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Windows Server 2008 R2-based NLB nodes remain in a converging state ...
You configure a Network Load Balancing (NLB) cluster by using some computers that are running Windows Server 2008 R2. A cluster membership change starts the convergence process. For example, assume that a node is added or that a cluster is partitioned, and then the convergence process starts.
How multiple adapters on the same network are expected to behave
If you configure a Windows-based computer that has more than one network adapter on the same physical network and protocol subnet, you may experience unexpected results. This article describes the expected behavior of this kind of nonstandard configuration.
Troubleshooting long running MAPI connections to Exchange Server 2010 ...
Cause. A configuration for a hardware load balancer, or other network device such as a firewall or proxy, is causing client connections to drop. When the device closes idle connections, via timeout or other configuration, the application fails to complete subsequent requests over the connection that was closed.
Incorrect TCP/IP path is selected and connection fails in Windows 8 and ...
Fixes an issue in which a TCP/IP driver selects an incorrect TCP/IP path that has the loopback address as its source address, which causes a connection failure. The issue occurs on computers that are running Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012.
Applications can't communicate over TCP loopback path in Windows 8.1 or ...
This article describes an issue that blocks communication over a TCP loopback path for applications in Windows 8.1, Windows RT 8.1, or Windows Server 2012 R2. An update is available to fix this issue.
Troubleshooting Azure Application Gateway Session Affinity Issues
To work around this issue, use an Azure Load Balancer (ILB/SLB) instead of the Application Gateway, which can distribute load by using 5-tuple (source IP, source port, destination IP, destination port, and protocol type), 2-tuple (Source IP, Destination IP) or 3-tuple (Source IP, Destination IP, Protocol).
A connection to a load-balancing Exchange mailbox from an Outlook ...
You configure the Outlook client to connect to a Microsoft Exchange mailbox on the node of a load-balancing server. In this scenario, the connection to the Exchange mailbox from the Outlook client fails. Cause. This issue occurs because of multiple problems in the RPC over HTTP Load Balancing Service (LBS) functionality. Resolution.
KB980142 - FIX: "Provider Load Failure" error message or the Wmiprvse ...
Cause. This issue occurs because calls to the CoInitialize () function and the CoUnIntialize () function are not balanced. Resolution. Cumulative update information. Cumulative update 6 for SQL Server 2012. The fix for this issue was first released in Cumulative Update 6.
Cannot log in to OWA or ECP after July 2021 SU for Exchange Server 2019 ...
Users see a blank webpage after they try to log in, or the login process goes into a loop. This occurs if users are accessing the servers through a load balancer, and not all servers in the pool are updated to at least the July 2021 security update.
Resolving view state message authentication code (MAC) errors
If an attacker submitted a malicious __VIEWSTATE payload, the attacker could potentially trick the application into performing an action that it otherwise would not have performed. To prevent this kind of tampering attack, the __VIEWSTATE field is protected by a message authentication code (MAC).