Use apps from your Android device on your PC - Microsoft Support
With the Phone Link , you can instantly access the Android apps installed on your mobile device right on your PC. Using a Wi-Fi connection, Apps allows you to browse, play, order, chat, and more — all while using your PC’s larger screen and keyboard. Note: The Phone Link doesn't currently support multiple Android profiles or work/school accounts.
Change your default search engine in Microsoft Edge
To add a different search engine, perform a search in the address bar using that search engine (or a website that supports search, like a wiki site). Then go to Settings and more > Settings > Privacy, search, and services > Address bar and search. The engine or website you used to search will now appear in the list of options you can select.
Use apps from your Android device on your PC - Microsoft Support
With the Phone Link , you can instantly access the Android apps installed on your mobile device right on your PC. Using a Wi-Fi connection, Apps allows you to browse, play, order, chat, and more — all while using your PC’s larger screen and keyboard. Note: The Phone Link doesn't currently support multiple Android profiles or work/school accounts.
Endre standard søkemotor i Microsoft Edge - Støtte for Microsoft
Behold Bing som standard søkemotor for å få en bedre søkeopplevelse i ny Microsoft Edge , inkludert direktekoblinger til Windows-apper, relevante forslag fra organisasjonen din hvis du er pålogget med en jobb- eller skolekonto, og umiddelbare svar på spørsmål om Windows.
Microsoft Edge for mobile FAQs - Microsoft Support
Browse on the go with the new Microsoft Edge for Android and iOS devices. Microsoft Edge offers better protection and privacy, and can sync your favorites, passwords, and more across your desktop and mobile devices.
De beveiligingsinstellingen van een lid voor toegang tot Minecraft ...
Lees hoe je de instellingen van de leden van gezinsgroep configureert, zodat ze Minecraft veilig kunnen spelen met de Xbox Family Settings-app of Xbox-console.
Xbox | Xbox Support
了解如何為您的 Xbox 裝置申請維修服務。
Hjälp om appen Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
På din Android-telefon: Bing är inställd som din standardsökmotor i Microsoft Edge. Så här ändrar du sökmotor: I det nedre högra hörnet i webbläsarfönstret trycker du på menyn... > inställningar > standard sökmotor. Välj en sökmotor från alternativen som visas.
| | Skype
अपने iPad के लिए Skype के लिए Skype धन वापसी समर्थन प्राप्त करें और आप जहाँ भी हों, मित्रों और परिवार के साथ कनेक्ट रहें.
Using Surface with your Android phone - Microsoft Support
Learn how to use your Surface and Android phone together to get to your documents, pictures, music and more no matter which device you’re on.