阻止 Microsoft Edge 中的弹出窗口 - Microsoft 支持
当此功能处于打开状态且弹出窗口被阻止时,Edge 将在 Web 浏览器的地址栏中显示以下图像。 如何在 Microsoft Edge 中允许特定 URL 的弹出窗口 有时,必须允许弹出窗口,以便特定的 Web 应用程序或网站体验能够按预期工作。
Microsoft 帐户仪表板
打开或关闭 Microsoft Defender 防火墙 - Microsoft 支持
若要将其关闭,请将设置切换为“关闭”。 关闭 Microsoft Defender 防火墙可能会使设备(以及网络,如果有)更容易受到未经授权的访问。 如果有某个需要使用的应用被阻止,则可允许它通过防火墙,而不要关闭防火墙。
Microsoft Edge 帮助和学习
使用 SmartScreen 更安全 Microsoft Defender SmartScreen 有助于防范网络钓鱼和恶意软件站点,保护你的安全,并帮助你做出有关下载的明智决策。 了解有关 SmartScreen 的详细信息,并在 Edge 中更安全地浏览
Xbox Update Preview - Omega Ring | Xbox Support
The Omega ring is open to anyone and receives system updates closest to the GA (General Availability) release. Newly enrolled users in this ring are not guaranteed to receive all early updates, but they’ll receive the update prior to the GA release.
Insert and update Excel data in PowerPoint - Microsoft Support
Use Destination Styles to copy the data as a PowerPoint table, using the format of the presentation. Keep Source Formatting to copy the Excel data as a PowerPoint table, using the format of the worksheet. Embed to copy the data as information that can be edited in Excel later. Picture to copy the data as a picture that can't be edited in Excel. Keep Text Only to copy all the data as a single ...
Microsoft 365 专属 PowerPoint, PowerPoint 2024, PowerPoint 2021, PowerPoint 2019, PowerPoint 2016
How can I get my Xbox console ready to sell or trade?
Make sure to use bubble wrap to encase the console safely in the box that you're shipping it in. Ensure that the box you're using is sturdy, so that it doesn't buckle during shipment and cause damage to the device.
Double NAT detected in your network settings | Xbox Support
If you see “Double NAT detected” in your Xbox network settings, try these steps to change or remove it.
更新到新的 Microsoft Edge - Microsoft 支持
如果我的设备没有管理员权限,该怎么办? 若要完全升级到新的Microsoft Edge ,必须使用管理员帐户登录到设备。 如果没有此级别的访问权限,请与 IT 管理员联系以请求访问权限,或让在设备上具有管理员帐户的人员完成升级。
Understanding your remote play setup test results | Xbox Support
A green check mark means the Open NAT criteria is met. A yellow exclamation mark means the Moderate NAT meets the criteria.For an optimal experience, and a reliable connection to your console, you want an Open NAT type. A red X means you have a Strict NAT.This needs to be Open or Moderate if you want to connect to your console from outside your home.
使用 SafeSearch 阻止成人内容或阻止聊天 - Microsoft 支持
必应中的 Copilot: 如果你希望保证为给定电脑关闭必应中的 Copilot,可以通过 将 www.bing.com 映射到将必应中的 Copilot 锁定为关闭的 Nochat.bing.com 或 Nochatstrict.bing.com (将聊天锁定为关闭给定电脑,并将安全搜索设置为锁定为严格) , 遵循上述相同步骤,但在步骤 6 中 ping“nochat.bing.com”或“nochatstrict.bing ...