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Internet Authentication Service takes a long time to authenticate a ...
When a user tries to connect to your network by using a wireless connection, and when that user's connection request is authenticated and authorized by Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Internet Authentication Service (IAS), you may experience all the following symptoms:
The Routing and Remote Access service does not start in Windows 7 or in ...
Cause. When RRAS starts, it tries to initialize certain functions in Internet Authentication Service (IAS) for authentication. The IAS initialization fails when there is no network connectivity. Therefore, RRAS does not start.
NPS servers in Windows Server 2008 systems cannot import configuration ...
You export some Internet Authentication Service (IAS) configuration settings from a computer that is running Windows Server 2003 to a file. You try to import these settings from the file into a computer that is running Windows Server 2008 and that has Network Policy Server (NPS) installed.
Internet Authentication Service takes a long time to authenticate a ...
When a user tries to connect to your network by using a wireless connection, and when that user's connection request is authenticated and authorized by Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Internet Authentication Service (IAS), you may experience all the following symptoms:
How to use the Administration Tools Pack to remotely administer ...
This article describes options to administer computers that are running Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, or Microsoft Windows 2000. Additionally, this article discusses how to download the Windows Server 2003 Administration Tools Pack (Adminpak).
MS15-007: Säkerhetsproblem i Network Policy Server RADIUS ...
Löser ett säkerhetsproblem i Windows som kan möjliggöra DOS-attack på Internet Authentication Service (IAS) eller nätverksprincipservern (NPS) om en angripare skickar särskilt utformad användarnamn strängar till IAS eller NPS.
Internet Authentication Service tar lång tid att autentisera en trådlös ...
Åtgärdar ett problem som uppstår om en trådlös åtkomstpunkt skickar tillståndsinformation till IAS under ett anslutningsförsök. Innehåller en snabbkorrigering för att lösa problemet.
Internet Authentication Service tar lang tid å godkjenne en trådløs ...
Løser et problem som oppstår hvis et trådløst tilgangspunkt sender informasjon om tilstanden til IAS under forsøk på tilkobling. Inneholder en hurtigreparasjon for å løse problemet.
NPS-servers in Windows Server 2008-systemen importeren niet ...
U exporteren sommige configuratie-instellingen van Internet Authentication Service (IAS) van een computer waarop Windows Server 2003 wordt uitgevoerd naar een bestand.
Internet Authentication service duurt lang om te verifiëren van een ...
Wanneer een gebruiker probeert verbinding te maken met uw netwerk via een draadloze verbinding en wanneer de verbindingsaanvraag van die gebruiker wordt geverifieerd en geautoriseerd door Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Internet Authentication Service (IAS), kunnen de volgende Symptomen: