Welcome to MSN Sports - Microsoft 支持
Get real-time game updates, easy to follow schedules and standings and the latest news across 150 leagues and thousands of teams. MSN allows you to personalize your experience and to take that experience with you on every device, including the MSN website and the MSN apps.
使用 SafeSearch 阻止成人内容或阻止聊天 - Microsoft 支持
SafeSearch: 如果要保证给定电脑的严格安全搜索结果,可以通过将 www.bing.com 映射到 strict.bing.com 来执行此操作。 例如,如果你是家长,并且想要保证孩子电脑上的搜索结果安全,则此方法将起作用。 只有电脑上的管理员用户才能撤消此更改。 如果使用 Microsoft Edge 浏览器,请将 edgeservices.bing.com 映射 ...
Cómo canjear códigos y tarjetas de regalo | Xbox Support
Canjea tarjetas regalo y códigos para realizar compras en Xbox y ampliar tus suscripciones a Xbox. Los códigos tienen 25 caracteres, contienen números y letras y tienen un formato de 5x5 (cinco bloques de cinco caracteres). Los códigos pueden ser tarjetas físicas o digitales que compras en Microsoft o un distribuidor de confianza.
Get help with EA Play for Xbox | Xbox Support
Check here for release info, FAQs, and known issues we're tracking (and what you can do about them). EA Play is an Electronic Arts paid subscription programme that gives members access to EA games for one price. Need help with EA Play? Note To access EA Play content on your console, go to My games & apps > Full library > EA Play.
Why does my Epic account require parental consent?
Cabined Accounts are a type of Epic account that ensures a safe and inclusive gaming experience for younger players. If an account’s birthdate is under the age of 13 or their country’s age of digital consent, whichever is higher, their account becomes a Cabined Account.
在 OneDrive 中使用 Office 网页版 - Microsoft 支持
通过链接或登录到 OneDrive.com,转到笔记本在 OneDrive 中的存储位置。 选择笔记本。OneNote 网页版 在“编辑”视图中打开笔记本。 将笔记添加到当前页,选择要编辑的其他页面,或者在导航窗格中向笔记本添加新页面或分区。OneNote 网页版 自动保存更改。
适用于: Excel 网页版, Word 网页版, OneNote 网页版, PowerPoint 网页版, Office.com