How to sign in to Hotmail - Microsoft Support
Tips: If you can't sign in, or have forgotten your username or password, use our sign-in troubleshooter. If you're looking to open a new account, you can create one here.
Applies To:
Unable to add a Gmail account to classic Outlook - Microsoft Support
Ask the experts. Connect with experts, discuss the latest Outlook news and best practices, and read our blog. Outlook Tech Community
Applies To: Outlook for Microsoft 365
Sign in to SharePoint - Microsoft Support
SharePoint is a browser-based app that you connect to through your web browser. If your organization has assigned you a license that includes SharePoint, you can sign in.In this article, we discuss the two most common ways to sign into SharePoint:
Applies To: SharePoint in Microsoft 365
Adjusting the controller stick settings in the Xbox Accessories app
You can adjust sensitivity settings for the left and right sticks on your Xbox controller using the Xbox Accessories app to customize gameplay to your own personal need or style.
如何在 Windows 上将 U 盘或外部存储设备格式化为 NTFS | Xbox Support
如何在 Windows 上将 U 盘或外部存储设备格式化为 NTFS 要从 U 盘更新或修复 Xbox 主机,需要一个已格式化为 NTFS 的 4GB U 盘。 有关系统更新疑难解答的详细信息,请参阅:
了解新的 Xbox 无线控制器 | Xbox Support
详细了解最新版本 Xbox 无线控制器上的按钮、扳机和控制杆。
如何登录到 Hotmail - Microsoft 支持
若要在 中获取支持,请单击此处或选择菜单栏上的帮助,然后输入查询。 如果自助服务无法解决问题,请向下滚动到“仍需要帮助?”,然后选择“是”。 若要在 中联系我们,需要登录。
Applies To:
My Xbox controller won’t connect or turn on | Xbox Support
Check the battery: Replace the controller batteries with fresh ones, or make sure that the rechargeable controllers are fully recharged.(Do this even if your controller still has power—low batteries can cause connection and functionality issues.) Power cycle your controller: Press and hold the Xbox button for 5-10 seconds until the controller turns off.
如何登录 Outlook 网页版 - Microsoft 支持
注意: 如果使用 Microsoft 帐户 (例如 、Hotmail、Live 或 MSN 电子邮件帐户)而不是工作或学校帐户登录,请注销,然后使用正确的帐户重新登录。 不确定使用哪个帐户登录? 在 Outlook 导航标头中选择 “帐户管理员 ”。 如果未使用所需帐户登录,请选择“ 注销 ”并重新开始该过程,或选择 ...
Applies To: Office for business, Office 365 Small Business, Outlook on the web, Outlook on the web for Exchange Server 2016
下载并安装或重新安装 Office 2019、Office 2016 或 Office 2013
如果这是你第一次安装 Microsoft 365,则可能需要先执行一些设置步骤。展开下面的 “了解详细信息”部分。 但是如果是重新安装 Microsoft 365,且已兑换了产品密钥并拥有与 Microsoft 365 相关联的帐户,请转到“登录并安装 Office”的部分。
Applies To: Office 2019, Office 2016, Office 2016 for Mac, Office 2013