关于 MSN 体育应用的所有内容 - Windows 10 - Microsoft 支持
不必担心,有了 MSN 体育应用,您可以随时了解比赛战况,查看比分、得分最高的球员、比赛剩余时间及更多内容! 您甚至可以让 Cortana 帮助您查找单场比赛比分或球队比赛日程等信息。
在 Microsoft Edge 中更改默认搜索引擎 - Microsoft 支持
若要添加其他搜索引擎,请使用该搜索引擎(或支持搜索的网站,例如 Wiki 网站)在地址栏中执行搜索。 然后转到“设置和更多 ” >“设置 ”>“隐私、搜索和服务”>“地址栏和搜索”。 用来搜索的引擎或网站现在将出现在可供选择的选项列表中。
Filter websites and searches using Microsoft Family Safety
Establishing internet boundaries is an important way to protect yourself and your family from inappropriate web content. Microsoft Family Safety web and search filters work across any Windows, Xbox and mobile device that has the Microsoft Edge browser and Family Safety apps installed.
Microsoft Family Safety
Schedule send in Outlook
To use schedule send suggestions in Outlook. Select Schedule send within the suggestion. After you select Schedule send, an insight opens to the right of your message confirming that date and time. To: Keep the suggested date and time, press Send within the email. Change when the recipient will get your email, use the date and time boxes in the insight to make changes.
Add a conditional column (Power Query)
You can add a conditional column to your query by using a dialog box to create the formula. To open a query, locate one previously loaded from the Power Query Editor, select a cell in the data, and then select Query > Edit. For more information see Create, load, or edit a query in Excel. Select Add Column > Conditional Column.
Manage suggested recipients in the To, Cc, and Bcc fields in Outlook ...
Use the Contact Suggestions List and Recent People suggestions. As you begin to type a name in a To, Cc, or Bcc box, the Contact Suggestions List shows up to five matching names or addresses. If you type a " b " character in one of the recipient fields, for example, the list presents suggested matches.
Compatible devices for Xbox Cloud Gaming (Beta)
You can stream select cloud playable games you own that are not included with Game Pass Ultimate directly to some devices including Samsung Smart TVs, Amazon Fire TV devices, and supported VR headsets with the Xbox app, or to supported smart phones, tablets, and PCs at xbox.com/play. To get started:
Advanced Outlook.com security for Microsoft 365 subscribers
We don't recommend clicking through to any web pages that trigger the appearance of the warning page. The protection is automatic. These premium security features activate automatically for Microsoft 365 Family and Microsoft 365 Personal subscribers who have email accounts ending in @outlook.com, @hotmail.com, @live.com, and @msn.com.
在 Samsung 智能电视上设置云游戏 | Xbox Support
了解如何在 Samsung 智能电视上设置 Xbox 云游戏。如果你有双频路由器(同时支持 5 GHz 和 2.4 GHz),可能需要启用或分离 5GHz 信号,然后确保所有云游戏设备都连接到同一信号。
查找浏览器保存下载的位置 - Microsoft 支持
若要查看浏览器将下载保存在何处,请查找浏览器设置。 例如,在新版 Microsoft Edge 中,选择“设置及更多” >“设置” >“下载”。已下载文件的路径(例如,C:\Users\[你的姓名]\Downloads)会在“位置”下列出。 在 Microsoft Edge 旧版 中,选择“设置及更多” >“设置”。