向 Microsoft 帐户兑换礼品卡或代码 - Microsoft 支持
了解如何兑换礼品卡、代码或 Office 产品密钥,以及如何在 Microsoft Store 在线商店、Windows 或 Xbox 上花费余额。
Microsoft 帐户仪表板
Troubleshoot checking spelling and grammar in multiple languages
This article addresses common problems and helps you make sure your text is identified with the correct language; that the correct language dictionary is being used to check your spelling and grammar; and that the automated language tools in Office are enabled.
Start guide and FAQs for Play Together in Microsoft Teams (free)
What games are compatible with Play Together? Play Together works with any game! Why does my Play Together widget keep disappearing? If your widget is out of focus it will disappear, press the Windows logo key +G to recall it. To make sure it stays in focus during game play, select the Pin button . to hold the widget in place as an overlay.
Fix problems importing an Outlook .pst file
To fix: right-click the .pst file, choose > Security Edit > choose your Microsoft account, and choose Full control. Now restart Outlook. To solve this problem, rerun the import process. When you get to the following dialog box, choose Import items into the current folder.
Xbox Game Pass for Console FAQ
For a low monthly price, you can enjoy access to more than a hundred great Xbox games—including some games made for Xbox 360 and the original Xbox. Game Pass subscriptions are available for use on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PC, and your mobile device. Xbox Game Pass Ultimate works on console, mobile device, and PC, and includes multiplayer gaming.
使用剪取工具擷取螢幕擷取畫面 - Microsoft 支援服務
若要擷取視訊剪取,請開啟 [剪取工具],選取 [ 錄製] 按鈕,然後選取 [ 新增錄製],或按 Windows 標誌鍵 + Shift + R。選取您要錄製的畫面區域,然後選取 [ 開始]。完成後,選取 [ 停止]。此時,您可以直接儲存錄製內容,或選取 [ 在多媒體藝廳中編輯] 以在多媒體藝廳視訊編輯器中使用。
TEXT 函数 - Microsoft 支持
注意: TEXT 函数将数字转换为文本,这可能使得在以后的计算中难以引用。最好将原始值保留在一个单元格中,然后在另一个单元格中使用 TEXT 函数。 随后如果需要构建其他公式,请始终引用原始值,而不是 TEXT 函数结果。
Microsoft 365 专属 Excel, Microsoft 365 Mac 版专属 Excel, Excel 网页版, Excel 2024, Excel 2024 for Mac, Excel 2021, Excel 2021 for Mac, Excel 2019, Excel 2016
Change the color, size, or format of bullets or numbers in a list
To change the formatting of the bullets or numbers in a list, click any bullet or number to select all the bullets or numbers in the list. If you select the text, the formatting of both the text and the bullets or numbering changes.
Microsoft 365 专属 Word, Word 2024, Word 2021, Word 2019, Word 2016, Word 2013
How to mute system sound effects and notifications
Learn how to mute console sound effects and notification sounds on your Xbox while leaving game and video audio untouched.
Fix Wi-Fi connection issues in Windows - Microsoft Support
If you can’t get email, browse the web, or stream music, chances are you’re not connected to your network and can’t get onto the internet. To fix the problem, here are some things you can try. Try these things first to help you fix or narrow down the connection problem. Run Get Help to troubleshoot and fix common connection problems.