Applies ToSystem Center 2022 Operations Manager
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System Center customers are increasingly interested in taking advantage of the technical and financial benefits of cloud computing that are not possible with on-premises IT infrastructure. If you are one of these customers and are wondering how to start your cloud migration journey, Azure Migrate is a great solution.

With Operations Manager's new feature, you can now generate a complete inventory of your on-premises environment in an appliance-less way, which can be used in Azure Migrate to assess machines at scale. This new capability allows you to understand your on-premises environment better and calculate infrastructure cost savings from migration and modernization through a comprehensive business case analysis. The analysis includes a cost savings assessment for both migration and modernization. All the machines that Operations Manager monitors will be included in the generated inventory.

This feature can be used to discover Windows servers and Linux servers that are monitored by System Center Operations Managers.


To apply this hotfix, you must have installed either of the following:

  • System Center Operations Manager 2019 UR3 or later. Download the self-extractor from here.

  • System Center Operations Manager 2022 or later (recommended to be installed in 2022 UR1). Download the self-extractor from here.

Installation Instructions

Instructions to apply this fix: 

1. Stop any running instances of Operations Console. 

2. Navigate to <Local Path>\Microsoft System Center\Operations Manager\Console

3. Take a backup of the following files:

    a) Microsoft.Mom.UI.Wrappers.dll     b) Microsoft.Mom.UI.Components.dll     c) Microsoft.SystemCenter.Telemetry.EventData.dll

4. Replace the file in the path above with the file of same name present in this self-extractor package (version 10.22.10565.0). 

5. Start Operations Console as Administrator. 

6. Pre-requisite (Optional): To generate more accurate Business case report it is recommended to have following MPs imported:      a) If you have WS 2016 and above workload monitored:  us/download/details.aspx?id=54303      b) If you have WS 2012 or below workloads monitored: 

7. Import the following Override MPs if you have either of the above MPs imported depending on the version of Windows Workloads being monitored as applicable:     a)      b) 

8. Navigate to the Administrations Pane and Check Potential Saving with Azure Migrate. 

Step-by-step guidance to generate Business case from Operations Manager

1. Navigate to the Monitoring tab of your Operations Manager server and select View Potential Savings.

  Monitoring Overview - Calculate your potential savings screenshot

2. Ensure you have the windows server management pack imported to be able to include the relevant inventory related performance data as a part of the CSV that will be generated. Although this isn't mandatory, it helps arrive at more accurate assessments in Azure Migrate.

Monitoring Overview - Import Windows Server Management Pack screenshot

3. Select the On-prem inventory link below to download your on-prem inventory details in the CSV format.

Monitoring Overview - Download on-premises inventory CSV screenshot

4. Select the azure migrate link to navigate to the Azure Migrate portal and login with your Azure subscription details.

Monitoring Overview - Azure screenshot

5. In Azure Migrate, set up a new project by following the steps mentioned here.

6. Import the CSV inventory by following steps below or click here for more details.

a. In Migration goals > Servers > Azure Migrate: Discovery and assessment, select Discover.

b. In Discover machines, select Import using CSV.

c. Upload the .csv file and select Import.

Discover Machines Screenshot

7. That’s it. You're ready to build a quick business case or run an assessment for migration to Azure. Start your Azure migration journey now!

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