Velja za:
Ogrodje Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2
POMEMBNE Preverite, ali ste namestili zahtevane posodobitve, ki so navedene v razdelku Kako pridobiti to posodobitev, preden namestite to posodobitev.
POMEMBNENekateri uporabniki, ki uporabljajo operacijski sistem Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 in so aktivirali svoje podatke s sistemom ESU Multiple activation Key (MAK), preden namestite januar 14, bodo posodobitve za 2020 morda morali znova aktivirati ključ. Ponovna aktivacija na prizadetih napravah bi morala biti zahtevana le enkrat. Če želite več informacij o aktiviranju, si oglejte ta objava v spletnem dnevniku .
POMEMBNE V storitvi WSUS scan CAB bodo še naprej na voljo za Windows 7 SP1 in Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1. Če imate podmnožico naprav, ki izvajajo te operacijske sisteme brez EEV, se lahko prikažejo kot neskladne v paketih za upravljanje in skladnost s predpisi.
POMEMBNE Uporabniki, ki so kupili razširjeno varnostno posodobitev (EEV) za različice teh operacijskih sistemov na mestu uporabe, morajo upoštevati postopke v KB4522133 , da nadaljujejo prejemanje varnostnih posodobitev, ko se podaljša podpora konča januarja 14, 2020. Če želite več informacij o ESU in izdajah, ki so podprte, si oglejte KB4497181.
POMEMBNE Z začetkom januarja 15, 2020 se prikaže obvestilo o polnem zaslonu, ki opisuje nevarnost nadaljevanja uporabe servisnega paketa Windows 7 s servisnim paketom SP1, ko doseže konec podpore januarja 14, 2020. Obvestilo bo ostalo na zaslonu, dokler ne boste sodelovali z njim. To obvestilo bo prikazano le v teh izdajah servisnega paketa Windows 7 s servisnim paketom SP1:
OpombaObvestilo ne bo prikazano na strojih ali strojih, ki so povezani z domeno, v načinu kioska.
Home Premium.
Professional. Če ste kupili razširjeno varnostno posodobitev (EEV), obvestilo ne bo prikazano. Če želite več informacij, glejte Kako pridobiti razširjene varnostne posodobitve za upravičene naprave s sistemom Windows in življenjski cikel FAQ-Extended varnostne posodobitve.
V programski opremi .NET Framework je na voljo koda za izvajanje oddaljene kode, ko programska oprema ne preveri izvorne oznake datoteke. Napadalec, ki je uspešno izkoristil ranljivost, bi lahko zagnal samovoljno kodo v kontekstu trenutnega uporabnika. Če je trenutni uporabnik prijavljen z upravnimi pravicami uporabnika, lahko napadalec prevzame nadzor nad prizadetim sistemom. Napadalec lahko nato namesti programe; ogled, spreminjanje ali brisanje podatkov; ali ustvarite nove račune s polnimi uporabniškimi pravicami. Uporabniki, katerih računi so konfigurirani tako, da imajo manj uporabniških pravic v sistemu, bi lahko manj vplivali na uporabnike, ki delujejo z upravnimi pravicami uporabnikov. Uporaba ranljivosti zahteva, da uporabnik odpre posebej oblikovana datoteka z okuženo različico ogrodja .NET Framework. V scenariju e-poštnega napada bi lahko napadalec izkoristil ranljivost tako, da bi uporabniku poslal posebej oblikovana datoteka in prepričal uporabnika, da odpre datoteko. Varnostna posodobitev obravnava ranljivost tako, da popravi, kako .NET Framework preveri izvorno oznako datoteke.
Če želite izvedeti več o ranljivostih, glejte te pogoste ranljivosti in izpostavljenosti (CVE).
Zavrnitev ranljivosti storitve obstaja, ko ogrodje .NET Framework nepravilno obravnava spletne zahteve. Napadalec, ki je uspešno izkoristil to ranljivost, lahko povzroči zavrnitev storitve s spletnim programom .NET Framework. Ranljivost lahko izkoristite na daljavo, brez preverjanja pristnosti. Oddaljeni Nepreverjeni napadalec bi lahko izkoristil to ranljivost tako, da je izdal posebej izdelane zahteve za okvirni program .NET. Posodobitev obravnava ranljivost tako, da popravi, kako spletni program ogrodja .NET Framework obravnava spletne zahteve.
Če želite izvedeti več o ranljivostih, glejte te pogoste ranljivosti in izpostavljenosti (CVE).
Znane težave v tej posodobitvi
Simptom – |
Ta posodobitev se ne namesti in vrne eno ali obe temi sporočili o napaki:
Rešitev |
Ta težava je bila odpravljena v najnovejših paketih varnosti in kakovosti za ogrodje .NET Framework. |
Dodatne informacije o tej posodobitvi
Naslednji članki vsebujejo dodatne informacije o tej posodobitvi, ki se nanaša na posamezne različice izdelka.
4556402 Opis paketa varnosti in kakovosti za ogrodje .NET Framework 2,0, 3,0, 4.5.2, 4,6 za Windows Server 2008 SP2 (KB4556402)
4556399 Opis paketa varnosti in kakovosti za ogrodje .NET Framework 3.5.1, 4.5.2, 4,6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4,7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4,8 za Windows 7 SP1 in Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (KB4556399)
Kako pridobiti in namestiti posodobitev
Pred namestitvijo te posodobitve
Če želite uporabiti to posodobitev, morate imeti nameščen .NET Framework 4.5.2.
Namestiti morate posodobitve, ki so navedene spodaj, in znova zagnati napravo , preden namestite najnovejšo zbirnik. Z namestitvijo teh posodobitev se izboljša zanesljivost postopka posodobitve in ublaži morebitne težave, medtem ko nameščate zbirnik in uporabite Microsoftove varnostne popravke.
12. marca 2019 za servisiranje stack (SSU) (KB4490628). Če želite pridobiti samostojni paket za to SSU, ga poiščite v Microsoftovem katalogu posodobitev. Ta posodobitev je zahtevana za namestitev posodobitev, ki so podpisane le SHA-2.
Najnovejša posodobitev SHA-2 (KB4474419) je izšla septembra 10, 2019. Če uporabljate Windows Update, bo najnovejša posodobitev za SHA-2 na voljo samodejno. Ta posodobitev je zahtevana za namestitev posodobitev, ki so podpisane le SHA-2. Če želite več informacij o storitvi SHA-2, si oglejte 2019 koda podpore za podpisovanje kode za Windows in WSUS.
Paket z razširjenimi varnostnimi posodobitvami (EEV) za pripravo licenc (KB4538483) je izdan februarja 11, 2020. Paket za pripravo licence ESU vam bo na voljo v storitvi WSUS. Če želite pridobiti samostojni paket za paket za pripravo licenc za EEV, ga poiščite v katalogu Microsoftovih posodobitev.
Namestitev te posodobitve
Kanal za sprostitev |
Voljo |
Naslednji korak |
Windows Update in Microsoft Update |
Da |
Brez. Ta posodobitev se bo prenesla in samodejno namestila iz storitve Windows Update, če ste stranka EEV. |
Katalog za Microsoft Update |
Da |
Če želite pridobiti samostojni paket za to posodobitev, obiščite spletno mesto kataloga za Microsoft Update . |
Storitve Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) |
Da |
Ta posodobitev se samodejno sinhronizira s storitvijo WSUS, če konfigurirate izdelke in razvrstitve na naslednji način: Izdelek: servisni paket SP1 za Windows 7, windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1, Windows Embedded standard 7 Service Pack 1, Windows Embedded POSReady 7 Razvrstitev: varnostne posodobitve |
Zahteva za vnovični zagon
Ko uporabite to posodobitev, morate znova zagnati računalnik, če so uporabljene vse prizadete datoteke. Priporočamo vam, da zaprete vse aplikacije, ki temeljijo na .NET Frameworku, preden uporabite to posodobitev.
Posodabljanje informacij o uvajanju
Podrobnosti o uvedbi te varnostne posodobitve najdete v tem članku v Microsoftovi zbirki znanja:
20200512 Informacije o uvedbi varnostne posodobitve: maj 12, 2020
Posodobitev informacij o odstranitvi
Opomba Priporočamo vam, da odstranite varnostno posodobitev. Če želite odstraniti to posodobitev, uporabite element» programi in funkcije «na nadzorni plošči.
Posodobitev vnovičnega zagona informacij
Ta posodobitev ne zahteva vnovičnega zagona sistema, ko ga uporabite, razen če so datoteke, ki se posodabljajo, zaklenjene ali pa so uporabljene.
Posodobitev nadomestnih informacij
Ta posodobitev nadomešča predhodno izdane posodobitve 4533098 in 4535105 za Windows Server 2008 SP2 ter 4533095 in 4535102 za Windows 7 SP1 in Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1.
Informacije o datoteki
Različica te posodobitve programske opreme v angleščini (Združene države Amerike) namesti datoteke z atributi, ki so navedeni v spodnjih tabelah.
Ime datoteke |
Različica datoteke |
Velikost datoteke |
Datum |
Čas |
System.Web.DataVisualization.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
1.713.560 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Activities.Compiler.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
3.194.664 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
vbc.exe |
12.0.52415.36415 |
2.459.256 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Activities.CompilerUI.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
272.184 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
vbc7ui.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
271.512 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Accessibility.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
36.008 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
AddInProcess.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
42.104 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
AddInProcess32.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
42.104 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
AddInUtil.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
42.104 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
AdoNetDiag.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
170.664 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
alink.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
116.888 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
alinkui.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
35.488 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
AppLaunch.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
98.424 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
aspnet_compiler.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
55.928 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
aspnet_counters.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
28.352 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
aspnet_filter.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
34.488 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
aspnet_isapi.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
24.760 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
Aspnet_perf.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
41.536 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
aspnet_perf.ini |
997.498 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
aspnet_perf2.ini |
995.542 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
aspnet_rc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
90.280 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
aspnet_regbrowsers.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
45.176 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
aspnet_regiis.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
41.080 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
aspnet_regsql.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
127.608 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
aspnet_state.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
45.688 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
aspnet_wp.exe |
4.0.30319.36480 |
43.016 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
AspNetMMCExt.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
509.624 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
CasPol.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
108.152 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
clr.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
6.941.472 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
CLR-ETW. Man |
303.549 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
clrcompression.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
106.688 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
clretwrc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
228.008 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
clrjit.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
509.728 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
ComSvcConfig.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
176.760 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
CORPerfMonExt.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
127.672 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
corperfmonsymbols.ini |
1.516.922 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
csc.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
1.853.048 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
cscui.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
203.416 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
Culture.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
54.432 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
CustomMarshalers.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
95.936 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
cvtres_clr.exe |
12.0.52415.36415 |
43.128 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
cvtresui_clr.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
20.144 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
DataSvcUtil.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
73.336 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
dfdll.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
141.976 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
dfshim.dll. mui |
4.0.41209.0 |
18.600 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
dfsvc.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
23.160 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
diasymreader.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
859.824 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
dw20.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
45.176 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
EdmGen.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
85.624 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
EventLogMessages.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
804.552 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
filetracker.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
226.992 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
FileTrackerUI.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
21.688 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
fusion.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
74.904 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
IE. Browser |
5.166 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
ilasm.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
297.080 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
InstallPersistSqlState. SQL |
54.647 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
InstallSqlState. SQL |
54.427 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
InstallSqlStateTemplate. SQL |
56.233 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
InstallUtil.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
40.568 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
InstallUtilLib.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
68.280 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
ISymWrapper.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
71.856 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
jsc.exe |
12.0.52415.36415 |
47.224 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
locale. NLP |
419.632 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
Microsoft.Activities.Build.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
54.160 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Build.Conversion.v4.0.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
85.248 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
Microsoft.Build.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
1.448.128 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
Microsoft.Build.Engine.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
668.376 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Build.Framework.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
101.608 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v4.0.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
1.191.152 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Build.Utilities.v4.0.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
273.664 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft. Common. OverrideTasks |
6.297 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft. Common. Targets |
262.547 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.CSharp.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
492.224 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
Microsoft.Data.Entity.Build.Tasks.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
53.000 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
Microsoft. data. entitet. Targets |
6.501 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
Microsoft.Internal.Tasks.Dataflow.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
184.584 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
Microsoft.Transactions.Bridge.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
407.824 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Transactions.Bridge.Dtc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
131.336 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.VisualC.STLCLR.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
50.920 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationServer.Applications.dll. mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
99.160 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationServer.Applications.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
141.192 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft. WinFX. Targets (cilji) |
42.213 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
32.888 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft. WorkflowBuildExtensions. Targets (cilji) |
7.537 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft. XAML. Targets (cilji) |
19.848 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft. Build. commontypes. xsd |
241.004 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.JScript.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
758.984 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.JSCRIPT. tlb |
12.0.52415.36415 |
57.856 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.Data.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
108.840 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
360.208 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
651.488 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.VisualC.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
30.408 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
MmcAspExt.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
107.176 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
MSBuild.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
267.896 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
mscordacwks.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1.285.104 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
mscordbi.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1.108.464 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
mscoree. tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
30.720 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
mscoreei.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
516.264 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
mscoreeis.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
32.936 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
mscorlib.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
5.268.768 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
mscorpe.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
75.424 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
mscorpehost.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
139.952 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
mscorrc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
395.936 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
mscorsecimpl.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
104.632 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
mscorsecr.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
38.056 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
mscorsn.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
25.760 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
mscorsvc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
414.880 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
mscorsvw.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
103.552 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
VsVersion.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
18.088 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
ngen.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
140.920 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
nlssorting.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
74.928 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
normalization.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
31.416 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
PenIMC.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
82.440 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
PerfCounter.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
204.464 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
peverify.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
164.640 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
PresentationBuildTasks.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
604.536 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationCore.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
3.227.632 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
PresentationFramework.Aero.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
249.232 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
presentationframework.aerolite.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
177.560 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationFramework.Classic.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
181.144 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationFramework.Luna.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
484.752 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationFramework.Royale.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
208.272 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationFramework.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
6.228.256 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
PresentationFramework-SystemCore.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
25.352 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationFramework-SystemData.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
23.816 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationFramework-SystemDrawing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
24.336 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationFramework-SystemXml.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
24.832 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationFramework-SystemXmlLinq.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
22.800 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationHost_v0400.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
186.864 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
PresentationHost_v0400.dll. mui |
4.0.30319.36627 |
85.488 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
PresentationNative_v0400.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
790.816 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
PresentationUI.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
847.032 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
ReachFramework.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
599.024 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
RegAsm.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
64.632 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
RegSvcs.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
45.176 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
regtlib.exe |
12.0.52415.36415 |
84.600 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
sbscmp10.dll |
4.0.41209.0 |
23.720 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
ServiceModelEvents.dll. mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
43.744 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
ServiceModelEvents.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
18.128 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
ServiceModelInstallRC.dll. mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
19.688 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
ServiceModelInstallRC.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
18.136 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
ServiceModelPerformanceCounters.dll. mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
47.376 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
ServiceModelPerformanceCounters.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
77.056 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
ServiceModelReg.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
226.424 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
ServiceModelRegUI.dll. mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
37.592 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
ServiceModelRegUI.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
18.120 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
ServiceMonikerSupport.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
28.960 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
SMDiagnostics.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
73.864 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
SMSvcHost.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
139.896 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
SOS.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
763.168 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
System.Speech.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
686.424 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
sysglobl.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
133.264 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Activities.Core.Presentation.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
718.256 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Activities.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1.583.248 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
System.Activities.DurableInstancing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
144.176 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Activities.Presentation.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
2.140.568 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.AddIn.Contract.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
52.440 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.AddIn.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
163.512 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Collections.Concurrent.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.456 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Collections.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.896 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.ComponentModel.Annotations.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.992 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.ComponentModel.Composition.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
312.104 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.ComponentModel.Composition.Registration.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
62.848 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
120.640 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.ComponentModel.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.400 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.ComponentModel.EventBasedAsync.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.504 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Core.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1.272.464 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
System.Data.DataSetExtensions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
72.464 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Data.Entity.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
1.087.208 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Data.Entity.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
4.099.280 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Data.Linq.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
698.568 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Data.Services.Client.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
448.240 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Data.Services.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
176.368 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Data.Services.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
684.248 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.960 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Diagnostics.Debug.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.424 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Diagnostics.Tools.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.424 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Diagnostics.Tracing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.440 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
297.776 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Dynamic.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
134.320 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Dynamic.Runtime.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.928 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Globalization.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.400 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.IdentityModel.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1.097.872 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
System.IdentityModel.Selectors.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
145.680 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.IdentityModel.Services.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
200.480 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
System.IO.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.336 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.IO.Log.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
134.992 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Linq.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.344 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Linq.Expressions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
31.472 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Linq.Parallel.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.400 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Linq.Queryable.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.408 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Management.Instrumentation.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
146.696 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Net.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
259.744 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Net.Http.Rtc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.400 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Net.NetworkInformation.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.456 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Net.Primitives.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.408 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Net.Requests.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.392 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.ObjectModel.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.904 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Printing.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
343.840 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Reflection.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.896 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Reflection.Emit.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.416 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Reflection.Emit.ILGeneration.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.488 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.488 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Reflection.Extensions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.448 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Reflection.Primitives.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.448 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Resources.ResourceManager.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.472 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
36.528 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.DurableInstancing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
173.344 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.Extensions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.432 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.InteropServices.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
32.536 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.560 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.Numerics.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.424 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1.060.496 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.480 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.520 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.Xml.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.984 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Security.Principal.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.432 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.Activation.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
204.184 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.Activities.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
570.264 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.Channels.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
160.024 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
System.ServiceModel.Discovery.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
313.120 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
System.ServiceModel.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
6.388.328 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
System.ServiceModel.Duplex.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.440 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.Http.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.936 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.Internals.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
255.120 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
System.ServiceModel.NetTcp.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.432 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.Primitives.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
34.072 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.Routing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
132.496 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.Security.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.960 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.ServiceMoniker40.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
23.312 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.WasHosting.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
40.432 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
System.ServiceModel.Web.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
332.520 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Text.Encoding.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.400 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Text.Encoding.Extensions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.464 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.456 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Threading.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.888 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Threading.Tasks.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
30.432 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.472 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Web.Abstractions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
22.912 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.ApplicationServices.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
71.208 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.DataVisualization.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
106.928 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.DynamicData.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
44.952 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.DynamicData.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
248.696 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.Entity.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
172.264 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.Entity.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
166.088 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.Extensions.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
354.704 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.Extensions.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
1.859.568 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.Routing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
22.376 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Windows.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
31.416 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
82.904 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
1.726.392 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Workflow.Activities.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
1.068.824 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Workflow.ComponentModel.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
1.571.616 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Workflow.Runtime.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
504.088 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.WorkflowServices.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
455.040 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Xaml.Hosting.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
42.704 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Xml.Linq.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
163.512 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Xml.ReaderWriter.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.928 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Xml.Serialization.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
45.808 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Xml.XDocument.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.912 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Xml.XmlSerializer.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.936 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.Caching.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
109.272 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Configuration.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
402.648 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Configuration.Install.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
103.176 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Data.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
3.209.392 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Data.OracleClient.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
509.672 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Data.SqlXml.dll |
4.0.30319.36430 |
752.312 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Deployment.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
853.704 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
5.056.176 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Device.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
64.184 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.DirectoryServices.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
425.712 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
203.056 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.dll |
4.0.30319.36543 |
3.493.280 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Drawing.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
113.888 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Drawing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
598.712 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System. Drawing. tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
7.680 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.EnterpriseServices.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
248.552 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.EnterpriseServices.Thunk.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
86.784 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System. EnterpriseServices. tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
33.280 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.EnterpriseServices.Wrapper.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
111.104 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.IO.Compression.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
71.896 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.IO.Compression.FileSystem.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
28.936 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Management.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
417.480 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Messaging.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
274.112 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Net.Http.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
202.432 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Net.Http.WebRequest.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
50.944 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Numerics.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
86.208 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Reflection.context.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
108.272 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Runtime.Remoting.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
348.904 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
142.192 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Security.dll |
4.0.30319.36440 |
301.648 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.ServiceProcess.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
134.872 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System. tlb |
12.0.52415.36415 |
71.168 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Transactions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
289.488 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
5.464.640 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.Mobile.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
839.768 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.RegularExpressions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
107.768 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.Services.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
858.320 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System. Web. tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
6.144 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
751.904 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
System.Windows.Forms.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
4.859.608 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System. Windows. Forms. tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
85.504 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Windows.Input.Manipulations.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
68.520 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Windows.Presentation.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.072 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Xaml.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
641.408 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
System.Xml.dll |
4.0.30319.36430 |
2.705.032 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
4.0.30319.36415 |
101.024 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
UIAutomationClient.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
178.536 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
UIAutomationClientsideProviders.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
365.984 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
UIAutomationProvider.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
48.496 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
UIAutomationTypes.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
105.832 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
webengine.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
24.832 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
webengine4.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
509.696 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
WindowsBase.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1.242.392 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
WindowsFormsIntegration.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
102.784 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
WMINet_Utils.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
126.136 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
WorkflowServiceHostPerformanceCounters.dll. mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
24.368 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
WorkflowServiceHostPerformanceCounters.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
76.776 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
WPF-ETW. Man |
151.330 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
WPFFontCache_v0400.exe. mui |
4.0.30319.36627 |
19.952 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
WPFFontCache_v0400.exe |
4.0.30319.36627 |
25.424 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
wpfgfx_v0400.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1.649.136 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
WsatConfig.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
155.256 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
XamlBuildTask.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
133.976 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
XsdBuildTask.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
68.280 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
ThirdPartyNotices.txt |
20.126 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
msvcp120_clr0400.dll |
12.0.52480.36480 |
536.856 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
msvcr120_clr0400.dll |
12.0.52480.36480 |
875.800 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
Ime datoteke |
Različica datoteke |
Velikost datoteke |
Datum |
Čas |
WorkflowServiceHostPerformanceCounters.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
76.776 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
WPF-ETW. Man |
151.330 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
WPFFontCache_v0400.exe. mui |
4.0.30319.36627 |
19.952 |
30-marec-2020 |
22:24 |
WPFFontCache_v0400.exe. mui |
4.0.30319.36627 |
19.952 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
WPFFontCache_v0400.exe |
4.0.30319.36627 |
26.664 |
30-marec-2020 |
22:24 |
WPFFontCache_v0400.exe |
4.0.30319.36627 |
25.424 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
wpfgfx_v0400.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
2.109.424 |
30-marec-2020 |
22:24 |
wpfgfx_v0400.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1.649.136 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
WsatConfig.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
155.256 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
XamlBuildTask.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
133.976 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
XsdBuildTask.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
68.280 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
ThirdPartyNotices.txt |
20.126 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
msvcp120_clr0400.dll |
12.0.52480.36480 |
678.488 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
msvcp120_clr0400.dll |
12.0.52480.36480 |
536.856 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
msvcr120_clr0400.dll |
12.0.52480.36480 |
869.464 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
msvcr120_clr0400.dll |
12.0.52480.36480 |
875.800 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.DataVisualization.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
1.713.560 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Activities.Compiler.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
4.008.232 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Activities.Compiler.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
3.194.664 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
vbc.exe |
12.0.52415.36415 |
3.546.232 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
vbc.exe |
12.0.52415.36415 |
2.459.256 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Activities.CompilerUI.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
272.184 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Activities.CompilerUI.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
272.184 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
vbc7ui.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
271.512 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
vbc7ui.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
271.512 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Accessibility.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
36.008 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
AddInProcess.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
42.104 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
AddInProcess32.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
42.104 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
AddInUtil.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
42.104 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
AdoNetDiag.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
188.072 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
AdoNetDiag.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
170.664 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
alink.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
145.048 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
alink.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
116.888 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
alinkui.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
35.488 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
alinkui.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
35.488 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
AppLaunch.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
115.832 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
AppLaunch.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
98.424 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
aspnet_compiler.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
54.904 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
aspnet_compiler.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
55.928 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
aspnet_counters.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.888 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
aspnet_counters.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
28.352 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
aspnet_filter.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
37.560 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
aspnet_filter.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
34.488 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
aspnet_isapi.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
25.776 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
aspnet_isapi.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
24.760 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
Aspnet_perf.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
45.120 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
Aspnet_perf.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
41.536 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
aspnet_perf.ini |
997.498 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
aspnet_perf2.ini |
995.542 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
aspnet_rc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
90.280 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
aspnet_rc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
90.280 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
aspnet_regbrowsers.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
44.664 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
aspnet_regbrowsers.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
45.176 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
aspnet_regiis.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
43.640 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
aspnet_regiis.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
41.080 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
aspnet_regsql.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
127.096 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
aspnet_regsql.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
127.608 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
aspnet_state.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
50.808 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
aspnet_state.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
45.688 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
aspnet_wp.exe |
4.0.30319.36480 |
47.624 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
aspnet_wp.exe |
4.0.30319.36480 |
43.016 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
AspNetMMCExt.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
509.624 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
CasPol.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
107.640 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
CasPol.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
108.152 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
clr.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
10.071.328 |
30-marec-2020 |
22:24 |
clr.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
6.941.472 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
CLR-ETW. Man |
303.557 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
CLR-ETW. Man |
303.549 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
clrcompression.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
122.048 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
clrcompression.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
106.688 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
clretwrc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
228.008 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
clretwrc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
228.008 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
clrjit.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1.235.232 |
30-marec-2020 |
22:24 |
clrjit.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
509.728 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
ComSvcConfig.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
176.760 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
CORPerfMonExt.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
153.784 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
CORPerfMonExt.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
127.672 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
corperfmonsymbols.ini |
1.516.922 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
csc.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
2.637.432 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
csc.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
1.853.048 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
cscui.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
203.416 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
cscui.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
203.416 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
Culture.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
63.648 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
Culture.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
54.432 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
CustomMarshalers.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
104.648 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
CustomMarshalers.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
95.936 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
cvtres_clr.exe |
12.0.52415.36415 |
46.712 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
cvtres_clr.exe |
12.0.52415.36415 |
43.128 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
cvtresui_clr.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
20.144 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
cvtresui_clr.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
20.144 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
DataSvcUtil.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
73.336 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
dfdll.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
165.528 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
dfdll.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
141.976 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
dfshim.dll. mui |
4.0.41209.0 |
18.608 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
dfshim.dll. mui |
4.0.41209.0 |
18.600 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
dfsvc.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
23.160 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
diasymreader.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
1.068.208 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
diasymreader.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
859.824 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
dw20.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
51.320 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
dw20.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
45.176 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
EdmGen.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
85.624 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
EventLogMessages.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
804.552 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
EventLogMessages.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
804.552 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
filetracker.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
262.832 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
filetracker.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
226.992 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
FileTrackerUI.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
21.688 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
FileTrackerUI.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
21.688 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
fusion.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
92.832 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
fusion.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
74.904 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
IE. Browser |
5.166 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
IE. Browser |
5.166 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
ilasm.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
363.640 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
ilasm.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
297.080 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
InstallPersistSqlState. SQL |
54.647 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
InstallPersistSqlState. SQL |
54.647 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
InstallSqlState. SQL |
54.427 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
InstallSqlState. SQL |
54.427 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
InstallSqlStateTemplate. SQL |
56.233 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
InstallSqlStateTemplate. SQL |
56.233 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
InstallUtil.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
40.056 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
InstallUtil.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
40.568 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
InstallUtilLib.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
76.472 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
InstallUtilLib.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
68.280 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
ISymWrapper.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
71.856 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
ISymWrapper.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
71.856 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
jsc.exe |
12.0.52415.36415 |
47.224 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
locale. NLP |
419.632 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
locale. NLP |
419.632 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
Microsoft.Activities.Build.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
54.160 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Build.Conversion.v4.0.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
85.248 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
Microsoft.Build.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
1.448.128 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
Microsoft.Build.Engine.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
668.376 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Build.Framework.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
101.608 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v4.0.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
1.191.152 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Build.Utilities.v4.0.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
273.664 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft. Common. OverrideTasks |
6.297 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
Microsoft. Common. OverrideTasks |
6.297 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft. Common. Targets |
262.547 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
Microsoft. Common. Targets |
262.547 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.CSharp.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
492.224 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
Microsoft.Data.Entity.Build.Tasks.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
53.000 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
Microsoft. data. entitet. Targets |
6.501 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
Microsoft.Internal.Tasks.Dataflow.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
184.584 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
Microsoft.Transactions.Bridge.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
407.824 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Transactions.Bridge.Dtc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
131.848 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
Microsoft.Transactions.Bridge.Dtc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
131.336 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.VisualC.STLCLR.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
50.920 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationServer.Applications.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
141.192 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationServer.Applications.dll. mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
99.168 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationServer.Applications.dll. mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
99.160 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft. WinFX. Targets (cilji) |
42.213 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
Microsoft. WinFX. Targets (cilji) |
42.213 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
32.888 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft. WorkflowBuildExtensions. Targets (cilji) |
7.537 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft. XAML. Targets (cilji) |
19.848 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
Microsoft. XAML. Targets (cilji) |
19.848 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft. Build. commontypes. xsd |
241.004 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
Microsoft. Build. commontypes. xsd |
241.004 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.JScript.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
758.984 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.JSCRIPT. tlb |
12.0.52415.36415 |
57.856 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
Microsoft.JSCRIPT. tlb |
12.0.52415.36415 |
57.856 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.Data.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
108.840 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
360.208 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
651.488 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Microsoft.VisualC.Dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
30.408 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
MmcAspExt.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
113.320 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
MmcAspExt.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
107.176 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
MSBuild.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
263.288 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
MSBuild.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
267.896 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
mscordacwks.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1.731.872 |
30-marec-2020 |
22:24 |
mscordacwks.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1.285.104 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
mscordbi.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1.534.240 |
30-marec-2020 |
22:24 |
mscordbi.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1.108.464 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
mscoree. tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
30.720 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
mscoree. tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
30.720 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
mscoreei.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
636.072 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
mscoreei.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
516.264 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
mscoreeis.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
32.936 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
mscoreeis.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
32.936 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
mscorlib.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
5.222.688 |
30-marec-2020 |
22:24 |
mscorlib.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
5.268.768 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
mscorpe.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
85.152 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
mscorpe.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
75.424 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
mscorpehost.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
169.648 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
mscorpehost.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
139.952 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
mscorrc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
395.936 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
mscorrc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
395.936 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
mscorsecimpl.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
127.160 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
mscorsecimpl.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
104.632 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
mscorsecr.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
38.056 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
mscorsecr.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
38.056 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
mscorsn.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
26.272 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
mscorsn.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
25.760 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
mscorsvc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
523.424 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
mscorsvc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
414.880 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
mscorsvw.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
124.024 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
mscorsvw.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
103.552 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
VsVersion.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
18.088 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
VsVersion.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
18.088 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
ngen.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
171.128 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
ngen.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
140.920 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
nlssorting.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
84.144 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
nlssorting.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
74.928 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
normalization.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
34.488 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
normalization.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
31.416 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
PenIMC.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
95.736 |
30-marec-2020 |
22:24 |
PenIMC.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
82.440 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
PerfCounter.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
241.840 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
PerfCounter.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
204.464 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
peverify.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
226.592 |
30-marec-2020 |
22:24 |
peverify.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
164.640 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
PresentationBuildTasks.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
604.536 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationCore.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
3.211.552 |
30-marec-2020 |
22:24 |
PresentationCore.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
3.227.632 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
PresentationFramework.Aero.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
249.232 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
presentationframework.aerolite.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
177.560 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationFramework.Classic.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
181.144 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationFramework.Luna.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
484.752 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationFramework.Royale.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
208.272 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationFramework.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
6.228.256 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
PresentationFramework-SystemCore.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
25.352 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationFramework-SystemData.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
23.816 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationFramework-SystemDrawing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
24.336 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationFramework-SystemXml.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
24.832 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationFramework-SystemXmlLinq.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
22.800 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
PresentationHost_v0400.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
232.944 |
30-marec-2020 |
22:24 |
PresentationHost_v0400.dll. mui |
4.0.30319.36627 |
85.496 |
30-marec-2020 |
22:24 |
PresentationHost_v0400.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
186.864 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
PresentationHost_v0400.dll. mui |
4.0.30319.36627 |
85.488 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
PresentationNative_v0400.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1.078.768 |
30-marec-2020 |
22:24 |
PresentationNative_v0400.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
790.816 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
PresentationUI.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
847.032 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
ReachFramework.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
599.024 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
RegAsm.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
64.120 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
RegAsm.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
64.632 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
RegSvcs.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
44.664 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
RegSvcs.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
45.176 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
regtlib.exe |
12.0.52415.36415 |
94.328 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
regtlib.exe |
12.0.52415.36415 |
84.600 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
sbscmp10.dll |
4.0.41209.0 |
24.232 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
sbscmp10.dll |
4.0.41209.0 |
23.720 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
ServiceModelEvents.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
18.128 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
ServiceModelEvents.dll. mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
43.736 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
ServiceModelEvents.dll. mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
43.744 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
ServiceModelEvents.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
18.128 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
ServiceModelInstallRC.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
18.136 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
ServiceModelInstallRC.dll. mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
19.688 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
ServiceModelInstallRC.dll. mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
19.688 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
ServiceModelInstallRC.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
18.136 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
ServiceModelPerformanceCounters.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
86.784 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
ServiceModelPerformanceCounters.dll. mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
47.376 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
ServiceModelPerformanceCounters.dll. mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
47.376 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
ServiceModelPerformanceCounters.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
77.056 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
ServiceModelReg.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
263.288 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
ServiceModelReg.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
226.424 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
ServiceModelRegUI.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
18.120 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
ServiceModelRegUI.dll. mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
37.592 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
ServiceModelRegUI.dll. mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
37.592 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
ServiceModelRegUI.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
18.120 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
ServiceMonikerSupport.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
29.472 |
30-marec-2020 |
22:24 |
ServiceMonikerSupport.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
28.960 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
SMDiagnostics.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
73.864 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
SMSvcHost.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
139.896 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
SOS.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
823.792 |
30-marec-2020 |
22:24 |
SOS.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
763.168 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
System.Speech.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
686.424 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
sysglobl.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
133.264 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Activities.Core.Presentation.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
718.256 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Activities.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1.583.248 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
System.Activities.DurableInstancing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
144.176 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Activities.Presentation.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
2.140.568 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.AddIn.Contract.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
52.440 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.AddIn.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
163.512 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Collections.Concurrent.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.456 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Collections.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.896 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.ComponentModel.Annotations.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.992 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.ComponentModel.Composition.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
312.104 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
system.componentmodel.composition.registration.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
62.848 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
120.640 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.ComponentModel.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.400 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.ComponentModel.EventBasedAsync.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.504 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Core.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1.272.464 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
System.Data.DataSetExtensions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
72.464 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Data.Entity.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
1.087.208 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Data.Entity.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
4.099.280 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Data.Linq.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
698.568 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Data.Services.Client.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
448.240 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Data.Services.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
176.368 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Data.Services.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
684.248 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.960 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Diagnostics.Debug.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.424 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Diagnostics.Tools.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.424 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Diagnostics.Tracing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.440 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
297.776 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
system.dynamic.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
134.320 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Dynamic.Runtime.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.928 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Globalization.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.400 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.IdentityModel.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1.097.872 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
System.IdentityModel.Selectors.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
145.680 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.IdentityModel.Services.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
200.480 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
System.IO.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.336 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.IO.Log.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
134.992 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Linq.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.344 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Linq.Expressions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
31.472 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Linq.Parallel.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.400 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Linq.Queryable.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.408 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Management.Instrumentation.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
146.696 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Net.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
259.744 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Net.Http.Rtc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.400 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Net.NetworkInformation.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.456 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Net.Primitives.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.408 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Net.Requests.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.392 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.ObjectModel.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.904 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Printing.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
343.328 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
System.Printing.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
343.840 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Reflection.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.896 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Reflection.Emit.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.416 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Reflection.Emit.ILGeneration.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.488 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.488 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Reflection.Extensions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.448 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Reflection.Primitives.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.448 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Resources.ResourceManager.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.472 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
36.528 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.DurableInstancing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
173.344 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.Extensions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.432 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.InteropServices.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
32.536 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.560 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.Numerics.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.424 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1.060.496 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.480 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.520 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.Xml.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.984 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Security.Principal.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.432 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.Activation.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
204.184 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.Activities.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
570.264 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.Channels.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
160.024 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
System.ServiceModel.Discovery.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
313.120 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
System.ServiceModel.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
6.388.328 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
System.ServiceModel.Duplex.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.440 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.Http.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.936 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.Internals.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
255.120 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
System.ServiceModel.NetTcp.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.432 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.Primitives.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
34.072 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.Routing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
132.496 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.Security.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.960 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.ServiceMoniker40.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
23.312 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.ServiceModel.WasHosting.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
40.432 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
System.ServiceModel.Web.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
332.520 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Text.Encoding.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.400 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Text.Encoding.Extensions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.464 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.456 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Threading.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.888 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Threading.Tasks.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
30.432 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.472 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Web.Abstractions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
22.912 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.ApplicationServices.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
71.208 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.DataVisualization.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
106.928 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.DynamicData.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
44.952 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.DynamicData.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
248.696 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.Entity.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
172.264 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.Entity.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
166.088 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.Extensions.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
354.704 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.Extensions.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
1.859.568 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.Routing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
22.376 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Windows.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
31.416 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
82.904 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
1.726.392 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Workflow.Activities.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
1.068.824 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Workflow.ComponentModel.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
1.571.616 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Workflow.Runtime.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
504.088 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.WorkflowServices.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
455.040 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Xaml.Hosting.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
42.704 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Xml.Linq.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
163.512 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Xml.ReaderWriter.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.928 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Xml.Serialization.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
45.808 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Xml.XDocument.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.912 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Xml.XmlSerializer.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.936 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Runtime.Caching.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
109.272 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.configuration.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
402.648 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Configuration.Install.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
103.176 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Data.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
3.238.064 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
System.Data.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
3.209.392 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Data.OracleClient.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
510.176 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
System.Data.OracleClient.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
509.672 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Data.SqlXml.dll |
4.0.30319.36430 |
752.312 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Deployment.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
853.704 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
5.056.176 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Device.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
64.184 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.DirectoryServices.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
425.712 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
203.056 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.dll |
4.0.30319.36543 |
3.493.280 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Drawing.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
113.888 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Drawing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
598.712 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System. Drawing. tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
7.680 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
System. Drawing. tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
7.680 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.EnterpriseServices.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
248.040 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
System.EnterpriseServices.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
248.552 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.EnterpriseServices.Thunk.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
91.392 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
System.EnterpriseServices.Thunk.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
86.784 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System. EnterpriseServices. tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
33.280 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
System. EnterpriseServices. tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
33.280 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.EnterpriseServices.Wrapper.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
125.440 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
System.EnterpriseServices.Wrapper.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
111.104 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.IO.Compression.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
71.896 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.IO.Compression.FileSystem.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
28.936 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Management.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
417.480 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Messaging.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
274.112 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Net.Http.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
202.432 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Net.Http.WebRequest.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
50.944 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Numerics.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
86.208 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Reflection.context.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
108.272 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Runtime.Remoting.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
348.904 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
142.192 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Security.dll |
4.0.30319.36440 |
301.648 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.ServiceProcess.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
134.872 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System. tlb |
12.0.52415.36415 |
71.168 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
System. tlb |
12.0.52415.36415 |
71.168 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Transactions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
292.560 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
System.Transactions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
289.488 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
5.457.984 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
System.Web.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
5.464.640 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.Mobile.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
839.768 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.RegularExpressions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
107.768 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Web.Services.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
858.320 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System. Web. tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
6.144 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
System. Web. tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
6.144 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
751.904 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
System.Windows.Forms.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
4.859.608 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System. Windows. Forms. tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
85.504 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
System. Windows. Forms. tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
85.504 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
System.Windows.Input.Manipulations.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
68.520 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Windows.Presentation.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29.072 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
System.Xaml.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
641.408 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
System.XML.dll |
4.0.30319.36430 |
2.705.032 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
4.0.30319.36415 |
115.352 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
4.0.30319.36415 |
101.024 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
UIAutomationClient.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
178.536 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
UIAutomationClientsideProviders.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
365.984 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
UIAutomationProvider.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
48.496 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
UIAutomationTypes.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
105.832 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
webengine.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
26.680 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
webengine.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
24.832 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
webengine4.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
621.112 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
webengine4.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
509.696 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
WindowsBase.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1.242.392 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:43 |
WindowsFormsIntegration.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
102.784 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
WMINet_Utils.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
174.256 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
WMINet_Utils.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
126.136 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:38 |
WorkflowServiceHostPerformanceCounters.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
85.792 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
WorkflowServiceHostPerformanceCounters.dll. mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
24.368 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:40 |
WorkflowServiceHostPerformanceCounters.dll. mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
24.368 |
30-marec-2020 |
21:39 |
Informacije o zaščiti in varnosti
Zaščitite se v spletu: Varnostna podpora za Windows
Preberite, kako varujemo pred kibernetskimi grožnjami: Microsoft Security