使用系统文件检查器工具修复丢失或损坏的系统文件 - Microsoft 支持
注意: Sfcdetails.txt 文件包含每次在计算机上运行系统文件检查器工具时的详细信息。 文件包括有关系统文件检查器工具未修复文件的信息。 验证日期和时间项以确定该问题文件为你上次运行系统文件检查器工具时找到的文件。
If your mobile device won’t connect to your console during setup
If contact us isn't working the way you expect, try the disability answer desk option on this page. Contact us
Play Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 and Modern Warfare III with Xbox Game ...
To play these Call of Duty games with Game Pass, you need an active Game Pass subscription.
How do I connect my Xbox controller to PC? | Xbox Support
You can connect your controller to a Windows device by using a USB cable, the Xbox Wireless Adapter for Windows, or Bluetooth. Some Windows devices also come with Xbox Wireless functionality built in so that you can connect a controller directly without an adapter.
Microsoft Edge 中的键盘快捷方式 - Microsoft 支持
按此键. 执行此操作. Command + Shift + B. 显示或隐藏收藏夹栏. Command + Shift + C . 打开开发人员工具. Command + D. 将当前选项卡另存为收藏夹. Command + Shift + D. 在新文件夹中将所有打开的标签页另存为收藏夹
关闭或打开搜索历史记录 - Microsoft 支持
如果未登录. 若要从历史记录中清除单个搜索,请在" 搜索历史记录"页上,单击要删除的搜索旁边的 x。 若要清除所有搜索历史记录,请在"搜索历史记录 "页面上的"更改历史记录设置"下,单击"全部清除"。 这会删除此设备上的任何搜索历史记录。
Xbox payment error messages and codes | Xbox Support
“This one isn’t working. Contact your bank for more info”
Microsoft SwiftKey 键盘:下载和安装帮助 - Microsoft 支持
Microsoft SwiftKey 在 iPhone 和 iPad 上均可用,在运行 iOS 版本 12 及更高版本的所有设备上均受支持。 iPad 用户可以受益于专为大型设备定制的全新扩展布局。
Xbox Support
Xbox Support 为 Xbox、Game Pass 和账单问题提供帮助。在 Xbox Support 社区中获取建议和客户服务。
Change your default search engine in Microsoft Edge
Keeping Bing as your default search engine provides an enhanced search experience in the new Microsoft Edge , including direct links to Windows apps, relevant suggestions from your organization if you’re signed in with a work or school account, and instant answers to questions about Windows.However, you can change the default search engine to any site that uses OpenSearch technology.