成人和儿童在 Xbox 上登录时的内容限制
让你的孩子在主机上登录帐户。找到你允许孩子访问的内容。在“选择授权人”屏幕上,选择你的帐户(成人帐户)来提供该内容的访问权限。 输入该成人帐户的成人电子邮件地址和密码,或者主机 PIN。选择“始终”或“仅此一次”。
Microsoft Edge 中的 Internet Explorer 模式 - Microsoft 支持
Internet Explorer 11 支持已于 2022 年 6 月 15 日结束。 如果访问的任何网站需要Internet Explorer 11,则可以在Microsoft Edge中使用Internet Explorer模式打开它。
Blocking adult content with SafeSearch or blocking Chat
SafeSearch helps keep adult content out of your search results. There are different ways you can turn on SafeSearch: For individual accounts, choose SafeSearch options on the Settings page. We'll go into more details below about how to implement SafeSearch using each of the above methods.
更改浏览器主页 - Microsoft 支持
获取更改 Microsoft Edge、Internet Explorer 11、Google Chrome、Firefox 和 Safari 中的主页的步骤。
使用 Xbox 玩云游戏 | Xbox Support
我可以在 Xbox 上使用哪些控制器进行云游戏? 了解如何使用 Android、iOS 或 Windows 设备在 Xbox 上玩云游戏。
Configure your Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2
Note Configuration changes made on the Xbox Accessories app and saved to a profile get saved to the controller itself. This means that those configurations can be brought to any device the Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2 is compatible with, including mobile devices and newer Samsung TVs.
Microsoft 简体中文 IME - Microsoft 支持
输入法工具栏 IME 支持名为 IME 工具栏 的 UI,它提供了一种快速调用特定 IME 函数的替代方法。 IME 工具栏是从语言栏续订的 UI。 若要打开 IME 工具栏,请长按 (或右键单击) 通知区域中的 IME 模式 图标,然后选择“ 显示/隐藏 IME 工具栏”。 键盘快捷方式 输入 ...
Removing Invalid Entries in the Add/Remove Programs Tool
To add, remove, or change a program on a Windows 2000-based computer, use the Add/Remove Programs tool in Control Panel. Occasionally, a program may not be uninstalled completely and a reference to the program may remain in the Currently installed programs dialog box.
Request a refund for digital games | Xbox Support
Refunds for digital games include Microsoft Store digital game offers, Xbox apps (excluding movies and TV apps), digital gaming bundle offers, digital game durable content, and some digital game consumable content, whether made available through the Xbox console, on your PC, or on your mobile device.
What to try if your Surface screen is flickering, distorted, or has ...
If the screen on your Surface looks distorted, has static, is flickering, or has lines running through the screen, you can try a few things to get it working again. For help with external displays, please view Troubleshoot connecting Surface to an external display.