使用 Microsoft 登录
Windows - Microsoft
检查蓝牙设备. 确保蓝牙设备已打开、已充电或具有新电池,并且位于电脑的连接范围内。. 然后尝试执行以下操作:. 关闭你的蓝牙设备,等待几秒钟,然后将其重新打开。. 确保你的蓝牙设备位于有效范围内。. 如果你的蓝牙设备无响应或响应迟缓,请检查以 ...
Windows - Microsoft
如果你在下载和安装 Windows 更新时收到错误代码,更新疑难解答可以帮助解决该问题。. 选择“ 开始 ”>“ 设置 ”>“ 系统 ”>“ 疑难解答 ”>“ 其他疑难解答 ”。. 接下来,在 最常用的 下,选择 Windows 更新 > 运行 。. 运行完疑难解答后,最好重启设备。. 接 ...
Internet Explorer - Microsoft
打开Internet Explorer,选择" 工具 > Internet 选项"。. 单击“高级”选项卡。. 在 “重置 Internet Explorer 设置” 对话框中,选择 “重置” 。. 在对话框 “确实要重置所有 Internet Explorer 设置吗?”. 中,选择 “重置” 。. 在 Internet Explorer 完成默认设置的应用之后,依次 ...
Register or unregister your Xbox device | Xbox Support
You can either: Select your device, and then select the Register button, or. Select Register device at the top of the page. For both options, a Register device pop-up window opens. Enter your device’s serial number, check the privacy statement box, and then select Confirm. You’ll receive the message “Your device has been added.”.
Xbox Xbox Adaptive Controller | Xbox ...
Xbox 액세서리 앱을 열고, Xbox Adaptive Controller가 나타날 때까지 스크롤한 다음, 구성을 선택합니다. 프로필에서, 만든 컨트롤러 프로필을 선택하거나, 새 프로필을 만듭니다. 슬롯을 선택합니다. 최대 3개의 프로필에 슬롯을 할당할 수 있습니다. Xbox 적응형 ...
Word - Microsoft
在下面的按字母顺序排列的列表中,按照你感兴趣的字段代码链接操作。. 注意: 有关插入和编辑域代码、使用开关、设置和更改属性、显示结果与域代码、锁定字段和其他常见任务的详细信息,请参阅 在 Word 中插入、编辑和查看字段 。.
适用于: Microsoft 365 专属 Word, Microsoft 365 Mac 版专属 Word, Word 2021, Word 2021 for Mac, Word 2019, Word 2019 for Mac, Word 2016, Word 2013
Verbinden Ihrer Xbox Konsole mittels eines Macs | Xbox Support
Schritt 1: Anschließen eines Netzwerkkabels und Aktivieren der Internetfreigabe. Schließen Sie ein Ende des Ethernet-Kabels an den Netzwerkanschluss auf der Rückseite der Xbox Konsole an. Schließen Sie das andere Ende an den Ethernet-Anschluss Ihres Macs an. Wählen Sie auf Ihrem Mac Apple > Systemeinstellungen und anschließend Freigeben aus.
Windows PC - Microsoft
검은색 화면 또는 빈 화면에서. 참고 사항: 장치를 다시 시작하면 안전 모드에서 다시 정상 모드로 전환할 수 있습니다. 그러나 어떤 이유로 컴퓨터를 다시 시작한 후에도 여전히 안전 모드로 부팅하는 경우 다음을 시도해 보세요. Windows 로고 키 + R 을 누릅니다 ...
Download drivers and firmware for Surface - Microsoft Support
To find the link for the driver you need, select the dropdown list below and then scroll through it to find the type of Surface you have. After you've selected it, you'll see the available links for that type of Surface device model. Select the link for your model to get the latest firmware and drivers for sound, display, ethernet, and Wi-Fi.
Add, remove, or change a trusted location in Microsoft Office
Change a trusted location. In your Office app, click File > Options. Click Trust Center > Trust Center Settings > Trusted Locations. In the Trusted Locations list, select a location, and then click Modify. Make the modifications you want, and then click OK.
适用于: Microsoft 365 专属 Excel, Microsoft 365 专属 Word, Microsoft 365 专属 Outlook, Microsoft 365 专属 PowerPoint, Microsoft 365 专属 Access, Visio 计划 2, Excel 2021, Word 2021, Outlook 2021, PowerPoint 2021, Access 2021, Visio Professional 2021, Visio Standard 2021, Excel 2019, Word 2019, Outlook 2019, PowerPoint 2019, Access 2019, Visio Professional 2019, Visio Standard 2019, Excel 2016, Word 2016, Outlook 2016, PowerPoint 2016, Access 2016, Visio 专业版 2016, Visio 标准版 2016, Excel 2013, Word 2013, Outlook 2013, PowerPoint 2013, Visio 专业版 2013, Visio 2013