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“UPnP Not Successful” appears in your network settings
Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) is what your Xbox uses to set up your router for multiplayer gaming and chat. If you see “UPnP Not Successful” in your console’s Network settings, first see if your router needs an update.
Power icon is missing in taskbar - Microsoft Support
In spite of selecting "Always Show" the power icon remains hidden in the taskbar. This has nothing to do with the hide inactive icons settings. The defect shows up when you don't have any icons set for hiding. CAUSE:- This problem may happen if Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) is enabled.
Ports that you must open in Windows Firewall to play or to host an Age ...
INTRODUCTION. This article describes the ports that you must open in Microsoft Windows Firewall to play or to host a Microsoft Age of Empires III multiplayer game. Additionally, this article describes the advantages of enabling UPnP architecture that supports peer-to-peer Plug and Play functionality for network devices.
„UPnP nicht erfolgreich“ wird in Ihren ... - Xbox Support
Ihre Xbox verwendet Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) zum Einrichten Ihres Routers für Multiplayer-Spiele und Chat. Wenn „UPnP nicht erfolgreich“ in den Netzwerkeinstellungen der Konsole angezeigt wird, überprüfen Sie zunächst, ob Ihr Router ein Update benötigt.
Information about the ports that you must open in Windows Firewall to ...
This article also lists the port addresses that must be open on computers that are not running Windows Firewall but instead are using a proxy server, a router, Network Address Translation (NAT), or Internet Connection Sharing. The ports that you must open for multiplayer games are as follows: Port. Protocol.
Komunikat „Nie udało się uruchomić UPnP” w ustawieniach sieci
Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) to protokół używany przez konsolę Xbox w celu konfigurowania routera do grania i rozmawiania w trybie dla wielu graczy. Jeśli w obszarze Ustawienia sieci na konsoli jest wyświetlany komunikat „Nie udało się uruchomić UPnP”, najpierw zobacz, czy router nie wymaga aktualizacji.
"UPnP sem êxito" é exibido nas configurações de rede
O seu Xbox usa o Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) para configurar um roteador de jogos e bate-papo com vários participantes. Se você ver "UPnP sem êxito" nas Configurações de rede do seu console, verifique se você precisa atualizar o roteador.
Plug-ins and add-ons for Windows Media Player - Microsoft Support
Plug-ins or add-ons add functionality—such as audio effects or DVD capability—to Windows Media Player. You can download plug-ins or add-ons for your version of the Player using the links below.
Aparece "UPnP incorrecto" en la configuración de red
Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) es lo que la consola Xbox utiliza para configurar el enrutador para los juegos multijugador y el chat. Si ves "UPnP incorrecto" en la Configuración de red de la consola, comprueba primero si el enrutador necesita una actualización.
Aparece el mensaje "UPnP incorrecto" en la configuración de red
Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) es lo que la consola Xbox utiliza para configurar el enrutador para los juegos multijugador y la charla. Si ves "UPnP incorrecto" en la Configuración de red de la consola, comprueba primero si el enrutador necesita una actualización.