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The procedure for opening an existing form template depends on whether the form template is located on your computer or on a server that is running Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 or Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007.

В этой статье

Open a form template that is stored on your computer

  1. On the File menu, click Design a Form Template.

  2. Under Open a form template, click On My Computer.

  3. In the Open in Design Mode dialog box, click the form template that you want to open, and then click Open.

Совет: If you know where the form template is saved on your computer, you can open it quickly by using Windows Explorer. To do so, right-click the file in Windows Explorer, and then click Design on the shortcut menu.

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Open a form template from a server

When you open a form template from a server that is running Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 or Office SharePoint Server 2007, Microsoft Office InfoPath opens a read-only version of the form template to help prevent you from overwriting the published form template. Before you can publish the form template back to the server, you have to save a copy of the form template to a location other than the publish location. After you finish modifying the form template, you can publish the modified form template back to the server.

  1. On the File menu, click Open from SharePoint Site.

  2. In the Enter the location of your SharePoint or InfoPath Forms Services site box, type the URL of the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 or Office SharePoint Server 2007 site, and then click Next.

  3. In the Select the document library you want to open list, select the document library that contains the form template that you want to modify, and then click Open.

  4. When you receive a message about updating the form template, click Yes.

  5. В меню Файл выберите пункт Сохранить как.

  6. If you receive a message about publishing the form template, click OK.

  7. In the Save As dialog box, browse to the location where you want to save a copy of the form template, and then click Save.

After making the necessary changes to your form template, you can republish the modified form template to the document library. Find links to more information about publishing a modified form template in the See Also section.

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