Protect yourself from tech support scams - Microsoft Support
Scammers may call you directly on the phone and pretend to be representatives of a tech company. They might even spoof the caller ID so that it displays a legitimate support phone number from a trusted company. They'll probably ask you to install applications that give them remote access to your device.
Troubleshooting verification code issues - Microsoft Support
There are a number of possible explanations for why verification codes don't always arrive. Read through the list of the most common causes, and see if any of them apply to you, or use our troubleshooter to help guide you.
Applies To: Microsoft account dashboard
What is a Microsoft account? - Microsoft Support
You need a Microsoft account to sign in to your Windows pc, Xbox console, or any of Microsoft’s products and services, including Office,, OneDrive, Xbox Live, Microsoft 365, Family Safety, Skype, Bing, Microsoft Store and MSN.
Applies To: Microsoft account dashboard
Welcome to Copilot on Windows - Microsoft Support
Experience Microsoft Copilot on windows devices using the Copilot app! The Copilot app helps you get answers and inspiration from across the web, supports creativity and collaboration, and helps you focus on the task at hand.
How to contact MSN Customer Support - Microsoft Support
You can also get help from the Microsoft Community online community, search for more information on Microsoft Support or Windows Help and How To, or learn more about Assisted Support options. Describes MSN support options and how to contact MSN Customer Support.
| Xbox Support
如果你的订阅已锁定,可能是因为你有过期未付余额。 在此处了解如何使你的帐户保持最新状态。
First things to know about teams in Microsoft Teams
A team is a group of people gathered to get something big done in your organization. Sometimes it’s your whole organization. Teams are made up of channels, which are the conversations you have with your teammates. Each channel is dedicated to a specific topic, department, or project.
Applies To: Microsoft Teams
Xbox Game Pass Core | Xbox Support
Xbox Game Pass Core 可让玩家访问我们的在线主机多人游戏网络,这是一组在 Xbox Series X|S 和 Xbox One 主机上与世界各地的好友畅玩的精选游戏集合,以及特殊的会员优惠。
Use Snipping Tool to capture screenshots - Microsoft Support
When you capture a snip, it's automatically copied to the Snipping Tool window where you make changes, save, and share. Open Snipping Tool. There are four ways to open Snipping Tool: Select the Start button, enter snipping tool, then select Snipping Tool from the results.
Microsoft - Microsoft
Microsoft 帐户是访问 Microsoft 产品和服务所需的个人帐户。 Microsoft 帐户的用途是什么? 你需要一个 Microsoft 帐户才能登录到 Windows 电脑、Xbox 主机或任何 Microsoft 产品和服务,包括 Office、、OneDrive、Xbox Live、Microsoft 365、Family Safety、Skype、必应、Microsoft Store ...
Applies To: Microsoft account dashboard