欢迎使用 Windows
购买新电脑. 如何知道现在是使用新电脑的时候了. 帮助我选择新的Windows 11电脑. 帮助我选择由 Microsoft 设计的笔记本电脑.
在 Microsoft Edge 中更改默认搜索引擎 - Microsoft 支持
选择 隐私、搜索、服务。. 向下滚动到“ 服务 ”部分,然后选择“ 地址栏和搜索 ”。. 在“地址栏中使用的搜索引擎”中选择首选搜索引擎。. 若要添加其他搜索引擎,请使用该搜索引擎(或支持搜索的网站,例如 Wiki 网站)在地址栏中执行搜索。. 然后转到 ...
关闭或打开搜索历史记录 - Microsoft 支持
如果未登录 若要从历史记录中清除单个搜索,请在" 搜索历史记录"页上,单击要删除的搜索旁边的 X。 若要清除所有搜索历史记录,请在"搜索历史记录 "页面上的"更改历史记录设置"下,单击"全部清除"。 这会删除此设备上的任何搜索历史记录。 如果你已登录到 Microsoft 帐户
Windows 11, version 24H2 update history - Microsoft Support
Updates for Windows 11, version 24H2. Windows 11 is a service, which means it gets better through periodic feature updates. We take a phased and measured approach to rolling out every feature update. That means you’ll receive Windows 11, version 24H2 when data shows that your device is ready and that you will have a great update experience.
How to restart or power cycle your Xbox console
Follow these steps to reset your Microsoft account password. You can restart, perform a full power cycle, or physically disconnect your Xbox console to reboot it completely and fix many common issues. This process does not erase any of your games or data. Note If your console appears to be frozen, see “Physically power cycle the console” below.
我可以升级到 Windows 11 吗? - Microsoft 支持
若要查看Windows 10设备是否有资格升级到Windows 11,请按照以下选项之一操作: 下载并运行 电脑运行状况检查应用 。 在 “开始 ”菜单中,导航到 “设置> 更新 & 安全性 ”,然后选择“ 检查更新” 按钮。
下载并安装应用 - Microsoft 支持
设置 Microsoft 365 商业版订阅后,需要在电脑或 Mac 上下载并安装 Microsoft 365 应用,如 Word、Excel、Microsoft Teams 和 PowerPoint。. 转到 microsoft365.com 并使用 Microsoft 365 帐户登录。. 选择 “安装应用”。. 按照浏览器中的说明下载安装程序并开始安装。. 提示. 安装应用时 ...
How to check if your device meets Windows 11 system requirements after ...
The easiest way to see if a device meets the requirements for Windows 11 after making hardware changes to the device is with the PC Health Check app: Download and install the PC Health Check app. The PC Health Check app can be downloaded from the following link:
Ways to install Windows 11 - Microsoft Support
On the Windows 11 software download page, select Create tool now and follow the instructions to install Windows 11. Warning: Microsoft recommends against installing Windows 11 on a device that does not meet the Windows 11 minimum system requirements .
Create installation media for Windows - Microsoft Support
Installation media, such as a USB flash drive, can be used to install a new copy of Windows, perform a clean installation of Windows, or reinstall Windows. To create installation media, go to the software download website, where step-by-step instructions can be found.