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How to set up SMTP replication on Windows Server 2008-based domain ...
To install the Intersite Messaging service for SMTP transport on all Windows Server 2008 domain controllers that will replicate over SMTP connections, follow these steps: Open an elevated command prompt, and then run the following command: %windir%\system32\pkgmgr /iu:DirectoryServices-ISM-Smtp.
KB5040758: Deleting a stale, corrupt, or orphaned Trust object in ...
Objects that are stored in Active Directory may become stale, corrupt, or orphaned caused by replication conflicts. This article focuses on trust objects which can be identified by the “INTERDOMAIN_TRUST_ACCOUNT” bit in the userAccountControl attribute.
Duplicate Active Directory replication connections are created
In Active Directory Sites and Services, duplicate Active Directory replication connections are created for one or more domain controllers across one or more sites. Symptoms. This issue is caused by either a lack of network connectivity or by another problem that disrupts replication on the Intersite Topology Generator (ISTG) in the site.
Active Directory-integrated DNS zone serial number behavior
When a DNS server receives an update through Active Directory replication: If the serial number of the replicated record is higher than the serial number in the SOA record of the local copy of the zone, the local zone serial number is set to the serial number in the replicated record.
Delegating DFS replication in Windows Server 2003 R2
Distributed File System (DFS) replication uses the Active Directory directory service to store configuration objects. When you use Active Directory, you can delegate user rights more exactly. The DFS Management feature provides high-level delegation support.
Virus scanning recommendations for Enterprise computers that are ...
The risk from too much scanning is that files are inappropriately flagged as changed. This causes too much replication in Active Directory. If testing verifies that replication is not affected by the following recommendations, you can apply the antivirus software to the production environment.
Useful shelf life of a system-state backup of Active Directory
If your only backup of Active Directory is older than the tombstone lifetime setting, reinstall the server after confirming there is at least one surviving domain controller in the domain from which new replicas can be synchronized.
AD replication fails with an RPC issue after you set a static port for ...
Fixes an issue in which AD replication fails with an RPC issue after you set a static port for NTDS in a Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2008 R2, or Windows 7-based domain environment.
Active Directory changes do not replicate in Windows Server 2003
When you try to replicate Active Directory directory service changes to a Microsoft Windows Server 2003-based domain controller, the replication is not completed.
You cannot promote a Windows Server domain controller to be a global ...
When you type repadmin /showrepl at the command line of the Windows Server domain controller, one or more of the domains may not appear. When you try to add a connection by using the naming context of the missing domain, you may receive the following error message: Error number: 8440.