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Service Update 9.0.34 for Microsoft Dynamics CRM (on-premises) 9.0 is now available. This article describes the hotfixes and updates that are included in Service Update 9.0.34.

More information

Update package

Version Number

Service Update 0.34 for Microsoft Dynamics CRM (on-premises) 9.0

To determine whether your organization had this update applied, check your Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online version number. Select the gear icon in the upper-right corner, and then select About.

Update information

Microsoft Dynamics 365 (on-premises) Update 0.34 is now available.

The following file is available for download from the Microsoft Download Center:

Download the Microsoft Dynamics 365 (on-premises) Update 0.34 package now.

Service Update 0.34 resolves the following issues

Repaired functionality

The following list details items in Dynamics that were not functioning but are now repaired:

  • Unable to publish customization after choosing the sitemap areas to be displayed for an entity.

  • Display of error message when user opens up a record shown in 'Look for' drop down box in 'Import job' window in advance settings.

  • Security Fixes.

Note: An asterisk (*) at the end of a fix statement denotes that this repair item was incorporated into multiple service update releases.

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