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You create a Transaction Integrator (TI) HIDX file by using the TI Designer in Visual Studio. When you click the Host Data Definition tab, you receive the following error message if one of the method parameters contains an underscore at column 30:

Index was outside the bounds of the array.

More Information

Any parameter name that is longer than 30 characters will be truncated to 30 characters in the Host Data Definition that is generated. This is to comply with the common COBOL limitation of 30 characters for parameter names.

This behavior can result in duplicate variable names in the generated Host Data Definition if the first 30 characters of two or more parameter names are identical.


The fix that resolves this problem is included in the following cumulative updates for Host Integration Server:

Cumulative Update 2 for Host Integration Server 2016

Cumulative Update 4 for Host Integration Server 2013


Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the "Applies to" section.


Learn about the terminology Microsoft uses to describe software updates.

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