |
0 |
x64 |
NetworkControllerPlugin.dll |
198408 |
4.0.1381.0 |
0 |
Remoting.dll |
1185032 |
4.0.1381.0 |
0 |
x86 |
Remoting.dll |
1185032 |
4.0.1381.0 |
0 |
x64 |
ValHyperVImplementation.dll |
520456 |
4.0.1381.0 |
0 |
Errors.resources.dll |
1788168 |
4.0.1381.0 |
4. |
x86 |
Errors.resources.dll |
1788168 |
4.0.1381.0 |
4. |
x64 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
131848 |
4.0.1381.0 |
4. |
x86 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
131848 |
4.0.1381.0 |
4. |
x64 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2100488 |
4.0.1381.0 |
5. |
x86 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2100488 |
4.0.1381.0 |
5. |
x64 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
141576 |
4.0.1381.0 |
5. |
x86 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
141576 |
4.0.1381.0 |
5. |
x64 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2248456 |
4.0.1381.0 |
7 |
x86 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2248456 |
4.0.1381.0 |
7 |
x64 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
137992 |
4.0.1381.0 |
7 |
x86 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
137992 |
4.0.1381.0 |
7 |
x64 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2158856 |
4.0.1381.0 |
10 |
x86 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2158856 |
4.0.1381.0 |
10 |
x64 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
141064 |
4.0.1381.0 |
10 |
x86 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
141064 |
4.0.1381.0 |
10 |
x64 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2220808 |
4.0.1381.0 |
12 |
x86 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2220808 |
4.0.1381.0 |
12 |
x64 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
141064 |
4.0.1381.0 |
12 |
x86 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
141064 |
4.0.1381.0 |
12 |
x64 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2260744 |
4.0.1381.0 |
14 |
x86 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2260744 |
4.0.1381.0 |
14 |
x64 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
142600 |
4.0.1381.0 |
14 |
x86 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
142600 |
4.0.1381.0 |
14 |
x64 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2096904 |
4.0.1381.0 |
16 |
x86 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2096904 |
4.0.1381.0 |
16 |
x64 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
139016 |
4.0.1381.0 |
16 |
x86 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
139016 |
4.0.1381.0 |
16 |
x64 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2482440 |
4.0.1381.0 |
17 |
x86 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2482440 |
4.0.1381.0 |
17 |
x64 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
142600 |
4.0.1381.0 |
17 |
x86 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
142600 |
4.0.1381.0 |
17 |
x64 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2196232 |
4.0.1381.0 |
18 |
x86 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2196232 |
4.0.1381.0 |
18 |
x64 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
137480 |
4.0.1381.0 |
18 |
x86 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
137480 |
4.0.1381.0 |
18 |
x64 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2065160 |
4.0.1381.0 |
19 |
x86 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2065160 |
4.0.1381.0 |
19 |
x64 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
137992 |
4.0.1381.0 |
19 |
x86 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
137992 |
4.0.1381.0 |
19 |
x64 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2169608 |
4.0.1381.0 |
21 |
x86 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2169608 |
4.0.1381.0 |
21 |
x64 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
141064 |
4.0.1381.0 |
21 |
x86 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
141064 |
4.0.1381.0 |
21 |
x64 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2965768 |
4.0.1381.0 |
25 |
x86 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2965768 |
4.0.1381.0 |
25 |
x64 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
158472 |
4.0.1381.0 |
25 |
x86 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
158472 |
4.0.1381.0 |
25 |
x64 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2014472 |
4.0.1381.0 |
29 |
x86 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2014472 |
4.0.1381.0 |
29 |
x64 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
137480 |
4.0.1381.0 |
29 |
x86 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
137480 |
4.0.1381.0 |
29 |
x64 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2038536 |
4.0.1381.0 |
31 |
x86 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2038536 |
4.0.1381.0 |
31 |
x64 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
138504 |
4.0.1381.0 |
31 |
x86 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
138504 |
4.0.1381.0 |
31 |
x64 |
Errors.resources.dll |
1814792 |
4.0.1381.0 |
1028 |
x86 |
Errors.resources.dll |
1814792 |
4.0.1381.0 |
1028 |
x64 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
132360 |
4.0.1381.0 |
1028 |
x86 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
132360 |
4.0.1381.0 |
1028 |
x64 |
vmmAgent.exe |
3825416 |
4.0.1381.0 |
1033 |
x86 |
vmmAgentPE.exe |
2131208 |
4.0.1381.0 |
1033 |
x64 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2107144 |
4.0.1381.0 |
1046 |
x86 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2107144 |
4.0.1381.0 |
1046 |
x64 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
139528 |
4.0.1381.0 |
1046 |
x86 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
139528 |
4.0.1381.0 |
1046 |
x64 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2129160 |
4.0.1381.0 |
2070 |
x86 |
Errors.resources.dll |
2129160 |
4.0.1381.0 |
2070 |
x64 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
140552 |
4.0.1381.0 |
2070 |
x86 |
Remoting.resources.dll |
140552 |
4.0.1381.0 |
2070 |
x64 |
Attiecas uz:Šis raksts attiecas uz šīm darbībām:
Microsoft sistēmas centrs 2016 Virtual Machine Manager tehnisko Preview 5