Windows - Microsoft
数字许可证(在 Windows 11 版本中称为数字授权)是 Windows 11 的一种激活方法,该方法不需要输入产品密钥。 产品密钥是由 25 个字符组成的代码,用于激活 Windows。 产品密钥将显示为:XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX. 确定使用何种激活方法后,请按照相应的 使用数字许可证激活 或 使用产品密钥激活 中的步骤操作。 我使用哪种 Windows 激活方法、数字许可证或产品密钥? 如果你关联或登录了 Microsoft 帐户,或将你的 MSA 与你的数字许可证相关联,则该 MSA 将包含数字许可证。 可在购买 Windows 11 后收到的确认电子邮件中或在可通过零售商的网站访问的数字保险箱中找到产品密钥。
How to use Outlook Support and Recovery Assistant diagnostics in ...
There are some scenarios where the Get Help troubleshooters may not work. Organizational Restrictions: In some environments, the Get Help feature may be intentionally disabled by the organization, resulting in the tool failing to operate after selecting Get Help or attempting to run troubleshooters.Even if restricted you may be able to install the Get Help app, go to Get Help .
MSN - Microsoft
了解如何使用 Microsoft 帐户登录来个性化 MSN 体验。 通过使用Microsoft帐户登录 MSN,可以在 MSN 上个性化体验,并在每台设备上体验该体验。
DirectX - Microsoft
本文介绍如何获取最新版本的 DirectX 以启用系统上的游戏和多媒体应用程序。
Set your work hours and location in Outlook
Set up your recurring work location from Settings or change a single day using the Outlook Calendar. When your schedule changes, update your work location from Outlook or Teams.
Open file links directly in Office desktop apps
This feature works for links to Word, Excel, or PowerPoint files, stored on OneDrive or SharePoint, that you click in Word, Excel, Outlook, or PowerPoint for Microsoft 365 on Windows or Mac. Once a user turns this feature on, it will apply to all three apps - Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. How do I turn this feature on or off?
Check accessibility while you work in Office apps
Get real-time notification of accessibility issues while working on Microsoft 365 apps. In Outlook, the Accessibility Checker runs automatically when composing an email, and a MailTip will provide a convenient nudge to correct accessibility issues before sending your email.
- Microsoft
设置页眉和页脚,为文档的不同部分提供不同的内容。 单击“链接到前一节”以将其关闭,并取消链接上一节中的页眉或页脚。
适用于: Microsoft 365 专属 Word, Word 2024, Word 2021, Word 2019, Word 2016
Link your social network accounts to Xbox | Xbox Support
Stay connected to friends across your social networks while gaming on a Windows device. Link your favourites such as Discord, Reddit, Steam, Twitch and more. With a few exceptions, you'll only have to link an account once. For example, if you link an account from Game Bar, it'll be linked in the Xbox app for Windows and on your console.
Restrictions and limitations in OneDrive and SharePoint
What's new. 10 July 2024: ZIP file upload/download increased to 250GB.. 20 December 2023: Clarified sharing limitations with inheritance.. 6 December 2023: Clarified file path length details.. 1 May 2023: Updated invalid characters and invalid file and folder names.