
Quando ligam muitos clientes para as bases de dados de recuperação de administração do Microsoft BitLocker e monitorização 2.5, bloqueios SQL podem ocorrer na base de dados. Por conseguinte, chaves não não possível recuperar a partir do suporte técnico Portal ou próprio do Portal do serviço. Novos clientes recebem erros quando tentam encriptar tal como o serviço MBAM torna-se inacessível. Isto faz com que limites de tempo e outros erros.Além disso, os seguintes erros ocorrerem nos registos de rastreio de sensível a VPC MBAM em c:\inetpub\Microsoft Solution\Logs\Recovery de gestão de BitLocker e o Hardware Service-\ * .svclogs:

A transacção (63 de ID de processo) foi bloqueada no bloqueio de recursos com outro processo e foi escolhida como vítima do impasse. Volte a executar a transacção.  Transacção de uncommittable é detectada no final do lote. A transacção seja revertida.


Para resolver o problema, actualize os procedimentos armazenados associados com a base de dados de recuperação do MBAM. Para tal, execute os seguintes scripts de Transact-SQL:

USE [MBAM Recovery and Hardware]GO/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [RecoveryAndHardwareCore].[GetDomainId]    Script Date: 05/09/2014 07:58:22 ******/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGO-- =============================================-- Author:      <Kirill Tropin>-- Create date: <6/18/2010>-- Description: <Returns DomainId for provided Domain Name. If domain isn't saved - will add it.>-- =============================================ALTER PROCEDURE [RecoveryAndHardwareCore].[GetDomainId]    @DomainName nvarchar(255)WITH EXECUTE AS OWNERASBEGIN     -- Validating input parameters    IF (@DomainName IS NULL)    BEGIN        RETURN -1    END    -- Adding domain if needed and returning DomainId    DECLARE @OrigTranCount int    SET @OrigTranCount = @@TRANCOUNT    IF @OrigTranCount > 0        SAVE TRAN myTran    ELSE        BEGIN TRAN    BEGIN TRY        DECLARE @DomainId int        SET @DomainId = (                        SELECT Id                        FROM Domains                        WITH (READPAST)     -- If a committed domain exists then get it, otherwise returns NULL                        WHERE (Domains.DomainName = @DomainName)                        )        -- Inserting Domain since it wasn't there        IF (@DomainId IS NULL)        BEGIN            /*            In the unlikely event that two clients simultaneously insert the same new domain,            we can end up with a race condition as they both attempt to insert the domain.            One of them will get an exception (error code 2627) due to the unique constraint            and should use this to trigger a re-read of the domain.            */            WHILE @DomainId IS NULL            BEGIN                BEGIN TRY                    INSERT INTO Domains WITH (ROWLOCK, UPDLOCK)                                (DomainName)                    VALUES      (@DomainName)                    SET @DomainId = @@IDENTITY                END TRY                BEGIN CATCH                    DECLARE @ErrorNumber INT                    DECLARE @ErrorSeverity INT                    DECLARE @ErrorState INT                    SELECT @ErrorNumber = ERROR_NUMBER(), @ErrorSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY(), @ErrorState = ERROR_STATE()                    IF @ErrorNumber = 2627                    BEGIN                        SET @DomainId = (                            SELECT Id                            FROM Domains                            WITH (READCOMMITTED)                            WHERE (Domains.DomainName = @DomainName)                            )                    END                    ELSE                    BEGIN                        RAISERROR (@ErrorNumber, @ErrorSeverity, @ErrorState)                    END                END CATCH            END        END        IF @OrigTranCount = 0            COMMIT TRAN    END TRY    BEGIN CATCH        IF @OrigTranCount = 0            ROLLBACK TRAN        ELSE             IF XACT_STATE() <> -1                ROLLBACK TRAN myTran        DECLARE @ErrorMessage1 NVARCHAR(4000);        DECLARE @ErrorSeverity1 INT;        DECLARE @ErrorState1 INT;        SELECT @ErrorMessage1 = ERROR_MESSAGE();        SELECT @ErrorSeverity1 = ERROR_SEVERITY();        SELECT @ErrorState1 = ERROR_STATE();        RAISERROR (@ErrorMessage1, -- Message text.                   @ErrorSeverity1, -- Severity.                   @ErrorState1 -- State.                   );    END CATCH    RETURN @DomainIdEND 

USE [MBAM Recovery and Hardware]GO/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [RecoveryAndHardwareCore].[GetDomainId]    Script Date: 05/09/2014 14:06:14 ******/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGO-- =============================================-- Author:      <Kirill Tropin>-- Create date: <6/18/2010>-- Description: <Returns DomainId for provided Domain Name. If domain isn't saved - will add it.>-- =============================================ALTER PROCEDURE [RecoveryAndHardwareCore].[GetDomainId]    @DomainName nvarchar(255)WITH EXECUTE AS OWNERASBEGIN     -- Validating input parameters    IF (@DomainName IS NULL)    BEGIN        RETURN -1    END    -- Adding domain if needed and returning DomainId    DECLARE @OrigTranCount int    SET @OrigTranCount = @@TRANCOUNT    IF @OrigTranCount > 0        SAVE TRAN myTran    ELSE        BEGIN TRAN    BEGIN TRY        SET NOCOUNT ON        -- Use a merge statement to guarantee that the domain will be in the table        -- when the SELECT statement is called to get it.        MERGE Domains WITH (HOLDLOCK)        USING (SELECT @DomainName as DomainName) AS NewDomain        ON Domains.DomainName = NewDomain.DomainName        WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN            INSERT (DomainName)                VALUES (NewDomain.DomainName)        ;        DECLARE @DomainId int        SET @DomainId = (                        SELECT Id                        FROM Domains                        WHERE Domains.DomainName = @DomainName                        )        IF @OrigTranCount = 0            COMMIT TRAN    END TRY    BEGIN CATCH        IF @OrigTranCount = 0            ROLLBACK TRAN        ELSE             IF XACT_STATE() <> -1                ROLLBACK TRAN myTran        DECLARE @ErrorMessage1 NVARCHAR(4000);        DECLARE @ErrorSeverity1 INT;        DECLARE @ErrorState1 INT;        SELECT @ErrorMessage1 = ERROR_MESSAGE();        SELECT @ErrorSeverity1 = ERROR_SEVERITY();        SELECT @ErrorState1 = ERROR_STATE();        RAISERROR (@ErrorMessage1, -- Message text.                   @ErrorSeverity1, -- Severity.                   @ErrorState1 -- State.                   );    END CATCH    RETURN @DomainIdENDGO 

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